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Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond: 40 Days of Rhymes, Reflections, and Resources to Inspire and Motivate Students
Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond: 40 Days of Rhymes, Reflections, and Resources to Inspire and Motivate Students
Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond: 40 Days of Rhymes, Reflections, and Resources to Inspire and Motivate Students
Ebook162 pages48 minutes

Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond: 40 Days of Rhymes, Reflections, and Resources to Inspire and Motivate Students

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About this ebook

Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond: 40 Days of Rhymes, Reflections, and Resources to Inspire and Motivate Students is a collection of 40 daily motivational rhymes revolving around the affirmations and thoughts that can and will lead to greater success in learning. This book is divided into five sections: Preparing, Participating, Paying Attention, Practicing, and Resources. Messages are written as catchy rhymes. The learner is guided through writing personal reflections, setting goals, and creating an action plan. This is a learning playbook. It's a guide to discover the thoughts behind a student's motivation to learn. Get ready to explore!

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 9, 2015
Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond: 40 Days of Rhymes, Reflections, and Resources to Inspire and Motivate Students

Terry Ann Williams-Richard

Terry Ann Williams-Richard calls this her first widely published recreational work…just plain fun. She considers writing overall to be a joy and as an educator, entrepreneur, speaker and author she spreads the gift of writing to many. This debut collection of poetry is a celebration of love. It’s warming the hearts and enlightening the minds of many. What are you waiting for?

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    Daily Meditations for Success in Learning in the Classroom & Beyond - Terry Ann Williams-Richard

    Copyright © 2015 by Terry Ann Williams-Richard.

    ISBN:         Softcover         978-1-5144-1862-8

             eBook         978-1-5144-1860-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system,

    without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 11/06/2015






    You Got This!



    To You, The Student

    How to use this book

    Chapter 1 Preparing…

    "I take action today to build my

    foundation for tomorrow."

    Day 1 I come to school prepared to learn.

    Day 2 I bring my determination to succeed in school each day.

    Day 3 I have a good attitude and I cooperate daily.

    Day 4 I know my teacher is here to teach, not entertain me.

    Day 5 I realize I must do some work that may be hard, but I do not give up or blame others.

    Day 6 I take responsibility for my behavior and my learning.

    Day 7 I bring all my supplies daily and I excel in learning.

    Day 8 I understand my teacher is here to challenge me and help me make increased progress in my learning.

    Day 9 I clean out and organize my book bag regularly.

    Day 10 I use binders, folders, and notebooks for each of my classes.

    Chapter 2 Participating…

    "I must get in the learning game

    and stay if I expect to win."

    Day 11 I participate in class each day.

    Day 12 I follow the classroom and school rules.

    Day 13 I follow the procedures each teacher has established for his or her classroom.

    Day 14 I ask and answer questions in each class.

    Day 15 I complete all assignments.

    Day 16 I work cooperatively individually, with a partner, in a small group, and in a large group.

    Day 17 I understand the directions for the assignments.

    Day 18 I get clarity about my assignments without disturbing the educational process.

    Day 19 I bring in pertinent information, about the topics being studied, to share with the class.

    Day 20 I volunteer to help my teachers and my classmates.

    Chapter 3 Paying Attention…

    "I remain alert to be sure I

    don’t miss something."

    Day 21 I listen when the teacher is talking.

    Day 22 I tune into the teacher, so when he or she gives instructions I respond the first time a request is made.

    Day 23 I take notes and follow along with any visual, audio, and web-based materials the teacher uses.

    Day 24 I listen courteously while classmates respond to questions or make presentations.

    Day 25 I get enough sleep the night before, so I am alert while class is in session.

    Day 26 I eat something for breakfast, so my hungry stomach will not distract me.

    Day 27 I keep a continuous supply of paper, pencils, and pens instead of interrupting instruction to get those items.

    Day 28 I am familiar with my textbooks and I read them.

    Day 29 I save side conversations for a teacher permitted break or after class.

    Day 30 I write down ideas I want to explore further.

    Chapter 4 Practicing…

    "I listen, watch, review, and do.

    Day 31 I teach others the skills I learn from my teachers.

    Day 32 I complete and turn in all assignments, reports, and projects on time.

    Day 33 I ask for help with things I do not understand.

    Day 34 I have a study partner.

    Day 35 "I have a

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