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Lost Blood: His Own Blood, Part 4
Lost Blood: His Own Blood, Part 4
Lost Blood: His Own Blood, Part 4
Ebook784 pages11 hours

Lost Blood: His Own Blood, Part 4

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Simon Fisher and Roderick Hughes have just watched Ian Kemp die at the hands of the cartel. Now they have forty-eight hours to find a beautiful woman for their cartel boss, or they will pay the ultimate price with their livesall while hiding a dark secret about Kemp, a victim of lost blood.

For America and the rest of the world, the threat of nuclear war has passed, thanks to John Raven and Unit Expendable. Unfortunately for Raven, his last mission was one time too many. Now his son and elite Green Beret, John Weller-Raven, is on what he thinks will be a simple mission with his fiance, Louise, to give the parents of another man killed in the mission his belongings and a photograph of Unit Invincible. But after Weller-Raven is accused of arson and jailed, the president of the United States steps in to secure his releasejust as the sheriff secretly discusses a daring plan with a terrorist group. As Weller-Raven joins Unit Expendable to track, seek, and kill, he continues a retaliatory rampage that leads him straight to Fisher and a rescue mission that tests him in ways he never imagined.

Lost Blood is the continuing tale of a sons quest to complete his fathers mission as he realizes just how dangerous it is to possess lost blood with a vengeance.

Release dateDec 19, 2014
Lost Blood: His Own Blood, Part 4

Richard Crombleholme

Richard Crombleholme lives in the United Kingdom with his wife, Debbie, and the family’s two dogs. This is the fourth installment of the His Own Blood series.

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    Lost Blood - Richard Crombleholme

    Copyright © 2014 RICHARD CROMBLEHOLME.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4889-3 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014918122

    iUniverse rev. date: 12/18/2014



    Chapter 1 – Repercussion

    Chapter 2 – Gone But Not Forgotten

    Chapter 3 – Honesty & Relief

    Chapter 4 – Photograph

    Chapter 5 – Questions & Answers

    Chapter 6 – Police Visit

    Chapter 7 – Taking A Break

    Chapter 8 – Inferno

    Chapter 9 – Accusation

    Chapter 10 – Travelling Discussing Lost Blood

    Chapter 11 – Through Him, He Shall Live

    Chapter 12 – Pursuit

    Chapter 13 – Immobilised

    Chapter 14 – Duel

    Chapter 15 – Anguish

    Chapter 16 – Collateral Damage

    Chapter 17 – Media

    Chapter 18 – Travelling In Different Directions

    Chapter 19 – Beating

    Chapter 20 – Arrangements

    Chapter 21 – Own Blood

    Chapter 22 – Sanction For Release

    Chapter 23 – True Friends

    Chapter 24 – Collection

    Chapter 25 – Missile Attack

    Chapter 26 – Transfer

    Chapter 27 – Hidden Truth

    Chapter 28 – Seeking The Enemy

    Chapter 29 – Urgent Request

    Chapter 30 – Debriefing Unit Expendable

    Chapter 31 – Necklace

    Chapter 32 – Disguise

    Chapter 33 – Hostile Reception

    Chapter 34 – Preparations & Revelations

    Chapter 35 – Concern

    Chapter 36 – Plans To Kill

    Chapter 37 – Final Destination

    Chapter 38 – Village

    Chapter 39 – Deception

    Chapter 40 – Update

    Chapter 41 – Diversify

    Chapter 42 – Crocodile Tears

    Chapter 43 – Retaliation

    Chapter 44 – Military Confrontation

    Chapter 45 – Truth Hurts

    Chapter 46 – Second Thoughts

    Chapter 47 – There’s A War Coming!

    Chapter 48 – U.s. Warning

    Chapter 49 – Vengeance

    Chapter 50 – Making An Entrance

    Chapter 51 – Searching For Hostages

    Chapter 52 – U.s. Attack

    Chapter 53 – Revenge

    Chapter 54 – Fallen Hero

    Chapter 55 – Last Stand

    Chapter 56 – Rise

    Also by Richard Crombleholme



    His Own Blood, Part 3


    HIS OWN BLOOD! This Time Is For The Son He Never Knew

    AMERICA IN CONFLICT His Own Blood, Part 2

    Dedicated to, when the name says it all;


    Quite simply the best of the best!

    Sub-Dedication for two people once close to Sylvester Stallone:


    Lost blood is something that remains with you forever.


    A fter my wife and daughter encouraged me to write my first novel, His Own Blood! This Time Is for the Son He Never Knew, the exciting sequel, entitled; America in Conflict, His Own Blood, Part 2, followed with plenty of action and excitement. The sequel announces a third book when John Raven returns to train his final batch of elite Green Berets known as Unit Expendable in One Time Too Many, His Own Blood, Part 3 . Sadly, John Raven never returned from what will always be known as his last stand.

    Inside the book, One Time Too Many, it is announced that John’s son, John Weller-Raven, travels with his fiancée, Louise, to visit Ricky Stevens’ parents to give them his belongings and a photograph of Unit Invincible, which eventually leads to hidden conflict. The time has arrived to explain how the conflict occurred in Lost Blood, His Own Blood, Part 4, while still trying to fulfil a personal ambition.

    The people I would like to thank, you may also recognise from the previous books. These people are as follows:

    • Hayley Pomfret

    • Alison Colquhoun

    • Catherine Burton

    • Patricia Hoyles

    I would like to say thank you to a few of my colleagues from my place of work for letting me use their name for different characters you will find in this exciting story. These people are as follows:

    • Danny Armson

    • Susan Berry

    • Chris Bober

    • George Carroll

    • Dave Connor

    • Steve Gaskell

    • Peter Jones

    • Louise Mattinson

    • Des O’Brien

    • Peter Parr

    • Lee Seager

    • Amy Straker

    • Pete Wareing

    Is history about to repeat itself when John Weller-Raven and his fiancée, Louise, visit Ricky Stevens’ parents to give them his belongings and a photograph of Unit Invincible? What seems such a simple task develops into a private war that leads into something far greater?


    F rom inside the customised black pickup truck, Simon Fisher and Ian Kemp were amid their own thoughts, listening to the heavy rain hitting the hood and windscreen. After a few minutes, Kemp asked Fisher, How can you be so calm when we’re parked at a place like this?

    Simon’s eyes were focused on the car crusher he could see through the windscreen. He narrowed his eyes, thinking about what might happen to them there at the scrap yard. His mate, looking worried, asked, What do you think they wanted us to come here for?

    Feeling apprehensive, Simon started moving his head towards Ian, replying, You know what they’re going to do. You don’t mess with these people!

    Thinking about the money his cousin, Roderick Hughes, had kept from his last drug deal, Ian started to frown. Watching the rain bouncing off the car, he said, The money Roderick owes the cartel is in my sports bag. Do you think we should give it to them?

    Surprised, Simon almost shouted: Do you want them to kill us too? Give me the money!

    Reluctantly, Ian opened his sports bag and brought out the paper bag with the money. He handed it to Simon, who gazed at what looked like about thirty thousand dollars and asked again, Are you trying to get us killed?

    Beginning to look puzzled, Ian replied, I’m trying to save my cousin’s life.

    Trying to contain his anger, Simon paused before saying, If they find out we have this money, they’ll kill us too!

    Three cars, in the distance, were travelling closer with their headlamps shining brightly, causing Simon to say, They’re here.

    Ian watched, listening to the splash of puddles from the wheels. Simon leaned over to open the glove compartment to hide the bag of money. Ian placed his hand inside the sports bag, pulling out a gun, stunning Simon; as he closed the glove compartment, saying, Don’t be an idiot!

    The cartel pulled up with their headlights shining directly at the pickup truck. Anxiously, the young men watched for a few seconds; before Simon went on to say in a stern voice, Put the gun away!

    Reluctantly, Ian chose to put the gun back inside the bag, zipped it closed and then listened to Simon saying, Let’s go!

    They climbed out of the pickup truck, banging the doors closed behind them and then started to go to the front of the pickup truck feeling the heavy rain drenching them. All the doors opened on the black BMW M5, with members of the cartel starting to get out. They walked over to Simon and Ian, grabbed them by their arm and frog-marched them to the Audi Q7 where their ‘boss’ was waiting patiently to speak with them.

    The ‘boss’ known as Earl, moved his eyes to glance outside through the black tinted glass, before lowering the electric window, slowly moving his head towards Fisher and Kemp. They appeared apprehensive, while watching the dark figure of Earl staring at them sternly. Aware they were feeling uncomfortable; he asked, Is there something you would like to tell me?

    With a hint of apprehension, Fisher replied, About what?

    Kemp moved his eyes at Fisher after listening to his reply, which Earl noticed, causing him to say, You cheat me out of my money! You give me no choice, but to kill you!

    Feeling the rain dripping down his face and onto his clothes, Kemp asked, What money?

    Earl turned away sighing in disgust, replying, You’re trying my patience!

    He brought out his mobile phone to call one of his accomplices, asking for them to drive into the scrap yard. A blue Vectra VXR raced into the scrap yard, skidding when the driver pressed the brakes sharply. Kemp and Fisher remained standing there watching two more members of the cartel climb out of the car, casually noticing Roderick Hughes sitting in the back. Earl watched their reaction, containing his patience admirably, and asked again, Are you sure you know nothing about my money?

    Kemp and Fisher thought about Earl’s question, casually watching one member of the cartel who had started the engine of a large crane. Roderick Hughes, from inside the Vectra VXR could only watch with a stony face. Two men holding sub-machine guns walked past Kemp and Fisher towards their pickup truck, causing Kemp to glimpse at Fisher with worry showing on his face. Earl saw the apprehension, as he narrowed his eyes, before saying, You look worried, but then you should be!

    Fisher watched other members of the cartel standing in front of him, aiming their sub-machine guns at them. Kemp looked behind to see one of the men who had been searching Fisher’s pickup truck now had the paper bag containing the money. He held his arm up to show the ‘boss’, watching him casually nod his head, agreeing.

    Roderick Hughes, who was still sitting inside the back of the Vectra VXR started to move forward, making one of the men standing near to the car turn and aim his sub-machine gun at him. He moved his arm sharply at him, which was the signal to sit back or be killed. Reluctantly, Hughes decided to sit back, while watching the ‘boss’ walk in the rain towards a member of his family and his mate. The man carrying the bag of money rushed over to the ‘boss’ for him to look inside and see the money that was rightfully his own. He gave the bag back to his colleague, asking him to take it to his car. With the rain running down his face, slowly, he turned to Kemp, asking, You think you can cheat me and get away with it?

    Fisher remained quiet, amid his own thoughts and then listened to Kemp fearing for his life, shouting, It wasn’t me! It was him sitting there in the Vectra!

    Fisher raised his head slightly to see Kemp pointing his finger at his cousin with anger showing in his face. Earl chuckled at first, replying, First you make me have to get wet, second; you betray your own cousin, and third; you lied!

    Kemp could only look down at the ground, inwardly fearing for his life. Breathing heavily, Earl snatched a sub-machine gun from one of his own men, and bawled, Look at me!

    Kemp slowly started to raise his head, feeling the rain run down his face. With an angry expression, Earl, said, Take a good look at me, because I’m the last person you will see in this world!

    After immediately releasing the pin, he opened fire, killing him with several bullets aimed at his chest. He kicked Kemp’s body to one side and took a few paces forward towards Fisher, eyeballing him. Fisher ignored Earl by looking at his mate lying dead on the ground. Earl could see the anger showing on Fisher’s face, causing him to ask, Do you want to say something, boy?

    Fisher gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and shook his head slowly from side-to-side, saying no. Realising he wasn’t going to reply; he went on to say, Good! I thought not.

    He glanced at Kemp’s dead body and then at Fisher, saying, Cheat on me, and you will be killed. Understand?

    Fisher nodded his head, agreeing, while watching some of Earl’s men drag Kemp’s dead body to the Vectra VXR, bundling him inside next to his cousin, Roderick Hughes.

    Earl turned around to wag his finger at his own man inside the crane, letting him know it was time to crush the Vectra VXR with the people inside it. As the magnet clattered on to the Vectra’s roof, Earl turned to Fisher, and said, You know you’re lucky to be still alive!

    Fisher remained silent, by just watching the Vectra VXR being raised into the sky by the operator inside the crane. Machinery to enable the procedure of crushing the car was now on. Earl could see the anguish showing on Fisher’s face, causing him to turn, walk away, and chuckle. He stopped, turning around to look at Fisher, saying, I need a good-looking woman for my boss, General Kalu, soon! You have forty-eight hours to find me one, the right one that will sell for plenty of money, or else you join your dead mates.

    Fisher watched with a stern face, beginning to frown at Earl’s request while listening to him, saying, I have every faith in your ability, Fisher.

    He turned around to look up at the crane driver patiently waiting for the signal, which he gave by placing his thumb up. Leaving his thumb in the air, he then turned back to face Fisher, giving him a warning, by saying, Don’t let me down!

    He turned his thumb upside down, which was the signal for the crane driver to release the Vectra VXR from the magnet into the machine to be crushed, as Earl hurried back to his car. Fisher, still watching the machine clatter and bang was concerned about Hughes. Members of the drug cartel climbed back into their cars, to start driving away. Earl followed, lowering his electric window, wanting to say, Remember; you have forty-eight hours, or you join them.

    He chuckled, while raising the electric window as the driver started to drive away.

    Fisher ran to the machine, wanting desperately to turn it off to prevent Hughes from becoming crushed. Hughes knew he couldn’t just rely on Fisher’s help; he had to try to do something himself. He realised he couldn’t get his dead cousin, Ian, out of the car, but somehow, he needed to find a way to escape. The pressure of the plates plunged onto the car from the side, forcing Hughes to raise his hands. He became tense, frightened, and slightly bewildered at the thought of being crushed to death. The plates from the front and rear started to move, with metal creaking and shattering from the sides. Hughes watched with worry, aware his choices were limited. With his death looming, fear was showing on his face causing sweat to pour down his forehead. He saw the plates from the front and back coming closer, causing him to touch his dead cousin, Ian, and say in a solemn voice, I’m sorry.

    He turned away, gritting his teeth, while starting to kick the glass hard in one of the doors. Plates positioned at the front, and the rear made contact by starting to push the Vectra backwards and forwards. With being squashed, the glass broke by splintering into small pieces. The car rotated onto its side, causing Hughes to fall. He looked up to see a large crushing plate coming down to flatten the whole car. Without hesitation, he jumped up, struggling to squeeze through one of the door windows. Struggling to pull the rest of his body out of the badly damaged car, he briefly looked up to see the crushing plate coming lower to finish the crushing cycle. Hughes leaped from the door onto the side of the machine constantly feeling the vibration, aware if he fell off, he was a dead man. Sweat poured from his face, as he climbed further up the machine. The crushing plate from above was coming ever closer. Hughes kept climbing, wondering if he was going to get out. Aware the crushing plate was aligning with the machine; he placed his foot into one of the ridges, using his strength to pull himself up and then leap to the top, holding on tightly, using only his hands. With grit and determination showing on his face and the power of his muscles, he pulled himself up, while still watching the crushing plate almost on him. He managed to get his leg over the side, followed quickly by his other leg, immediately falling to the ground. Ignoring the thud from the fall, he could only produce a grunt while looking up to watch the crushing plates enter inside the compartment to finish the procedure of crushing a car.

    Fisher came running out of the control room after realising the machine couldn’t be switched off. He saw Hughes lying on the floor, forcing him to run and start pulling him away from the machine. Hughes grunted in pain, asking, Agh, what are you doing?

    Fisher bawled, With suspecting the cartel put each stage on full speed; the machine can’t take it. It’s going to blow!

    Hughes struggled to his feet at first, listening to Fisher, shouting, Come on!

    Hughes placed his arm around Fisher’s shoulder, willing him to get him to safety. The machine started to rattle, shake and vibrate; becoming so loud, causing Hughes to ask, What’s happening?

    Trying to get as far away as possible, Fisher replied, Don’t look back, and just head straight for the pickup truck.

    Hughes glimpsed at his mate helping him to safety, saying, I’m with you.

    They were hurrying towards their pickup truck when an almighty explosion occurred, making both men dive to the wet ground for cover. With their arms shielding their faces, they looked back at the machine, which had become a large inferno burning. After crawling some distance away, they decided it was safe for them to stand and watch in astonishment, the machine burning, knowing Ian Kemp’s body was inside burning to ashes.

    Hughes closed his eyes for a few seconds, and then with a stern voice, said, I’m going to get even with the cartel!

    While watching the machine burn, Fisher replied, Unless we do what the cartel has asked for, we’re both dead!

    In an abrupt tone, Hughes replied, I should be still in that machine when I’m already dead alongside my cousin, Ian.

    Feeling it wasn’t the right time to allow a full-blown discussion about revenge, Fisher accepted the further away they are from the scene, the better it will be for them. Sirens from the emergency services could be heard, in the distance, causing them to hurry to their pickup truck. Fisher put the key into the ignition, wanting to start the engine and quickly drive away, using the rear exit as a means of escape.

    Hughes occasionally kept looking in his rear-view mirror at the inferno they were leaving behind, knowing he has now lost blood; he will never be able to see again. Feeling relieved about being alive, but annoyed his cousin was dead, made him say, Someday, somehow, they will pay for what they have done.

    Fisher replied, When, and only when I’ve given them what they want.

    Becoming intrigued, Hughes, asked, What might this be?

    Fisher replied, A beautiful woman!

    Hughes could only stare, feeling perplexed at Fisher’s reply. Choosing not to say anything more, they carried on travelling home, knowing they had to tell their mates about what the cartel wanted them to do for them. They also know they were now hiding a dark secret about Ian Kemp, who had become a victim of lost blood.


    F or the people living in the U.S. and the rest of the world, the threat of nuclear war by Iran and Russia passed thanks to John Raven and Unit Expendable. Sadly, John Raven has left this world, when his last mission became one time too many.

    President Berry was pleased to pronounce a time of peace with Russia and Iran. Rebuilding new relations resulted in sanctions lifted and nations able to discuss their future with a nation that was once hostile to the rest of the world.

    Captain Weller kept her word by leaving the military, which deeply disappointed Colonel Wareing because she was an asset to them. Not a day would go by when she wouldn’t give John Raven a thought, wishing he was still here to share what they agreed to do after their last mission. Sadly, she has to accept she can only enjoy the rest of her life on her own without her true love, John Raven. However, when her son, John Weller-Raven, visits her, she does have the hidden comfort of being able to see John Raven through her son.

    Louise has been a rock for Weller-Raven, by supporting him, aware of his father dying has caused him to become withdrawn. When once, she may have snapped at him for dwelling on his thoughts, now, she is more patient by consoling him, with knowing the one man whom he always looked up to, has sadly, gone.

    It was a typical dull dismal January day when the rain came down hard and at times blew in the strong gusts that occurred often. Louise looked through the windscreen starting to mist over, realising her visibility was becoming difficult. Following the busy traffic, she placed her hand onto the fan, moving it to number three to remove the steam quickly from the windscreen. She glanced at her watch, sensing she was going to be late meeting John. In the distance, traffic lights were on red, causing her to slow down and stop. As the windscreen wipers kept wiping away the heavy rain, she stared through the windscreen for a few seconds, before deciding to reach over the passenger seat to take her handbag. She brought out her phone, selected John’s number and pressed the dial button. Keeping her eye on the traffic lights, she waited eagerly for John to answer her call. To her disappointment, she found that he had his phone switched off, when an automated message asked her to leave a message. Louise left a brief message telling John that she was on her way and not to worry. She watched the traffic lights change from red to green as she threw the phone down onto the passenger seat. Pulling away with the traffic in front of her, listening to the rain hitting the windscreen; she could only hope to meet John sooner rather than later. She was worried, especially after agreeing to travel with him, by taking Ricky Stevens’ belongings back to his parents, after being killed in action during his last mission with Unit Expendable.

    Feeling distraught with being thirty minutes late, and knowing that John wouldn’t be too best pleased with her, she picked up her phone while driving with the flow of traffic. Keeping one eye on the road, and one on her phone, she scrolled through her list of contacts, until she found the number for the U.S. military base, John was staying at. The car in front stopped suddenly, which made her drop the phone, press the brake hard, and shout, Shit!

    Not feeling pleased with the driver in front of her; she left the phone on the floor, deciding to wait for a safe opportunity to start speaking with the person at the U.S. military base. The rain bounced off the car, as she drove behind busy traffic with the windscreen wipers on full. Noticing the road was widening into two lanes, she accelerated and pulled out, causing another driver to brake hard and beep their horn at her. Louise stared for a few seconds, shouting, It’s not my day today!

    The driver behind was so enraged with Louise’s sudden manoeuvre; he flashed his headlamps continuously at her. She glanced in the rear-view mirror, noticing the flashing lights, when all she could say, I know; I know! I’m sorry; you asshole!

    In the distance, Louise noticed a layby to park cars. Wanting to pull in, she placed her signal on to change lanes while watching the driver in the car beep his horn as he passed her with two of his fingers pointing to his eyes. Louise shook her head from side-to-side in disgust, saying, Asshole!

    She placed her signal on, slowly pulling into the layby and left the engine running with the windscreen wipers constantly wiping away the rain. She crouched down to pick her phone up to call John again, but there was still no answer. She closed her eyes, feeling frustrated that she couldn’t tell him about being late meeting him. Just as before, she scrolled through her contact list, deciding to ring the U.S. military base. As she waited for her call to be answered, she put her other hand through her hair, wishing the weather could have been better for her to travel. Listening to the constant ring made her look down at her stomach, and place her hand there to gently stroke it knowing another Raven will soon be entering this world. As she stroked her stomach, she looked out of the front windscreen watching the heavy rain while starting to imagine John’s father, John Raven.

    Her call was answered by Alison Colquhoun, who kept repeatedly saying, Hello, hello, is there anybody there?

    Louise soon came back to reality by replying, Hi, can I speak with John Weller-Raven, please?

    Alison produced a smile, feeling proud when any of the Raven’s names were mentioned and with this, said, Hold the line, I will find out where he is.

    Louise sighed, knowing that more time was being wasted.

    Alison rang Colonel Wareing’s phone while Louise remained on hold. He was standing in his office admiring the new picture he ordered of John Raven, still wishing he hadn’t thrown the previous one at him. Aware his phone was ringing; he looked into the menacing eyes of Raven, saying in a sombre voice, We miss you, John.

    He turned around, picked up the phone, replying in an assertive way, Colonel Wareing, speaking.

    Alison replied, Sir. I have John Weller-Raven’s girlfriend, Louise, on the phone asking to speak with him.

    Becoming puzzled as to why Louise was ringing the U.S. military base, Colonel Wareing replied, Put her through, Alison.

    When Alison placed the call through, Colonel Wareing asked politely, Hi Louise, how are you?

    Louise scratched her forehead, replying, Not too bad, only for the weather, which is going to make me late meeting John.

    Colonel Wareing stared for a few seconds, and then said, John has already left the military base.

    Louise’s face started to change, as she asked in anguish, Left! He’s gone to Ricky Stevens’ parents after I agreed to go with him?

    Colonel Wareing picked up his cigar from the ashtray casually taking a drag and immediately blowing the smoke away as he listened to Louise’s tone of voice. Remaining silent, he swivelled his chair to look at the picture of John Raven on the wall staring at his menacing eyes, replying, He hasn’t gone to Ricky Stevens’ parents.

    Louise interrupted the Colonel by immediately asking, Where has he gone?

    Colonel Wareing moved his chair back to his desk, deciding to put his cigar down into the ashtray. In a solemn voice, he asked, You have to ask?

    Louise went quiet, watching the windscreen wipers wipe away the rain as she visualised John Raven. Lowering her eyes, she shed a tear, saying, He misses his father, and I miss him too.

    Before she could say anything further, Colonel Wareing replied, We miss him dearly. You now know where to find John, who’s waiting for you to arrive.

    A wry grin started to appear on Louise’s face as she thanked the Colonel. Just before he was about to hang up, Louise asked, Sir?

    Colonel Wareing, concerned about her, placed the phone back to his ear, asking, Yes Louise, what can I do for you?

    She replied, I won’t ever forget what John Raven did for me when America was in conflict. Somewhere inside me, I’ll always remember John’s father as being the best of the best.

    Colonel Wareing produced a wry grin as he looked at the picture of John Raven once more, and then at his mentor next to him, Colonel Lewis, replying, He will always be the best of the best.

    He paused for a few seconds realising Louise had become silent. Aware of this, he said, Now you know where John is waiting for you, go and meet him.

    Louise stared out of the front windscreen, replying, Thanks; I will. Bye.

    After putting her phone on the passenger seat, she wiped away her tears, saying quietly, Come on Louise, pull yourself together.

    She put her signal on to re-join the traffic to carry on travelling to meet John. Becoming frustrated at many drivers for not letting her out, she shouted, Assholes!

    One driver was kind enough to let her out, where she responded by placing her hand up to thank them. The rain started to ease, which made her feel better with the driving conditions. Driving with the flow of traffic, she listened to the radio, aware she had almost reached the cemetery, where John Raven, and Sarah Jane Weller-Raven, had been laid to rest.

    After arriving at the cemetery gates, she drove slowly, passing different gravestones as she made her way to John Raven’s grave. The rain had almost stopped, but the wind remained gusting through the trees nearby. Louise placed her windscreen wipers on to the intermediate setting while watching for where John would be standing. In the distance, as the wheels splashed through puddles, she noticed John standing there alone looking down at his father’s grave. Her eyes started to form tears that rolled slowly down her cheeks as she watched John’s hair blowing in the wind. He remained unmoved, by just staring down at his father and sister, aware they had gone, when this time it was for good. Louise stopped, placed her hair behind her ear, and climbed out of the car. Feeling the brisk wind, her hair blew in all directions, causing her to put the collar up on her coat. She shouted, John?

    John moved his head away from his father to see Louise coming towards him. She smiled at him, noticing he was soaked by the heavy rain. Giving him a hug, she said, You’re soaked.

    John looked at the sky for a few seconds while putting his arm around her, replying, I know.

    Louise placed her arm tenderly around John’s waist while looking down at the gravestone, staring at the name John J Raven and his date of birth, 7th June 1947, knowing soon, another Raven will join this family. As the wind kept blowing Louise’s hair, John stroked it gently back with his wet hand, saying, I miss him.

    Louise slowly turned, taking notice of the necklace with the green emerald stone placed on the photograph on the opposite side of the gravestone. She looked at John, feeling the wind blowing through her hair, replying, We all miss him, and your sister. They were unique people.

    John produced a casual grin, saying, Perhaps the best of the best?

    Louise clenched her fist, immediately thumping him gently on his arm, replying, You know he will always be the best of the best!

    John took his arm away from Louise, deciding to look up towards the clouds visualising only his father. Nodding his head, agreeing with what Louise told him, he said, He wasn’t just the best of the best, he was a war hero, who was a legend and will never be forgotten. John Raven is a legend who will always live on.

    Louise watched John’s eyes forming tears, while thinking about what he had just told her. She placed her hand tenderly on his arm, looking at the necklace again. She went to move away from John to hold the necklace, thinking back to when she had first given it to him. Staring at the green emerald, she slowly raised her head, asking, Do you remember when I gave you this necklace?

    Louise held out her hand for John to take the necklace, listening to his reply, I remember it well. It was when we were both standing at Tony Hindle’s graveside.

    Producing a solemn look, she paused for a few seconds, before saying, Take it John; I’m sure your father would have wanted you to have it.

    John’s eyes widened slightly, which made Louise casually, look away, hoping he would still take the necklace from her. Reluctantly, he took the necklace, holding it tightly while closing his eyes, thinking of only his father and the history that went with this sentimental item.

    When Louise realised he had taken the necklace, she turned, watching him stand there with his long hair blowing. Another tear rolled down her cheek; as she went on to say in a soft voice, Keep it.

    John opened his eyes, released the grip on the necklace to stare once more at it. He turned to see one corner of the photograph Templeton had left of his father, blowing in the wind. He looked once more at the necklace, and then at Louise, making her say, Your father would have wanted you to have it. Through the father, the son shall live.

    Listening to these words made John frown, as started to gaze at the green emerald in his hand. He tightened his grip deciding to crouch down and then place the necklace back on to the photograph, which stopped flapping in the wind. Pulling his hand away, he felt a shiver as his fingers went over different members of Unit Storm. He turned, looking up at Louise, to say, As I have said previously, it’s back where it always belonged.

    Louise produced a wry grin, creating a dimple in her cheek, replying, I also remember you asking, is history about to repeat itself.

    John kept his fingers placed on the photograph of his father, as he kept looking at him, replying, I did.

    He then looked at the green bag with Stevens’ name displayed, deciding to say, It’s time.

    Puzzled about what John had said, made Louise ask, Time for what?

    John stood up, paused for a few seconds reflecting on his decision, replying, Too many people around me have lost their lives. It’s time to stop. Enough is enough.

    Showing a look of concern on her face made Louise want to ask, Are you saying you’re going to leave the military?

    Stalling to answer her question, Louise watched John pick up Ricky Stevens’ bag as she gently stroked her stomach. Feeling hidden glee, she waited in anticipation for his reply. John grinned at first, but said nothing. He looked back once more at his sister, slightly longer at his father, John Raven, and then at Louise, wanting to place his arm around her, saying, It’s time.

    Louise pulled away from John to hold his hand gently, while nodding her head, agreeing with what he had said. John stared at her for a few seconds, feeling his cheekbone becoming tense. Releasing his hand from Louise’s hand, he turned around to look at his father’s grave producing a prolonged blink. Looking down at the gravestone, the necklace, and the photograph, Louise went to hold his arm tenderly as she listened to him, saying, You died for something.

    He turned back towards Louise with a stern face, nodding his head once, agreeing, accepting the inevitable, and then saying, It’s over.

    Louise’s fringe fell down onto her forehead as she thought about those words John spoke, wondering is it over. Rather than ask him, wisely she decided to change the subject by saying, I think we should begin travelling to Ricky Stevens’ parents to give them his belongings while the weather has improved.

    As John was about to move, Louise watched two people walk closer and stop at Raven’s grave, causing her to ask, Who are those people?

    John turned around slowly to see who wanted to pay their respects at his father’s grave. He listened to the gentleman shout over to him, You look like him.

    Louise frowned at first, choosing to say nothing. Instead, she watched how John was going to react to these strangers. The gentleman started to walk closer wanting to shake John by the hand, while saying, I’m sorry about the huge loss you’ve had to suffer.

    Louise was listening and looked up at John, and then at the woman standing next to the gentleman, who kept hold of John’s hand. She started to smile at Louise, saying, We owe John Raven our lives.

    John let go of the gentleman’s hand, asking with interest, How?

    The gentleman replied, My name is Paul Burnett, and this is my fiancée Sarah. We both experienced a terrible time during our visit to Burma, when if we hadn’t received your father’s help, we wouldn’t be standing here speaking with you today.

    Sarah moved away from the group to crouch down, wanting to place her hand onto Raven’s grave, remembering what he did for her during her time in Burma.

    John asked, Are you the missionaries he helped to save?

    Thinking back to the atrocity they experienced, Paul replied, We are, and we’re so thankful that your father chose to help free us from what was a terrible experience.

    Louise listened, noticing Sarah picking up the crucifix from Sarah Jane’s grave. The way she caressed it, made her want to ask, Was the crucifix yours?

    Paul and John looked down at her holding the crucifix, listening to her reply, I gave it to your father when we were in Burma.

    John produced a wry grin, replying, He gave it to my sister the first time he met her.

    Louise placed her hand onto John’s arm while watching his hair blow in the wind.

    Sarah started to weep when she held the crucifix, causing Paul to move away, crouch down just wanting to console her. John and Louise were watching with intent at two people showing their sorrow for a man who had saved their lives. Sarah turned, looking up at them both, repeating what Paul said earlier, You look like him.

    John smirked a little while nodding his head, agreeing with her while thinking back to the previous wars he had been involved in. Paul turned around to look up at John, saying, He was a man who fought for a reason.

    Listening to Paul saying these words, John produced a menacing stare, as he carried on to say, Live for nothing or die for something, I understand now.

    Louise gently took John’s hand, immediately clasping it while looking up at him, noticing he was showing no emotion after hearing those words. Concerned for him, she asked, Are you okay?

    John remained unmoved and still, while thinking about his well-known father. Slowly, he moved his menacing eyes to look at Louise, nodding his head telling her yes. Louise detected that John’s mood was changing, suspecting it would be best to leave now. With this, she nudged him with her arm, watching him glimpse at her once more, and listen to her, saying, We have to go, John.

    John closed his eyes, reluctantly, agreeing with her, and then turned, saying to Paul and Sarah I have to go now, but thank you for remembering my father.

    Paul stood up as Sarah placed the crucifix back on Sarah Jane’s grave before taking a few paces towards John and Louise to shake their hand, while saying, He was expendable.

    John closed his eyes, fighting his emotions, replying, Perhaps. He paused for a few seconds, looking down once more at his father, before carrying on to say, But look where he now is.

    Sarah looked back, holding her lip tightly, which John noticed. Paul placed his hand out to shake his hand again, replying, I never realised it until it was too late, but I will always remember him for being the best of the best.

    John nodded his head slowly, agreeing, saying, Thanks.

    He let go of Paul’s hand, and then turned to Louise, asking, Are you ready to leave?

    Tears were rolling down her cheeks with recalling some of the times she had witnessed when John and his father became involved in horrific warzones. Feeling relieved to have heard the question; she replied, Yes.

    John glimpsed at Paul and Sarah, acknowledging them once more and then turned around to start walking back to Louise’s car. Paul and Sarah watched for a few seconds, when Paul said, I have to do this.

    Paul started to walk briskly after John and Louise. Sarah, surprised at what he may do, shouted, Paul!

    Hearing Paul’s name being called made John and Louise look, noticing he was behind them, placing his hand out wanting to give him a business card. John frowned at first, glimpsing at Paul, while reluctantly taking the business card from him, and listening to him, saying, If you ever need to talk, call me.

    John looked at the business card deciding to keep his thoughts private, replying, I will; thanks.

    Sarah went to stand next to Paul, watching the couple walk back to their car. She asked him, What are you thinking?

    Before answering, he glimpsed at Raven’s grave, and then back at his son, watching him take the car keys from Louise. Watching with interest, he placed his arm around Sarah, replying, A new legend with a new era is about to occur, and at some point I feel, he’s going to ask for our help.

    Sarah, while still watching Louise and John, in the distance, asked, How can you be so sure?

    Paul turned to her, producing a sad look, replying, When you’ve lost somebody like John Raven, you can never get over it. His son is in denial.

    Starting to feel a shiver pass through her body, Sarah said, If the time comes, we will be available for him. It’s what his father will have wanted, and it’s the least we can do for what he did for us.

    With the conversation that had just taken place, John stopped walking to take out the photograph he decided to give Stevens’ parents, which made Louise stop and look at him with concern. Taking a few paces back, she noticed the photograph of John and Unit Invincible, while listening to him asking again, Is history about to repeat itself?


    L ouise ignored John’s question, by holding his arm tenderly again, saying, Come on, let’s go now.

    John unlocked the car door, asking, Why, do you want me to drive?

    Producing a cheeky grin, Louise replied, With almost crashing my car twice today; I’ve done enough driving for one day.

    Starting to smirk, John asked, What happened?

    Louise climbed in the car to sit on the passenger seat, while John took off his wet jacket to place it onto the backseat. Louise noticed John was wearing the holster with what was once his father’s knife inside it. He saw her staring at him, causing him to ask with concern, What?

    She chuckled at first before replying, thinking back to their first date when John had taken her to the American football game to watch the Arizona Cardinals play the New York Giants. To her surprise, John was wearing the knife that day inside his shirt. John stared at her waiting patiently for a reply. Louise, glimpsing at the lethal weapon, stopped chuckling, replying, "Seeing you carrying that knife for no reason brought memories back of America In Conflict."

    John climbed inside the car thinking back to that dreadful time as he put the key into the ignition to start the engine and placing the gearstick into first gear. Deciding to take one final look at his sister’s grave, he released the handbrake at the same time and then looked at his father’s grave, before slowly driving away out of the cemetery.

    Louise became aware about John not replying to her question, making her ask again, So, why did you bring the knife, John?

    John glimpsed at her for a couple of seconds, listening to her, saying, Be honest with me.

    After turning away to look out of the front windscreen, he replied, Part of me wants to be my father and part of me now wants to live my own life with you.

    Feeling elated with having to wait so long to hear those words, she carried on the conversation by asking, Are you serious about leaving the military?

    John held the steering wheel tightly, slowly nodding his head, agreeing with her question. Nodding his head wasn’t good enough, so she tapped his leg with her hand, asking, John?

    John moved his head for a couple of seconds, glancing at her, and then back at the traffic travelling in front of him. Producing a prolonged blink, just has his father would once have done, he paused before replying, When I’ve given Ricky Stevens’ belongings to his parents, this was the last time you will know me as an elite Green Beret. I want to spend my time with you, so I’ve decided to resign.

    Louise produced a big beaming smile, saying, You don’t know how happy this has made me feel.

    John glimpsed at her again, aware she was pleased about the news he told her, before carrying on saying, I can imagine with what you have had to endure. Losing two valuable members of my family has given me a different outlook on life.

    A tear formed and rolled down Louise’s cheek as she went to give John a hug, saying, I’m so glad you have come to this decision.

    Feeling surprised about Louise wanting to give him a hug, he replied, Louise; I’m driving!

    She kissed his cheek, feeling the stubble on her lips, still looking at him with love in her eyes, saying, You’ve made me happy.

    As she pulled away from John, he glimpsed at her from the corner of his eye, replying, It’s time.

    Louise watched John drive for a few seconds, thinking about the baby she was carrying and their brand new future, and said, It’s a new beginning.

    John rested his elbow next to the window, holding the steering wheel with his finger and thumb, replying, Yeah; for once it feels good.

    Although Louise was elated about what John had told her, she just had to ask, Why did you ask is history about to repeat itself?

    John signalled to turn right, and then accelerated, changing through the gears quickly, causing Louise to say, Hey, go easy. Anybody would think you want a race!

    Sniggering at Louise’s last comment, he decided not to answer her original question, which made her ask again, Why did you ask is history about to repeat itself?

    John thought about his father, and members of Unit Expendable, especially Templeton, who had the photograph showing his father as a young elite Green Beret standing with Unit Storm. He smirked, saying, You have to admit the characteristics are familiar with what I’m about to do.

    Louise listened, becoming apprehensive by wanting to ask, When you have given Ricky Stevens’ belongings to his parents, this will be it as far as no more wars, no more fighting and no more arguments about the military with me?

    John chuckled again, replying, I want to stay a few days in Ricky’s hometown to take time-out. When I return home, I’m handing in my resignation because I now know you’re the most important part of my life.

    Louise placed her hand tenderly on John’s arm, wondering whether to tell him about the baby she was expecting. Not sure how he would react; she decided to wait a little longer before telling him about his own blood.

    John noticed in the corner of his eye that Louise seemed pleased, and asked, What are you thinking?

    Pleased about what the new future may bring, she replied, I don’t want this to sound bad, but with what you have just told me, I think somebody is shining down on us. For once, our future seems so much better.

    Approaching a roundabout, John slowed down, changed a gear before continuing straight on with the rest of the traffic. He thought about what Louise had just said, replying, The future is what we make it.

    Louise smiled at John, saying again, I’m glad you came to this decision.

    As John placed the signal on to turn right at the traffic lights that were still on green, he replied, You can probably expect several people won’t be.

    Louise immediately became concerned that he was worrying about what other people may think when he does leave the military and reacted by saying, John! It’s your life, nobody else’s; it’s your decision to do what is right.

    John moved his head slightly to look at her, listening to her, asking, Isn’t it only my opinion that will matter?

    Approaching the traffic lights, John started to slow down with them showing red. After stopping, he kept hold of the steering wheel tightly, which Louise noticed, causing her to ask, What’s the matter?

    Remaining focused by watching the traffic in front of him begin to move when the lights changed to green, he replied, I can think of several reasons to leave the military, but only one not to.

    Narrowing her eyes and starting to frown, while watching him change gear, she asked, Which is?

    John rested his elbow next to the window, casually placing his finger and thumb onto the steering wheel; aware Louise was waiting for an answer. He sighed, replying, People will say I never lived up to my father’s status with whom I am.

    Louise produced a solemn look on her face, saying, You know who you are, you know what you are, you also know what you did previously by saving President Berry’s life, when none of this will ever change. For now, isn’t it better for us to take time-out, live our own lives and plan for our future?

    Before answering her question, John paused, thinking about how to reply, as she went on to say, Your father would be proud of you no matter what you choose to do.

    John thought of his father for a few seconds, before replying, You’re right. As I said before, enough is enough, it’s time.

    Louise produced a smile of glee, taking John’s hand tenderly resting on the gearstick, while saying, It will all work out. Trust me.

    John glanced at her in the corner of his eye, replying, I hope so, the new future scares me.

    Louise laughed, replying, Nothing scares a Raven, which makes me want to believe you will make me even more proud of you.

    John glanced in the rear-view mirror, placed the signal on to turn left, changed down the gears while immediately saying, I hope so.

    Watching John speed up by changing up through the gears again, Louise replied, You will, trust me, you will.

    John started nodding his head, agreeing with what Louise had told him, replying, It’s a new era.

    Louise smirked, saying, You could say that.

    She gazed out of the front windscreen feeling relieved John has accepted the time has come to leave the military to live a normal life with her and their new unborn baby, she is now carrying. Producing a wry grin, knowing for the first time in a long time the future started to look so much better. Feeling proud of John, she placed her hand gently onto her stomach wondering when would be a good time to tell him about their new baby.

    With how the conversation was developing; Louise went on to ask, John?

    Hearing his name caused him to glimpse at her as he carried on driving, listening to her wanting to ask, Can we pull in for something to eat and drink?

    John replied, We’re almost there now.

    Louise turned away for a few seconds, saying, Even so, can we pull in for something to eat and drink the first chance we have?

    John became confused, causing him to frown, and immediately ask, Are you okay?

    Louise placed her hand onto John’s hand resting on the gearstick, replying, Just as you have relieved me about deciding to leave the military, I feel I should also tell you something too.

    Glimpsing at her again, feeling puzzled, he replied, Now; you have me intrigued.

    Smirking with knowing about the news she wanted to tell John, she said, I thought I might.

    In the distance, she saw a pub, which made her ask John to pull in, so they could have something to eat, drink and possibly discuss the prospect of a new Weller-Raven joining the family.


    J ust as John was about to place the signal on to turn into the car park at the pub, he saw Ricky Stevens’ mother walking on the pavement. He turned the steering wheel fast in the opposite direction, startling Louise with making such a sudden manoeuvre, making her ask, What are you doing?

    John apologised to her and then went on to say, Ricky Stevens’ mother is there. We should give her a ride to her house.

    Louise watched Stevens’ mother walking, causing her to look back at John, and say, Okay, but we have something to eat straight after we have dropped off Ricky’s belongings.

    John agreed, by nodding his head, asking, So what did you want to tell me?

    As John slowed down, Louise thought about the news she wanted to tell him and replied, It can wait for now.

    Feeling intrigued, John produced a wry grin while holding the button to lower the electric window on the passenger door. Louise turned away to look at the lady who had stopped walking after seeing the car pulling up next to her, expecting to be asked for directions. Politely, Louise asked, Mrs Stevens, can we give you a ride home?

    With not knowing Louise, Mrs Stevens appeared bemused, which made John lean over to say, Joanne; it’s me, John Weller-Raven.

    With hearing her name mentioned; she frowned, still choosing to walk slowly towards their car, making Louise, say, She’s coming over to the car.

    John took his seatbelt off and decided to get out of the car to greet Ricky’s mother. With being aware of whom was approaching her, she gave a wry smile, immediately wanting to hug him, reminding him by saying, It’s been a long time.

    John smirked, replying, Too long.

    Joanne pulled away from John with tears starting to form in her eyes, asking, Have you brought Ricky’s belongings?

    With recalling Ricky Stevens killed in action, John became sombre, agreeing, by nodding his head. Louise was watching from inside the car, and decided to ask, With us travelling to your house, can we give you a ride home?

    Joanne moved her head slowly, taking notice of Louise, replying, I would like that, thank you.

    John walked with her to his side of the car, where he moved the seat for her to climb into the back. When she was comfortable, John climbed back inside the car, glanced in his rear-view mirror, noticing that Joanne was weeping after noticing Ricky’s bag was also on the backseat. John asked, Are you okay?

    Joanne closed her eyes, thinking of only her son, replying, I’m sorry. I should be over it now, but there is never a day goes by when I don’t think about my son.

    Louise glimpsed at John, aware of his loss involving members of his family, while replying, Ricky was a hero.

    Joanne wiped away her tears, saying, Perhaps.

    John was listening to both women speaking showing a look of concern on his face, replying, He will always be missed.

    Joanne produced a half smile, replying, You never know what you have until it’s gone.

    Hearing these words, John held the steering wheel tightly, thinking of only his father and sister. Louise noticed his facial expression, making her say, We should go, John.

    John gave a prolonged blink, as he patiently waited to re-join the traffic to take Stevens’ mother home. Louise made polite conversation with her, occasionally glimpsing at John, who was listening to every word spoken. He sighed a little, while placing the signal on to turn left, noticing a customised pickup truck was travelling in the opposite lane towards him. A group of rowdy lads were standing in the back, making obscene gestures to other motorists. As they approached John’s car, he gave them all a thousand-yard stare like only his father could once have done. Joanne and Louise briefly stopped talking when John asked, Who were those lads travelling in that pickup truck?

    Joanne replied, They live on our estate, forever causing trouble for everybody. It isn’t as peaceful as you remembered last time you were here.

    John’s face became angry, which Louise noticed and said, Hey! It’s not your war.

    John glimpsed at her, blinked once, and then carried on travelling down the road towards Joanne’s house. He noticed graffiti sprayed on some of her neighbour’s properties, causing him to ask, Are those lads responsible for this act of vandalism?

    With not hearing a reply, John turned for a couple of seconds to watch Joanne nodding her head, agreeing. He turned back feeling angry, which made Louise frown, wanting to remind him, by saying, John! It’s not your war.

    John carried on looking straight ahead as he drove closer to Joanne’s house noticing some cars vandalised. He looked at Louise, where she stared back at him feeling uncomfortable about being in what seemed a hostile environment. He stopped the car, climbed out, and then moved the seat for Ricky Stevens’ mother to climb out. When he crouched back inside the car to take Ricky Stevens’ bag, Louise held his arm tenderly, saying, I don’t want to stop long. I feel apprehensive, especially with those young teenagers close by.

    John widened his eyes at her, and then turned, looking at the young teenagers making a nuisance of themselves. Looking back at Louise, he replied, I’ve changed my mind about staying here for a few days. I’ll give Joanne, Ricky’s belongings, and then we will go for something to eat at the pub we passed earlier.

    Louise smiled, saying, Thanks.

    John brought Stevens’ bag out of the car, waiting for Louise to join him. When the gang of youths saw Louise, they started to wolf-whistle at her and hurl abuse, causing her to look at John in a way, as if to say, protect me. John was managing to contain his anger inwardly, as he passed the bag with Stevens’ belongings to Joanne. She came closer, wanting to give John a hug, thanking him for the ride home. John pulled away remembering the photograph, he kept in

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