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Revelation: Connecting Noah's Descendants to the Present
Revelation: Connecting Noah's Descendants to the Present
Revelation: Connecting Noah's Descendants to the Present
Ebook391 pages6 hours

Revelation: Connecting Noah's Descendants to the Present

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About this ebook

This book will challenge you and awaken you to understand how
the events of the past, shaped our present day. You will learn a
concise history with factual events of the descendants of Noah's
three sons, Ham, Sham, and Japheth. You will gain a deeper
understanding and connection to your history, and its link to world
history. Through this knowledge, you will acquire wisdom that can
help you understand and gain tolerance towards other diverse
cultures. Through gaining tolerance we can bring a willingness to
work together. When we understand our past, and are willing to
work together, we can change our future.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 27, 2017
Revelation: Connecting Noah's Descendants to the Present

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    Revelation - A. C. Barnes

    Copyright © 2017 by A. C. BARNES.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2017900606

    ISBN:         Hardcover      978-1-5245-7647-9

             Softcover      978-1-5245-7648-6

             eBook         978-1-5245-7646-2

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    Rev. date: 01/26/2017




    Table of Contents












    Thank you, God, for guiding me since the year 2000 in preparing this book called, Revelation. Thank you for giving me the clarity of mind to research and make the connection between events within history. I want to thank my father, who passes away just recently, for exposing me to history through books and television, growing up. He enriched me to want to learn more and bring a connection within history. When he passed away, I missed the times we shared looking at historical documentaries together. I want to thank both my parents for their strong will and guidance that encourage me to want to gain a higher education, which allowed me to gain my knowledge, experience, and wisdom. I also want to thank my wife, and daughter, who were patient and supportive while I was working on this book. I want to thank Ms. Loyd, who took her time through her busy schedule to help in editing my book. I want to give thanks to my Publishing Representative, Mr. Larsen, Mr. Olson, and the staff at Xlibris Publishing Company for preparing my book for publication, and for promoting it. I want to give a special thanks to Johnny Norman Ananda Abinou, and Pastor James T. Meeks for their knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. Also, I would like to give thanks those who took their time to research, record, and document history and present day events.

    Author & Illustrator: A.C. Barnes


    This book will challenge you and awaken you to understand how the events of the past, shaped our present day. You will learn a concise history with factual event of the descendants of Noah’s three sons, Ham Sham, and Japheth. You will gain a deeper understanding and connection to your history, and its link to world history. Through this knowledge, you will acquire wisdom that can help you understanding and gain tolerance towards other diverse cultures. Through gaining tolerance we can bring a willingness to work together. When we understand our past, and are willing to work together, we can change our future.

    When people of diverse cultures can work together within an environment, there will be peace in that environment. When people of diverse cultures can come and work together in peace, then, they can work towards finding solutions to the problem(s) of today. Through working together as one people, we can influence change. Before we can influence change to correct any problem(s) in the present, we must first understand what caused the problem(s) in the past. Through learning history and understand the mistakes that created the problem(s) of today, we will know what mistakes to avoid. Through working with government officials, we can create effective policies that avoid the mistakes of the past and create a brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come.

    A.C. Barnes

    PART I

    In the Beginning


    Many millenniums ago, during the period of Pangaea, continents were joined as one landmass. The Middle East area was a part of Africa and connected to Egypt, the Sudan, and Ethiopia. The Garden of Eden was located in the area which today is known as Ethiopia and the Middle East. Within the Garden of Eden, four rivers flowed throughout the land. The first river was the Pishon River, which today is the Persian Gulf.

    The second river, Gihon River, flowed southward from the Tethys Sea down south throughout Ethiopia around the area today called Egypt. The Tigris River and Euphrates River, the third and fourth rivers, flowed westward from the Panthalassa Ocean into the Garden of Eden.

    Archaeologists and scientist confirmed, without a doubt that the oldest form of human life was discovered in the land of Olduvai Gorge in present day Tanzania Africa. Tanzania is located south of Kenya, which was a part of Ethiopia before European Colonization. So we can conclude that the birthplace of the first human (Homo sapiens), took place in or around Ethiopia when the Middle East was connected to Africa.


    The archaeologist also found a skull in South Africa, which they say dates back 75 thousand years ago. Let’s examine this claim with history and mathematics. If we look at the lineage from Adam, the first men, to the death of Jacob, father of the Israelites, with a focus date of 1929 BC. This is the date King Amenemhat II started his reign as co-king with his father Senusret I, also, the period Joseph was 30 years old and became second in command in Egypt. This date, 1929 BC, will provide a guide to the period of Adam’s beginning.

    Patriarch Timeline of the Descendants of Adam to the Death of Jacob

    Total Years 2253 years passed from the beginning of Adam to the death of Jacob.

    If you add 2253 years to 1903 BC, this would show that the beginning period of Adam was around the year 4156 BC. In addition, if you add the year 4156 BC to 2015 AD, which reflects the beginning of Adam to the present year 2014, you will get 6,171 years. These years represent the estimated period of mankind existing on this Earth.

    If mankind existed for about 6,171 years, then how can scientist predict man living 75 thousand years ago based on the age of a skull found in South Africa? Scientists also created a facial image on the skull and found that the facial features were a Black person based on the bone structures of the skull.

    Scientists only looked at the data from their carbon data machines to measure the age of artifacts and bones. I showed you data using math to dispute this 75 thousand year old claim. Now let’s look at history to give reasoning and logic as to what caused scientists to predict this skull found in South Africa was 75 thousand-years-old.

    If you look at the map of Pangaea below, you can see that South Africa was surrounded by South America and India. Over the 100’s of years, the population was increasing, and some Edenites migrated from Eden into other regions, such as South Africa.


    The earth’s crust started to shift during the period of Pangaea, just before the great flood. The earth’s crust is about 5 miles under the ocean level to about 25 miles under the continent. Scientist and geologist theorized that the earth’s crust was resting on pockets of water. As the crust was cracking for hundreds of miles, an enormous amount of water later spewed from the long crack into the sky. Thus, as the water came out, large mountain landforms called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were forming beneath the water surface.

    The Mid-Atlantic Ridge consisted of large volcanic mountain ranges and landforms beneath what is known today as the Atlantic Ocean. If there was volcanic activity underground causing the division of Pangaea, it may be possible that magma spewed upon the Earth’s crust on the people. The people living in South Africa were buried in lava, and the flood cooled the lava into a rock formation. Archaeologists say that the deeper you dig beneath the earth, the more, the bones and artifacts will be aged.

    Therefore, the lava spewing from deep in the earth’s core is aged more. As the bodies in South Africa are decaying under lava, the molecules of both the corpse and the lava rocks blended. Small-unseen molecules of lava became embedded within the skull, skeletal structure, and artifacts from the people who died during the great flood.

    The aged lava molecules embedded within skull found in South Africa is what the carbon dated machines measured, that aged 75 thousand years old. It is important to look at historical events that play a key role in helping to explain and give some reasoning to data results by scientists. Below is a picture of the map of Pangaea as the continents started separating before the flood.


    The shifting of the Earth’s crust caused the continents of Africa, Europe, Australia, and India to move away from North America, Central America, and South America. Heated water spewed into the air from major underground volcanic activities. Enormous amounts of water vapor had risen into the atmosphere. As the vapor rose, the air got cooler and the vapors would condense into clouds. A large amount of water vapor rising up would explain the forming of the rain clouds in the atmosphere. This created the great rainstorm that helped to cause the great flood.

    As the strong winds blew water on the land of Eden, the earth’s crust was shifting and separating the different continents. The shifting of the earth’s crust initiated the forming of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and other Ridges around and between the different continents. The earth’s land mass slowed down after making contact with another landmass.

    Scientist found that the forward momentum of different landmasses caused the layers of landmasses to fold into it. This type of landmass activity creates wave-like patterns or hills, canyons, valleys and deep craters below water level. Some land masses collided causing one mass to overlap another. This collision of landmasses formed mountains and the land mass that shifted underneath the other landmasses sometimes flowed down into the Earth’s mantle.

    The scientist also found that the upper part of the mantle has a heated temperature of about 1600 degrees Fahrenheit. The further you move down the mantle, the temperature will reach as high as 8000 degrees Fahrenheit. The shifting of the crust into the mantle caused a melting process to occur. The melted substance, called magma, would flow upward inside the mountain. This process of magma flowing inside to the top of the mountain causes the development of a volcano. The map below shows the Mid-Atlantic Ridges and other ridges splitting the continent forming the Atlantic Ocean.


    This landmass movement would explain how the continent where the Edenites lived had shifted northeastward and almost completely separated the Middle East from Africa. During the rainstorm, landmass movement, and volcanic activities under water caused great water waves to flow over the land of Eden. As the water was flooding the land, scientist said that the continent of Africa was shifting northeastward about 45 miles per hour.

    This activity would cause more water to flood the Garden of Eden and allowed Noah’s Ark to float above water and into the Tethys Sea. The land mass of Africa was shifting closer to what we call Europe and Asia today. As landmasses collided underwater it folded into and onto each other, creating new land to appear above water.

    These new emerging landmasses are known today as islands. As the landmasses above water level were folding into each other, some developed large deep craters that held water. These pockets of water that settled in and around certain countries are called lakes. The Tethys Sea is now the Mediterranean Sea. When the storm ended after one hundred and fifty days, Noah’s Ark is found rested on Mount Ararat in the Eastern Plateau of Turkey bordering Europe. The continuing shifting of the earth’s crust over the past 5,000 years created Mount Ararat to what it is today. Also, the shifting of India’s landmass colliding into China forms the Himalayas Mountains. The earth’s crust is shifting gradually at about ½ to 4 inches every year.

    God created mankind in His image spiritually, not physically. His spirit within us has three purposes. The first purpose is, His spirit gives us life to live day-by-day, communicating with others, working, sharing ideas, and exist on this Earth. The second purpose is, His spirit serves as a transmitter, which allows Him to receive information such as, where we are, what we are doing, thinking, and a visual image of our surrounding area.

    That is how God can know our thoughts and actions, and see what is around you before you see it. The third purpose is, His spirit serves as a receiver. He transmits information to us through His spirit to help guide us, and direct our path in life. Since He can see your surroundings, and know what others are thinking before you can, He knows what you will face.

    That is why He tries to direct your path when you travel or guide your thoughts on what to say before you make certain statements. He is trying to protect you from harm’s way, but since He gave you free will to make your own decisions, He has given you the means to decide for yourself. He is hoping you listen to Him, and follow His guidance.

    Have you ever made the decision to do something, even when something inside of you told you not to go or say what you decided? Later you realize that you should have listened to that something inside of you, telling you to do the opposite. That was God talking to you, trying to help guide you to making the right choice.

    Despite the fact that the Edenites were violent, and did not listen to God, He yet gave them a chance to correct their behavior, but they did not. God then, intervened to correct the problem. Since the Edenites were not willing to follow God’s guidance, God’s plan was to undo what had formed in Eden and create a new humankind. This new mankind would be formed from the seed of Noah, whom God favored because Noah followed His guidance and taught his family to be obedient to God’s commands. Through the children of Noah, God looked for a new generation of mankind, who will follow His command through the obedience of Noah and his family.

    God is looking for the parents to teach their children to follow His commands, so when they get older and on their own, they may not fall astray. Noah’s sons did not have children until after the great flood. Through Noah’s descendants comes diversity in the cultural and physical adaptations we see today in people.

    After the Great Flood, Noah, and his family settled in their new land bordering the Middle East and Europe. As the family grew, the descendants of Noah’s sons, Japheth, Shem and Ham decided to migrate and settle in different territories. Japheth’s descendants were known as the gentiles, according to the Holy Book, and they migrated into the area known as Western Europe today. Shem’s descendants migrated into Northern Mesopotamia, the northern section of the Middle East, and they also migrated east towards the Pacific Coastal area. Ham’s descendants settled in the western coastal area of the Middle East, and in Africa. See the information below on the generations of Noah.

    The Generations of Noah (Genesis 10:32)

    These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generation, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth and after the flood.

    Noah was 500 when he and his wife started having their sons. Their names were Sham, Ham, and Japheth (Gen. 5:32).

    • Noah lived to be 950 years old (Genesis 10:29)

    • Noah’s sons had their children after the flood (Genesis 10:1)

    Japheth’s descendants (Genesis 10:2-5)

    Japheth sons: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras

    The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim (Japheth descendants were the Isles of the Gentiles and they migrated into the area known as Europe.)

    Sham’s descendants until Abram (Genesis 10:21-31 and Genesis 11:10-32)

    Sham was 100, 2 years after the flood, when Arphaxad was born (Gen. 11:10)

    Sham lived 500 after he begat Arphaxad and begat sons and daughters and later died at the age of 600 years.

    Arphaxad was 35 when Salah was born (Gen. 11:12)

    Arphaxad lived 403 after he begat Salah and begat sons and daughters and later died at the age of 435 years

    Salah was 30 when Eber was born (Gen. 11:14)

    Salah lived 403 years after he begat Eber and begat sons and daughters and later died at 433 years

    Eber was 34 when Peleg was born (Gen. 11:16)

    Eber lived 430 years after he begat Peleg and begat sons and daughters. Eber had another son, Joktan, who had 12 children, and all their descendants later settled in the east. (Genesis 10:25-30), and Eber later died at 464 years.

    Peleg was 30 when Rau was born (Gen. 11:18)-The Earth was divided this day.

    Peleg lived 209 years after he begat Rau and begat sons and daughters and later died at the age of 239 years

    Rau was 32 when Serug was born (Gen. 11:20)

    Rau lived 207 years after he begat Serug and begat sons and daughters and later died at the age of 239 years

    Serug was 30 when Nahor was born (Gen. 11:22)

    Serug lived 200 years after he begat Nahor and begat sons and daughters and later died at the age of 230 years

    Nabor was 29 when Terah was born (Gen. 11:24)

    Nahor lived 119 years after he begat Terah and begat sons and daughters and later died at the age of 148 years

    Terah was 70 when Abram, Nahor, and Haran were born. (Noah was 890) (Gen. 11:27)

    Abram was the youngest of his siblings and he was 60 when Noah died. Abram being the youngest, Noah probably mentored him and talked to him about God. Noah shared with Abram how God spoke to and guided him to building the Ark, the history about Eden, the Great Flood, his 3 sons, Ham, Japheth, Sham, and their descendants. He wanted Abram to have a sense of his history and where he came from, and how God will provide for you if you listen to Him and follow His guidance.

    Ham’s descendants (Genesis 10:6-30)

    Ham begat Cush (Ethiopia/Sudan), Mizraim (Egypt), Phut (Libya), and Canaan (Palestine/Israel)

    Cush begat Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabtecha, Dedan, Nimrod

    • Nimrod built kingdoms in the land of Shinar called, Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh

    • Nimrod migrated to Asshur (land of the Assyrians) and built the city of Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah and Resen a great city between Nineveh and Calah

    Mizraim begat Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim, and Caphtorim

    Canaan begat Sidon, Heth, the Jebusite, the Amorite, the Girgasite, the Hivite, the Arkite, the Sinite, the Arvadite, the Zemarite, and the Hamathite

    • The border of the Canaanite was from Sidon, Gerar, Gaza, Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and Lasha

    Phut begat: unknown

    God was not looking to create a black, brown, tan, or white man. He made your body with the ability to adapt to the environment you live in. This adaptation is not instant, it occurs over generations. The environment you live in over generations will determine the pigmentation of your skin tone, and the physical features of your body. Those who live within 35º above or below the equator live within a region that receives a high penetration of the sun’s UVR, ultraviolet rays. The higher the UVR, the temperature increases, and the body protect itself from the UVR by producing melanin.

    The sun’s ultraviolet rays will stimulate cells called melanocytes to produce brown pigmentation called melanin. Melanin is the main coloring factor of the skin. It protects the body from ultraviolet rays from the sun and gives the skin a tanned complexion. When melanin is present in the body, the skin color will range from tan to black. The absent of melanin in the body will result in the skin pigmentation turning to a milky white color. A person with no melanin in their body, who is exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, will result in their body looking pink from sunburns. Look at the map below to see the region within 35º above or below the equator.


    As the body adapts to its environment within this area, the amount of melanin in the body will become part of a person’s genetic code. When people of different amounts of melanin mingle and produce a child, that child will have the genetic makeup of both parents. If one parent has a dark tone and the other parent has a pale skin tone, the child’s skin tone may appear in between the two parent’s skin tone. Sometimes one parent’s genes may dominate the other parent and the child’s skin tone will look like the parent with the dominant gene.

    The further north or south you are away from the 35º above or below the Earth’s equator, the more your skin pigmentation would become lighter. The closer you are to the North or South Pole area of the Earth, the more your skin pigment would turn pale white. The people born with little to no melanin in their body are more apt to getting skin cancer if they are exposed to too much of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

    The Earth’s magnetic force field directs the ultraviolet rays over and under the earth. This causes little to no UVR from the sun to penetrate areas like the North and South Pole. As the ultraviolet rays meet the Earth’s magnetic field and flow over the two Poles, this causes an aurora effect. When the aurora occurs, you may see a spectrum of colors of green, blue, and yellow flowing in the sky, creating a light show. A stronger force of ultraviolet rays from the sun, flowing against the magnetic force filled with the Earth, will produce a red or purple within a spectrum of colors. The magnetic field flowing around the center of the Earth’s equator is unable to redirect the flow of the UVR away from the Earth. Therefore, the center of the Earth, around the equator, receives more direct force and penetration of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

    God knew to create the planets as a sphere, with a magnetic field surrounding it. If the Earth were to turn flat, then the magnetic field would not keep the sun’s ultraviolet rays from penetrating more of the Earth. The glaciers of ice in the arctic would melt and the water on the Earth would evaporate. Water is the key element for sustaining plant life, animal life and human life on earth. Without water, life on Earth eventually would not exist. More desert land will form around the Earth because of the strong heat from direct penetration of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

    The environmental factor after Noah’s three sons migrated into their different regions would explain why there is a difference in their pigmentation. When they lived in Eden close to the equator, they were exposed to a large penetration of the sun’s UVR. They all had a dark brown to a black skin complexion because of the melanin that developed in their body. We cannot identify the descendants of Noah’s children as people of different races because they are from the birth seed of Noah, born in the land of Eden near the equator. If we look to distinguish the differences between the three groups of the descendants of Noah, we must look at their environmental and cultural differences.

    Adaptation to the environment occurs in pigmentation and physical features. Researchers found that the noses of people who live in areas that are dry and cold adapt by becoming narrow. This allows less air to come into the body, protecting the lungs from frost in cold temperatures. In areas that are hot and humid, researchers found that people tend to have wider noses. This allows more air to come into the lungs because of the high level of humidity. In addition, their hair has tight curls, which allow the body to hold in moisture keeping the body from losing sweat.

    A documentary called The Face of Jesus was created by the History Channel to examine the burial cloth that covered the body of Jesus. Researchers were curious about the cloth because it had a facial image embedded on the cloth. These researchers believed that this facial image was the face of Jesus. Below are two photos of the burial cloth that contains the facial image. If you look

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