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Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems
Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems
Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems
Ebook84 pages35 minutes

Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems

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Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems follows my journey from Israel to cleaning stalls at a horse barn in North Carolina. The poems range from free verse images such as Barn smell: scents from the Ark to sonnet rhymes like But this childs beating heart / alters Roman policy from the start. The poems reflect the geography of Palestine and the political tensions between the occupation of the Roman army and the messianic faith of Jerusalem. The poems chart the making of a poet as I explored the incarnational history that surrounds the biblical narrative whose characters inhabit the place of Bethlehem.

From The Magis Epiphany
In the end a child brought us down to earth,
The old abstractions fell apart in Bethlehem.
What I once knew by dream, I now know by proof.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 5, 2014
Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems

Kemmer Anderson

Kemmer Anderson, a graduate of Davidson College, has for years taught Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad at McCallie School, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. In 1991 while studying for a M.A. at St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland, he learned about Palamedes from Plato’s dialogues. Since that time he and his wife Martha have wandered through Greece in pursuit of his story. The author of 2 poetry books, Wing Shadows Over Walden Ridge and Songs of Bethlehem: Nativity Poems, he continues to work on series of essays: Milton at Monticello.

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    Songs of Bethlehem - Kemmer Anderson

    Copyright © 2014 by Kemmer Anderson.

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    Rev. date: 12/02/2014






    Bus To Bethlehem



    A New Creation



    Mary’s Grace

    Incarnation Of Love


    Incarnate Sound

    Poem Measures For Mary

    Incarnation Creed

    Incarnation History

    The Epiphany Window

    The Swaddled Sign

    Incarnate Vision

    Gabriel’s Christology

    My Muse With Angels Sing

    The Alabaster Flask

    Crèche Angels

    Bethlehem Song

    Narrow Gate

    Christ’s Nest

    Inn Sight

    Birth Of A Priest

    A Bethlehem Shepherd

    Zeke, The Shepherd’s Dog

    A Shepherd From Bethlehem

    Stable Light

    The Shepherd Of Doubt

    Olive Tree Psalm

    Bethlehem Road


    The Innkeeper’s Story

    Christ Time

    The Song Of Simeon

    Epiphany 2014

    The Star

    The Magi’s Epiphany

    Holy Innocents

    Escape To Egypt


    The Scribe’s Tale

    Christ’s Amnesty

    The Magi Of Peace

    Just Light

    Christmas Eve Candle

    Advent 1917

    Cave Light

    Madonna Number 5

    Destin Bethlehem

    Haitian Epiphany

    Hebron 1994

    Bullet From Bethlehem

    Bethlehem: 2002

    Christmas Hope

    Sailing For Patmos

    The Scribe Prochoros Addresses The Evangelist


    Thanks to editors for publishing the following poems:

    Christian Century: Sailing for Patmos, Hebron 1994; Poetic Page: The Magi’s Epiphany Madonna Number 5; Sharing: Bus to Bethlehem, Olive Tree Psalm; Davidson Journal: Bethlehem 2002.

    Other poems have appeared in the Wesleyan Advocate, Time of Singing, and Lutheran Journal.

    The cover art THE VISIT OF THE MAGI an original painting by (c) Suzy Baggett for the Stations of Nativity at St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Ooltewah, Tennessee.

    Bus to Bethlehem

    Let us go now even unto Bethlehem (Luke 2:15).

    In the early morning my wife and I rushed through the Old City of Jerusalem to the Damascus Gate. At the place of the skull, Golgotha stared over the Arab bus station with empty sunken eye sockets.

    Martha and I ran across the black pavement of a jammed bus parking lot that echoed with goat bells and bus horns. The smells of the Mideast market mixed with the stench of carbon monoxide fumes. Bus number 22 was a gray GM school bus with peeling green paint and white Arabic letters. Price: 15 shekels.

    The old bus wound out of Jerusalem through the Judean Hills of sheep, olive trees, and limestone. The bus rumbled from side to side in iambic pentameter. I am going to write Jesus the best Christmas poem ever, I think.

    During eight years of stable work in North Carolina and Tennessee, I prepared my heart to see Bethlehem. On Sunday

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