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Braids of Forbidden Trinity: A Journey in a Land Ruled by Religion, Politics, and Sex
Braids of Forbidden Trinity: A Journey in a Land Ruled by Religion, Politics, and Sex
Braids of Forbidden Trinity: A Journey in a Land Ruled by Religion, Politics, and Sex
Ebook211 pages2 hours

Braids of Forbidden Trinity: A Journey in a Land Ruled by Religion, Politics, and Sex

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There is a land, far away and mysterious,
A land filled with antiquities and statues,
A land of secret parties and strong women.
It is a land of continuous war and
outstanding celebrations!

A land that Lama wrote about :

"Imagine if I kissed you secretly
Then whispered to you:
Dont tell anyone!
Do you like the tale?
And imagine if you walked away,
with your kiss, like a curse:
Sleeping no more,
Eating no more,
Drinking no more,
Fishing for the sound of the kiss
And once upon a poem, on a night of
a full treason, I abandoned you.
What would you do?
Now that you are the (hostage) of a kiss!
You ask me:
Why do you write about love, are you amorous?
Do you know that I kissed home secretly?
Do you know that home is (hostage)
to numerous kisses,
And treason is not a habit of the yearning?"
Release dateDec 10, 2014
Braids of Forbidden Trinity: A Journey in a Land Ruled by Religion, Politics, and Sex

Lama Muhammad MD

Lama Muhammad, MD Syrian poet, author, and dermatologist. The author of All What Left from the Sea. She lives in New Mexico.

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    Braids of Forbidden Trinity - Lama Muhammad MD

    Braids of



    A Journey in a Land

    Ruled by Religion,

    Politics, and Sex

    Lama Muhammad

    Translated by: Ibtihal Mahmood


    Braids of Forbidden Trinity

    A Journey in a Land Ruled by Religion, Politics, and Sex

    Copyright © 2014 Lama Muhammad.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-5113-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-5114-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-5104-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014955132

    iUniverse rev. date: 12/04/2014


    Short Braids

    The language of God


    A Gypsy and a Home

    Another Dance

    Ms. Brown Braid




    That is How We Regress

    For the Price of Hope

    Decadron is not for Derrières.. Neither is the Revolution

    Another Harlotry

    Aquatic Times

    The Desecration of the Sacred


    Peace Be Upon You

    Idols and Sects


    A Secularist

    We The Scattered


    The Raisin Rules

    O Nation in Water

    What Should I Tell You, Little One?

    The Karma of Hate


    No One is Perfect but Kermit the Frog

    Why Do Men Marry Prostitutes?

    Letters to God

    Do not Take Your Religion from (Nurseries)

    Sexual Secrets

    Secret No. 1: The Trinity

    Secret No. 2: Excuses

    Repression and Sex

    Pain Has A Threshold

    A Sad Secret

    Secret of the Lunatic

    Freedom of opinion!


    Non-Souvenir Photographs!

    Sexual Obsession

    IVF Babies

    Your Honor, Your Idol

    Your Honor, Your Idol 2

    About the Author

    Short Braids

    By: Lama Muhammad

    To Grandchildren with no grudges………

    Me and my shadow and hundreds of small dreams between medicine and writing, tried to find a strong bridge between the two that won’t take my passion for either one of them.

    This book is my dancing with words in both worlds!

    If you want to take a journey in a land ruled by Religion, Politics and Sex, this is the book for you.

    Many thanks to the strong woman and outstanding translator Ibtihal Mahmood for translating this book from the arabic.

    The language of God

    If I knew the language of God," I would accost him

    And go too far in my miserere

    Tell him about those who monopolize heaven,

    Every tongue that killed a dream,

    Every little girl, like an oblation, wedded to sex,

    About every sin forgiven by Hajj ¹ and Tawaf ²

    We are all infidels, if sanity was heresy:

    Man is now accused of being anti God in every word he utters, or any action he takes. As if the war today is between heaven and earth!

    Wake up, people of war.

    War is earthy… Earthy, which heaven disavows

    You, representatives of God, wage it against metaphors, eloquence, media, art, literature, aliens, and everything ever said about love and peace.

    God needs no guardians.

    God is greater than all religions, he is above all wars. And you have no right, and no grounds to monopolize the stairway to heaven.

    Stand at the doors of Western embassies, curse globalization and (Facebook), then force As-Salamu Alaykum ³ on those around you; I don’t know what peace you’re talking about!


    If I knew the language of God, I would scream in my Awrah ⁴ voice,

    "All tyrants of the earth annihilate a revolution.

    Religion’s outriggers have extinguished a revolution

    With threats… Defamation… Terrorism

    Tore down a home, and built up borders

    And sorrow turned into the only home

    where all men are equal



    R’s… Gh’s… and Dh’s.

    In sadness, teeth of the comb are true

    And all the hair in the world won’t be kempt

    If forcefully veiled."

    We are all infidels, if religions are hued with feuding sects;

    It doesn’t matter what idol, when home, in entirety, is a sacrifice.

    Fools always wait for the dragon to grow, and then they demand gallantries to slay it.

    The statues of Al-Ma’arri ⁵ and Taha Hussein ⁶ became headless, and know-it-all heads are disgraced.

    They say, you won’t hear the bullet that kills you, and that is a recurring mistake in times of blind repetitions.

    The bullet that will kill you and your grandchildren has long-windedly sung before you, while you yourself, Mr. sectarian, sang its praises, and applauded its tyranny. Therefore, simpletons will not keep quiet any longer: No to terrorism under a cover claiming piety and freedom, when it is, in fact, clear of life and morality.

    We, simpletons, from the holy gulf ⁷ of Takfir ⁸ to the ocean ⁹ of forbidden thought, are distinguished from the whole universe by our proficiency in creating hope. We will burst our words in your misanthropic sects and turbans.

    Then, and only then, we will ascend above humanity, and man is the only one who revolts.


    If I knew the language of God," I would relax a little,

    Cry a lot,

    And announce the establishment of a human."

    We are all Kaffirs ¹⁰, if faith is measured by your reporting of half-truths:

    Honor, in some way, is to stand by the revolution against injustice, regardless of the offender’s identity,

    To stand neutral in a civil war,

    And to always stand by the poor children of home against merchants of religion and oil.


    The language of God is heard in stances; in love,

    Which doesn’t resemble the narrator.

    Whoever speaks for god

    Will be stoned, and denounced from the belief of the ancestors."

    We are all Kaffirs, if the way to Allah passes through bushes of beards:

    -The distant compass doesn’t point in the right direction. How, then, do we know it is correct?

    - If you like half of it, curse the other half.

    Your enemy will then like what you’ve reviled, and curse what you’ve liked. Then the two of you can start a vehement campaign against the author.

    Feb 2013

    Takbir ¹¹

    Imagine if I kissed you secretly

    Then whispered to you:

    Don’t tell anyone!

    Do you like the tale?

    And imagine if you walked away, with your kiss, like a curse:

    Sleeping no more,

    Eating no more,

    Drinking no more,

    Fishing for the sound of the kiss

    And once upon a poem, on a night of a full treason, I abandoned you.

    What would you do?

    Now that you are the (hostage) of a kiss!

    You ask me:

    Why do you write about love, are you amorous?

    Do you know that I kissed home secretly?

    Do you know that home is (hostage) to numerous kisses,

    And treason is not a habit of the yearning?


    First Takbir:

    - How could you argue with me while you live in America, the land of the faithless?

    - Did you know America follows the motto In God We Trust, seen even on your (dollars)? It is also a motto on the flag of the State of Florida.

    - Then why did you object to displaying the phrase Allahu Akbar ¹² on the Syrian flag?

    - Ha! Simply because the motto in America works for any religion. It was essentially taken from the national anthem. It doesn’t refer to a certain religion. Moreover, I don’t even know why the Syrian flag needs to be changed, or who’s pushing to change it.

    When they began, demonstrations carried the original flag. Therefore, I think whoever is behind the proposed change is part of a plan to split the people into two in everything: In faith, military, flag… That is how the country is wiped out and home is overthrown.

    - Secular balderdash! You object here, why don’t you go and object to using the name of God in America?

    - Why can’t you believe that the majority in America believe in God?

    - So if they bear a motto, should we believe them? Actions speak louder than words.

    - Great… (Bravo)… Indeed, mottos don’t reflect truths. Just remember that the American motto has faced objections from many atheists, and none of them was slaughtered or opposed.

    Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, where women are classified as a different species somewhere between plants and humans, if not animals, following a slogan that suggests one particular religion, no (Muslim) dares to object to the motto’s unrecognition of women as human beings with full rights.

    - Are you comparing America to Saudi Arabia? The land of infidels to the land of pilgrims! Are you insane?

    - Insane, you say. Okay… Anyway:

    It is a long trip from America to Saudi Arabia. Light-years of God’s love. Here’s a tip: Do not turn the word God into an idol.

    The above was part of a conversation an old friend shared with me. Now, the question is: Has the Arab Spring fully blossomed into Islam?

    Spring has always been misshapen and short-lasting.

    From the ocean of gas to the gulf of oil, I don’t remember folks making anything of spring more than a few transitional days that separated hypothermia and hyperthermia.

    As for nature, sing without reserve:

    Slums replaced forests.

    Hissing of Takfir superseded chirruping of birds

    Detention centers replaced real libraries

    Veils – mental rather than of textile – replaced humanitarianism.

    The sects of tombs took the place of hungry patriotism

    Trips to hell took over And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely ¹³

    Defamation of noblemen replaced And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek,…. The right cheek, offer also the other; the left cheek, by turning it to him, that he may smite that likewise. ¹⁴

    In short, my friends:

    Wordsmiths – in particular – are the ones who misshaped spring, since they were the ones who approved of its deformation.

    God is greater than all mutants who convey half-truths.


    Realistic Takbir:

    In this day and age, some of the greatest losses of our homelands are:

    Poets turned into politicians, authors turned into storytellers, but the clergy kept their profession.

    Do you know why the books of an outstanding pupil remain neat and tidy, while those of a slacking student are frayed, stained and worn out? Because the former looks after his books and uses them for studying only, and organizes his time so he could learn and excel. The latter, however, takes his books wherever he goes, and they end up in the kitchen, in bed, on top of the TV, and even on the toilet!

    That is how a book wears out while its owner remains a stranger to its content.

    This is also the case with religion. Most clergymen push religion through everything even into the kitchen, and definitely in bed, into the media, into TV, and in how to use the toilet.

    This is how religion is deformed while whoever claims to be its guardian has no idea what it – should – contain.

    Religion is not your dirty book, blockhead! It isn’t a one-size-fits-all dress that bestows morality over the debonair.

    There are religions out there as many as there are fingerprints. How could you personalize your relationship with somebody while your relationship with God is in standard size?

    God is greater than all clergymen.


    Eternal Takbir:

    An infidel: Isn’t the one who blasphemes, but the one who makes you do so.

    An infidel:

    Isn’t the one who blasphemes, because the essence of faith is a private matter, and a personal relationship with the Divine.

    An infidel:

    One who makes you renounce the religion that has splintered into sects; renounce the spokesmen of God who legitimize, prohibit, and send the innocent to hellfire. An infidel is one who makes you renounce whoever considers your mother to be half-sane, and your daughter an odalisque.

    An infidel is one who forgets your poverty, hunger, ailment, and humiliation, then assumes that your great grandfather’s grandfather was one of the grandchildren of "Abu Lahab." ¹⁵

    Numbskulls are those who hand over the keys to the future of their homes to (beards) and (tongues). The concept of blessing returns in a new suit, while deeds of forgiveness are now given by those who always had to (stand by the wall) ¹⁶ when you burnt your eyes out from studying hard.

    The Concept of Blessing:


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