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The Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning and the Ending of the World We Know
The Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning and the Ending of the World We Know
The Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning and the Ending of the World We Know
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The Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning and the Ending of the World We Know

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In God We Trust

Our nation is undergoing a national reckoning for sins of descendants of generations past. The evil done by our descendants are the generational curses that we are now unprepared to accept; that is, the reality of what these evils of the past we have inherited in our disobedience to the God we profess to serve has now given us over to the enemy of our souls to deliver in masses the souls of this generation into such carnage that will lead to our ultimate destruction. Our sins as a church and a nation have found us out. Thats why America is on fire and as a recent sign to get our attention, nineteen souls were sacrificed in a fiery hell for the injustices not only to our own citizen but around the world as self appointed policemen. This is the curse upon us as the scenarios will lead up to God turning our enemies on us until we will no longer exist at all as a nation. This article, I writing under duress with tears of sorrow for a once great nation I have been privileged to be born. What we see are all the sins of mankinds inhumanity against him self as his sins have found him out. What I have been made to see and understand through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, all the sins of mankind are now being exposed and he has no idea of whats behind these tragedies we are now witnessing. This is the time Satan has been given to fulfill all things spoken in the scriptures, whether you believe or not, none will escape the horror. We as a nation, carrying the title, In God We Trust as a professing Christian nation, link to the real God we were told to trust in as a nation. This covenant was pass to this gentile nation from the Jews that rejected Christ. We are that gentile nation, the recipients of the Abraham covenant. God anointed this nation (America) with this covenant in its birth In God We Trust to prosper. Our legal tender bares the covenant seal with God that has prevented any nation from committing acts of aggression on our soil until Israel was restored as a nation in 1967 that recaptured their capital Jerusalem; this gives them biblically full nation status. This covenant was made with us for that purpose only. Now that has come to pass, the last forty years will end with a seven year warning; 911. From Sept. 11, 2001 until that date in 2008 of that year and month, we have been protected by Gods divine hand holding back what the devil who has already justified before him through the law of sin and death, our destruction. Man through the enemy of his soul by not knowing what spirit posse him has reached the point of eminent self destruction of all creation if God would permit it. I am somewhat overwhelmed with tears to have to speak such things to a deaf generation of confessing Christians whose lights are out to this world to the point that they would have no hope if God did not intervene to save them. Within this covers are the revelation leading up to this end time scenarios. May God have mercy on all that call upon his name?

The Author
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 17, 2013
The Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning and the Ending of the World We Know

Steven B Riddley

My lifelong profession background is that of a board certified registered Medical Technologist; MT. HT.PA. (ASCP). My field of specialty is in Histopathology and Forensic Science, where I served as a Lab supervisor and forensic autopsy assistant. I have had the privilege to see the worst side of man's inhumanity in his treatment of fellow human beings from all sides of the spectrum of life. How unpredictable and sudden death can come without notice. In the year of December of 2004, God called me into retirement and set me apart to give me an experience on the level of those we read about in the bible. I was separated for seven years of which during that time, I would be given the revelations to mysteries beyond my level of comprehension.

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    The Alpha and the Omega - Steven B Riddley

    Copyright © 2013 by Steven B. Riddley.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                        978-1-4931-1392-7

                                Ebook                             978-1-4931-1393-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 10/14/2013

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    Table Of Contents

    1.   Insights from your End Time Messenger

    2.   The Traditional Sinners Prayer Should Be?

    Lord, deliver me from myself

    3.   The Broad Road

    4.   The Two Per-centers

    5.   The Arrival of the ET Angels

    6.   What does the Word Say about our Departed Love ones

    7.   Letter to the Churches Established in America

    8.   America’s Time is up

    9.   The Unseen World of the Spirit

    10.   God’s Final Warning to the People that Name His Name

    11.   The Author’s final summery


    For seven years God took me under his care and set me apart to reveal what would become to my ears the most starling revelations of hidden truths in the bible. This is my last introduction to the final chapter of this experience. I must say in all sincerity, I thank God for my grandmother and mother for the training that help shape my character as a child in accordance to their knowledge in the old ways. My grandmother taught me how to love and not hate by example while enduring the pains in her marriage that helped my mother stand by me in the most difficult trials in the latter years of my life when many turned away from me; to God be the glory for those early experiences. You who have read these essays in the two previous books will see that I am the least among men, chosen out due time to write down what he had to say to this last generation. My personal miracle is how God brought me through all my life with a form of dyslexia that made it difficult for me to read a fluent line without stumbling over words in a book. I had difficulty with spelling to write down what was in my mind. None of these books were edited because he wanted to keep what he said easy for those with ears to hear to understand. God gave me a gift that would make me stand out as a professional in my chosen career and retired me after thirty five years. I am now seventy years old when this final publication goes to print. These books contain the testimony of how God took a below average special needs young man with a thorn in my flesh (Dyslexia) to kept me humble with talents that elevated me be acceptable to my peers in my profession with no former education than trained on the job to become a certified Medical Technologist. I do not go a day without studying over what he gave me to write in these books; I’m in awe at how he did this through me being given such a privilege. I can say with all sincerity that my love for him is all that is important to me because he has proved to me that He is THE GREAT I AM. I love to see the way he treats and helps others through this vessel. I can only speak for what I have seen him do through me. I now look forward to that day to be absent from this body and present with him for eternity. To God be the glory.

    Although this is in book form, this final message is design to be compact and in short form for electronic e-readers and tablets. The Holy Spirit lead me in selecting the article that I hope and pray will be an enlightening blessing to the readers as his final word to mankind.

    Insights from your End Time Messenger

    What to watch for in the world to come

    Many confessing Christians are unaware of the realities of the spiritual forces at work to defeat you in every aspect of your life. I have written about these realities through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the two books God the Same Yesterday Today and Forever and America, Downfall of A Great Society. As one of God’ servants raised up to mentor those he has assign to me, it is evident by the situational circumstances saint are now experiencing, there is a discernable increase in the activity of the spirits of oppression, as evident in the lives of serious committed Christians. 1 Peter 4:12 "(KJV) ¹² Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: 1 Peter 4:4 (KJV) Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you": 1 Peter 4:4 (NLT) Of course, your former friends are very surprised when you no longer join them in the wicked things they do, and they say evil things about you." What I see happening is in the realm where Satan has been given the authority to increase his activity against the believers who act on God’ word, we who are dying daily are fully aware of the increased activity of Satan to hinder our continued progress in this warfare in the spirit world. 2 Timothy 3:12 (KJV)" ¹² Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." We are being purified while in this wilderness as was Jesus by being separated out unto himself to continue in faith in his spoken word, knowing that we are in control of our destiny awaiting our day of redemption. We are preparing to suffer with Christ therefore… . Acts 14:22 "(KJV) ²² Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." It is unfortunate that the church world has been presented the side of God through false teaching as in the doctrine of rapture and prosperity that we will escape the suffering during the first three and one half years of the tribulation; when in fact, that’s where the hidden church will be united into one body, believing in one God as at Pentecost, exercising the faith that made it all possible. The reason why things are changing around you; we are all being tested for your loyalties as to choose who you will serve by separating the doers from the hearers only. The time we are in now, the activity in the spirit world has been stepped up another level, anything that can be used against you will; which includes members of your own household will manifest spirits of Cain coming against your own bloodline to save them selves. Some of us have had it some what relatively easy in our created comfort zones; it has given us a false since of security. The sudden changes in our circumstances are seen in the lives people’s around you. America and the world are in a time of international reckoning, we are about to be tested to see who is your god when he reveals your hearts as to who really or what is your god. This is the reason for tribulation to show the world the one true God. We are going to be given a choice to separate our self from those used to persecute you in the name of God through the spirit as an antichrist child of the devil. The reason we are told to separate your self from them is to gain strength to resist the devil using them. You who are employed in the work place are going to have to trust God by doing good for those used to oppress you. Every thing we will encounter as confessing Christians is covered in the word; therefore, if we are not studying and dying to self, we are not engrafting the strength of the word that is necessary for our spiritual growth, you will not be able to resist these temptations in the form of sudden trials if your flesh is still alive. Remember, Peter’s denial was in thinking he had the ability to do what only God can; resist the devil. This is why you must live in the reality of being a new creature which means Christ living, moving and having his being in your vessel. These things are now coming upon us through these spirits around you. This is going to be our last trial that will separate the believers from the unbelievers before glory. If you are having it good and are well loved, check your self out, you may be compromising to get along; remember obedience to the word of God will attract persecution form those you offend by being a doer of the word. Luke 6:26 (KJV) "²⁶ Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." If you are really converted, your mind will be on heavenly things. This is what makes it easy to suffer because you live in the reality of the power of God in you by the new birth; you are able in him to stand in his strength. This is a time to be still. Many in traditional assemblies will not receive this vision of the times because we have been taught that we have to win the souls when souls in our own strength and that’s the error in theology as taught by mans traditions when in fact, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in as many as are led by him. Why is there so much division at this end time? God knows who he has purposed to save through you, that’s why we are told to be still and know that I’m God. Isaiah 55:8 (KJV) "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." Beloved, don’t be offended when I make this statement? We all need to repent to put ourselves in the perfect will of God. All this is a result of what God has allowed in his permissive will because he will not impose upon your will unless you are chosen as one of his elects. I was shocked too when he showed me how I was out of his will when the time came for my eyes to be open by election only. How do I know this? He opened my eyes when I thought I was right to see how wrong I was in his permissive will. I had to be given a hard rebuked to get my attention. Don’t remain in that 98% that refuse to believe the prophets and messengers of this time. It’s unfortunate that we are deceived to this degree as I was because of long standing traditions that have through many generations seared our minds in a state of willing ignorance; delusional to think that the very word we say we believe out of context in it’s application shall be a witness against us if we don’t repent. The John the Baptist’ ministry will return again in his messengers as it did to introduce Christ. This time he will warn us of his return to set the body back to our first love and be purified through the fires of tribulation with this word of warning? Revelation 3:18 (KJV) "¹⁸ I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see." it will be the last warning. The guardian angel or angels assign to as many as be saved is subject to your free will, they have their instructions from God. This is why we must be born again to become one with the spirits in the third heaven to have complete authority over the spirits in the first and second heaven. As long as we are walking in the spirit as led of God in all things by his spirit and one with the word, these guardian angels will not let Satan’ host of wicked spirits touch you for this reason, they will see… 1 John 4:4 (KJV)" Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Therefore, Psalm 91:10 (KJV) ¹⁰ There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Isaiah

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