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A Winter's Love
A Winter's Love
A Winter's Love
Ebook253 pages4 hours

A Winter's Love

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The story begins in the small Western town of Duncanville, located in Southern California, where two friends, Doc and Jennifer, are remembering both good and bad times. They recall the easy times and the hardships of her father Carls life. Carl was a rancher and a businessman, well-respected by anyone that knew him.

It is a story of how the love and compassion between Doc and Carl made them such great lifelong friends and how Jennifer became part of a family much larger than her own. It is a love story of best friends always being there for one another through thick or thin.

It is a story about how one person can have an impact on so many peoples lives. Even if it is a simple good morning, you have affected a life, even if you do not realize it.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 1, 2014
A Winter's Love

Jeremy Carlson

I was born in a small county, in northern Mississippi. I was one of many children born into the sharecropper family. I was raised in a Children’s Home in Ridgeland, Mississippi, where I attended elementary school and most of Junior high school. I was very athletic, playing whatever sport it was for that season, football, basketball, baseball and soccer. I was an A.A.U. boxer for a period of about a year. Later I went to High School in a small town near central Louisiana. Where I continued to play football and ran track.Later in life. I joined the U.S. Army.I have four beautiful children, two boys and two girls. I now reside in a small rural town just south of Abilene, Texas.

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    A Winter's Love - Jeremy Carlson

    A Winter’s Love

    Jeremy Carlson

    Copyright © 2014 by Jeremy Carlson.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014914946

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4990-6056-0

                    Softcover         978-1-4990-6058-4

                    eBook              978-1-4990-6057-7

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    I T ALL BEGAN in the fall of the mid 1800’s in southern Califo rnia.

    The Sun beamed down on the small-town like an overheated oven. It was unusually warm for late September. Although the wind was blowing pretty well that day, it was a strong wind and was not much of a relief from the sun’s heat.

    People were sitting on their porches drinking tea and whiskey as usual for this little one-horse town. As the town doctor walked down the street, the people whispered and gossiped. There was no significant secret that Carl Johnson was going to pass from this life to the next. That was not what caused the disturbance and talk around town; it was his 19-year old daughter, Jennifer.

    Jennifer Johnson was a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair. She stood around five foot eight, long legs, soft, gentle hands, and large perky bosoms. She was the jealousy of most women in town. She was exceptionally bright and well educated for that small-town.

    As the Doc stepped through the door, he is greeted with a nice cup of tea and a warm smile from Jennifer. The Doc looked up with sad eyes with concern on his weather-beaten face.

    How are you doing today Ms. Jennifer? He said with a cracking voice.

    I am doing fine today Doc, as well as can be expected, and you? She replied.

    I am good today, thank you for asking, Doc answered. Shall we go in and see him now?

    Jennifer answered Doc slowly, Yes sir, I guess we should.

    As they pushed the door open slowly, with a loud long creak.

    They stood in the doorway with the light from the sun shining through the window in the next room. The room was dark with the curtains pulled tightly closed and a faint lamp on the table beside the bed. The Doc slowly walked across the room and leaned over the side of the bed, placing his right hand on Carl’s forehead.

    He is burning up with fever today, Ms. Jennifer. Doc said.

    Jennifer answered fighting tears, Yes, I know.

    Doc fighting back tears of his own looked at Jennifer and replied, My dear Jennifer it will not be long now, I am afraid the cancer has taken him completely, all we can do at this point is wait patiently by his side.

    Carl and Doc were close friends and had been since the Doc first came to Duncanville about 30 years earlier.

    When the Doc first arrived on the stagecoach he was a fledgling, scrapping young man, and tall, he stood about six foot six inches. He was a skinny, dark haired man with soft white hands. He had hazel eyes that would draw your attention from his pale face. He stood straight, tall and regular. He did not slump in any way shape or form. No one would give him the time of the day, as the whole town had been going to the town doctor, Doc Jennings. Carl’s wife Clara had become ill that winter and bedridden. Carl sent for Doc Jennings, but he was out on a call out of town. Carl sent word by the neighbor’s son to bring the new doctor. The doctor came swiftly to Carl’s house and immediately began treating Clara.

    Doc, what is wrong with Clara?

    Doc replies, It is the fever, Scarlet fever. I have given her some medications that should help, but it is in the advanced stages.

    Doc stayed with Clara all-night without any sleep, wiping her head with a cool cloth to help ease her mind. As the sun began to rise above the mountaintops to the east of town; Clara began to speak, May I have a glass of cold water, I am thirsty. She said in a low whisper.

    Doc poured her some water from the pitcher on the table beside the bed. Doc arose from the chair and walked to the next room. Entering the room, he said, The worst has passed, she should return to normal in a day or so, but make her take it easy for a while so not to have a relapse.

    Carl was so happy that Doc could help her that he told the young man. If there is ever anything you need let me know and I will make sure you get it.

    Carl walked Doc to the door, then told a ranch hand to bring the best milk cow on the site and make sure it gets delivered to the Docs place today.

    Doc being so grateful that he finally had a client refused the cow, commenting that it was payment enough just having Carl call on him.

    Carl would have no such thing. He demanded Doc get the cow and keep it for milk.

    Doc said, Carl, I stay at the Inn where would I keep a milk cow, I cannot afford to pay the stable.

    After that Carl would always ask Doc over for lunch on Sundays, after the morning services were over. They would cook chicken fried in bacon lard, fresh bread, or biscuits and tea. On festive occasions, they would have a turkey that had been fattened up.

    On a Sunday afternoon Carl, Clara and Doc gathered for dinner. Doc noticed that Clara was not herself and seamed to be a little weak.

    Doc asked, Are you feeling okay? You look a little tired and flush on the face.

    Doc turned to Carl and with a look of joy said he would like to examine Clara. Carl without saying a word nodded his head agreeing.

    The Doc and Clara walk slow back toward the house chatting about things like there was not a concern in the world. Once inside Doc asked Clara to undress and began to examine her. First he checked the neck and throat, then worked his way down to her breast. He then started to squeeze and manipulate them gently; the firm nipples began to expand to meet his caress. Then Doc asked if they were sore or tender. Clara replies yes, just a little. At that time, Doc reached into his bag and removes the stethoscope. He began listening to her lungs, breathe in and out slowly for me Clara he said softly.

    As she took deep breaths, he began to move the listening towards her stomach.

    Suddenly, Doc takes two steps backwards and yells loudly.

    Carl, come quickly.

    Carl sprang from the table knocking his plate to the ground and took off running towards the house. Fearing the worst may have happened Carl ran through the door yelling, Clara, Clara.

    Without even thinking, Carl immediately asked, Doc, what is wrong with my Clara? Is she going to be alright? Is she okay?

    Doc with a large grin on his face turns to Carl and says, "Listen to this!

    Do you know what that is you hear? It is a child. Clara is pregnant."

    Carl standing there amazed that Clara is going to have his baby no one thinks to tell Clara that she may get dressed now. Carl reached into the cupboard, brings out an old bottle of whiskey, and pours him and Doc a drink. Stuttering says, Doc I am going to have a baby.

    Clara standing there nude, still uncomfortable quietly says, Doc, would it be okay if I get dressed now?

    Doc and Carl’s eyes turn to Clara and start laughing like two men just released from the insane asylum, take another shot of whiskey. Doc says giggling, Sure Clara get your clothes back on, and go finish your meal. After all, you are eating for you and the child now.

    Clara gets dressed and goes out the door slamming it hard. Doc looks at Carl and says being a smarty, You will be getting a lot of that from now. She will have mood swings, one minute she will be happy, and the next minute she will be crying.

    They stayed there at the kitchen table drinking that bottle of whiskey and laughing till way into the night.

    Doc stood up and grabbed his bag and hat and started walking to the door staggering. Still laughing from the whiskey mumbles I think I can manage. Carl burst out a loud hearty, laugh tipping his chair over, and falling on the floor. Hell, I cannot even sit in my chair. He says.

    Carl staggering to his feet manages to get to the front door. While shaking Docs hand he asks, if he will stop by in the morning to discuss some things of importance. They walk to the stables. Doc says, he will be there, but not in the A.M. He knows, he will not be feeling well. He is happy to be the one to tell his dearest friends they are going to have a baby.

    As they reach the stable. Doc grabs the reins on his horse, then starts to walk him. He tells Carl that he thinks he ought to walk the horse home and not fall off and make a fool of himself.

    The next day Doc shows up about two in the afternoon still walking his horse. Carl spots Doc coming down the road walking the horse and yells, How’s the head, Doc?

    It feels like ole Bess kicked me in the head then stepped on me, ha. He yells back.

    Carl stopped what he was doing, and yelled at a ranch hand, to go fetch Doc’s horse. Carl met Doc and began talking of things going on around the ranch. Carl asks Doc to walk to the creek with him. As they walked toward the creek, Carl says, Doc, we have been friends for many years now. I was wondering if you would do me the honor of accepting three cows, and a couple of chickens?

    Doc says, Three cows?

    Carl replies, Yes, three cows-two breeders and a slaughter cow; so you can have enough meat to last you through the winter.

    Doc, Sure, however, I hardly think it is necessary to do so. I have no idea how to slaughter a cow nor have I earned it.

    Carl laughing says, How about we slaughter the cow for you? We are friends and I wish to give this to you. It has nothing to do with you earning it. Hell, I consider you to be not just a friend but part of my family.

    Doc, Well, I know better than to argue with you on anything you hardheaded thing. What does Clara think of this?

    Carl replies, Last night Clara and I had a talk about things that we hold dear to us. Since, that day, in the rain you came to our house; when Clara had the fever, you have been here every Sunday with us at lunch. We consider you as part of our family. So we want to make sure you have all you need to make it through the winter months. We have always turned to you, and you have always taken care of us. Never once have you not been there for us.

    Doc thinking hard says, Well, you were my first patients here, and it is impolite to turn down an invite for lunch or dinner. Besides, when I first came to these parts, I did not know anyone nor did anyone trust me to check them. After me seeing you that night word spread and now I see many town folks.

    Carl with his heads down laughing and giggling kicks a rock and says, You sure do not pay much attention to your surrounding do you? Are you still renting that motel room there in town from Ms. Hattie?

    Yes, I am still there and what are you talking about? Doc asked.

    Carl laughing even harder now points up on the hillside across the creek at a small two room house sitting on the hill. Since you took my cows and chickens you will need a place to raise them so Clara, I and my ranch hands built you this house. So you will have a place to call your own and enjoy some quiet living with five acres. Carl says.

    Doc standing there cannot believe his eyes or ears. "Are you giving this to me?

    We just found out yesterday she was pregnant, I do not understand.

    You are like a brother to me and Clara, and we wanted to make sure you had things you could call your own. Besides, Doc, you would not have that far to walk on Sunday for lunch, and will not fall off the horse in a stupor. Carl replies.

    Doc grateful with tears in his eyes shakes hands with Carl and immediately says, Let’s go see Clara.

    They turn and walk up the hill back towards the house. Doc with tears rolling down his face and an enormous smile on his face, so glad he cannot contain the laughter in his heart.

    Carl full of joy and happiness for Doc says, There is one more thing, but I will let Clara tell you when we get to the house. The bottle of whiskey is still on the table.

    Doc cannot contain himself now. He takes off running toward the house like a teenager hooping and hollering all the way there.

    Clara meets them on the front porch and tells Carl, I am guessing he likes the house and the idea of his own place.

    Before Carl could answer, Doc yells, Ah, hell yes I do! I thank you both, so much.

    They go inside the house and sit at the table with Clara sitting on Carl’s lap, with her arms around his neck. Clara pours the men a stiff drink of whiskey.

    Doc raises his glass and says, To good friends.

    Carl raises his glass and says, Oh, shit no! You mean to family.

    Clara still sitting on Carl’s lap smile a loving smile and whispers something in Carl’s ear. Carl puts on a grin, a beam of pure deceit.

    Several drinks later, while laughing and carrying on like a bunch of schoolkids, Doc looks at his pocket watch and jumps up from the table, grabs his hat. I have to go. The hardware store is about to close, and I need to get furniture for my new home. Doc explains.

    Clara burst out in laughter; He sure is slow to be educated is he not?

    Carl replies, Yes, he sure is. Hell we were at that damn creek for 30-minute and he never noticed the new house on the hill.

    Clara starts laughing even harder, she then turns to Carl and gives him a loving kiss slipping her tongue into his mouth. Carl responds by returning the kiss. Pulling away Carl says, Clara, I think you better tell him before he breaks his neck trying to get back to town in time.

    Clara says, Yes, I think you are right. Doc sit down there is more and then we will all go to town together in the wagon if you do not mind; we have something there to show you also.

    Doc has a seat expecting something unpleasant. He was nervous as a tom cat caught with his head in the milk glass.

    Doc reaches over and grabs the whiskey bottle and pours everyone another round of booze, making himself a double.

    Clara says, Carl wanted me to be the one to tell you, so I guess I better tell you now. The house is completely equipped with everything you need already.

    Doc, surprised by the news, almost choked on his whiskey. Overcome with joy Doc jumps up from the table and says I can never repay y’all for your kindness to me.

    Carl and Clara without thinking at the same time reply, You are family to us and we wanted to do this for you, you owe us nothing.

    Clara asked Carl, Will you come and help me get ready to go to town?

    Carl jumps up from the table and runs to the bedroom to help Clara.

    They close the door. Carl begins to remove Clara’s blouse in a hurry, because it was getting late in the evening. They had a long way to go before they made it to town. Carl without thinking and tipsy from the whiskey begins kissing the back of Clara’s neck as he wraps his hands around her waist. Carl pulls her tight up against him. She can feel his manhood pressing against her buttocks. She closes her eyes and relaxes as he begins to fondle her breast, massaging them and pulling at the firm nipples. She starts to moan, when she feels his manhood growing harder and larger. She is beginning to feel her crouch getting wetter, and quickly pulls away from him.

    Clara says, We can not do this right now we are in a hurry. Now, help me.

    Clara quickly gets her clean blouse on and heads for the door. Doc is standing outside at the wagon. Doc and Carl hold out their hands to help Clara up onto the wagon. Carl steps up on the wagon while Doc goes around to the other side of the wagon, and has a seat. As they reach town Clara tells Doc, Close your eyes and do not open them until we say you can. You understand me, Doc?

    Doc nodding his head replies, Yes ma’am. I hear you and understand what you are saying.

    On the far end of town, way down from the motel where Doc was living, the wagon stops.

    Clara tells Carl, Well get down and help him down, Honey. Doc you better have those eyes closed still.

    Carl gets out of the wagon and helps Clara down they walk around the back of the wagon. Once beside Doc they take his hand and help him down from the wagon. They take just a few steps forward and tell Doc to open his eyes.

    Doc opened his eyes to see a small three room building. The front room, where people come to see him, the next two rooms, are where he could see his patients. Doc began to feel so overwhelmed by what he was seeing, that his knees began to collapse, and he almost fell.

    Clara laughing as Carl tried to keep Doc up says, I knew you two drank a lot last night, but I did not think you drank that much today.

    Doc so grateful to Clara and Carl leaned over and gave them both a long hard, hug.


    S UDDENLY DOC BREAKS away and takes off running for the motel. Halfway down the street he turns and yells, Meet me at my motel room, I have a surprise for you.

    Carl and Clara get back on the wagon and proceed down the street to the motel. Doc waits for them at the door of the motel. He takes them in up the stairs to the last room at the end of the banister. He opens the door.

    Would you please come in and join me? He asked.

    Clara replies to him, We surely will Doc.

    When Doc turns around and says, Hang on for a moment I forgot to get glasses.

    Before they could say a word Doc was out the door running down the stairs yelling, Ms. Hattie, Ms. Hattie will you please come and join us, and I need four glasses please.

    He ran back up the stairs as fast as he had run down them. He shoves the door open saying, She will be here in a moment.

    Ms. Hattie standing in the doorway with four crystal glasses from the bar replies, Who will be here in a moment?

    Doc turning to face Ms. Hattie says, You of course. Why are you standing in the door? Come on in, close the door, we have been waiting on you.

    Ms. Hattie steps into the room, and hands Doc the glasses which he hands out to everyone. Doc digs down into the bottom of an old trunk he has stashed in the corner. Here, it is. I knew it was here. He mumbles pulling a bottle of vintage champagne from the bottom of the trunk. He pours everyone a glass and raises his glass.

    My grandpa gave me this bottle when I left to school to be a doctor. He said I would know the right time to open it. It has been eight long years in the waiting. A toast to the family, May all things go our way. Doc says with a large grin on his face. Everyone takes a swallow.

    Ms. Hattie a bit confused had a puzzled look on her face asks, What is going on? Family, what are y’all talking about?

    Doc without thinking wraps his arms around her waist lifting her off the floor, kissing her on the cheek

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