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The Focused Fast (Training Course): Guidelines for Effective Fasting
The Focused Fast (Training Course): Guidelines for Effective Fasting
The Focused Fast (Training Course): Guidelines for Effective Fasting
Ebook164 pages3 hours

The Focused Fast (Training Course): Guidelines for Effective Fasting

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About this ebook

F is for the FLESH
That you are trying to overcome.
A is for the ANSWERS,
For you are trying to get some.
S is for this SACRIFICE
That you have chosen to give.
T is for the TRUTH
That you have chosen to live.
I is for the INSTRUCTION
You desire to get through prayer.
N is for the NOS
You tell yourself when you are there.
G is for the GRACE
Of God that waits for you.
And FASTING is the one thing
That will help you make it through.

Many people have tried fasting for spiritual growth, or to get certain types of prayers answered, but due to a lack of understanding of how to fast effectively, they didn't receive what they were praying for. This book is a book of suggested guidelines to aid the spiritual seeker to find the answers they are looking for (hence the subtitle "Guidelines For Effective Fasting"). As far as the prayer warrior is concerned, this book has been designed to help you to focus upon (or target) those areas that would hinder you receiving your answer and to help you break strongholds in your life or the life of a loved one.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 18, 2014
The Focused Fast (Training Course): Guidelines for Effective Fasting

Bob E. McGlothlin

As a fifteen year old boy, I had very few friends. So, I began to spend much time with my Dad’s animals and in deep thought about life. I began to express my thoughts on paper in the form of Poetry and much of my time I spent taking care of my Dad’s animals I spent singing to them, making up songs then writing them down later. Although none of the music had the priveledge of being written down, I hung on the the words. Many of my poems actually started out as unwritten songs. In 1994, as an accomplished poet I had an idea. Probably not a new idea, but it was new to me. There was one of my poems that I knew had some depth to it and I knew it was as good as “Foot Prints In The Sand.” What sparked this idea was walking through a new store. On their walls they displayed some decorative paper. I envisioned my poem printed upon some of that paper. So, I typed it up and then had it transferred on to one of those decorative prints. Next, I walked out on the street just a few feet away from the shop and ask a man if he would like to read my poem. He said, “Sure.” I handed him a copy. He read it. Then I said, “you can have that copy for $1.00.” He just reached into his pocket and pulled out a $1.00, and gave it to me. I started that afternoon with 5 copies on decorative paper. 2½ months later I had grossed $1,000.00 in just the sale of that one poem. And that was just one-on-one direct sales. I knew that I had something. I got busy working with other poems I had written as well. In about two years, not only had I saturated my local market, but my efforts sparked other poets in my area to do the same. So, my local market played out so to speak. I knew that if I could somehow enlarge my market, I could do well just publishing and selling my writing. Another poet from Natchitoches, Louisiana heard about my business of selling my poetic works and sent me a letter enquiring of me as to how I do it. She also asked me if I could handle hers. Below is a copy of the text of the letter I sent her in return in September of 1997. ——— First of all, Bob’s Poetry Shop is, at present, merely a business name in which I conduct business using my poetry as the basis of a product line. I’ve created most of my product line through using the equipment and the materials housed at local self serve printing services; and utilize the services of the same. For large orders I utilize the services of a local print shop. It all started with one poem entitled, “Two Buds,” which I developed into a decorative frame-able print. Then I went door-to-door commercially selling copies of just this one print. After 2½ months, I had sold over 1,000 prints of that poem, one print at a time. That market test was a huge success; so I started developing more of my poems into the same type of product, and found that they also began to sell. Then I found I could sell laminated prints of the same. Now, I’ve published a book, and my newest product line is calendars and bookmarks. Right now, I’ve been operating a licensed business with virtually no overhead (no building, no machine maintenance, no electric bill, etc . . .) for the last year. I’ve actually been selling this product line for more than four years now. Don’t get me wrong. I do have plans to build a shop that would house two computers, a laminator, a binder, and sufficient storage space to operate a publication and distribution business. At present though, the physical shop is merely a dream, a goal that I’m reaching for. Right now it is just a part time business; because I also work a full time job at KFC here in Alexandria. So far, my most profitable method of distribution has been direct sales; although I do have some books in stores such as Books-A-Million, White Steeple Books and Music, King’s Emporium, and the Baptist Book Store. I am also planning on using the Internet as well. I’ve tried distributing the poetry of two other writers in the past; but I’ve found that the biggest problem I have right now is tracking. I am currently not set up to tract sales sufficiently to produce or sell another author’s work. As soon as I am set up, I plan to do just that. About 50% to 75% of my writing is inspirational or Bible-based material. With this letter I will enclose a couple of my most noted pieces. I have written tongue-twisters, romantic prose, nursery rhymes, Sunday School songs, and just for fun poems. I’ve been writing poetry for 27 years; and have probably lost literally thousands of pieces over the years; because I didn’t really didn’t understand the gift that I had. Now that I have seen my work touch people’s lives, I’m dedicated to the cause of publishing my work, hense the creation of Bob’s Poetry Shop. I want to thank you for your interest in Bob’s Poetry Shop, and I’m open to further communication with you, even meeting you, should you so desire. Perhaps as fellow poets we can share some interesting inspirational moments. I will look forward to hearing from you again soon. If you have access to email, my email address is bps80 at hotmail dot com (no longer active). ——— Since this letter, I’ve changed the name to Bob’s Poetic Ministries, and the new email address is And the book referred to in the letter is a poetry book entitled, “Let This Light So Shine”. In the meantime, I’ve written another book entitled “The Focused Fast,” and I placed it first of all at a few local bookstores, then finally made it available online at While the book was in the local artist section of Books-A-Million in my area, it achieved best-seller status among the local authors. But then Books-A-Million decided to change their purchasing policy and began requiring all local authors to have an ISBN and a bar code. In the short time that it was there I sold out of my first print of this new book. Then I decided to reformat the book and try to sell it as a correspondence course. I sold about 50 more, not through mail order, but as whole binders of the complete course. So, next I reformatted again, and sold it as a half size book (5½ X 8½). So, far I’ve probably sold about 250 copies, including the newest CD version. Being that it is now online, I just assumed it would fly. But I now know, without the proper knowledge of how to promote the book, it won’t sell there either. This book is too important (not just for me, but for the masses that could be changed by its message) to just quit and give up. I’ve got to find a way to get the word out to people that will not only buy the book but also read it and absorb its message. Once in a while a book comes along that has the power to change lives. And, believe me, this is one of those books. I’ve seen it work in people’s lives already. One of the ladies that I ask to proof read the book told me that each paragraph she read sent her to her knees weeping. She had to pray through each paragraph. Now, I know that it won’t affect everyone like that; but I’m sure there are others that will be affected that way. Finally, I uploaded several books online that are presently for sale at the following sites:;;; including a four volume set of my Inspirational poetry entitled “Becoming”. If you would like to be encouraged, strengthened, uplifted, or edified in anyway, take some time and visit my bookstores and review my books. More Recently, I moved to the Paris, Tennessee area where I have spent much more time on the publishing end of my writing. And now, I have entered into this working relationship with Xlibris publishing to bring you one new book, “Rivers Of Inspiration”, a best of collection of my inspirational work and a new version of “The Focused Fast”, A Spiritual Warfare Traing Course.

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    Book preview

    The Focused Fast (Training Course) - Bob E. McGlothlin

    Copyright © 2014 by Bob E. McGlothlin.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4931-6463-9

                    eBook            978-1-4931-6464-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The HYPERLINK "" Zondervan Corporation.

    Rev. date: 02/14/2014

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    Xlibris LLC




    The Letter




    Syllabus For Introduction

    Chapter 1 Preparing For Battle

    A.    Lesson One

    Poem:    It Takes A Decision

    1.    Spiritual Preparation

    2.    Syllabus For Lesson One

    B.    Lesson Two

    Physical Preparation

    Part Two (Syllabus)

    Chapter 2 Peripheral Distractions

    A.    Lesson Three

    1.    Motives

    2.    Syllabus For Lesson Three

    B.    Lesson Four

    1.    Spirit (I.e. Attitude)

    2.    Strongholds

    3.    Syllabus For Lesson Four

    Chapter 3 Designing Your Personal Fasting Strategy

    A.    Lesson Five

    Poems:    What We Should Desire

    1.    Purpose (Goals And Objectives)

    2.    Types Of Fast

    3.    Spirit-Led Fasts

    4.    Sacrificial Fasts

    Syllabus For Lesson Five

    5.    Lesson Six

    1. Six Steps To Victorious Fasting

    2.    Syllabus For Lesson Six

    Chapter 4 Overcoming 1Your Struggles

    A.    Lesson Seven

    Poem:    Overcoming Satan’s Tricks

    1.    Identifying The Source

    2.    The Spiritual Senses


    Poem: The Inward Struggle

    3.    Sensuality Versus Spiritual Sensitivity

    4.    Syllabus For Lesson Seven

    B.    Lesson Eight

    1.    Oppression, Possession, & Depression

    2.    Now, About This Battle

    3.    Windows Of The Soul

    4.    Sources Of Information

    5.    Syllabus For Lesson Eight

    C.    Lesson Nine

    1.    Strategies For The Battle

    2.    Personal Deliverance Strategy

    3.    Intercessory Deliverance Strategy

    4.   Syllabus For Lesson Nine

    Chapter 5 Focusing Your Fast

    A.    Lesson Ten

    Acronym:    Focus

    1.    Faithfulness

    2.    Obedience

    3.    Concentration

    4.    Understanding

    5.    Stewardship

    Poem:    Mistakes

    6.    Syllabus For Lesson Ten

    Chapter 6 After The Fast

    A.    Lesson Eleven

    Poem:    With His Help

    1.    Syllabus For Lesson Eleven

    Chapter 7 In Conclusion, Let’s Consider Our Priorities

    A.    Lesson Twelve

    1.    Syllabus For Lesson Twelve

    Syllabus Answer Key




    This book was conceived from a burden to help new converts avoid some of the snares that so many have fallen into either during or after a fast. So, on behalf of all new converts to the Christian faith, I hereby dedicate this book to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be used for His purpose and to bring glory to His name. Now, although it was conceived through such a burden, it has developed into much more; for even I, as the author, receive fresh insights each time I read through THE FOCUSED FAST; which leads me to believe that, should the Lord tarry, I will probably publish a new improved edition sometime in the future.


    I know you would like to know Me, for the longing I see in your eyes

    reveals the hunger that is in your soul. But the busy-ness of your lifestyle

    is preventing you from seeking after Me the way that you would like to.

    You think that you are trapped in this lifestyle you are living in; but you

    just don’t see that it is all in a choice. A simple decision on your part could

    turn your whole life around. And what appears to be major hindrances in

    your life would just vanish as if they’ve never existed if you would only

    make up your mind to turn and seek after Me; for I am the Lover Of Your

    Soul, the All Existent One, the Almighty. And when you seek Me with your

    whole heart you will find Me; for every step you take towards Me, I will

    take ten towards you. For every word of praise you render unto Me will

    hasten My advances toward you, for I long to caress you with My Spirit. I

    long to hear your heart-felt calling of My Name; for you are the apple of

    My eye. I’m always pondering ways to get your attention. I search for

    ways to answer your prayers in hopes that you will notice. I stand at the

    portals of Heaven with My ear inclined towards you in the mere hope that

    your very next word could be your call; and I stand ready to answer you.

    So, come unto Me with your weariness and find rest. Come unto Me with

    your brokenness and find joy. Come unto Me with your pain and find

    healing. Come unto Me with your emptiness and let Me fill it to the full

    with My Love. If you will turn and walk towards Me, I will run towards

    you, for I love you. I am your Creator, your Friend, your Counselor, your


    All My Love;

    Jesus Christ


    F is for the FLESH

    That you are trying to overcome.

    A is for the ANSWERS,

    For you are trying to get some.

    S is for this SACRIFICE

    That you have chosen to give.

    T is for the TRUTH

    That you have chosen to live.

    I is for the INSTRUCTION

    You desire to get through prayer.

    N is for the NO’S

    You tell yourself when you are there.

    G is for the GRACE

    Of God that waits for you.

    And FASTING is the one thing

    That will help you make it through.


    As we consider the soon coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our gathering together unto Him, it is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE to grasp the seriousness of facing the future without the favor of God. Now, although we all know that the primary weapons of our warfare (being mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds 2nd Co. 10:4) are (1) the Name of Jesus, (2) the Blood of Jesus, (3) the Word of God, and (4) the power of the resurrection as it is expressed in our lives by the Holy Ghost (Rev. 12:11); we must understand that these weapons are actually activated through the sacrificial giving of oneself in prayer, fasting, and worship in the Spirit. It is only by the humbling of oneself through one’s willingness to allow himself to become absolutely dependant upon Jesus Christ by the discipline of fasting that one may come completely into the realm of the supernatural and experience the fullness of the power and glory of God in their personal life. It is this mark of intense and strategic perseverance in fasting that moves one into a sufficient position to receive the fiery experience of the Holy One at one’s altar of prayer; an experience that will negate all opposition and allow one to take hold of God’s answer to their prayer by absolutely refusing to accept anything less than victory. All over comers at some point in their spiritual walk with God have had to engage in the necessity of fasting to help move them underneath the Mighty Hand of God in order to bring them into a closer communion with Him; thereby acquiring the intervention of the Almighty God for the resolving of all conflict and to allow God to bring peace into the troubled spots in their lives.

    In this text, Bob has so beautifully laid out the importance of a right perspective in approaching this act of the will through fasting. More people today are realizing the truth of the Words of Jesus Christ, This kind (of faith) cometh not but by prayer and fasting (Mk. 9:29 paraphrased). In Exodus 33:21, the Lord said, behold, there is a place by Me. And I desire to find a place called THERE.


    Barbara Nichols

    Over the past six years of my life, I have endeavored to walk with Christ. In my Christian walk I have had many questions; some of which were answered through preaching, others through the counseling of mentors, and still others through the information contained within books that I have had the privilege to read. Though many of these questions were unspoken I was still able to recognize the answers as they came. This book has opened a whole new world of understanding for me. Its chart, easy reading, and simple terminology made its wealth of information very palatable and easily digestible. Some of the fears that I have previously had about committing to extended fast have not only been addressed but also actually eliminated by the application of the principles I have received from this text.

    Thank you,

    Carmen Rocholl

    After twenty-one years of living for God this book has really impacted my life. The principles taught in its text, the clear easy step by step instructions has made a major difference in how I view and practice fasting. This book is a true companion and AN ABSOLUTE MUST to compliment every sincere devoted Christian’s relationship with Almighty God. THE FOCUSED FAST is truly a mighty instrument that is anointed of God.


    Jeff Wilson

    24 hr. Prayer Schedule Coordinator

    Pentecostals Of Alexandria

    My life of living in torment, pain, hopelessness, and sin suddenly turned into pure joy, peace, love, and hope the INSTANT I received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost on October 24, 1993 at Lakeside United Pentecostal Church under the leadership of Pastor Van Westberry. I saw my own life as a Christian written on the pages of this text and marveled that the Holy Ghost had truly inspired this author to put into words one of the most powerful weapons of spiritual warfare I have ever possessed. It answered so many questions I had concerning fasting in my life while causing the Word of God to come alive in my being. It helped to bring into perspective the balance and harmony of my spiritual and physical life through the combination of repentance, fasting, prayer, and the Word of God. Not once or twice, but EVERY TIME I’ve opened this book to read

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