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The Creator’S Way: World Ego and Spirit Soul
The Creator’S Way: World Ego and Spirit Soul
The Creator’S Way: World Ego and Spirit Soul
Ebook210 pages57 minutes

The Creator’S Way: World Ego and Spirit Soul

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In her unique work The Creators Way, Theoni Moraitis offers insights gleaned from just below the conscious view of life. The mystical and powerful messages offered in this volume are designed to create inspiration and Aha! moments that awaken the spiritual power residing deep within each of us. Like a jewel of many facets, each oracle reveals something different to each person reading the work, depending on what they need to be aware of. The oracles show what our inner Spirit is trying to reveal about the world around us.

With her unique and powerful teaching methods as well as her non-negotiable integrity, the author has gained the trust of her international clients, who continue to grow in number. Tarot and cartomancy are also some of the tools she uses for gaining deeper insight. Journey with her as she explores the deeper relationship between spirit soul and world ego, offering readers a guide to merging with spirit while living in their human bodies.

Release dateSep 26, 2016
The Creator’S Way: World Ego and Spirit Soul

Theoni Moraitis

Theoni Moraitis is a metaphysician based in South Africa who specializes in energy healing. She is a Spiritual Hypnotherapist, registered with SHASA (Spiritual Healers Association of South Africa) as a Traditional Healer and an EFT Therapist, specializing in assisting to shapeshift energy from stagnation into free movement. She is attuned to level 18 as Grand Master Reiki Healer and teacher. Her first book, T.H.E.O.N.I. Way—A Collection of Original Messages, was published in 2011.

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    The Creator’S Way - Theoni Moraitis

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-0409-4 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016914203

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    An Author’s Note

    A Gift of Prayer


    How to use the Oracle of Messages

    Part 1 – The World Ego

    1. Choice

    2. Mind and Body

    3. Values

    4. Patterns

    5. Control

    6. Change

    Part 2 – The Spirit Soul

    1. Integrity

    2. Participation

    3. Vulnerability

    4. Letting Go and Forgiveness

    5. Awareness and Mindfulness

    6. Freedom



    I wish to declare my immense gratitude to the Archangels and almighty Spirit in all your forms, for your Light, guidance, and protection.

    I wish to express my deepest thanks to my clients and hypnotherapy patients, who have, through their experiences, helped me gain a better understanding of my passion which is to serve others in the name of Spirit. Thank you to my wonderfully supportive friends, family and most especially my children, Georgia and Chris. Your trust and confidence in me allows me to be who I am. Thank you.


    T his is for Gee, for remaining true to you and reminding me what it means to be vulnerable.

    This is for Chrissie, for showing me my judgments of self and others in your totally non-judgmental way.

    This is for Sevasti, my twin, for your heartfelt optimism no matter how cloudy the day.


    T his is the second book published under the Oracle messages. My first book T.H.E.O.N.I. Way was published in 2011 and gives divine feedback and inspiration to all who read it. Life is a constant wave of highs and lows, good times and not-so-good times. One thing is certain and that is that life is ever-changing and mostly directed by our thoughts.

    I recall speaking to a friend of mine four years before I published my first book. In conversation about what we’d like to have accomplished by the time we reached a certain age, I said I wanted to write a book on relationships. It never occurred to me at the time that the relationship I was unconsciously referring to was the relationship between Spirit Soul and World Ego.

    The intense connection between my physical world and my inner spirit was characterized by either conflict and guilt or acceptance and peace. I had a story I constantly repeated, a story that reminded me that I was unworthy of anything great. It amazed me how much value I cemented in my thoughts, especially when it was something that did not bring out my best. All of a sudden what I continuously believed about myself began to play out in my life. The realization finally dawned on me that I was co-creating my life just with my thoughts and I wondered what my life would look like when I changed these thoughts.

    In my first book, the oracle is directed at the Chakras, which are invisible yet powerful energy centers that exist in the body. This is where emotions get stuck and cause physical challenges or where emotions are dealt with smoothly. Through these Chakras we process and feed our feelings either with love or with fear.

    In The Creator’s Way, the Oracle is directed at guiding your Spirit Soul and World Ego into merging as a whole; being one with Spirit in our human body.

    I trust life and in return life trusts me. Thank you and bless you, each and every one of you; it is an honour and, for me, a great sense of freedom, to experience this part of my journey with you.

    The intention of this book of divinely sourced messages is to guide you when you are in need of guidance or direction or simply have requested a sign from Spirit. Be assured that when you open the book onto the page with your message, it is what is meant for you right there and then. Read the introduction of the two parts of the book as well as the definition chapter of the message you have just read. This will help you understand the full significance of the message.


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