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Kim, the young fourteen year old had been extremely busy at the sewing machine, with bolts of fabric that Esmira had gotten from the store in town. She was able to make a lime green dress for Esmira, a peach one for herself, a navy blue one for Margaret and a pink one for Audra. It was extremely tough for her to work on the bust line because they were all so busty except for Audra. She whipped thru hers with a breeze because of her average bust and long legs. It was the buttons that made the dress so tough since it had forty buttons from neckline to the waist. Kim thanked Esmira for allowing her to display her talents. Audra and Margaret had wonderful cooking talents to add to the success of the gymkhana so the whole crew sampled pancakes, omelets and bacon as they prepared for the days to come.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 22, 2016

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    Tailor-Made - Jerry Kuttler

    Copyright © 2016 by Jerry Kuttler.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016917468

    ISBN:   Hardcover         978-1-5245-5286-2

                 Softcover           978-1-5245-5288-6

                 eBook                978-1-5245-5287-9

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

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    Rev. date: 11/22/2016






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9


    Kim, the young sixteen year old had been extremely busy at the sewing machine, with bolts of fabric that Esmira had gotten from the store in town. She was able to make a lime green dress for Esmira, a peach one for herself, a navy blue one for Margaret and a pink one for Audra. It was extremely tough for her to work on the bust line because they were all so busty except for Audra. She whipped thru hers with a breeze because of her average bust and long legs. It was the buttons that made the dress so tough since it had forty buttons from neckline to the waist. Kim thanked Esmira for allowing her to display her talents. Audra and Margaret had wonderful cooking talents to add to the success of the gymkhana so the whole crew sampled pancakes, omelets and bacon as they prepared for the days to come.

    While reminiscing with her sisters Kim asks what do you think about, I mean when this gymkhana is over, are you ready to go back to the farm? Audra and Margaret look at each other with eyes wide open, as if a rattle snake was close by. Kim says any answers? Audra and Margaret say well we are working on a plan. Kim is over joyed with excitement and says please let me know. They huddle momentarily and Margaret says nothing would please me better when this gymkhana is over to be married to Joe. Really says Audra I have been thinking the same way about Ralph. That’s great says Kim, I want the same for me and Jack. What says Audra you are going on fifteen. What do you have to offer? Kim flaunts her best assets by drawing attention to her lovely breasts with both hands and says I have a start. Margaret who remembers how sternly Esmira ripped into her about kissing Joe, interrupts and says if that is her dream let her stick with it. I think she would be good at whatever she decides to do. Now all we have to do is hook our men! Audra says by the time this gymkhana is over I plan to be married!

    Kim had just finished her wedding dress and put it up when everyone was walking in the door. Another day at the gymkhana had passed and Margaret told Kim the sky blue dress had sold for one hundred and seventy five dollars. Kim had one more dress to sew and forty five minutes to do it. So she put together a sky blue dress in her build for bustier customers. Now it was time to pull out the pork roast that she put in the stove around three hours ago. There was some left over potato salad and Audra was just finishing up the green beans. This was going to be dinner fit for a king. As soon as the dishes were washed she would be getting ready for the dance. Kim pulled Audra and Margaret aside and showed them the wedding gowns. Both Audra’s and Margaret’s mouth gapped open in astonishment. Oh, you shouldn’t have came from the sister’s mouth. Kim said It’s ok. Now just hook your man. All three put on their Sunday best and walked across to the barn, where Ross and Byron were getting their musical instruments warmed up.

    It is Thursday, another beautiful day at the stud farm. All the activities are going off as planned. The girls are in their booth with dresses that Kim has sewn and food that Audra and Margaret have cooked. The day has been busy and everybody had a chance to see some new talent on the activities. In a half hour, the gymkhana day will be done. An hour after that Charlie and Ruth will be pulling up in time to visit with their daughters and hoping that the Gymkhana has made great ladies out of them. Jeremy sees Charlie’s and Ruth’s buckboard coming up the way and intercepts them. He maneuvers the buckboard behind the mare’s corral where Ralph explains to Charlie and Ruth about his blacksmithing and asks for Audra’s hand in marriage. Ruth says if it is ok with her you have my permission. Joe was putting up the appaloosa for Jeremy and overheard the conversation and walked right in and said while we are at it, my name is Joe and I wish to have Margaret’s hand in marriage. Charlie spoke up and said that’s fine. Jack was just coming out of the tack room from getting some water and humbly approached both Ruth and Charlie. He explained who he was that he has a job at the gymkhana, getting a buck per day and wished to have Kim’s hand in marriage. Charlie agrees only if they stop by once a year until she is fifteen.

    Jack and Kim are happily married and happily going toward the upper twenty. Kim tells Jack about the dreams she has about opening up a boutique for all her dresses that she has been making. Jack agrees with her and compliments her on her gift. Kim asked about where they might settle down after the honeymoon and Jack says I have been meaning to talk to you about that. I have two offers, one from your dad and one from Jeremy. Now your dad’s offer is room and board in exchange for farming with a forty per cent of any profits that the farm would bring. Now Jeremy’s offer is a buck a week with free room and board and ten per-cents of the profits of next year’s Gymkhana. Kim thinks it over and says well if we go back to my parents’ house, I am going to feel that I am still under their rule and I think it would be more trouble than it’s worth. But on the other hand being at the J.&E. Stud farm I will have more time to develop my sewing craft, and if we play are cards right, I will ask for forty per-cent of the profits off all the stuff that I sew. I saw eighteen hundred dollars go thru my hands on the clothes I made. If you take 40 per-cent of eighteen hundred dollars I would have received seven hundred and twenty dollars. After one year that would be enough to buy a five acre stretch with a house and have my own sewing room. Jack says Sounds like you have thought this thru pretty good my darling, that’s one of the reasons why I love you. With tears of joy running down her cheeks Kim is overjoyed as she states a month ago I was just a lost child on a broken farm with no future in sight. Now that I have experienced the gymkhana and the opportunity of sewing and selling my wares as well as getting married I feel like I have matured greatly. Audra and Margaret developed their cooking skills to a world class level and Kim was noticed especially by the eastern sea coast for her dresses and bonnets. Ross and Byron kept up their musical talents and traveled extensively to other rodeo’s as they promoted their start at E&J stud farm. Joe and Jack became junior partners in the E&J stud farm while developing the cattle side.

    Kim had new ideas for the future of her family, she setting herself up against the odds. This was something that she was already familiar with. By selling those dresses at the Gymkhana and getting the prices she wanted. Kim had to set her sights on a new vision. There were two secrets that she was keeping involving her dresses and the attorney that she met in town. Her first step was to get a team player that could hold down the business in the states, while she traveled abroad. Once she got abroad Kim would study the fashion and implement her secrets.


    And the year was 1870 and Victoria had just opened a letter from her cousin in Boston Massachusetts. If as she was overwhelmed with excitement on the young lady her cousin had met in a Gymkhana near Big Horn, Wyoming. Usually the letters she would receive from her cousin would be about a page in length, more or less just to tell Victoria the updates on the family. However, this time was different. The length of the letter was at least four pages and couldn’t stop talking about Kim the young lady that sold her a beautiful dress at a price that she could double her money back east. These dresses were not some material that one could just throw together in a matter of minutes but extremely detailed. She went on to tell her that she revisited this Gymkhana four more times to admire and buy the dresses that she was making. One particular dress that she was fond about was the maroon dress with a bigger bust line than most but the forty two buttons that lined the front made the dress look exquisite. This dress looked like one would wear it to the ballroom or dance floor. Victoria after reading this was so intrigued that she would have to meet this person face to face. Victoria sat down and replied to her cousin that she would be there in May just to meet this young lady. This meant traveling across the Pacific Ocean on a twelve day cruise, just to meet this young lady that turns cloth into magic.

    Over in Big Horn, Wyoming Joe and Margaret agree that three days up at the shack away from the stud farm would do them some good. It wasn’t that they were bored, but the stud farm and the twins kept everyone busy all the time. Audra agreed to watch her sister’s twins for those days. As long as when she returns that she would do the same for her and her husband Ralph when she got back. Margaret agrees. Jeremy asked Joe to check up on some things when he was up there. To check the boundary lines to see if they have been moved and the roof of the shack. Joe agrees. Joe saddles the Palomino for him and the sorrel for Margaret. It was about 9:30 in the morning so the hour trip up to the shack would not be in the mid- day heat. As soon as they get on the road away from anyone to hear, Margaret tells Joe how much she loves him. Joe says thanks, are you in need of some extra attention? Margaret replies oh, it’s not that, it has been extremely busy taking care of the twins and just getting everything done. Joe agrees and says "yes, taking on those cattle has been quite time consuming. Right when you think you are getting on top of things and you take a deep breath, there is a

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