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Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Personal and Organizational Success
Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Personal and Organizational Success
Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Personal and Organizational Success
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Personal and Organizational Success

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Given a world characterized by complexity, conflict, chaos, competition, selective inclusions/exclusions, change, ambiguity, paradox, perplexity, temptation, imperfections, irony, and invisible/spiritual battles, what can individuals and organizations do to survive and flourish? The author argues that strategic leadership is the answer; that understanding and practicing strategic leadership as a life skill will enable individuals and organizations to flourish in our increasingly interdependent global village.

This book provides deep insight into strategic leadership, leadership theories, models, constructs, and practices that are required for ethical character formation and impactful leadership. The concept of personal leadership poverty that can enable persons and organizations overcome the practices of failed leaders is elaborated. It also emphasizes the development of leaders as stewards in contrast to being agents. Moreover, it provides tips on how to rise from personal and organizational failures.

Key topics include: Strategic Leadership Overview Personal Leadership Poverty The Leader as Light: A Concept for Developing Global Leaders Leadership Theories and Practices Power and Influence Trust and Trust-Building Coaching, Mentoring, and Discipling Organizational Theories and Practices Personal and Organizational Renewal

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 26, 2014
Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Personal and Organizational Success

Dr.Mason Oghenejobo

Dr. Mason Oghenejobo has BSc in petroleum engineering, master of business administration (MBA), and doctor of strategic leadership (DSL) degrees. He is also an alumnus of the University of Oxford Advanced Management and Leadership Programme. His thirty-five years of work experience span technical and commercial aspects. He is a strategy/leadership consultant.

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    Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Personal and Organizational Success - Dr.Mason Oghenejobo

    Copyright © 2014 Dr. Mason Oghenejobo.

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    Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

    Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-5165-5 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014916550

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/26/2014



    Chapter 1   Strategic Leadership Overview

    Chapter 2   Personal Leadership Poverty

    Chapter 3   The Leader As Light: A Concept For Developing Global Leaders

    Chapter 4   Leadership Theories And Practices

    Chapter 5   Power And Influence

    Chapter 6   Coaching, Counseling, Mentoring, And Discipling

    Chapter 7   Organizational Theories And Practices

    Chapter 8   Personal And Organizational Renewal


    About The Author

    To my wonderful wife, Vivian, our children, our grandchildren, and all who have—through their instructions, writings, actions, and reactions—taught me that strategic leadership is a life skill that enables people and organizations that understand and practice it to flourish in our complex world.


    Leadership takes place at three levels—personal, team/organizational, and societal. Although the complexities of the capabilities required for leadership success increase as you move from the personal to the organizational and societal levels, it is the quality of the self (personal values, character and competences) that determines if a leader will succeed or not. In fact, most leadership failures occur at the personal level. For example, according to Scott Roberts of PinkNews,¹ the CEO of a major oil and gas company lost his position because he lied about an inappropriate relationship he had with a male suitor. Also, according to Jennifer Peltz and Tom Hayes (AP),² a former IMF CEO resigned because of a case of attempted rape. Moreover, CNN International ³ stated that a former US president almost lost his position as the president of the United States of America because of his affair with an intern, which the president himself described as a terrible moral error.

    These were reported cases of personal leadership failures. We learn from these and several other cases that leadership development starts from personal values development. Leadership is what you do to yourself first, before you do it with others. If the self qualities are deficient, then the leader suffers from personal leadership poverty, and he will be unsuccessful. He therefore needs mentoring, coaching, discipling, renewal, and/or other interventions to overcome his personal leadership poverty.

    A review of biblical leaders and followers who succeeded or failed in their personal and organizational leadership responsibilities has revealed seven key characteristics that leaders who suffer from personal leadership poverty need to address to become successful. These are the lack of: (1) the true God, (2) physical and emotional health, (3) good character and integrity, (4) requisite competence, (5) good human relationships, (6) physical and spiritual security, and (7) financial stewardship. Assessing and developing leaders to overcome these potential deficiencies will enable them to exhibit righteous love, build trust and good relationships that are essential in building transformative organizations. In this book, the key elements of the personal leadership poverty framework and strategic leadership are elaborated with several examples that will help leaders and organizations overcome their leadership challenges and subsequently thrive.

    The book starts with an overview of strategic leadership, which clarifies the essence of leadership, strategy, and management. This is followed by a discussion on personal leadership poverty, which elaborates the personal leadership framework and how leaders can improve their overall leadership capabilities and practices. The tenets of global leadership are encapsulated in the chapter titled The Leader as Light. The chapter on leadership theories and practices provides insight into leadership theories, concepts, and models that enhance leadership practices. The chapter on power and influence provides insight into types and sources of power, influence tactics, and how humans respond to the use of power and influence in leader-follower relationships.

    The book emphasizes that it is difficult to solve complex problems, serve large numbers of customers, or develop societies without organizations, where people with diverse capabilities work to achieve common organizational purposes. Interestingly, the quality of an organization is determined by the quality of its people. Hence, leadership-followership development, succession planning and management are essential for organizational survival and growth.

    In chapter 6, I discuss coaching, counseling, mentoring and discipling, which highlight the concepts of collaborative/facilitative leadership and provide some of the methods organizations can use to develop their leaders and followers.

    Chapter 7 discusses organizational theories and practices, organizational design, organizational learning, creativity/innovation, and organizational trustworthiness, which provide insight into how organizations can be designed/re-configured and led to sustainably thrive.

    Finally, the book ends with a discussion on personal and organizational renewal,

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