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Sick Puppy
Sick Puppy
Sick Puppy
Ebook1,014 pages19 hours

Sick Puppy

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About this ebook

Sick Puppy was not written for an individual with a queasy stomach. It includes graphic sexuality, violence, and physical and mental abuse.

It is about a young college student, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, who happens to be an heir to a small fortune. Having grown up in the construction business with his father, he sets out on a business venture of his own, but things get in his way. Having been sexually molested as an adolescent, he becomes a narcissistic psychopath who relieves his tension by seeking out female victims along coastal lakeshore communities. He finds brutal ends to them all through his sick mind.

He continues with his storage unit business and becomes well-known in the construction business. But things keep getting in his way, and when an unforeseeable accident occurs, he flees the country with hopes of reuniting with his fiance in the islands of the Caribbean at a later date.
Release dateJan 8, 2015
Sick Puppy

Charles Denros

“Sick Puppy” is my first attempt at writing, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. If so, you’ll want to find out what happens next in “Sick Puppy II.” These books are truly part of my vivid imagination, and any similarities to anyone living or dead are purely coincidental. This is a book of pure fiction. I have always enjoyed writing, and after forty-plus years in the workplace, I retired and pursued my lifelong ambition—writing. I have written poetry since the mid-1980s and have compiled a small booklet and have a few of them copyrighted. I live in the Midwest with my wife and a combination of four daughters, eight grandchildren, and one great grandson. Those who have read this book have asked me if “Sick Puppy” refers to the character in the book or to the author. I just nod and smile.

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    Book preview

    Sick Puppy - Charles Denros


    R obert Paullis Sr. Had just passed away at the age of 70. It Was Aug 3 rd , 2001. His wife, Olivia had preceded him by eight months. Robert had been owner and CEO and had amassed a small fortune in the distributing business. He had one son, Robert J, and a lovely daughter-in-law, Laurie. Rob and Laurie had one son, Steven. They had some outstanding debt, and many charities. His net worth was in excess of one hundred million dol lars.

    McNesh, Wenz and Frazier law firm was chosen by Mr. Paullis to prepare this will three months after the death of his loving wife Olivia and includes all of her wishes from the previous will.

    On December 5th at 11:00am exactly, Larry McNesh introduced himself as well as his partners, Marc Bradley, from accounting and Nancy Elliot from book keeping.

    He began with "I’d like to express my sympathy to the family and friends of Mr. Robert Paullis Sr. We are gathered here this morning for the reading of his will, and distribution of his assets.

    Said assets are listed as 42 Distribution Centers, including inventory,

    Donations: As per Olivia’s request, Robert has seen to it that 25 million dollars be donated to the St. Mary’s Cancer Center. It was his hope that a new ward be built in the name of Olivia Paullis. Rob and Olivia also felt that the future of America depends on their education of our children so they have donated one million dollars to the University of Michigan and one million dollars to the Grand Rapids School Dist. 111. Olivia wished to continue supporting her church and one hundred thousand dollars has been donated to the Holy Christian Church of Grand Rapids.

    Total donations: $27,100,000.00

    The remaining balance of Robert and Olivia Paullis shall be given to their only two heirs; Robert Jr. shall receive the yacht Nadia and $50,000,000.00 in cash.

    The other remaining heir, Steven Paullis shall receive the luxury fishing boat Little B. Steven shall also receive the remaining balance of $33,598,800.00 in cash. This money is currently being set up in the 1st Lake Bank of Grand Rapids. It will be available in three working days.

    Any discussion or appeals, please call my office for an appointment.

    It was still summer and Steve had just graduated from Michigan Construction College. As usual, he was working with his dad because that’s what he was expected to do. With his Bachelor’s Degree from MCC, he had been made site supervisor, but he had other plans. He intended to finish the summer with Paullis Construction and then go out on his own. He had discussed this with his father and although Robert hated to lose the experience and knowledge his son had gained over the years, he certainly didn’t blame him and wished him well. Steve planned on doing the same work, but in a different area of construction. He wanted to build some storage units. The kind where there were about thirty of them that rent monthly for fifty dollars apiece. Steve told his dad he could not find any up near where he went to school, and a lot of other students complained. Usually, one person would find and rent one and a half dozen students would store stuff, he told his dad. Their turnkey, I build them and pay someone to sit in the office, and go back a couple times a month to check on things. Rob thought it was a good idea, but not to go build twenty of them right away, maybe two. Build one near MCC and maybe one near Michigan State.

    Today was a different story though; the other backhoe operator had not shown up. Today he was digging out a foundation in a new subdivision and it was harder since he had two dump trucks working with him. He’d fill one and while it went to dump there was another one waiting to be filled. That’s where the other operator came in at. It didn’t give Steve time to take a break. As usual, there were some younger kids from the neighborhood who like to sit off on the side and watch. Today there were three of them and they had a big sister or maybe the sitter with them. The older girl looked to be his age at least, maybe younger. Long blonde hair tied in a ponytail. She had shorts and a tank top on and was filling it out quite nicely. Cute little butt filled in those shorts too. He would have liked to talk to her, find out where she lived and went to school but these trucks were keeping him busy. Maybe later at break time he could sneak away. It was already afternoon so they should be taking a break soon. At 12:45 his dad showed up with sandwiches and cold drinks for everyone. Now was his chance. He grabbed a sandwich and four drinks and headed over to the kids and their charge. The closer he got the more familiar she looked. It was Rebecca, or Becky, who used to live down the street from them about 15 years ago. Hi Becky, remember me? Sure Steve, I’ve never forgotten you as she went out to meet him half way. She kissed him on the cheek along with a big hug, making sure to smash her breasts against his chest. Steven started, So how you been, what you doing Working, still in school? You married, are these yours? Whoa, said Becky. No, I’m not married and these are not mine, except maybe this one. Steve, this is Katherine, my sister. Steve bent down and took her hand, Hello Katherine, my names Steve. You like watching these machines? I like the yellow ones, she said. Becky explained that Her father had gotten transferred to another state about fifteen years ago, during rougher times, and just recently, had transferred back.

    Why don’t we catch up over dinner tonight? Pick you up at 7:00? Steve asked. Love to Steve, see you then. Steve was still on his knees with Katherine and Becky leaned down once again and kissed him on the cheek. Her tank top hung down exposing no bra and a lot of cleavage. Steve liked what she was showing him and smiled. She smiled back. Steve stood up and said, Good, Becky, looking forward to seeing you tonight, Seafood ok? She said That would be great. See you at 7:00, and kissed her quickly on the lips. He got to get back to work, and he waved as he walked away.

    Steve kept busy the rest of the day to make it go by faster. He hadn’t seen Becky in fifteen years and she certainly has grown up. He remembered the last time they saw each other, naked in the bathtub. But, he had more important things to think about now, like getting these trucks filled. It seems that’s all he did was move dirt, he wanted to build something. He knew those storage units would go over, because they were popping up all over. He’d be willing to bet that if he built some near marinas and public launches, that people would keep their boating equipment in them, rather than haul them back and forth from home. He would take the B out and check out Ports along the Shoreline to see what was around there. He knew he could rent them to boating and fishing enthusiasts. He could see four or five units on the Michigan side. Maybe in a few years, he could expand all across the lake, but he’d like to stay on the Michigan side. He would take his dad’s advice and start with a couple for the first year. Hell, 30 units at fifty dollars apiece are fifteen hundred a month. If he got two sights set up, that amount would just keep doubling. He could live off that, and use his inheritance for toys and play money.

    He was still filling trucks, and it was almost 2:00pm. He told the drivers that we were going to knock off at 3:00 so just plan on a couple more loads, then fill up their trucks on the way back. They were fine with this; it had been a long day.

    Steve’s mind returned to Becky. He could not believe how she’d grown up. I wonder what she did in college, what she majored in? How in the world can she still be single, from what he saw she was a beautiful young lady? So many questions, he had for her. This should be an interesting evening.

    Last load Steve, Steve said, tomorrow’s Friday, want to start about 5:00 and knock off about 1:30? Jason gave him a Thumbs Up and left to fill up for tomorrow. That had been one of Steve’s rules that his dad liked. Get things ready the night before so tomorrow morning, you’re all set to go. Michael, the other driver was all set and had stopped for gas on his way back already. See you at 5:00am, Steve. Jason came back a few minutes later all full for tomorrow and was set for 5 o’clock. See you then, he yelled at Steve. Steve and the men liked starting early to avoid some of the heat by midafternoon, they also like getting off around 2:00, so it worked out well. Steve learned that from his dad, Keep your men happy, they can make or break you." He couldn’t wait to hear why his other machine operator didn’t show up. Now it was time to go cleanup for dinner.

    Becky and Steve had gotten in trouble a long time ago when their mothers used to be friends. Her mom, Linda Mallo, and Steve’s mom used to get together when their husbands were working and chitchat or gossip over coffee for hours in the afternoon. Becky used to come along because they were kind of young to be left alone. They were both six. They used to play together out in the yard but on this one day it was raining so they were playing in his room. Next thing he knows she had to go to the bathroom and he asked if he could watch. They giggled a little and then she said sure, let’s go. They went into the bathroom together and she just took her shorts and panties down and jumped up on the toilet seat and next thing you know she was peeing into the toilet and he still didn’t know how or where it was coming from. She didn’t have a thingy like he did and he asked her. She said I don’t know it just comes from down there. Why, where does yours come from? Steve said Let’s get into the bathtub and I’ll show you. He thought it would be better that way. Next thing you know they were both naked in the bathtub looking at each other. They didn’t touch each other, and they were just looking. Then all of a sudden, Becky’s mom walks in and oh my God she starts screaming. Laurie came running in and as they got their individual child out of the tub. Becky’s mom kept yelling Did he touch you Becky and Steve’s mom was trying to settle the situation down saying For Christ’s sake Linda, they’re only six years old. What do you possibly think they could have done? All I know Laurie, is that son of yours is one Sick Puppy. My God Linda, do you realize how ridiculous you sound? I don’t even think the kids realized what they were doing was wrong, if it even was wrong. At their age I don’t think they even knew what they were doing and that this is all innocent. I don’t care Laurie, I’m still taking my Becky home right now and we’ll talk about this later Steve had picked up his clothing and gone back to his room just like nothing had happened. He had thought it was funny but, somehow, he didn’t think he’d heard the last of it. He knew his mom wasn’t finished with him and also knew that there would be more when dad got home. He really didn’t think that dad would be nearly this upset though. Becky’s mom was really upset as she practically drug Becky crying and screaming all the way home. Once they got in the house Linda sent her daughter straight to her room and told her To stay there until I come in there and to think about what you have done wrong. As Becky lay on her bed crying she honestly couldn’t figure out what it was that she had done that was so wrong. It must have just been that they were both in the bathroom at the same time. They weren’t really doing anything wrong.

    Meanwhile, her mother had called Laurie and sort of apologized and said I didn’t mean to throw a tantrum like I did, but I do think we should explain to the kids that what they did might not have been wrong, but it wasn’t something that they should be doing. Laurie agreed. They’re just kids and it’s normal for kids to be inquisitive. I say we just have a talk with them and set some boundaries. Can you imagine if they were teenagers? They both laughed, except Linda, who said, I would have killed him! All in all, Steve and Becky didn’t get in as much trouble as they thought they would. They got grounded, couldn’t play together until school started. Laurie chose not to tell Rob, there was no reason to get Steve in any more trouble and besides, Rob probably would have thought it was funny. It really didn’t matter because Greg, Linda’s husband, got transferred out east somewhere. It meant a promotion for Greg and the company bought their house here at above market value, and put them up in a condo out there until they found another house. It was a pretty sweet deal.

    Linda looked forward to the move, but the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Not only did they bring their old problems with them, they picked up some new ones out East. These new problems would almost destroy their marriage.

    Greg kept busy in his new job, too busy. He found himself working the same long hours. Becky was adapting to a new school and Linda kept busy with landscaping the yard. She had annuals growing in pots on the front porch and hanging baskets with vines growing. The back yard she built up a berm with perennials that took a few years but eventually filled in nicely.

    Eventually she tired of yard work and renewed her teaching license and began to substitute now and then. This simply gave her something to occupy her time without dirty and broken fingernails. It got her out in public, but she soon got in over her head.


    S teve had worn tan khaki pants with a dark blue, button shirt. He didn’t want to overdress, not knowing Becky’s situation. He picked her up at 7:00 and Nancy met him at the door, and if looks could kill. He didn’t think she cared for this little excursion Becky was going on. He would have to do some damage control because he didn’t think Linda liked him or liked Becky and him going out.

    Becky looked charming. She was dressed fancier than the restaurant he was taking her too. She had a little green dress on, over the left shoulder but then under the right arm. It was just at the knee and had some interesting holes in it. One in front, triangular shaped. It was straight across below the breast with the point going to where it was exposing her pierced belly button. The back had a nine inch hole between the shoulder blades. Her finger nails and toe nails were painted green and she had a green ribbon tying her hair in a ponytail. Steven said, Good evening Mrs. Mallo, shall we go Becky and he offered her his arm? He walked her down the sidewalk, telling her how Hot she looked, to his car and opened the door for her. She kissed him on the cheek and said, You think I’m Hot now, just wait till you bring me home."

    They pulled into the Bella Vita Bistro where Steve had called for reservations. The Maître Di met them at the reservation table, and took them straight to their table. He went through a list of specials and then suggested a house wine. Steve ordered an appetizer of Roasted Mushroom Crostini and said they’d order some wine with their meal. What do you think? I thought this was a Seafood place, but it looks pretty open. Becky ordered the seafood spaghetti and Steve ordered the salmon, when the waiter returned with the appetizer. The waiter suggested a White Chablis, 1992, and Steve agreed to that. They had a pitcher of water for starters as they dug into the mushrooms. It was served on toasted baguette with garnishments. It was quite tasty, they agreed. When their meal was served, Steve ordered another carafe of wine. The salmon was delicious, but the seafood spaghetti looked nasty, Steve thought. Becky swore she’d had it before and it was just right.

    Steve started the 21 questions with, You know pretty much what I’ve been up to and doing, what about you? Steve, I’ve been pretty active to. I graduated high school in Yorkville Pennsylvania and then went to a community college for two years for an Associate in Business Accounting, and then two more years for a Bachelors and a CPA. I haven’t really got a job, I’ve worked at a couple Income Tax places but those were seasonal. I’ve also done books for some small time businesses, but again, they were short term. So if you know of any businesses that you deal with, let me know. That’s good to know because I just might have something for you in six months or so, if you can wait that long. What about personal life? Ever married, anybody significant in your life? Steve asked. She smiled, Steve, right now you’re the only person significant in my life. Would you be interested in exploring the possibilities? Steve smiled back and said, I’d be interested in doing some research on that topic. They both agreed that was an interesting possibility. They continued with their meal and Steve suggested maybe one day this weekend they could take the boat out? Nothing fancy, just up and down the shoreline. Steve said. I’d love to go on Sunday, if that’s possible Becky said. I have to go back to Yorkville tomorrow for a wedding shower, but I’ll be home late Saturday. Steve said Sunday is great; I’ll pick you up around 10:30 am. You’ve never been on the Little B have you? Steve, I’ve never seen the, what you call it? My grandfather named her, they had the yacht and then this one was the Little Boat, so he named her Little B, I’ve made some changes since I got her, I think you’ll like them."

    The waiter came to collect their dishes and asked about dessert, to which they both declined. Becky did get a box for leftovers to take. She said they were for her mother. Steve gave the water his card and settled the bill, and Becky excused herself to use the restroom. Steve couldn’t help but watch her walk across the room, she looked gorgeous.

    Her breasts swayed when she walked and the hole in the back of the dress proved she wasn’t wearing a bra. He also couldn’t see any panty lines in that tight dress and cute butt. Yes, he would like to do some more research with her, and he smiled. When she returned, he escorted her out on his arm and was the envy of every man in there, and again he smiled. He took her home and walked her to the door and made plans for Sunday. Call me when you get home Sat, ok? he asked. He faced her and took both hands and said he’d enjoyed her company this evening. She leaned forward and kissed him full on the mouth with such a desire that it made his knees shake. Steve, you said I was hot when you picked me up? Well I’m so hot now my juices are running down my leg. I can’t invite you in here, can we go someplace? He kissed her on the cheek and said Let’s go, as he walked her back out to the car, this time with arms around each other. He opened her car door and she kissed him with another knee buckling kiss.

    He got in his side and started the car and headed out by the interstate. There were several motels there. How do you do that? Steve asked. Do what? Becky said, with a grin. Make my knees buckle and shake from just a kiss? he replied. She leaned across and kissed him on the cheek, resting her hand on his thigh and said, Because we both have the same desire, and it’s time for some of your research.

    They pulled into a local motel chain and Steve went in for the key. He parked in front of the room and practically carried Becky into the room; her arms were wrapped around him so tight. They got inside and Steve looked at her and smiled, Want to get naked in the bathtub he asked? Sounds interesting, she said, but right now I want you in my arms and walked over to him and threw both arms around him and kissed him deeply, buckling his knees again. She pressed her breasts against his chest and he could feel the hard nipples poking him. She ground herself against his crotch, feeling his hardness against her crotch. She started unbuttoning his shirt and practically tore it off. His hands went all over her dress but there was no zipper or buttons. She laughed as she started undoing his trousers and kissed him again. There aren’t any zippers or snaps Steve, just pull it over my head from the bottom. He looked at her and reached down and started pulling it up from the hem. When it got to the waist he discovered he had been right, she had no panties on. She laughed as he tried to pull the dress over her breasts, Yeah, they get in my way sometimes too. and she helped him take it over one at a time. Then there she was, stark naked with his pants undone and half way off his hips.

    He told her, This isn’t the Becky I remember in the bathtub. and laughed. Then she knelt and removed his pants and even his socks and pushed him onto his back on the bed. She crawled up onto him, straddling until she was right above him and reached down to and guided him into her. She started moaning and actually cried out when he bottomed out and she had all of him deep inside her. She leaned forward giving him access to her breasts and he wasted no time mouthing them and chewing on her nipples. She moaned at this too. Then she started raising off him only to go back into her depths and soon was bouncing up and down and taking him all the way in and out and riding him to fulfill her needs. Steven couldn’t keep track of her breasts as they bounced and swayed every which way. He lay back and enjoyed watching them bounce and her riding up and down as he tried to match her stroke for stroke. She was hot, wet, and nonstop bouncing against his crotch, just as her breasts were all over the place. Then she started to slow down, and just sit and grind. Her button rubbing just where she wanted it to, and she screamed and rocked on him and he felt the flood of juices and spasms she was having and he pinched both nipples and she screamed, Yessss, Steve, I’m ready. and started to convulse and she begged, Match me Steve please, I’m on fire, I need it, and Steve had been holding off until just this point and he pounded up into her and gave her what she needed. As their juices combined inside her she was having another spasm and he could actually see the reddish flush across her chest and neck as she ground herself and rocked back and forth until she simply collapsed onto Steven’s chest. He held her in his arms and felt her heart racing and her whole body quivering.

    After a few minutes, she rose up, kissed Steve briefly, and said, Wow, and then buried her head on Steve’s shoulder and started to cry. They woke up about three hours later, still naked, still in each other’s arms, but lying side by side with the bedspread partially pulled over them. They looked at each other, both smiling, and Steve asked What was that you said earlier, Wow? Becky kissed him on the lips and said I love you. Steve laughed and said That may have been one hell of an orgasm, but I think we need more research before we get to that point. Becky sat up and said Steve, I have loved you since back in the bathtub. Every man I’ve ever been with was you, in my mind anyway. I’ve waited fifteen years for this that’s why I laid my head on your shoulder earlier and cried. Research, yes, I’m willing to spend the next fifty years doing research with you. So get used to it, because I’m not going anywhere!

    Steve’s being inquisitive continued to progress but this time it wasn’t really his fault. After Becky’s Father’s job transferred him to another State and Becky moved away, he pretty much became a loner. He didn’t really show any interest in any of the other kids in the neighborhood. He was about 13 years old when a new family moved into the neighborhood. There were two brothers, Billy and Bobby Culver. They were the bully type and 15 and 17 years’ old. A few years’ older then Steve and they took an instant liking to him. He was an only child with no apparent friends.

    They caught up with him one day after school and invited him over. On the way, they asked him if he had ever gotten high. He said, I’ve never gotten high. They told him, We’re going to take care of that right now. As soon as they got to their house, they went out in the garage. Bobby said they had to smoke this out here so dad wouldn’t smell it in the house. As they smoked the first one, Steve could already feel the effects. Pretty good stuff isn’t it Steve Steve had to admit he liked it. One more and we’ll try something else Bobby said as he lit another. The three boys were really feeling the effects and the two brothers knew what was coming next. After the second one Steve was feeling all tingly and a sense of euphoria was setting in. ‘Feeling better now buddy’ and Steve said, I’ve never felt like this before. Bobby started rubbing his crotch through his jeans and Billy had already unzipped his pants. Why don’t you come over Steve and help me out? Steve was still feeling that electricity and tingly euphoric feeling and before he knew it, Steve had been molested by both of the Culver boys, and Steve was thoroughly confused. You did real good Buddy; we’ll have to do this again. You know, I think we’re going to be real good friends Steve.

    As Steve walked home, he was more confused than ever. He had mixed emotions. He was so inexperienced, he didn’t even know if it was right or wrong. It made him feel good, but it also left him with a painful knot in his stomach. Someday he would figure out a way to get rid of it. Kind of like the one he’d gotten with Becky, only hers wasn’t painful. He thought he’d liked the feeling he’d had with Becky more though. He might like to try it with Becky again, except that she had moved away. He didn’t think he wasn’t going to discuss this with his parents though.


    F riday morning came early and he met the crew at 5:00am. They worked well together and were able to knock off at 1:00pm. Steve had the rest of the day to himself. He could kill two birds with one stone. The Little B was ready with the modifications he requested, and he was going out. He left Grand Haven about 2:30pm Friday afternoon and headed North, up the shoreline. His first stop was Muskegon, which had a big harbor. Before getting there to dock, he stopped the Little B and covered up the bow and transom with the placards he had made up that said; On Going. He also turned off his GPS. He was covering his tracks, just in case.

    He idled in and docked where directed by the dock hands. They help him secure down and he tipped them five dollars. His grandpa taught him that, and to walk around and check the cleats before he left. He stopped in a diner nearby and got a cola and he also asked for a phone book. His next stop was up near Ludington. There’s a tourist trap up there, Big Sable Point. It had possibilities.

    He walked off the docks and there was a Realtor right down the street. He walked in and a cute little secretary met him. She was friendly as hell, and talkative. She called her boss, in the other room, and said a Mr. Paullis was here to see him. He brought me right in. No he didn’t know of any storage units within twenty miles of here either. He asked him about commercial property lakefront or within a mile. There was lakefront yes, but residential only. Commercial lakefront, even outside of town would go six figures, at least. Few miles away, 30-50K an acre would be about the best he could find. He thanked him and took his business card. He told him he would be driving up the coast next time and could look more. The cute little chatty Cathy was on the phone when he left. He had thought about asking her to lunch, but she was busy. Next town up was Manistee, and it had a big harbor with a big port. There were a lot of boats. He’d check property out later.

    Right now though, he was hungry and had a knot in his stomach that had to be untied. He went into town looking for whatever he could find. He still held resentments toward the Culver boys, but they were nowhere to be found at the time. He knew they would turn up sooner or later. He was sure he could untie this knot somehow tonight.

    He strolled along the River walk until he came upon a friendly looking Pub called the Boathouse Grill He sat at a table by the window affording a beautiful view of the boats and lakeshore. The waitress was a cute little thing. She was a pretty well-endowed, young lady about his age, maybe older. She had reddish hair, too and she, asked, Why is a good looking young man like you eating alone on a Friday night? He told her Because you’re working and can’t join me. She smiled at that, and asked what she could get him? He ordered a rib eye sandwich and fries When she brought his order back she smiled again and said she was a little busy but that she’d be back to check on him later. Then she handed him a beer and a note under the coaster. It said her name was Diane and that she got off at 8:00pm and wanted to know if he would be around, or busy? Wow, pretty forward. When he’d finished eating, she came over to clear up the dishes and asked Well, have you thought about my offer? He told her that He had indeed and would she like a quick ride up and down the shoreline to see the lights from a half mile out You got a boat! she exclaimed? I’d love to! When and where, or will you still be here? She seemed all excited. He asked her if she could meet him there, Slip 12, right here on the first pier. He had a few things to do between now and then and that he’d be waiting in excitement. Ok, great she said, oh, by the way, what’s your name? He told her "Anything you’d like it to be Diane, see you in an hour? He paid his bill and gave her a $20.00 tip.

    He went back to the B and had some adjustments on the cameras to make. He centered them on the hot tub and in towards the cabin area. He wanted to call his dad but he didn’t want any phone trail putting him here tonight. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but he had some thoughts going through his mind that made him excited and it felt like electricity running through his veins. He set a couple deck chairs on the pier right at the slip 12 sign and opened another beer. God, he hoped she showed up.

    Right on time she comes strolling down the pier looking from side to side at the numbers. When she saw him, she smiled. He stood up and held out his hand and she took it and as he kissed her hand said Welcome Diane, my name is Steve, would you like to have a seat and a beer? I’d love to Steve, thank you and took the beer and sat down next to him on the lawn chair. They small talked for a while, she asked about the boat and what he did for a living. He told her he couldn’t take credit for the boat, that his grandfather had left it for him and that he was in the construction business and just graduated College about a month ago. She was impressed and a little amazed. It seems she thought he was older, which he gets now and then. She, on the other hand was a single mother of a three year old daughter who lives with her grandma, as she, herself, does also. She said she’d already called her grandma and told her she was going out for a while so she was in no hurry to get home. Her daughter was already in bed.

    Would you like to have a tour? He asked. Next thing you know he’s on the boat holding his hand out to help steady her as she takes the few steps up. He walked her around the boat showing her things she didn’t seem interested in, except maybe the hot tub. See anything that interests you? Only you she said and cupped his cheeks in her hands and kissed him on the mouth, playing with and licking his lips with her tongue before plunging into his mouth to complete the kiss. Her lips were sweet, her hair shoulder length and he entwined his fingers in it. It was a wonderful prelude to things to come but he had other things in mind.

    Come on, let’s go see the shoreline from out there’ as he pointed into the darkness. She tried to act enthused but he thought she was actually disappointed she agreed though and as he cast off the pier, she sat at the stern until he had eased them out of the marina, then he called her to join him up in the pilot house. She climbed up the few steps and when she was next to him, He gently put his arm around her waist and kissed her on the cheek. He step back and said You want to drive awhile? He put her hands on the wheel, 10 and 2 just like a car, and stood behind her. His arm went around her waist but to point to the compass. Just keep those arrows pointing west and you’ll be fine. She looked where he was pointing and understood him. You’re doing fine; now just don’t let me distract you. He said this as his other arm went around her waist and he squeezed her against him. Then he leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck, then the sides, and her ears, and raised his hands up to cup her breasts and she says Alright, that’s enough. How do you stop this thing? You’re not having all the fun. Me, you mean you’re not enjoying this too? He asked. With that she reached up and turned the key off and that shut her down alright. Whoa, Diane, there’s a procedure to shutting this down, you can’t just turn the key. Ok, I’ll make you a deal. Downstairs right inside the cabin is a closet with couple robes in it. Go put one on and meet me out at the hot tub. I’ve got a couple things to do here and then I’ll drop an anchor and join you. It’s a little chilly before we get in the tub, believe me, you’ll want the robe. He kissed her full, hard and longing on the lips which seemed to satisfy her, and said, I’ll meet you in 3 minutes. When she turned to walk out he slapped her playfully on the ass and said I want to play with that butt later, among other things. and he smiled. She smiled back and disappeared into the cabin and he shut down fuel and lights and other things from the bridge and as he climbed down to the rear deck to drop anchor, she came out of the cabin in a robe. They stood opposite each other at the tub and he just pulled his shirt off, kicked off his deck shoes and as he started unzipping his jeans, she said Wait, and she opened the robe and let it fall. He said, Oh, my God, you’re beautiful, Diane. She said Steve, I want to do that. and she walked around to him and finished pulling his pants and shorts down. He sprang free in the cold night air but not for long as she quickly took it deep into her hot mouth and did things with her tongue he had never felt before. Then as quickly as she started, she pulled him out of her mouth into the cool night air and turned around. You said you wanted to play with my butt, why don’t you use this on it? She grabbed him and rubbed it up and down the crack of her butt and walked him over to the seat cushioned chairs and she turned around, crawled up on the cushioned bench on her knees with her elbows on the back, her cute little butt straight up in the air. She told him, You said you wanted to play with it Steve. It’s all yours, if you still want it? Don’t disappoint me. What could he say? He came up behind her and bent down and gave her a few quick licks, probing places he’d never been before and used her juices to moisten her up and then he moved up to where she wanted him, and he slid right in, Yes, Steve, that’s what I wanted, she screamed. God, she was tight. She screamed and begged him for more and harder and soon he was pounding into her and she was tight. He reached around and played with her swinging breasts. Pinching her nipples, and he held her hips and slapped against her. She was moaning and groaning and he was throbbing and soon he erupted into her, filling her until his juices were flowing out. He kept it up until he started going soft and she turned around and took him into her mouth and cleaned him off. Now I’m ready for that hot tub" and she eased into the warm water, laid her head back on the padded rim, and closed her eyes. He sat there in the chilly night air figuring out how he was going to do this. Now looked like a good time.

    He went into the cabin and put on a diving suit with rubber hood and gloves. He got the rope he had prepared earlier, four feet of one quarter inch clothes line. He went back up and kneeled behind Diane’s head and leaned down and kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and smiled. As soon as she raised her head he had the rope twisted twice around her throat and pulled tight. It was all but over. She struggled and reached back with her hands to grab him but the rubber suit wouldn’t give her anything to grab. It also wouldn’t allow any of his skin under her finger nails which might be incriminating later. After a couple minutes, she quit struggling, she was dead. He let her float in the bubbles of the tub while he headed into deeper water.

    Steve had the Little B headed due west. He had been running at three quarters speed with all lights on. The B was running good, all pressures and gauges good after Diane had shut her down in mid cycle. He’d had to purge her and re-set the batteries. She was doing well but he might have someone look at her when he gets back home. He wanted to get another hour out before he would stop and dispose of Diane’s body.

    Such a shame, single mother and all, but the little bitch deserved it. Picking up a younger man she’d never met before at a bar. The way she hit on him and teased him not only at the restaurant, but on his boat too. No decent girl that he knew would beg to be done in the ass like that. Certainly his Becky wouldn’t. Not that they might not do that sometime, but to beg for it like Diane did, no way. He may have enjoyed it, but she deserved it. He hoped the pictures turned out.

    Halfway, that’s what his instruments told him, he was halfway between Michigan and Wisconsin. It was time for him to make a stop. It was just before dawn and he could not see any other boats on the water so he slowly shut down B and anchored. It was burial at sea for Diane. He lifted her over the transom onto the swim platform and put a plastic tie strap around her wrist and the platform. Then he slit her throat from ear to ear. Using the same fillet knife he cut her sternum to belly button. Then he cut under both rib cages. He was gutting her like a fish. Then with the heavy rubber gloves he cleaned out her entrails, tossing them into the water. He knew the fish would devour that. He took the portable bilge pump from the transom, which he had gotten out early and used it to flush her out. The intake hose he put in a five gallon bucket of bleach and then, he stuck the discharge hose inside her to clean out the semen he had deposited earlier. When he cranked up the pump, bleach was sent into her body cavity. He had cleaned her out well. Then he did the same to her vagina. He also sent some down her throat; he could not take any chances. Then he just flushed out her entire body cavity using his heavy rubber gloves to get everywhere.

    He smiled to himself, knowing the cameras were recording all this. He still had the diving suit and gloves on. He taped her from ankles to knees and then taped her arms over her head. He tied a fifty pound bucket of cement to a rope that he wrapped around her chest and torso to hold her under and cut the strap from her wrist. He pushed the bucket off the swim platform of the B and she was gone. He didn’t think she would come loose. Now was also the time to remove the placards, and restore the Little B.

    Now that Diane was history, physically if not mentally, it was time to head back He was tired. He hadn’t slept in twenty hours and had about five hours before he could call his folks. They had called him last night about 9:30 but he couldn’t answer. He was headed South/southeast and running full throttle. He felt good. The knots in his stomach were gone. Not bad at all. Steve had a couple hours to get back so he figured he’d used the time well. He wiped down and scrubbed every inch of the B. He even used the power sprayer on the platform.

    His folks didn’t have much to say about him coming in at 7:30am, and he didn’t offer up anything. That way he wouldn’t have to lie to them. He didn’t want to lie to them; he just couldn’t tell them the truth. He kissed his mom and said he was going to take a shower and lay down for a few hours.

    At 1:00 Steve was up and ready to go. He asked his mom if she needed anything that he was going into town. No, I don’t need anything, except maybe a phone call now and then. He kissed her on the cheek as he went out the door, Sorry mom, I’ll call more often.

    He stopped at the hardware store and bought some more bleach. Then he headed to the marina. He wished he was closer than this, maybe Manistee. Mom will be glad to have him home for dinner. Becky might be back tonight and tomorrow they’d be on the boat. He was hoping for another chance at her but to play it safe he thought he’d invite another interesting couple. He pulled into the marina and headed for the B.

    He fired her right up as the dock hands untied her. He went to the bow and caught the rope as it was thrown to him. Wrapped it around the storage rack and went back to get the stern line, secured it, and he was ready to go. He idled out of the harbor a couple hundred yards and then went one quarter for a few minutes and then half throttle with a GPS setting of due west. He called Dave, What’s up buddy? You guys busy tomorrow, want to take a little boat ride? You know Steve, Lisa and I were just deciding what to do tomorrow. A boat ride sounds like a great idea. Steve said, You know where I’m at, Grand Haven Marina, slip 17. Just ask anybody for the Little B. Great, see you at 10:00am, Dave said."

    Then Steve called Becky. How’s the shower going? Steve asked her when she answered. Boring without you, but I’m having fun with all my old girlfriends. I told them all about you, which I shouldn’t have. He asked Why not? She said Because now they all want to get naked in the bathtub with you, or at least in the hot tub. Bring them home with you; we’re going out on the boat tomorrow anyway. The more the merrier he told her. She said I don’t trust these girls, they’ll gang rape you She laughed. Steve told her You can’t rape the willing, bring them on. Is this what you mean by research? Becky asked. Ok, see you tonight? What time you getting home? Becky said, I should be home by 9:00pm. Want to meet me for a cocktail? Sure, Sammi’s at 9? Steve asked. Becky said Sounds good, see you there, Luv Ya.

    Steve took the boat out for few hours. Just sightseeing and looking for potential marina’s and harbors to put up storage units. To the south, Grand Haven looked good and Muskegon was a big harbor with a lot of boats, he’d have to check them out sometime. It was almost three and he called his mom to see if she needed anything Thanks honey, no I don’t need anything. It’ll be nice to have you home for dinner for a change. See you soon, bye. He told her. An hour later he kissed her on the cheek as he came in. He ran upstairs to check his E-mail. There was nothing important.

    He went down and sat at the table to visit with mom, as she scurried around the kitchen. She was pleased to have him. He told her that Becky was coming back tonight, that he was meeting her at 9:00. He said, Hey mom, did you know Greg and Linda had another little girl? He thought she was going to drop the plates in her hand. My God, I didn’t know that. I haven’t spoken to Linda in fifteen years. How do you know? How old is she? Steve said I met her, her name is Katherine. Becky had her out at a job site. She’s eight years old. Mom, you and Linda used to be so close, you should call her sometime. Maybe I will, she said. I’ve got a better idea, why don’t we all take the boat and go to lunch some time. You haven’t seen what I did to her. You two can sit in the hot tub and chat, or sit up on the bow and have privacy. Becky could come along. I’ll talk to Becky and set it up with Linda and we’ll all go down to Saugatuck for lunch someday next week, ok? Mom said, Ok, I’m game; any day is fine with me. Now go get your father."

    Steve went and found his dad in the shed working on something. Mom says that dinners ready. Ok son. You find anything along the lake front worth looking at? Steve said, Worth is the descriptive word here dad. There were several places with possibilities, but nothing for under six figures, with at least half that much more for repairs. Dad said, I told you to stay inland for starters. You might be right dad." They washed up and went in for dinner.

    At dinner Steve told his folks that him and Becky were going out tomorrow for a few hours. Speaking of Becky, I just told mom that she has a little sister now. She brought her and the two neighbor kids by the job site to watch the machines. Dad said, Laurie, you and Linda should get back in touch. You two haven’t spoken in years. She smiled and said, Steve said the same thing and him and Becky are going to set up a boat ride lunch next week, he thinks he’s going to get me in his new hot tub. I think that’s a good idea said Rob, you two used to be pretty close, and from what I see, we may be in-laws soon. Not so fast dad, I want to spend most of that money before I marry anyone. They all laughed and dad agreed, Good thinking, son! I am going to meet her at 9:00 tonight though so if I can be excused, good dinner mom, I’m going to go take a shower."

    When he left Rob said, I think he just might have something with those storage units. We talked outside and I think he’s agreed to stay inland for now. Lakefront is just too expensive. Laurie said, I don’t like it, he just got home and now he’s going to runoff someplace on a wild goose chase. Rob said, Now mother, he’s a 22 yrs. old millionaire and wants to work, he could do worse. He’ll be fine Laurie.

    At 9:00 sharp Steve walked into Sammi’s and sat at the bar hoping Becky made it home safe. He’d thought she was going to call. Bartender came over to get him a drink, and he ordered a White Chablis. Damn, why do all these bartenders have to be so damn cute? This one had brown hair and was wearing pants so tight he didn’t know how she got into them. She had a tight tank top on with Sammi’s Logo on the front that didn’t hide her nipples. Thank God for air conditioning. What brings you out on a Saturday night? she asked. I just like looking at pretty girls. he told her. She smiled, set his glass down and said, Why thank you, my name’s Kim, He took her hand and kissed it and said I’m Steve, I’d like to see more of you sometime, She looked down and said, It’s cold in here, not much more to see, and smiled. Well, I’m impressed with what I see, Kim. What do you need, a shoehorn to put those pants on? Most guys ask what it takes to get them off, she said. Steve was getting a knot in his stomach, this wasn’t good. Well, it sounds interesting, but I better not start something that I can’t finish. She smiled and said, Lucky lady, better get here soon or your mine. Just in time Becky walked in the door with one of her girlfriends. Hey Kim, she just showed up, sorry, and he reached over and stuck a twenty down the front of her tank top. Maybe next time, he said with a smile. Be my pleasure, Steve.

    Steve got up and walked over to Becky and her friend. Gave Becky a quick hug and kiss on the lips and Becky introduced Cindy, who she went to college with. Steve leaned over and whispered in Becky’s ear, Ask her if she wants to get in a hot tub? Becky just slapped him playfully and said Where’s our drink? Cindy, is White Chablis ok?

    Yes, please she said and he directed them to a table and went back to see Kim. She met me at the bar with a smile and a thank you, What can I get for you Steve? He smiled and How about a shoehorn and two more White Chablis. She brought up three glasses and said, They’re on me, and next time come alone and I’ll show you how to get into these jeans without a shoehorn, then she rubbed the thumb and forefinger of each hand across each nipple and said, You’re right, it is cold in here, and smiled as her nipples stood at attention. He smiled back, thinking Kim, you just made my list. Thank you, he said as he walked away with the three glasses. So what have you two lovely ladies been up to today? he asked when he got to the table. They told him all about the shower gifts that he didn’t want to hear but they were excited, so he listened. Cindy, are you from here in Grand Rapids.? he asked. She replied that she Lives on the north side, but it’s only a fifteen minute drive. If you two would rather be someplace else, I’ve got my own car. What time we going in the morning? They’re meeting me at 10:00, you want to go? Steve asked. Cindy can come along too. What do you think Cindy? We’ll probably be out all day? Becky asked. Ok, I’d love to, should I bring anything? Cindy agreed. Steve told her. Don’t need a thing, but you and Becky better talk about it first. Well then. I’m going to call it a night and I’ll call you in the morning Becky. Cindy said. Why don’t you spend the night at my house? It’ll save you going home and coming back, we have to leave here by 9:00 to get there suggested Becky. Can I come to? asked Steve. That’s not part of the research. Said Becky, But you know I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, she said with a smile. Ok, will you girls be at my house by 9:00 or you want to meet me in Grand Haven? Becky said It would be closer to meet at the marina, so we’ll be there before 10:00. You better be, or else I’ll hide all the towels and robes. As if I care, I’ll probably be nude any way, Becky smiled. Me to, since I’m not going home, I’ll never fit into one of Becky’s suits. They all laughed. The girls decided they had to head home to get things together so they said their goodbyes. Steve walked Becky out to her car and got his knees buckled again. Damn, you’re good at that he told Becky. That’s not all I’m good at, wait until we do some more research she smiled. 10:00am or earlier at the Little B, see you there. Then he walked over to Cindy’s car and said, See you in the morning and leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Goodnight girls!" He watched as they pulled out of the parking lot, and went back into Sammi’s. It was 10:45pm.

    He sat at the bar and Kim came bouncing towards him. When she got there he said, Damn, you’re cute. She smiled and said another Chablis Sir? Please, and take your time, I want to watch that ass walk away. She wiggled it on purpose and when she got back she said, I’m not real busy, I could close up early since your girlfriends ran out on you. Did you have anything particular in mind? Steve asked. She told him, There’s nothing I can think of that’s not on my mind. You game? Steve said, I’m about 45 minutes from here, and I’ve got an early morning. You got a free day to spend on the lake? Clothing is optional. Kim responded, Oh, there wouldn’t be any clothing Steve, mind if I bring a girlfriend? Who’s she for, you or for me? Steve asked. She said Well both of us actually, we girls would start things off and you could join in whenever and with whomever you liked, We’d have to do this later in the week, when are you working, I’ll stop in? Kim said, I only worked the weekends, so tell me when and where. Tuesday morning, 10:00am, right here. We’ll be here waiting. I’ve got to check on that back table, be right back." she said. She shook her little butt across the bar and set those two up with a couple beers on the house and returned.

    She told Steve to come down and sit at the corner where her drink was, and brought him another glass of Chablis. When he got there, she moved his chair around the corner and took his hands and shoved them under the front of her shirt. These girls need some attention; they’ve been hard since you walked in. He found a perfect titty in each hand with rock hard nipples. He squeezed and twisted them

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