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The Spiritual Battle with the Mind
The Spiritual Battle with the Mind
The Spiritual Battle with the Mind
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The Spiritual Battle with the Mind

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The focus of the book is to let the readers know that the Devils focus is to use the mind as a place of isolation. He will try to bring back the past of fear to block one from reaching his or her own destiny. This book tells you that only the word of God brings healing to the mind. In addition, only the word of God can bring restoration to a mind that is wrestling, and a heart that is broken. When you finish reading this book, you will be able to get past your pass, from the old you, into a brand new you. It all begins in the belief in your mind.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 24, 2013
The Spiritual Battle with the Mind

Paul R. Hillman

Paul Hillman was born in Jamaica West Indies. He attended Gurneys Mt School, then went to study at Knockalva, School of Agriculture. Paul was very competitive as an athlete. He represent his parish as a middle distance runner, and also represent Jamaica as an amateur boxer. Paul came to know the Lord at the age of twelve years old. He went through many tragedies before realizing that God had a call on his life. He immigrated to Boston Massachusetts in 1995, where also became two time New England Champion in the sport of boxing. He then leave boxing and begin a new journey in fighting for the Lord Jesus Christ. He was an ordained Deacon, before becoming a licensed minister. He did two years of studying at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton Massachusetts. He now served as the associate Pastor at the Redeemed Christian Fellowship. He is very faithful, and committed in doing the work of God.

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    The Spiritual Battle with the Mind - Paul R. Hillman

    Copyright © 2013 by Paul R. Hillman.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2013912630

       ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4836-6805-5

                    Softcover    978-1-4836-6804-8

                    Ebook          978-1-4836-6806-2

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    Rev. date: 07/13/2013

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    The Spiritual Battle in the Mind

    Spiritual Encounter

    The Spiritual Battleground, the Mind,

    and the Enemy

    A Mind that is Made up

    The Power of the Mind

    The Battle of Fear

    Spiritual Freedom in the Mind

    The Power of Belief

    Hamsters on Wheels

    You were Created to be an Overcomer

    You have Power to Walk over, to Tread upon

    Guard Your Thoughts

    A Positive Thought

    The Power of a Thought

    Church Hurt

    Weak in Your Own Strength

    Finding God in Your Times of Weakness

    Do Not be Wise in Your Own Eyes

    The Pain of Brokenness

    No One is Out of God’s Reach

    God’s Secret Place

    Do I have to Wrestle as a Christian?

    The Spiritual Battle: the Process

    When Terror Strikes

    It’s Now Time to be Awake

    The Power of Change

    The Hidden Mask

    The Danger of Staying in the Box

    Broken for a Purpose

    Walk in the spirit of God

    The Fear of the Mind

    The Spiritual Giant of Life

    The Question during a Spiritual Battle

    The Fear of My Life

    The Testimony Continues

    The Power of Setbacks

    Let God’s Word be Your Comfort

    A Prayer for the Mind

    The Author and His Life Growing up


    Final Remarks


    The focus of this book is to let the readers understand that the mind is like a pilot; it steers and governs your life. Your mind is like a verb, it is always ready for action, because it is always searching to find or hear something new. It is like a storage where you can keep some things and also let some things go. You can use your mind much as you would use a folder or a notebook. Every day it reflects on something new; it can also reflect on the past. It can remember the good things as well as the bad things; good people and also bad people.

    The danger to the mind is the Devil will bring back the pain of your past to haunt you, to bind you, and also to isolate you. His desire is to use your mind as a place to store all kinds of evil thoughts, things that open the door to your destruction. Although your mind could be messed up by drugs or a past of being hurt or abused, the word of God is there to heal and restore your mind. You have to renew your mind by getting rid of the pain from your past that the Devil tries to send to your mind.

    When you finish reading this book, you will be more concerned about your thoughts and the ways in which the mind functions. The word of God is the real source that will heal and restore the mind when it is broken. It gives you the power to overcome doubt, fear, and despair. In addition, it is the only source that brings peace and comfort to the mind. This book tells you that your mind is a powerful weapon. It can be the enemy’s destruction as well as your own destruction if you don’t use it wisely.

    I pray that when you read this book your mind will be renewed, transformed, and be more sober and more open to hearing the word of God.

    This book was written with words of inspiration to inspire the readers and those who have been let down, been afflicted, and were left abandoned and broken by loved ones to struggle with the affairs of life. In this book you will find the answers that will help you to overcome a life of isolation, depression, low self-esteem, and the many hardships of your daily life.

    It was after going through my own experience of brokenness and I reached home after working two jobs, six nights of hard work, and I faced what I call the tragedy of my life. The family that I loved, that I thought loved me and also cared for me, decided to move out behind my back, without letting me know. This was a hard pill to swallow because I began to wonder and started to ask myself questions like where did I go wrong? Have I been misunderstood in communication or was it because of our different cultures? I felt as if I was in pain, as if my heart was broken in two. I remembered night after night as the tears flowed down my cheeks. What made the pain worse was I went and brought some nice things to surprise the kids that were so dear to my heart. The sad thing was I did not know where they were taken for approximately one month. I went through my own process of brokenness and isolation before finding the answer in the word of God. At one point it did feel as if I was the only person left on this earth in my darkest moment; however, that was when I really proved the word of God and that He would never leave me comfortless (John 14:18).

    Although my family and I were both hurt through this process, we were able to get through it, forgive each other, be healed after the process, and were able to express the love of God to each other. Life is not defined by the way things look on the external; life is rather defined by what you came through and what you become after coming through it.

    Life comes with many tests and many challenges that will bring out the real you out of you. Only those who believe in life will believe in themselves and do whatever seems impossible to make it. Those who have the aim, the courage, and the desire to come back from a setback, from being broken to being restored, from being knocked down to fighting back, become winners. They will prove their character and defy the odds of life. For you to bring out the real you in you and to prove what you are made of, first you have to be tested. Achievement does not come by luck; it does not come by winning the lottery. It comes after your character has been tested, because to be successful in life your character must be tested.

    Some of the best testimonies told in life are told by those who made it after others gave up on them, those who some thought would not make it. Sometimes you will cry tears, but there is also power beyond your tears; in addition, you can find joy behind every tear that you shed. There is always a testimony after a test, a message after a mess, a calm after the storm.

    This book will also help you to be aware, because there will be a battle that you will encounter when you are least expecting it, when you are caught off guard. This will then bring thoughts to your mind like, If only I had known, or If only I prepared myself. This book will help you to be aware, be prepared, and to expect the unexpected.

    In this book you will learn about people who went through a time of fear, a process of brokenness and isolation, and could only find the answer in the word of God. I pray that the readers of this book will find the love that they have lost through the state of broken relationships, the death of loved ones, child molestation, and the grief and pain that causes frustration and isolation.

    These inspired words of God were given to me in my time in the wilderness, where it did seem as if there was no connection during my time of struggle to finding the source of healing. People oftentimes look for resources through counsel, therapy, doctors, or close friends, but only in the word of God can one find the real source and the answers for those who are wrestling with the spiritual battle with the mind. The word of God is there for a reason and for a purpose. Whenever you begin to read it and search for answers, that is when you will begin to find strength and healing. It will also give you wisdom and words to encourage and inspire those who are dealing with the same circumstances that you have been through. I pray that God will renew and restore your mind and restore your broken world. God is using the same things that you are going through to prepare you and to get you ready to become an overcomer and a testimony to touch many lives and be a witness to those who are struggling in life with their own addiction and spiritual battlement.

    The Spiritual Battle in the Mind

    Life can be looked upon as a battle that must be fought on a daily basis; however, the real battle of life is the spiritual battle in the mind. Taken from a biblical perspective, the victory in the spiritual battle is based upon a mindset. The outcome of life is based upon the thoughts that were put into action. Your thoughts will become your words; your words will become your actions; and your actions will become your character. According to Proverbs 23:7, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. It all develops with the mind. Paul said in his words, For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). According to the commentary’s point of view, Paul uses the words high thing or stronghold to illustrate the spiritual warfare that he encountered in his ministry.

    Overlooking ancient Corinth was a hill 1,857 feet high. On the top of the hill was a fortress. The mind is forced into a spiritual battle that tries to exalt itself over the plan and the knowledge of God. The fortress, towers, and captives represent the arguments, thoughts, and plans of the enemy. The plan of the enemy is to get entangled with our thoughts; this causes us to wrestle with the things that seem too high for our own imagination. The Bible tells us, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). To understand 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Paul says we need to bring into captivity every thought, every imagination that exalted itself against the knowledge of God. This means to humble and surrender your every thought, every imagination to the will and power of God. Only the word of God will help us to stand against the spiritual battle with the enemies of this world. The scripture gives us some weapons to fight against the spiritual warfare of this world. One’s loins must be girt with truth; when lies have been told, the enemy uses it with the intention of having us retaliate, because he comes with the intention to go against our peace. However, we need to hold on to our truths. The truth keeps you standing. Lies come to get you entangled, but the truth is there to set you free.

    In Ephesian 6: 10-16, the apostle Paul tells us to be strong in the word of God and the power of His might. It then follows with the battlements to fight spiritual warfare. You could have been falsely accused and had to face imprisonment and were asked to plead guilty for a lower charge. This is where you need to hold on to the truth; do not compromise. Paul tells us in Galatians chapter 5, Stand fast in the liberty where Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage (Galatians 5:1). Being in physical chains cannot keep you bound from the word of God, because the word of God cannot be chained. Instead, it releases the spiritual chain in your mind. The plan of the enemy of this world is to chain you spiritually; that is, to isolate you from moving forward. So when we stand with truth, the truth will set our minds free from the spiritual battle in the mind.

    Verse 14 tells us to stand, therefore, having our loins girt. This also describes John the Baptist when he was preaching in the wilderness. Matthew 3:4 tells the readers that John had his raiment of camel’s hair and a leather girdle about his loins. This also meant that John was girded with truth, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ.

    In addition, the believers of Jesus Christ also need the breastplate of righteousness as a spiritual guard. The breastplate was an instrument that was strapped around the body so that the chest of the warrior was fully protected. The plan of the enemy of the believers of faith is to challenge the heart of Christians—this is what I believe is the enemy’s target point. The breastplate represents the practical, righteous character and deeds of believers. From the Nelson Illustrated Bible Commentary, page 1540: Your heart is very vital and precious. When your heart is broken, it can force you to feel like your world has fallen apart. Your mind is for thinking, but your heart is your source of feeling. When you go through the state of a broken heart, this is when you will need the word of God to help mold you, shape you, and build you. It will also help you to develop more humility as a child of God. In the book of 2 Samuel, chapter 11, David found himself in a big mess when he committed adultery and then killed Uriah and took his wife Bathsheba. It was after God sent the prophet Nathan to David to point out his sin that he came to the point of repentance. In Psalms 51, David cried to God for mercy; at this point his heart was broken. God did not reject David’s cry. God showed His mercy when He later blessed David with the promise of the covenant by giving him Solomon, who became the wisest man and the one who would build the temple.

    Later I will talk about the process of being broken. It is the heart and spirit that God looks at. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart; O God thou wilt not despise (Psalms 51:17). So here we understand that we must be able to guard our hearts by developing practical righteous deeds, and this can only be done by relying on the word of God.

    The believer also needs to guard his or her feet with the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15 tells us, And your feet shod with preparation of the gospel of peace. Roman soldiers’ shoes were hard studded; this meant when they moved forward it was hard to push them backward. They were considered unstoppable and also immovable. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the solid foundation on which believers stand. Your walk of faith must be directed by the Lord, and this happens when you live by His word and follow the Lord’s commandments. Whenever one walks in the ways of God, his steps will lead to the way of life. The Psalms said, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delighted in his way. A good man or woman is he or she who walks with an upright heart, who chooses to please God. Whatever they do shall be blessed and they will be prosperous. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper (Psalms 1:3). Truth, peace, and righteousness are spiritual battlements that will help the believers to stand against the spiritual battle with the enemy. The enemy of this world seeks after the things that equip a child of God to stand firm for the gospel of Christ. This is the reason why these battlements are very important for one’s faith walk. Your relationship with God must be solid in truth, because the truth represents the gospel. When you stand on the word of truth, it will either set you free or set someone free, because everyone deserves to hear the truth. This is why one’s belief is powerful. Some people have gone through hurt and pain because of believing a lie that was told. Believing a lie will force one to break up his or her relationship; this is also a plan that the enemy of this world uses to cause the mind to wrestle with itself. However, the truth will free the mind, because the truth brings freedom. The reason why people go to court is because everyone wants to know the truth. The judge seeks to know the truth before he can set someone free. Many people have been falsely accused because a lie was told. The enemy’s desire is to tell a lie to keep you bound, because he doesn’t want you to be free. This is why confession and forgiveness play a great role in relationships, because they free the mind. Everyone must stand on truth despite the consequences that it brings. Jesus Christ had to stand and bear witness to the truth because He was the truth (John 18:37). Pilate did not find any fault in Jesus and was willing to let Jesus go free, although he was seeking the truth. Pilate saith unto him, ‘What is truth?’ And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews and saith unto them, ‘I find in him no fault at all’ (John 18:38). Jesus stood for who He is and that is the truth. Believers of the word of God must be willing to stand on the word of God, which is truth.

    The scripture also tells us in the sixteenth verse that above all we need to put on the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked. In the days of Paul the apostle, the Roman soldier’s shield was an instrument that measured four feet high and two and a half inches wide. The dart was an instrument that the Roman soldiers would dip into a flammable substance and then shoot at their target. And when it hit the target, it would blow up in flames. The shield was used as their protection to shield them from the fiery darts. Paul used this phrase as an incentive that would protect the believers from the fiery darts of the spiritual fight with the enemy. Every child of God needs to gear up with spiritual protection to stand against the wiles of the enemy.

    Spiritual Encounter

    It is very impossible for the believers who choose to live a life of faith to walk victoriously if he or she does not know when there is a spiritual encounter. The Bible tells us as believers not to believe every spirit but to first test the spirit, 1 John 4:1. Do not believe every spirit without searching it, because it is not every spirit in this world that says Jesus or proclaims God is from God. This can become a battle in the mind. You must rely on the word of God when facing a spiritual encounter. Remember that the Devil is a spiritual being who was thrown out of heaven with the fallen angels (Isaiah 14:12). He does not approach you as the Devil himself. Rather, he approaches you as the angel of light, but secretly he is the angel of darkness.

    A child of God must have the spiritual discernment to know the Spirit of God versus the spirit of the Devil. The spirit of God is sensitive. He looks for a peaceful environment. He does not force Himself on anyone, and neither does He make you feel uncomfortable or give you any feeling of fear. Rather, He lets you feel free and sets your mind at peace. The word of God tells us, Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). If you have to guess the spirit because you feel unsettled, that should be a sign. You must be sure about the spirit of God in your presence.

    The scripture also tells us, Thou wilt shew me the path of life. In thy presence is fullness and joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forever more (Psalm 16:11). There is a joyous feeling in God’s presence. His spirit leads us to the path of life. According to this verse, God does not take us to a place of death. He takes us to a place where we inherit real life. Psalm 37:23 says that God

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