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Bigger Than Life
Bigger Than Life
Bigger Than Life
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Bigger Than Life

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Q was born Qadim Thompson and his brother D was born Dwight Thompson. They had been living with their father to ease the pressure on their mother Terica Thompson. While Q was sneaking out of the house exploring the street life, D was in the house confronting his school books. At the time Q was in high school and things weren't going right at home, so Q was like fuck school! Their father Curtis whom neighbor friends called Mr. C had informed Q that if he quit school, he would not live under his roof.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 26, 2013
Bigger Than Life

Marcus A. Tompkins

I was born Marcus A. Tompkins, raised in the streets Decatur, G.A. and South Carolina. I was inspired to write my first book after being enlightened by a lot of different authors, Donald Gaines, Terri Woods, Marcus Webber, Vicky Stringer, etc. I strive to write movie stories. I take all the bad and turn it into something good to inspire my own readers. I dedicate this book to my proud parents, Ms. Terri Brown (RIP) and Mr. Curtis Tompkins.

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    Bigger Than Life - Marcus A. Tompkins


    Q WAS BORN Qadim Thompson and his brother D was born Dwight Thompson. They had been living with their father to ease the pressure on their mother Terica Thompson. While Q was sneaking out of the house exploring the street life, D was in the house confronting his school books. At the time Q was in high school and things weren’t going right at home, so Q was like fuck school! Their father Curtis whom neighbor friends called Mr. C had informed Q that if he quit school, he would not live under his roof.

    The next day Mr. C came home and found all of Q’s things gone. Mr. C was hardly at home because of all the long hours he worked at his office. The only thing Q left behind was a note saying, I’m going to get rich or die trying. Q first went to Eastlake Meadows one of Atlanta’s most notorious projects. They were located near Second Avenue in Decatur. After leaving the projects he headed over to his girl Tisha’s apartment. At first Q didn’t think it was a good idea to move in with Tisha. Tisha was five years older than Q, and she was living under Housing Authority. A lot of the other females that lived in the apartments would often get jealous and tell the land lord if a male moved in with their woman unless she was willing to share his dick with every woman that wanted it. That was not going to happen because Q was not going to fuck none of those filthy ass tricks. Tisha had more class than the other girls and plus she reminded him of Toni Braxton. Being that Q couldn’t roam like he wanted too, he had to come up with a plan not now, but right now! The money he was making at the time was alright but he had bigger plans. Q wanted more, and he knew that the dope game wouldn’t last forever.

    It didn’t take long before Q came up with a plan. Q went to a floral shop located on the corner of Glenwood and Candler road to price some of the most expensive roses and had them sent to Tisha’s apartment. He then bought a bottle of Christal. His next stop was a spot down town called Sally’s Exotic shop. The store sold some of the freakiest shit a man or woman could ever imagine. Q went in and walled down an isle that had whips, edible panties, ju ju beads, and other freaky items. Q didn’t know exactly what he wanted to buy, so Q purchased some handcuffs and motion lotion and then he left. Q jumped in the rental car he often kept for long periods of time. He decided to go holla at his brother D. After placing the new OutKast double cd in, Q lit up a blunt that he had rolled before leaving Tisha’s house. After turning in his old neighborhood, Q passed his father at the stop sign, but Mr. C didn’t recognize him and kept going. Q didn’t feel like talking to him anyway. After pulling from the stop sign, Q noticed Lil’ Pop and Ray-Ray running towards a car with their hands extended. They didn’t notice Q pulling up in the pearl white Grand Marques that he uses to rent for long periods of time. Q thought to himself, damn I didn’t know selling crack could be so fucking dangerous. That’s how a lot of niggas get caught up not being aware of their surroundings. Q then made up his mind and vowed that he would never go down for any petty ass crimes. If he had to go down it would have to be for something big. Q rode on pass the youngsta’s competing to make the sale, they were so caught up in the transaction that they didn’t even notice him. Q pulled up in his father’s yard and walked on the front porch to see that the door was unlocked. He walked in the front room where D was watching wrestling, What’s up nigga? What’s up? Q’s look alike asked. I just came by to holla at you, Are you still living with that girl, asked D? Yeah man for right now, I should be able to buy them fucking apartments in about a couple of weeks. What are you going to do rob a fucking bank?, asked D. Hell no, said Q I’m going to hit me a mutherfucker for 100 bricks of Perubian Flake, 98% Pure cocaine my nigga. How much is one brick? asked D. Well since it’s 98% pure I’m going to step on it and get 2 1/2 out of each brick. There are 36 ounces in a whole ki, which is 1008 grams and I’m selling each brick for 20,000, now you do the math. Damn Q who in the hell are you going to rob? Let me go with you. Q saw the determination in his older brother’s eyes, but he was not ready for this kind of shit yet.


    Q JUMPED IN the rental and put in Bali’s Fast Lane and headed back to Tisha’s house. He parked in a housing development a block away so Tisha’s nosey ass neighbors wouldn’t know he was living there. It was Q 9:30p.m. And Tisha had just gotten off the phone with her sister Dedra. Dedra lived in New York; she was black, mixed with Columbian. Dedra had been trying to get Tisha to move out of the hood and come live with her in the suburbs. Tisha knew that Dedra wanted the best for her, but it was something about Dedra’s Columbian drug lord husband that she didn’t like. It was once said that her husband Pedro took a young girl who’s father owed him money for some dope and made the man rape his own daughter until she almost bled to death. Pedro then revised the young girl who was only nineteen years old and made the young girl put a pistol in her father’s mouth and blew his brains out. The girl was so fund of Pedro that he took her in and raised her, now she is twenty nine years old and runs one of Pedro’s biggest drug factories.


    Q STEPPED INTO the apartment with the bag and laid it on the couch. He heard Maxwell’s A woman’s worth playing in the bedroom. The perfect time he thought to himself. After Q peeped through the bedroom door and saw Tisha lying on the queen size bed butt ass naked, he ran and got the bag he had brought in the house. Tisha had a body so exotic Q instantly got a hard on. Tisha had real long hair parting her meaty pussy. Her body was caramel brown and her ass wiggled like jello when she walked. She had lips like a African goddess with a clear gloss on them. Q was about to put the first part of his plan in effect. Q took the handcuffs out of the bag and cuffed Tisha to the bed post, then he stripped down out of his clothes so Tisha could see his young ripe body. When Tisha seen the pre cum leaking out of the head of Q’s dick she started to lick her lips. Her kids were at her mother’s house so there wouldn’t be any interruptions. Q put in R. Kelly’s Chocolate Factory cd and it was on. He made love to Tisha for about three hours strong. They stopped in the middle of an intense sweat after multiple orgasms, and rolled a blunt of Kine Bud. They got high and it was on again. This time Q fucked her until four o’clock in the morning. He had never fucked and sucked no pussy the way he did Tisha’s. Tisha thought to herself Damn this is the man I want to marry. Tisha had never made love the way she did with Q, even when her

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