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Alex Rochester
Alex Rochester
Alex Rochester
Ebook56 pages50 minutes

Alex Rochester

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Alexandra Rochester is the daughter of a very long line of considerable royalty. The Rochester family is known, criticized, and praised for their research and historical discoveries. Rochester mansion has been a dedicated base of operations in the family since their endeavors have been recorded. Alex, being the only one left, now runs the family business due to her parents sudden and unfortunate death some years ago. Little did she know that her line of work would prove such an apocalyptic matter. A demon has been awakened, and it would seem that Alex is smack dab right in the thick of it. Where should she begin? What can she possibly do? Can Alexandra Rochester save the worldor even herself to begin with?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 13, 2014
Alex Rochester

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    Alex Rochester - Alyssa Cowles

    Copyright © 2014 by Alyssa Cowles.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 02/05/2014

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6


    It was 15 years since the sudden and unfortunate death of her parents; a moment of flashbacks as Alex reached for the top of the rock face, ten thousand feet in the air. She set out for a personal mission for the anniversary of the death of her mum and pop. Minimal gear was her preference, makes her feel more alive and the challenge fills her with an ecstasy so powerful that she forgets pain and risk. Her hands shoot for the very edge as she leaps from her last position of more than reasonable footing. One hand clutches the dirt and rock as she struggles to catch that more than reasonable footing once again. Success. Alex takes a deep breath and closing her eyes she remembers their faces once more before raising up to the top. One thrust and Alex finally makes it to the place she had been studying for years, striving to finish that which her parents could not. Her eyes behold the lost kingdom of Zhang Zhung, hidden very high and deep in the Himalayas. Emperor Gampo, said to be a mythical emperor, ruled here around 7th century BC. A smile runs across her face before gathering some materials for a small fire. Striking a metal fire starter, she sits to review her studies, containing that which she and her parents have worked since she was a young girl. An old picture falls out of the small journal. Mum and pop.

    I’m here. I wish you could see this…

    Chapter 1

    After enjoying her last can of unmarked soup, Alex stood to the continuous drop in the temperature.

    I’m going to have to stay the night, the temp will reach below freezing within the hour. I have to get inside and find a good solid place to rest. Maybe after some exploring, nothing like a good adventure before bed.

    Upon her approach of the large stone temple, she notices the ancient Tibetan script on the columns and front gate.

    Too bad I’m only familiar with a few symbols, my father would have loved to know the interpretation of these ancient writings. A true linguist at heart.

    The massive gate reached 15 feet to the ceiling of the entryway, which seemed sealed by nicely aged rope. This usually is not done unless a place was evacuated and suspected of harboring unseen influences.

    Typically a sign that the people of the temple fled in fear, but not wanting that fear to escape with them. I wonder what it was they ran away from… No matter, I have an easy fix. It’ll be dark in a few anyways.

    Using the same fire starter she utilized for her rest period, she made a makeshift torch from some old cloth (probably from an old flag they used to mark this once flourishing kingdom), a thick stick, and lighter fluid from the zippo she carries for good luck (a token that once belonged to her father).

    Alex held the torch up to the rope and let it burn until she could lift the plank from the handles and push it open. Air rushed past her inward into the belly of Zhang Zhung. With a breath she pulled the journal out again to review some minor possible details to look out for, as a precaution. Looking at the old text she and her pop discovered together, it would seem that there should be some kind of lamp stands spread

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