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The Rules Between Girlfriends
The Rules Between Girlfriends
The Rules Between Girlfriends
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The Rules Between Girlfriends

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Jill and Seneca are both very accomplished and successful Black women in their mid 30s. Although their dissimilar personalities make everyone wonder how it could be so, theyve been best friends since they were college freshman.

Accepting a job promotion requires Jill to relocate to the same city where Seneca already lives. After her move, Jill finds Seneca to be in love with a man named Barry. He has no desire whatsoever to be with Seneca however. After he meets Jill, Barry wants to be with her, and Jill wants to be with him. For Jill and Barry to be together, that of course might put Jill and Senecas eighteen-year friendship in jeopardy.

Along with the dilemma that comes with Barry, Jill will meet and make other female friends in her new city. With those new friendships come secrets that are best kept, which prompts the need for certain deceptions. When all is said and done, Jill will go on a journey that will test, teach, and define the many variations of THE RULES BETWEEN GIRLFRIENDS!!!!!
Release dateAug 8, 2014
The Rules Between Girlfriends

Michael Jeffrey Carter

About the author: At 55, Mr. Carter’s story is still very simple. He is ‘too blessed to be stressed’, and happy to wake up every day God allows that to happen. He loves his son, his daughter and his beautiful grandson. Just as it was with his other 2 books, Divided Emotions and When Opposite Worlds Collide, writing is still his passion. Creating good stories to entertain, amuse and enlighten will always be his mission.

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    The Rules Between Girlfriends - Michael Jeffrey Carter

    © 2014 Michael Jeffrey Carter. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/05/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2977-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2976-1 (e)

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen


    About The Author


    T his book is dedicated to each and every woman everywhere in this wonderful wide world, her girlfriends and all the rules they operate by.


    I am of course obligated to give my first thanks to The Heavenly Father. Thank you My Father for your love, your grace and the many blessings you continue to make a constant occurrence in my life……Thank you for EVERYTHING Father.

    To my mother: the late Mrs. Ruth (Sims) Carter…I love and miss you so much ‘Grindle’. You are the best friend I’ve ever had, and the best friend I ever will have.

    To my children and grandson: (in the order that you all got here on earth)……..Tyler, I love you Son. You are a ‘good’ soul and I couldn’t be more proud of the man that you have grown to be. And you are ‘still’ the prettiest baby I ‘ever’ saw.

    Radara, Daddy loves you Sweetheart……You are a total shit ass. But be that as it may, I wouldn’t have you be any other way than who you are. Amidst who you are is a soul that I share a bond with that words could never describe, but will ‘never’ be broken.

    To my grandson Tristan (I call him Lil’ Nate)…Gramps loves you Baby Boy.

    To my lady love (and better half): …..I love you Maurece. I don’t have enough space on this paper to thank you for having me in your life and holding me down the way you do. Thank you for EVERYTHING. Above all, thank you for lettin’ me know ‘some stuff’ that day you walked across that dance floor (and you know what I mean)…Ah ah, Sweetheart…Stop it Gurl’……Stop…..Stop…..We both know da’ ‘real deal’…..Don’t try an’ ack’ like dat’s not how all dat’ went down……..I luh’ you ‘Frugal Farina’ 35085.png

    To my family and friends:……I love yall’, some-a’ yall’ more than others but I don’t ‘hate’ anybody…..To Cousin Herb (my little bro’), my family in Boston, Massachusetts, Tweet, Witcher, my family in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, South Carolina and Alabama, I love yall’…To the good people in my hometown Penllyn, PA. My love for yall’ is homegrown which means it’s for life. I’ll ‘always’ just be a kid from Penllyn, and to that end I’ll ‘always’ be Penllyn proud…..To my gurls’ (and guys) in the Keys & No Lock Book Club, I will love yall’ forever. Rollin’ with yall’ is a blast.

    May God’s gracious blessings

    forever be the wind at your back

    as you sail on your life’s journey.

    ‘Big Mike’ 35087.png

    Chapter One

    I n spite of her ‘rubenesque’ , 5’6", 243 Lbs., 44D-40-48 stature, the caramel-cinnamon skinned, shoulder length styled black haired, 36 year old Jillian Caviness was an extremely good looking woman. A stranger to no one, a friend to everyone, ‘Jill’ was an absolute sweetheart. Her warm and friendly character was hard to resist.

    Jill’s life was on the move in an upward direction. She had recently accepted a promotion to become the East Coast Director of Marketing for ‘Best Built Electronics’ (‘BBE’). Her promotion required her to move across the country to assume her new post at the company’s headquarters. The move held a personal bonus for Jill in that she would now be residing in the same city where her best friend Seneca Hammond already lived.

    Although Jill had other meaningful friendships and acquaintances in her life, Seneca was her ‘ace’. It was Seneca who stood as her maid of honor some 8 years ago when Jill married the very dashing and debonair Conyer Davenport.

    That marriage would only last 3 years because Conyer left Jill for another woman. Citing her weight as the primary reason for his defection, Jill never understood Conyer’s rationale. She was queen sized from the day they met in Raleigh, NC at a wedding where he served as the Best Man and she was a friend and guest of the bride.

    Seneca Hammond was very much a ‘plain Jane’ sort, but not too, too hard on the eyes. In ‘her’ mind however she was ‘fine as hell’. But alas, the real, lifelong social buzz among the opposite sex where Seneca was concerned was that she was a ‘5 block fox’. (Fine from far…..but far from fine). And for certain, she was not an amiable sort. To fully break down the aforementioned amiability aspect of her personality, ‘Seneca was a totally self centered bitch’.

    In the 4th year of doing a superlative job as the well respected Head Fashion Editor of The City’s prestigious ‘Daily Post’ newspaper, Seneca was an extremely well dressed, 36 year old, ‘high yella’ light skinned Black woman. (So light skinned was Seneca that Jill’s nickname for her was ‘Sunshine’ or ‘Shine’ for short).

    Despite the short, styled cuts of her light brown hair, lavishly expensive apparel and trinkets that she routinely adorned herself with, it did nothing to deflect from her 5’8", 136 Lbs., 38B breasted, virtually shapeless frame.

    Seneca was thoroughly enjoying her success and the perks and trappings that came with her position. She had almost everything she wanted. She had a great, well paying career, owned a lovely 3 bedroom, Center City high rise condo unit, a late model, cream white BMW X5, had regional fame and hung out in the highest echelons of ‘A list’ society. She had everything she wanted except the eternally evasive true love from a man that she desired.

    Her self centered nature was for sure the main reason why she had never been loved by a man. As it is for most of us, her ways could be traced back to her childhood. Her mother died of a sudden brain aneurysm when she was 5. Being the only girl and the youngest of 4, her father and brothers had spoiled her to an over the edge and abusive type of rotten. To the Hammond men, her pet name was ‘Prinny’ (short for Princess).

    As she grew up, the entire household had her conned into believing that ‘she’ was the template in which perfection was derived from. Her head was filled with ideas about herself that were not accurate in reality. In truth, Seneca was very insecure. She compensated by pointing out the flaws of others and was quick to put them down.

    Any straw poll that may have been taken would certainly reveal that most people did not care for her. However in Seneca’s mind she was adored by everyone. From her vantage point, the universe not only revolved around her, it owed her several favors.

    Seneca and Jill met 18 years ago as freshman at Vanderbilt University and had been best friends ever since. They referred to each other as ‘my sister from another mister’. Just like any other set of best friends they had their squabbles of course, but their bond of friendship was strong.

    During their college days they both took each other home, Seneca taking Jill with her to Huntsville, AL, and vice-verse to Spartanburg, SC. They grew to become so close that the summer between their junior and senior years, they staged a combined Disney World family reunion. That function would beget a relationship and ultimately a marriage between Jill’s maternal 2nd cousin Foster Tanner, and Seneca’s paternal 1st cousin Chelsea Hammond.

    Because their personalities were so different, all of their friends at Vanderbilt wondered how Jill and Seneca could be best friends. Jill was the sort who went about her way gracefully and under the radar. On the other hand Seneca was very ‘popular’.

    Just as she was in high school, Seneca was a cheerleader in college and never at a loss for a date. She always had the male athletes and well-to-do gentleman vying for her favor, but this was an illusion. In truth Seneca was an easy lay and had been from the day she surrendered her virtue at the age of 15. It didn’t take much to get in between Seneca’s legs. To those who paid her a little attention and dropped a few ‘sheckles’ on her had all the booty they could handle and then some.

    Blinded by her shallow convictions, Seneca never understood the real truth about the male attention she received in high school and in college. She was passed around like free popcorn and had the reputation of not being very good between the sheets. All of the guys that she had slept with back then branded her as dead weight and a waste of their time. This was a stigma that still plagued a clueless Seneca in the present day whenever she shared a bed, which was quite often.

    Jill and Seneca hung out with 2 other African-American girls back in college named Tamara Sellers and Caron Biggins, who were both dark skinned and overweight. By hanging with that trio, Seneca felt that she stuck out among them. She fancied herself as the prettiest girl of the bunch, which made her feel that much better about herself.

    Regardless of the shallow human being that Seneca was, Jill somehow found a way to embrace what little good there was about her. Part of Jill felt sorry for Seneca and her inability to look at life in realities terms. But through her entire life, Jill had never been an individual to judge. She felt it best to accept anyone for who they were and just love them no matter what.

    After graduating college their lives took them on their own paths. Despite their difference in personalities, time would see them remain close. Over the years they visited with and vacationed together as often as their busy schedules allowed them to. And up to present day it was a hard and fast rule that they speak once a week at a minimum.

    And our story begins…….The 3:35 PM hour of Augusts’ last Thursday found Seneca perusing her notes and some fashion pictures on her iPad Air while enjoying a latte at an airport coffee shop. She was bubbling over with excitement as she awaited Jill’s incoming flight which was due to land at 3:52.

    As her flight came to its conclusion, Jill found it hard to contain her excitement as well. She was not only looking forward to the challenges of her new job, but also very happy about the prospects of living in the same city as her best friend.

    After she deplaned, Jill found Seneca waiting for her just past the security gates. Running up to each other, they squealed loudly as they embraced.

    "‘Hey Gurl’", said an excited Jill as they broke from their hug.

    "‘What’s up Sweetie’", replied Seneca. How was your flight?

    Hey, Um’ here in one piece, that’s all that matters….So how are ya’ Sunshine?

    Um’ good Jilly…..and happy as hell we’ll be livin’ in the same city now. Um’ so glad me an’ my best friend can hang out whenever we want……just like old times.

    The next stop was baggage claim where Seneca commissioned a young Ebony male skycap to carry Jill’s bags. From there they went out to the limo Seneca had rented.

    Dam Gurl’, said Jill. You rented a limo?

    I didn’t know how many bags you were gonna’ have, so rather than try to fit everything in my Beemer, I just got us a car……It’s no big deal Hun. I got it like dat’, said Seneca as she tipped the skycap after he loaded the trunk.

    Well I see Miss Material Thang’ is still alive and well’, Jill thought to herself as they got into the limo.

    Like everyone else, Jill had often wondered herself sometimes how she could even be friends, let alone best friends with such a grotesquely superficial woman. Jill had to be honest with herself whenever she recounted her affiliation with Seneca. Since day 1, Jill had always been the major contributor to their friendship. That was yet another aspect of realism that eluded Seneca. But through it all, Jill’s gentle nature was very forgiving.

    Where to ladies, asked the late 30ish, Caucasian male driver.

    To Center City, The Plaza Hotel please, replied Jill.

    "‘Nonsense’", spouted Seneca. You’re gonna’ stay at the condo with me. I won’t hear of you stayin’ in no hotel.

    Gurl’ please, the company got me a passkey level suite at The Plaza til’ my crib is ready….to The Plaza Sir, and the driver had them on their way.

    You go head on now Mommy, quipped Seneca. The company is puttin’ you up at The Plaza. They must think a lotta’ you Jilly.

    It’s a sweet deal Shine, fo’ sho’.

    After arriving and checking in at The Plaza, Jill invited Seneca up to have a look at her suite. On their way to the elevator, Seneca was asked and gladly signed an autograph for an early teenaged African-American girl who had recognized her.

    Once inside the 4 room suite, Seneca fawned all over herself. "I get that all the time no matter where I go……I have ‘so’ many fans of my column".

    Jill just looked at Seneca and walked off shaking her head as she began to unpack and put things away. When she was done with that detail they ordered up some dinner and settled in to do some catching up. Conversation was very general over dinner, mostly talk of their careers and Jill’s move.

    After dinner the best friends got comfortable on the couch in the suite’s main room. Accompanied by a bottle of white wine, they got into some heavier dialogue.

    So how are you really doin’ Jilly? You over your marriage to Conyer yet?

    Fuck Conyer, replied Jill as her eyes welled up into tears. He left me, I gave em’ back his name…I didn’t ask his ass for shit…..Fuck Conyer, and by now Jill was crying full bore. As she relived the pain that had amassed from her brief 3 year marriage to Conyer, her best friend reached out and pulled Jill into a warm and loving hug.

    While in Seneca’s embrace, Jill went on a mental excursion into the past. In doing so she recalled how happy she was the day she married the then 34 year old, handsome, medium brown skinned, physically fit, 185 Lbs. aeronautical engineer.

    After their Spartanburg wedding, Jill moved to San Francisco, CA where Conyer was already enjoying a very well paid career designing aircrafts for the ‘Astro-Dynamic’ company, which was a formidable, worldwide operation. It was in San Francisco that Jill hooked on as a marketing executive with Best Built Electronics.

    The 1st year of marriage was wonderful. With a great job, a beautiful 3 bedroom home and a prosperous, handsome husband who doted over her, and could not get enough of her sexually, Jill could not have been happier with her life. Slightly more than 1 month after their 1st anniversary, Conyer started complaining about Jill’s weight, which of course caught her by surprise.

    Her weight had never been a problem with Conyer through 3 years of courtship and 1 year of marriage. Jill had actually gained 8 Lbs. over their 1st year of marriage, but it didn’t really alter her appearance to a noticeable degree. Soon after filing his initial grievance about her weight, the ‘Fat Girl’, ‘Petunia Pig’, ‘Pork-a-saurus Rex’ references were soon to follow and became a part of Conyer’s everyday condemnation. This of course would cut deep into Jill’s psyche and made her cry just about every day.

    6 months after that, Conyer always seemed to be ‘working late’, routinely not getting home before 10:00 PM at the earliest. Of course Jill harbored concerns about the legitimacy of his whereabouts. When she asked, he would say Sweetheart, right now we got contracts and projects that are quite demanding. Sometimes my position requires me to put in some long hours. Um’ just doin’ what I gotta’ do. Wanting very much to believe him, Jill reluctantly went with her husband’s ‘hard at work’ assertions.

    When it came to their sex life, Conyer was always ‘too tired’ when he finally came home during the week. And on the weekends, ‘if’ sex happened, he complained about her weight and her body for the entire duration of their abbreviated sessions.

    Despite her successful efforts to lose 27 Lbs. over the next few months, Conyer still didn’t seem to be interested in having sex with Jill. His lack of sexual attention to her made Jill feel less than a woman. She actually came to believe that she was the unsightly, overweight, undesirable woman that Conyer spoke of.

    On the night of their 2nd anniversary, Jill prepared a romantic candle lit dinner complete with champagne. She also baked a cake to mark the occasion and set everything up in the dining room. To cap the mood, she titivated herself in a black, crotchless, fishnet leotard and eagerly waited for her husband all evening long.

    Conyer didn’t get home until just after midnight and strolled right past Jill and everything she had set up and went into the kitchen. After pouring and quaffing down a glass of iced tea, Conyer headed straight upstairs and jumped into the shower.

    Undaunted, Jill followed him upstairs and laid on their bed in her slinky outfit in a very seductive, legs gapped open wide pose. When Conyer entered the bedroom and saw Jill, he moved her over, got under the covers and turned the light out. Jill could do no more than roll over to her side of the bed and silently cried herself to sleep.

    Upon awakening the next morning Conyer felt bad about what he had done to his wife the night before. He didn’t even realize it was their anniversary until he got home and saw what Jill had put together. In a measure of what he perceived to be redemption, he rolled Jill over at 6:00 AM and fucked her in the missionary position for all of 5 minutes. Once he had his release, he jumped out of bed and headed for a shower.

    Jill was so devastated by this turn of events that she had to take the day off from work. She remembered when she called her boss Gwendolyn Dillard to inform her of her intentions how Gwen teased her. Surmising that Jill had enjoyed the previous nights activities with her husband, Gwen would say, You don’t fool me Gurl’, you know you’re just too worn out to come in, but its ok, I aint mad atcha’. Jill cried all day long.

    By the middle of their 3rd year of marriage, Conyer was refusing Jill sex all together and the name calling got worse. A month before the 3rd anniversary of what had officially become a horrific married life with Conyer; Jill was out at a mall while on her lunch break shopping for her husband’s anniversary gift. Wanting a bite to eat, Jill settled on the mall’s Italian café.

    To her most unpleasant surprise, Jill found Conyer in a corner of that café nuzzled up lovingly with another woman. When Jill walked up on them, Conyer never batted an eye. He introduced the beautiful, dark skinned, much more physically attractive woman as Farris Conaway, and that he was glad things were now out in the open.

    Jill tried her immediate best to keep her dignity, not wanting to create a scene in public. She recalled how Farris looked down her nose at her. She interpreted the smug look Farris wore on her face to say, ‘Eww, look at you. It’s no wonder yo’ fat ass can’t keep your man in your bed’. Jill remembered wanting to reach out slap the hell out of Farris, but directed her anger and pain towards Conyer by slapping his face instead.

    After glaring at her adulterous husband for another quick second, Jill took the glass of red wine that Farris was sipping on and dashed it in her face and all over her white silk dress. After which Jill walked away in tears a totally devastated woman. She spent the rest of that day and night cursing herself, feeling like a downright fool.

    With Conyer not even bothering to come home for such, the next 6 days were absolute torture for Jill. Over that time frame she had a presentation to give at work for some major clients. With that assignment on her plate, she had to deal with the state of her perilous marriage and in which direction her life was now headed.

    Somehow she was able to keep her focus at work and not let on that she was vying with some major interior issues. Her fear was that if she confessed to her superiors what was going on at home, they would pull her off the project. In the end her presentation was flawless, which ultimately proved to be a key rung as she made her climb up the BBE corporate ladder.

    When Conyer finally did come home, he walked in and started to pack his things, saying virtually nothing to Jill in the process. Jill tried to say a few things but Conyer’s responses were minimal as he went about his business.

    After about 2 hours, a medium sized moving van came. When they knocked, Conyer let in the 3 man crew. Under his instructions, they began to load the furniture, electronic equipment and appliances Conyer was taking with him along with the boxes and suitcases he had already packed.

    After an hour or so, the van was loaded. With the van on its way, Conyer stepped to Jill and handed her a card. He would say, Here is the number to my lawyer Jillian. Have yours get in contact with him when you’re ready to get this over with…..The sooner the better……You can have your car (a 3 year old navy blue Toyota Camry) and you can have the house and everything I left here, and then he handed Jill a cashiers check for $100,000. This check will more than certainly compensate for what I took.

    So that’s it, said Jill, barely able to speak through her sobs. You take six years of my life, three as your wife. And then poof…..‘nothing’"?

    "Ah yes, about that. Rather than alimony, at the finalization of our divorce I’m prepared to make you a seven figure cash settlement….Certainly an amount that’ll see to it that the past six years were at the very least ‘profitable’ for you".

    "So lemme’ see if I got dis’ right. You git’ wit’ some other bitch and just like that it’s all over. Here ya’ go Jill. You can have the house, you can have the car. I’ll even drop a few dollars on you……..‘now run along’…….No discussion, no apologies, no remorse. With the snap of your finger it’s over.……….Is dat’ it, do I have it right"?

    Pretty much, and with his right hand Conyer snapped his fingers.

    "‘You no good, low down, sorry ass motha’ fucker’".

    "Be that as it may Jillian, the reality here is that ‘this marriage is over’ and you need to deal with it. You’re a ‘good woman’. Lose some weight for Christ’s sake. Maybe if you do, you’ll hook up with another man one-a’ these days".

    "Get out……..‘get out’…………‘GET OUT’", screamed Jill as she picked up a porcelain table lamp and brandished it as a weapon.

    Gladly, and with that Conyer left for good.

    (In anger, Jill would burn the check that Conyer had given her which was a move that she still regretted to present day).

    A year later at the final divorce proceedings at Conyer’s attorney’s offices, Jill asked for nothing, just wanting the divorce to be final. As promised, Conyer insisted that she at least keep the house and was awarded such (which she sold 4 months later).

    After all the papers were signed, Jill was forced to endure yet another turn of the dagger that Conyer had plunged into her heart. With Farris waiting in the outer office, right in front of an exiting Jill, Conyer took a knee and placed a 5 karat diamond engagement ring on Farris’ finger. Unable to control her emotions, Jill grabbed a glass pot full of hot coffee and smashed it over Conyer’s head.

    Farris wanted him to press charges, but Conyer wanted no parts of that. Aside from a few minor cuts and burns and since Jill was officially out of his life, he convinced his newly minted fiancé to just let bygones be bygones. He would insist that they just leave and finally get on with their plans.

    As she was still maintained in Seneca’s embrace, Jill felt comfortable there as she continued her mental excursion. This was a side of Seneca that most people just didn’t see. Jill had always defended Seneca when people would speak ill, but truthfully of her best friend. Jill would tell people, You just don’t know her, she’s good people, and she has my back. The type of camaraderie that Seneca was extending to her at that precise moment was exactly what Jill was talking about.

    After all, it was Seneca who gladly flew to San Francisco to be by her side and comfort her the day Conyer was slated to re-marry 2 short months after his divorce from Jill was final. Seneca was also more than a willing participant when Jill wanted to exact some measure of revenge on her cheating ex-husband.

    Seneca was well versed in the rudiments of ‘gettin’ even’ with a man. By that time in her life, she had been party to numerous disappointments at the hands of men. (Of course Seneca could just never understand why she never really mixed well with a man).

    While Conyer and Farris’ wedding ceremony was going on and with Seneca in tow, Jill put her dastardly ‘payback’ plan in motion. After parking a little ways away and while heading for the church, Jill tried to beg off. Seneca would have none of that and took control. With the bravado of a wartime field general she commanded Jill to carry out the plan. Half heartedly, Jill would soldier on.

    In front of the church they would sneak up on the limo driver as he sat in the driver’s seat. Seneca would stun the poor, unsuspecting 58 year old, portly Caucasian fellow with a heavy dose of pepper spray. After which and to Jill’s surprise, Seneca would pull a loaded 9mm Smith and Wesson handgun out of her purse. With an authoritative voice, she demanded that the driver get out of the car and lay on the ground.

    By then Jill was ready to run. BITCH, ARE YOU OUTTA’ YO’ GOTDAM’ MIND, screamed Jill.

    As the gun wielding Seneca held the driver at bay lying on the ground, she would say, "Look Mommy, just go head’ an’ do what you came here to do. If dis’ motha’ fucker tries ta’ move, I swear I’ll blow his nuts all da’ way up to ‘Mars’….Conyer got dis’ shit comin’ ta’ his no good fuckin’ ass…….‘GO HEAD’ ON AN’ DO IT’ ".

    Jill would then take some red and black spray paint and decorate the white stretch Hummer (windows included) with words like ‘LOSER’, ‘LYIN’ BASTARD’, ‘CHEATER’, ‘STANK HO’ and ‘ADULTEROUS BITCH’. (The painted up limo was how Farris’ parents found out their new son-in law had left his wife for their daughter).

    After the completion of the ‘art work’, Seneca demanded that the driver hand over his wallet. When he complied, she took out his driver’s license and put it her purse. She would tell him, "I know who you are an’ where yo’ fuckin’ ass lives…….If you give us up, I’ll come to yo’ crib an’ blow you and yo’ whole fuckin’ family head off…..‘You feelin’ me Grampaw’".

    After Seneca gave him another douse of pepper spray, the girls would run away like the escaping criminals that they were. With them gone, the poor driver would get up and run into the church for his safety. He would later tell the authorities that due to the pepper spray, he could not positively identify the culprits. With his testosterone element in tact, he failed to mention he was abducted and held at gunpoint by a pair of women.

    Thinking on their reprehensible deed brought Jill back to life a little, thus returning from memory lane. She would sit up, separate herself from Seneca’s hug and started laughing through her sobs.

    I know exactly what you’re laughin’ at Gurl’, said Seneca. Admit it, it felt good to paint up dat’ nigga’s limo……didn’t it?

    I can’t even lie Shine. Paintin’ up dat’ limo felt good as shit.

    "I just wish we could-a’ hung around long enough ta’ see what him an’ dat’ bitch reaction was when they came outside, but sista’s ‘was not’ tryin’ ta’ git’ locked up".

    I heard dat’ Shine, and they gave each other a high 5. We got outta’ there quicker than cockroaches when da’ kitchen light comes on, and Jill dried her eyes.

    I’ll bet yo’ useless ass ex and his bride was swole’ up though.

    "I’ll jus’ bet they were…….But ‘I know’ that ‘they know’ who did it".

    It served dat’ smug bitch an’ his lyin’, cheatin’ ass right.…Fuck Conyer and his wife, you deserved much better than what he did to you Jilly.

    Shine, I appreciated you bein’ there for me an’ all, but did you really hafta’ pull a gun on the poor limo driver?

    Please Gurl’, he’s a stankin’, triflin’ ass man too. Somewhere along the line he had it comin’ to em’. I was gettin’ even for some woman somewhere……Fuck him too.

    "Lookin’ back on it, we’re lucky we ‘didn’t’ get arrested. I guess dat’ old White man took your threat seriously".

    "I guess Jilly…… An’ you know I ‘still’ to dis’ day got his drivers license".

    They would laugh on their shameful exploits for a while longer before the conversation got serious once again. So how’s it with you Shine? Any special man in your life these days?

    Seneca began to gush before she answered. Well, there is one guy and he’s fine as hell Jilly.

    Well don’t hold back, replied an excited Jill. Details Mommy, details.

    "Well, his name is Barry, he’s thirty eight an’ he is da’ finest Black man God ever made. He’s a sales rep for a beer company, and he’s a co-owner of a party and concert promotions company. He’s very successful. He’s tall, he got a ripped ass body………..‘An’ he got big feet Gurl’", and they laughed hardily at Seneca’s last revelation. "I dig da’ shit outta’ him Jilly. We went out once and had a great time but he ‘says’ he just wants us to be friends, but I aint feelin’ dat’ bullshit. Seneca went on to talk a little more about Barry then ended her summation by saying, I don’t know how come he pretends the way he does. I don’t know how he can lay off-a’ all dis’ fine-ness, and she stood up and did a twirl of her unshapely anatomy. Any man who don’t want dis’ is a pure fool", and Seneca retook her seat.

    Once again Jill could only shake her head mentally. She knew more than anybody how unfoundedly full of herself that Seneca was. She wondered if maybe someday she was going to let the hammer come down and tell her best friend the real truth about herself. Rather than go there now, Jill felt a subject change might be in order. So what do we have planned Shine. Its Labor Day weekend and I can’t wait to get around and find out what this city has to offer.

    "For starters, we’re goin’ to a club called ‘The Atomic Bubble’ tomorrow night. Barry’s group is throwin’ the party so you’ll meet him then. My gurl’s will all be there so you’ll get to meet them as well".

    That sounds good; I could use a night out.

    You’ve been divorced for a while now Jilly. It’s time for you to get back in the game. When’s da’ last time you had some dick anyway?

    "It has been a minute". (1 year, 5 months to be exact).

    Not to worry Honey, dis’ city has loads of successful, eligible men.

    Hey, Um’ cool. If there’s a man out there for me, fate will cross our paths.

    Well, I’m gonna’ put you in the middle of a million guys tomorrow night. Just remember, Barry is off limits to you.

    "Oh, you mean just like how ‘my man’ was off limits to you back in college…. ‘Bitch’", and Jill’s demeanor shifted as she shot Seneca a venomously glare.

    Jill was referring to Curtis ‘Sugarfoot’ Hopkins who back then was her so called boyfriend and the star basketball player at Vanderbilt. On a February afternoon 19 months into their relationship, Jill would use her key to his

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