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How to Build Self Confidence
How to Build Self Confidence
How to Build Self Confidence
Ebook122 pages1 hour

How to Build Self Confidence

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About this ebook

Self confidence is a muscle.

Think of self-confidence as a muscle you can build and strengthen so you can do more than ever before. If you went out today and tried to run a marathon, you would struggle to achieve your goal, but if you exercised and built up your muscles, you could grow stronger and run further each day.

Just like your muscles, self-confidence is best built through a range of exercises and strategies. This book guides you through different aspects of self-confidence so you can develop your own confidence on a strong foundation. We give you tips to boost your self-confidence and ideas to figure out what elements of your life might be undermining your natural confidence.

At the end of each chapter, we have included workbook exercises so you can brainstorm the ideas we have presented in order to create your own individual strategies for building and maintaining self-confidence.

Readers are invited to work through these exercises for a more confident life.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 23, 2014
How to Build Self Confidence

Kay Joyce

K J Eller is the author of How to Build Self-Confidence. She is a lady that has a great passion for trying to inspire people as she has struggled for many years with lack of self-confidence as a youth. She and her brother were placed into a children’s home as their mother did not have the support from her family during the 1950s until she was able to get them both back during their teens. Now that she has reached her sixtieth decade and retired, she has taken the opportunity to put all her thoughts and favourite inspiring quotes that have inspired her so that other young and older people can be encouraged that it is OK to doubt yourself, but have some valuable strategies to move forward with their lives and achieve a great and fabulous life. Her philosophy for her next decades are what can she achieve for the next thirty years as her family live long lives and have more in her “in” basket when it is her time to leave this life. To that end, she is an artist and loves to sketch portraits; digitises images for embroidery machines, this includes some of her own sketches; learning on-line marketing for many projects; and working on some other books. She currently lives near the Port Stephens area in Australia.

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    How to Build Self Confidence - Kay Joyce

    Copyright © 2014 by Kay Joyce.

    ISBN:      eBook         978-1-4990-2719-8

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    Rev. date: 10/21/2014






    Self confidence is a muscle

    Exercise 1. Establishing your sense of self

    Who are you?

    Shaping an identity from childhood

    Developing an independent identity

    Making peace with the past

    The value of time alone

    Three magic words: I don’t agree

    Workbook exercise: Who am I?

    Exercise 2. Keep your inner voice positive and practical

    Listen to the underlying message

    The five inner voices

    Achieving Self-Reliance

    Tools to keep your inner voice positive

    A personal mantra

    Maintain your health

    Workbook Exercise: Monitoring your inner voice

    Exercise 3. De-clutter your life

    Declutter your belongings

    Beautiful, useful and gone

    Be generous

    Everything in its place

    Simplify your life

    Declutter your mind

    Three meals a day

    Use your wall calendar

    Learn to say no and please

    Be responsive

    Workbook Exercise

    Exercise 4. Reach your goals and achieve your dreams

    Set realistic goals

    Publicize your goal

    Set a time limit

    Learn from your experience

    Targets and goals

    Defining a target

    Keep goals manageable

    Workbook Exercise

    Exercise 5. Choose your friends wisely

    The elements of a true friendship

    You are relaxed together

    You are both free to be honest

    You have time for each other

    Making new friends

    Pursue your interests

    Accept invitations

    Respect different views

    Demonstrate a genuine interest in others

    Maintain your friendships

    Diversify your friendships

    Initiate get-togethers

    Embrace Social Media

    Am I interested in their holidays?

    Do I want to see photos of their children?

    Do they make me feel left out?

    Breaking with bad friends

    Repairing a bad friendship

    Be polite and to the point

    Listen to criticism

    Walk away and breathe

    Learn to love alone time

    Ending a friendship

    Workshop Exercise

    Exercise 6. Nurture your sense of pride

    Take pride in your character

    Reputation vs Character

    How will this affect others?

    Master your skills

    Work to improve

    Finish what you start

    Present yourself proudly

    Develop your individual clothes sense

    Hair, teeth and nails

    Keep some trophies

    Work portfolio

    Photo album

    Promote yourself without boasting

    Check your timing

    Keep me out of it

    Don’t make empty claims

    Show respect and expect respect

    Listen more than you speak

    Remember simple courtesies

    Workbook exercise

    Exercise 7. Be at peace

    See peacefulness as a positive force

    Avoid unnecessary arguments

    Cherish quiet times

    Take pleasure in nature

    Read poetry

    Consciously relax

    Hot water



    Workbook Exercise



    Self confidence is a muscle

    Think of self confidence as a muscle you can build and strengthen, so you can do more than ever before. If you went out today and tried to run a marathon you would struggle to achieve your goal, but if you exercised and built up your muscles, you could grow stronger and run further each day.

    Just like your muscles, self confidence is best built through a range of exercises and strategies. This book guides you through different aspects of self-confidence so you can develop your own confidence on a strong foundation. We give you tips to boost your self confidence, and ideas to figure out what elements of your life might be undermining your natural confidence.

    At the end of each chapter, we have included workbook exercises so you can brainstorm the ideas we have presented, in order to create your own individual strategies for building and maintaining self-confidence.

    You will need a notebook to use as a journal so you can brainstorm your ideas as well as plan your strategies over the long term.

    Good luck!


    Establishing your sense of self

    Self confidence is your confidence in yourself, so first of all you need a strong image of yourself to focus on.

    When you aim to meet a goal you need a clear focus to understand what you are working on. Your goal here is to have confidence in yourself. So who are you? What are you capable of? What makes you happy? What are your personal beliefs?

    Who are you?

    Before you start building your self confidence, let’s take a closer look at who you are, so you have a context for your confidence.

    Complete the workbook exercise, Who am I? Remember nobody else is going to read your answers, so you are free to be completely honest, without any concern for someone else’s opinion. This exercise is designed to give

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