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Beauty in the Brokenness
Beauty in the Brokenness
Beauty in the Brokenness
Ebook48 pages34 minutes

Beauty in the Brokenness

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Is there really a way to go from broken to beautiful? When we find ourselves in a deep abyss of bad choices and shattered dreams, whats next? Is there a next? Or are we forever trapped in a sinkhole of despair and helplessness, believing this is the best life can ever be?

Beauty in the Brokenness centers around the story of the woman at the well, in addition to several of Sheila Millss personal stories, to bring a message of hope and encouragement to those who have ever found themselves feeling trapped by their circumstances and abandoned with no way out. In this study, we will take a close look at the womans desperate desire to remain isolated from society, how Jesus really saw her, and how Gods truth can transform any person in any situation.

Come discover how a closer look at her story could change your story and transform your brokenness into everlasting beauty.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 16, 2014
Beauty in the Brokenness

Sheila Mills

Sheila Mills is a musician, songwriter, and worship leader. Several of her lyrics are published in poetry books. Her own experiences, as well as that of being a former youth leader and substitute teacher, have given her valuable insight regarding life issues being faced today by teens and adults. Sheila lives in western Kentucky. Her daughter, Bridget, is married and has three sons.

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    Beauty in the Brokenness - Sheila Mills

    Copyright © 2014 Sheila Mills.

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    WestBow Press

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    Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-5637-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-5636-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014918389

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/15/2014



    A Note to the Reader

    Chapter 1:   Cast Sheep

    Chapter 2:   A Page out of History

    Chapter 3:   Waiting Alone

    Chapter 4:   Living Water

    Chapter 5:   Truth Barged In

    Chapter 6:   Facing the Fear of Truth

    Chapter 7:   Beauty in the Brokenness

    Chapter 8:   Land of the Living

    To all whose God-given beauty

    shines brightly through their brokenness.

    Shine on.


    To family and friends. Your being in my life means so much.

    To my daughter, Bridget. Your funny stories and laughter lift my soul. You are a godsend.

    To my brother, Steve. You are one of my heroes.

    To my late husband for cooking dinner so I could write without interruption.

    To my proofreaders. God love ya—you have a special crown in heaven!

    To Ms. Sandra and Ms. Margaret for helping me find my voice. I’m forever grateful.

    To Tim and Liz Camp for letting me pick your brains, and for hosting the small group Bible study each week. I love your servant hearts.

    To the small group Bible study members for your prayers, support and encouragement.

    To New Life Church. You may be a small congregation, but your heart is beyond huge. I am blessed to see Christ in action every week. May God continue to use you in His powerful way.

    To the WestBow Press team. Thank you for your patience, guidance, and hard work. So very much appreciated.

    To God, for saying no when I wanted to give up. To Jesus Christ, who is teaching me that His grace is more than I can comprehend. To the Holy Spirit, who keeps me moving forward.

    A Note to the Reader

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