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Live and Learn
Live and Learn
Live and Learn
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Live and Learn

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Donna and Diane had been the best of friends since the tender young ages of childhood and theyd both grown and had become two of the most attractive women imaginable. Although they differed in many ways there was one thing that they both had in common and that was to one day find true love, but upon finding their true loves little had either of them known that the price for love was worth more than they had bargained for when two best friends of the opposite sex entered into their lives turning their already not so perfect worlds upside down.
Now years later their stories are told of how A love so right can turn out to be so wrong
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 17, 2014
Live and Learn

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    Live and Learn - Xlibris US

    Copyright © 2014 by Carol James.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve


    Part Two

    Part Three The Seduction

    Final Chapter

    The Broken Vows

    Because life isn’t always what we expect, we must learn to accept things for what they are all the while looking, hoping and praying for a brighter tomorrow


    Donna and Diane had been the best of friends since the tender young ages of childhood and they’d both grown and had become two of the most attractive women imaginable. Although they differed in many ways there was one thing that they both had in common and that was to one day find true love, but upon finding their true loves little had either of them known that the price for love was worth more than they had bargained for when two best friends of the opposite sex entered into their lives turning their already not so perfect worlds upside down.

    Now years later their stories are told of how A love so right can turn out to be so wrong

    Donna and Diane had been friends for over ten years now and for the first time in their adult lives they were hanging out at one of the local neighboring bars together. It was the first time that Diane had entered into such a place but for Donna it was by no means a first time for her.

    Donna was well known by the crowd of people and had been a frequent member of the street life since the age of fourteen unbeknown by her loving mother that she had dropped out of school without ever having entered in her junior year. Her mother never knew that while most young girls her daughter age were heading out the door with book bags for schooling that her beloved was heading around the corner for drinks and a very active social life.

    Diane on the other hand was a smart girl who dreamed of becoming a grade school teacher, and for the last four years she’d worked and saved ever penny that she could earn in order to make her dream of teaching a reality. Her mother died when she was only ten and had left her a small insurance policy but it was barely enough to pay her way through school, so for years now she had worked as a clerk at one of the local food markets and even doing so the small pay that she did earn was barely enough to help put food on the table and clothes on her back, but by now she was confident and secure with her future knowing that she had a nice nest tucked away neatly in her savings account.

    Donna and Diane had met as neighbors when Diane had come to town to stay with her sister Valerie following the death of their mother the one and only parent either of them had ever known. It had been a very difficult time for Diane and the little girl next door had helped to fill that void with her friendship and good humor. Instantly the girls had bonded and for the first four years of their friendship it appeared as though everything they did was done together that is until the death of Donnas father when she was fourteen years old.

    He was a good man who adored and provided well for his family. A Christian man he was and not once had he ever ventured or strayed. His family meant the world to him and Donna was the center of it all, she loved him with all her heart, and soul and hoped to one day find a love of her own in the image of the father that she loved and adored so much. I guess you could say that Donna was spoiled and one of the happiest little girls in a world where most people struggled and very few children ever knew what it was like to have two loving parents in the same home, but she did and then all of a sudden with a drop of a hat, just like that he was gone without her ever having a chance to say goodbye from an acute heart attack that had taken him away instantly and she began to enter into a world she had never known.

    A world where she spent most her time in the streets with older and an unsophisticated crowd of people because now that her father was gone Mrs. Kaye her mother had to work outside the home to make ends meet and Donna was left home alone quite often to do as she pleased and soon it had become evident and obvious that what she was happy doing didn’t involve a education.

    She never talked much about the lost of her father not even to Diane but everyone could see that his death had hurt her much deeper than she was willing to say when she started acting out in ways that was even strange to Diane who pretty much knew her better than anyone. Now six years later and for the first time in a long time this night reminded them both of the good times they had once shared.

    Donna was looking good and having the time of her life. She’d recently come from LA and it was no secret to Diane that she had met someone who had changed her for the better. She hadn’t met the mysterious man that had brought her friend much joy but she was looking forward to the day that she would. It was nice seeing her so happy after years of concern for her safety and well being. And tonight Donna was over whelmed since she’d received a phone call from him earlier in the day stating that he would be arriving in town soon to see her, he hadn’t told her when only that it would be soon and Diane had been excited as well when she was told the news about his plans to visit. But tonight they planned to party the night away unaware that their lives were about to change in drastic ways. But to get to the juicy details of it all you’ll have to read further.


    The club was packed and people were partying hard in the muggy, smoked filled room. Diane was seated in front of the juke box while Donna busied herself at the bar ordering drinks for the both of them when the door to the club swung open and in stepped Charlie.

    He was a tall slender man dressed in western attire with a well shaped brim, boots and a long trench coat to match. Charlie stood in the door way and shook his shoulders as if it had been raining outside and fluttered his lips making it appear as though he was relieving himself of the cold. Diane had been watching him as he did and while doing so she had also noticed his good looks as well, then Charlie’s eyes begin to trail the room and before spotting Diane she looked away to avoid him seeing her watching him. But by then it was too late because Charlie had noticed her and he was determined to make his presence known to her when he confidently walked across the room and stood directly in front of her.

    Her eyes were closed by then and she was busy swaying to the beat of a love song. But when she opened her eyes she found herself staring directly in the eyes of Charlie. He was so close upon her that he could have kissed her and startled by his actions she sat back on her bar stool and leaned away from him without ever taking her eyes off of him, but Charlie was determined to get to know the beautiful woman that sat before him and with much confidence he spoke the words

    "You I want and

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