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The Power of a Spiritual Walk
The Power of a Spiritual Walk
The Power of a Spiritual Walk
Ebook39 pages1 hour

The Power of a Spiritual Walk

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We have been given the authority to walk in the Spirit. God is the Spirit, and we must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. There are two forces of the Spirit, a good spirit and an evil spirit. There is a conflict or spiritual warfare between the spirit and the flesh. Our flesh wants to do whatever it pleases; we want to feel good. But the spiritual man wars against the flesh.

Adam brought sin into the world by yielding to his flesh and disobeying Gods instructions. After Adam sinned, Jesus came into the world to set us free from the bondage of sin and bring us back to a right relationship with God. Jesus leaves the Comforter for our sake.

The Holy Spirit of God will lead you to greater wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the natural and spiritual realm of God. He is our teacher. And do not conform but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

The Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost, will guide you into all truth. The Holy Spirit gives us power to cast out demons. Jesus said we will do greater works than He did.

The Holy Spirit is an intercessor who prays for us in that He knows what we need of before we ask God. He knows the heart of God. The Holy Spirit prays for us through our utterance of tongues.

The power of a spiritual walk operates in the gifts of healing, discernment, and deliverance. This is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel; that in the last days, God will pour out His Spirit on all men.

God is freely giving His Spirit to mankind; you will be able to see demonic spirits that walk this earth. The power of a spiritual walk can keep you from all of Satans attacks and devices.

You have power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You will have power to live a sanctified life in Jesus Christ. Join me in the power of a spiritual walk.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen (Revelation 22:21).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 15, 2014
The Power of a Spiritual Walk

Doris Kirby

Elder Doris Kirby, Pastor Power Tower Full Gospel Ministries I am a native of Georgia and the daughter of John and Callie Colbert, a mother of two beautiful daughters, Dorea and Rachel, and their husbands, Celtric and Shanquelos. To their unions, the prides of my life were born—my two wonderful grandsons Darnell and Raphael. I have two sisters and five brothers—two of whom have joined our Lord as with my husband. The earlier part of my vocational career was that of a secretary, but my major profession is that of a certified property manager for over twenty years. In response to my call, I graduated from Beulah Heights Bible College in May 1995, where I received a bachelor’s degree, received an evangelist teaching certificate, and was privileged to make the National Dean’s List and get Who’s Who nationwide recognition. I have received various social, academic, and scholastic recognitions along the way, but the greatest was when I answered the call of the Lord to serve as his minister to his people. I am proud to be able to say that a sense of community has always been a natural part of my makeup. I have served as a volunteer in the following capacities and areas: ? A traditional nursing home for six years ? The Changed Women and Watchmen and Warriors Ministry ? As assistant director of the Prep Program for Ministerial Alliance ? Paul S. Morton Scholarship and Administrative Assistance for Ministerial Alliance ? As president of the community of the Neighbors Interested in Progress (NIP) I have worked in many roles within the church—not the least of which was to preach within the prison ministry and to minister to the shut-ins of various nursing homes. In order to answer the ultimate call of God, I obtained my official license to preach in 2005. Besides the people, I have been privileged to love and serve in the casual marketplace. Currently I pastor the Power Tower Full Gospel Ministries. My ministry of preaching and deliverance has been with Women of Divine Purpose, where I minister to victims of Alzheimer’s disease. I have been privileged to serve in this capacity for six years. As a result of this connection, some of the experiences I have enjoyed as a minister to Africa afforded me with the privilege to apply my preaching and teaching in Atlanta at the Korean First Presbyterian Church in Tucker, Georgia. This alliance allowed me to join Changing a Generation (CAG) in February 2006. I served the CAG in these capacities: ? Co-director of the Prep Preaching Program ? Board member of Changed Women ? Administrate assistant for Ministerial Alliance and Watchman and Warrior ? Volunteer of the PSM Scholarship program Citing personal accolades is difficult because all that I am and ever hope to be is the result of God’s Love for me. Jesus came as a Savior in the capacity of a Servant. He says that I serve HIM when I serve the least of them. Therefore, service is what I do; servant is who I am as I point others to HIM.

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    The Power of a Spiritual Walk - Doris Kirby

    Copyright © 2014 by Doris Kirby.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4990-7242-6

                    eBook            978-1-4990-7243-3

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    The Power of a Spiritual Walk

    They that worship God must worship Him in spirit and truth. The Holy Spirit is a person, as much as Father and Son are persons, and never experience sin. These three are one. The Bible is a mystery until you find the key that opens your understanding, which is the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is an amazing reality that in the person of the Holy Spirit, God dwells within us!

    God is perfect; He has no sin in Him. He is light; there is no darkness in Him.

    When God asked Adam where he was, it was because He did not see Himself in Him. Adam had sinned, and darkness had fallen upon him. There is no darkness in God. No matter how you think you have hidden from Him, God sees everything. He knew you in your mother’s womb. He knows who you are by name. Since sin was the cause of our separation from God, we must come into the knowledge of Him who has made us. When you walk in the Spirit, you will be confronted by two spirits. The spirit will either be good or evil. Both spirits want to rule and guide you. In order to walk in the Spirit of God, you must listen to His voice. My sheep know my voice. Adam was told not to eat of the Tree of Life, but Eve was beguiled by the devil and told Adam, We shall not surely die. But a spiritual death will happen if you allow the seed of doubt and unbelief to enter your mind. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be (Romans 8:7). The devil does not want you to succeed. He will lie to you by telling you a portion or part of the truth. You shall not surely die." But a spiritual death occurred. Demonic forces are real. Eve not only listened to but also communicated with the devil. She heard his voice and obeyed Satan.

    The evil spirit will always bring doubt into your mind. You must consider every thought that is contrary to God’s word. The devil uses the supernatural power of thought and suggestion which speaks to men’s mind, causing them to distrust the Bible and God’s Holy Word. When the devil speaks to us, we have to treat him like a strange voice, and not allow him to control our thoughts. You have to make a decision whom to serve: God or Satan. You cannot

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