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The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Is My Shepherd
Ebook51 pages35 minutes

The Lord Is My Shepherd

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About this ebook

This book is a look at how God used shepherds and sheep throughout the Bible to provide inspiration, hope, and encouragement to all of us.

As I have studied the Bible, I have seen how important shepherds and sheep have been all the way through the Old Testament and New Testament.
They were always a part of Gods plan, so I thought it would be interesting to put all these references to shepherds, sheep, and lambs in one publication so that we could see how it all fits together.
I hope this will be enlightening and an inspiration to all who read this.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 26, 2014
The Lord Is My Shepherd

Susan Chinchar

Sue was a devoted wife,a loving mother,a caring sister,and a thoughtful friend. Sue was born and raised in Pittsburgh,Pa. She graduated with a degree in business from the University of Pittsburgh, She was involved with the onset of computors in retail which sequed later into teaching computors to the blind in Chicago,learning programming and eventually technical writing.Sue had many struggles in her life as we all do-and perhaps it was these struggles that inspired her to compile a book around the 23rd Psalms. Jesus was her Shepard and Lord. She leaves this LEGACY to her Daughters Julie and TONI and a generation to come, having introduced them to Jesus and encouraging them in their faith as they claimed it as their own as adults. They are so grateful to her, to know how much she loved them.Sue wish FOR YOU is that this book will bring you closer to GOD OUR SHEPHERD.

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    Book preview

    The Lord Is My Shepherd - Susan Chinchar

    Copyright © 2014 by Susan Chinchar.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014915542

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4990-6769-9

    Softcover   978-1-4990-6771-2

    eBook   978-1-4990-6770-5

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    Rev. date: 09/22/2014

    Xlibris LLC






    The Lord Is My Shepherd

    Passages In The Bible Referring To Lambs

    Passages In The Bible Referring To Shepherd

    Passages In The Bible Referring To Sheep

    Closing Thoughts



    To Mary Green

    Mary was a Shepherd in her own right. She nurtured so many and she took care of so many.

    With love always, leading all her children, grandchildren, and all who knew her -leading them in the positive ways of life.

    She loved the Lord and she radiated the love of life and the love of Christ.

    A Look at How God Used Shepherds and Sheep Throughout the Bible as Inspiration, Hope and Encouragement for All of Us


    To my husband, Don and to my two daughters

    Julie and Toni and to my brother Tom and sister Jane.


    As I have studied the Bible, I have seen how important shepherds and sheep have been all the way through the Old Testament and New Testament.

    They were always a part of God’s plan so I thought it would be interesting to put all these references to shepherds, sheep and lambs in one publication so that we could see how it all fits together.

    I hope this will be enlightening and an inspiration to all who read this.

    Sue Chinchar


    The Lord! But who is the Lord? What is His character? Does he have adequate credentials to be my Shepherd- my Manager - my Owner.

    And if He does- how do I come under His control: In what way do I become the object of His concern and diligent care? These are penetrating searching questions and they deserve honest and basic examination. David, the author of the Psalm 23, himself a Shepherd, and the son of a Shepherd, later to be known as Shepherd King of Israel stated, The Lord is my Shepherd. He referred to the Lord God of Israel. David’s statement was later confirmed by Jesus the Christ.

    When He, the Lord Jesus Christ, was God Incarnate amongst men, He declared, I am the Good Shepherd.

    If we pause to reflect on the person of Christ - on His power and upon his ways - suddenly like David we will be glad to say proudly, The Lord- He is my Shepherd!

    How our Lord cares for His sheep! How he loves us and rescues us! How often he lifts

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