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About this ebook

1. Dear editor letters
2. Biblical commentary
3. Hot country lyrics
4. The great paper clip caper
Release dateDec 30, 2014

Imma Writer

Retired demographic analyst.

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    Amusing - Imma Writer

    © 2015 Imma Writer . All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/12/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4682-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-4680-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014918411

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.


    The End Times.

    Plum Crazy

    Out Of Hand

    Highschool Picture

    Make It To Heaven

    10 Billion Years

    A Thousand And One

    I Aint Hank Jr.

    I Can’t Help Bein Country

    Shadow Of My Past

    Back In Nashville Now

    Hard Time

    Dallas And Houston

    Honky Tonkin In My Blood

    Honky Tonkin Fool

    Piece Of Rice

    The Likes Of You

    Plastic Chairs

    Feet On The Rock

    Whole Lot Of You

    Bed And A Bottle

    Bridge With A Cross

    Put Some Flowers

    Fool Thing Like That

    Kelly Girl

    My Ole Standby

    The Only Bad Thing About Christmas

    Dont Fall In Love With An Outlaw

    A Merry Christmas With Me

    More To Her Than Ever Meets The Eye

    Is This What Christmas Is About

    Barstool World

    How Do I Look

    It’s Still Goin On

    Start Lookin Up

    Long Lonesome Days

    Can’t Convince My Heart

    I Love To Honky-Tonk

    We’ll Take It From There

    Aint Gon Drink No More

    His Dog His Girl

    Honey Don’t You Cut No Wood

    I See Where I Stand

    Back On Lovin You

    Hey I Know You

    Picture Of My Mother

    She Said It Was Cold

    Ten Feet Tall

    Here For You

    Drinkin You Out Of My Mind

    Holly Holder

    Norm Abram

    Go Getter

    One Of These Days

    Prosperity Gospel

    Walk The Dog

    Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel

    Mall Walkin

    Lnda On My Mind And Jesus In My Heart

    A Fool Thing To Do

    The Chicken Coupe

    Evaluator Twenty One

    Country Fan

    Country Woman

    Silver Tongue Devil

    This Hit

    The Great Paper Clip Caper


    Dear Editor,

    I am Malcolm Glenn Lamberth Sr. and I am running for president. I am pro-life and stand for the God given definition of marriage. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe God is a sovereign God. That he is omnipotent, omnipresent, and all-powerful. He is almighty God; on his thrown & in controll. Therefore even a clown like me can be president. Thank you for your vote.

    Imma Writer


    Dear Editor,

    When I was a kid, I delivered newspapers in Midway, Cavel Valley and beyond. After running the route, I would park my black Schwann bicycle outside Adairs Drug Store and go inside where Dr. Adair was kind enough to let me browse the comic book rack. I was particularly fond of Superman. It was ??? of him that he could leap tall buildings with a single bound sounds impossible, but I ??? it.

    The bible to has stories ??? the impossible, which ??? question, way should ??? in the impossible. Could it that belief in the ??? nurtures hope with??? in times of trials, ??? tribulations; when times ??? or things may not ??? going our way; we are ??? to have a positive attitude ??? be optimistic about our circumstances because this ??? has been instilled within us so when it ses he can leap to buildings with a single bound I believe it. I do believe in the impossible.

    Imma Writer


    Dear Editor,

    A couple sent me a thank-you card with a nice sentiment written inside. In the card was a note saying, You are our hero. However I would have to say, do not put me up on that pedestal. I’m imperfect, I make mistakes, I’m apt to fall off. Instead, put Jesus Christ superstar up there. He wont ever disappoint; and thank-you very much for the love.

    Imma Writer


    Dear Editor,

    When one once perceives this; God is almighty, he is omnipotent, omnipresent, all-powerful and on his thrown; that he is a sovereign God, and in controll, or he is it, so to speak; there may be some tendency to lay-back and say, so, God you be da one, youre it, you do it; then one is said to be dead in one’s faith. However, if one is industrious, enterprising, and conscientious about one’s personal life, one’s faith is alive. I think I’ve heard it said this way; Faith without works is dead.

    Imma Writer


    Dear Editor,

    Anger begat resentment; resentment leads to bitterness, bitterness leads to hatred, and anger, resentment, bitterness, and hatred can cause defiance, hostility; even violence. Anger is the catalyst for all these things. So, how does one neutralize the anger?

    One determines what person, place, or thing is the object of one’s anger and forgives this entity; from the bottom of one’s heart; and the anger, and any product thereof, subsides it begins to dissipate, it even goes away; and one finds their peace.


    Dear Editor,

    Question: in the gospel of John, chapter 8, verses 6 through 8; just what could Jesus have written in the sand, for it is said he stooped and wrote?


    Dear Editor,

    A major portion of the world oil supply is delivered from the Middle East. So in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verses 6 through 8, where for it is said, Jesus stooped and wrote & having proffered the question in my previous letter of 6-1-14, asking just what could Jesus have written in the sand, for it is said he stooped and wrote, well it is quite obvious to this writer, he said Drill here.

    Dear Editor,

    In a convicted felon, and I can’t get a job, because employer applications include this question, Were you ever convicted of a felony? What this question is really asking is this, are you a criminal? I’m no more or less a criminal than any of the other 300 million or so residents of this country. We’re all positive and negative. God made us that way. One might say Theres a little bad in the best and even some good in the worst.

    Ironically, I wouldn’t hire me either. That element of trust so highly valued among individuals is compromised by a criminal conviction. However, employers, I advice you, have a heart, look beyond the stereotypical excon determined or destined to recitivize for lack of opportunity. Hire us. Consider a sinner when filling that next open position. We may fit right in with you’re gang.


    Dear Editor,

    Our freedom emanates from our constitution, the amendments thereto, and the bill of rights. This idea; embedded in those documents is deeply rooted in the biblical text. Freedom empowers us. Freedom empowers men, women, and our youth. With this power comes responsibility. How we become responsible with this power is through practicing positive morals, ethics, and values. A secular system may say, who needs God, I can just practice positive morals, ethics, and values and I will be O.K. However one must understand, God is a vengeful God, for when we do not practice positive morals, ethics,

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