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When Santa Goes to Church
When Santa Goes to Church
When Santa Goes to Church
Ebook86 pages16 minutes

When Santa Goes to Church

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Storytellers have long filled our imaginations with stories about Santa, Santas elves, Mrs. Claus, and Santas Christmas Eve trip. In fairy-tale land, it is no mystery that he, along with Rudolph and the rest of the reindeer, must have the busiest Christmas Eve night ever. After all, they are famous for going from town to town leaving gifts for good little girls and good little boys. Santa is a right jolly old fellow! Sometimes were told that he gets a plate of cookies for sliding down chimneys, or going through the back door, or whatever his entrance may be.

Yes, fairy tales do what fairy tales are supposed to do; they take us on imaginary journeys. However, in this fairy tale about Santa, he remembers that Christmas IS NOT really about him. Do you know the real Christmas story? Well, in case you dont, and even if you do, come and follow Santa as he hears the real Christmas story, which is NOT a fairy tale. It is the story about the Greatest Gift in the whole wide world! Do you know who He is?
Release dateSep 30, 2014
When Santa Goes to Church

Sonja Grimsley Fambro

Sonja earned her B.A. degree with honors from Albany State University in Albany, Georgia. Later, after attending the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, she received her teaching certificate from the State of Florida. As an educator, she taught English in the Continuing Education Program for Norfolk Public Schools in Norfolk, Virginia. After returning to Florida, Sonja taught Business English at CareerCom School of Business in Jacksonville. Sonja is a multitalented writer whose literary works have intrigued audiences for the past several years. She writes plays, songs, essays, speeches, short stories, and poetry. Her poems entitled “Foolish, Bold, Prejudice” and “Operator, Get Me Jesus” have been published in anthologies. For two consecutive years, 1994 and 1995, Sonja received the Editor’s Choice Award for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry which was presented by the National Library of Poetry. Her poem, “The Church in the ‘Hood,” is a favorite among her friends. She has often been applauded for her inspirational speaking and her gospel plays, including Nobody, but Jesus. Sonja is also the author of another children’s book entitled "When Santa Goes to Church". Additionally, she has plans for another project which will be on the market in the near future. In addition to writing, Sonja enjoys teaching, reading, spending time with her family, and traveling with her husband, Lewis. They have traveled extensively throughout the United States and to Canada, Mexico, Israel, and Europe. Sonja and her husband currently live in Dallas, Georgia.

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    When Santa Goes to Church - Sonja Grimsley Fambro

    2014 Sonja Grimsley Fambro. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 9/27/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4204-3 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.





    to Church

    Written by           Sonja Grimsley Fambro

    Illustrated by           Charlie W. Fambro


    With all my love, I dedicate this book to my grandchildren: James (Tre’), Ronald (R.J.), Trenise, Devin, Naterra, Dariel, and Shanae and my great-grand, Ayden. Hopefully, this publication will encourage them to say within themselves,

    I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

    (Philippians 4:13)


    I am so grateful to my husband, Lewis, for his love and his support. Additionally, special thanks go to my mother, Minister Delois Miller, my dad, Wilmon Grimsley, and my daughters, Tamila Freeman and Terria Nesmith for encouraging me to follow my dream. Furthermore, I thank Charlie Fambro, my illustrator/brother-in-law, for using his artistic gift on this project. Additional kudos go to my grandson, James (Tre’) Parker, for sharing his computer expertise. I

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