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7 Councils of Jesus:: Training for Battle While on This Christian Journey
7 Councils of Jesus:: Training for Battle While on This Christian Journey
7 Councils of Jesus:: Training for Battle While on This Christian Journey
Ebook196 pages2 hours

7 Councils of Jesus:: Training for Battle While on This Christian Journey

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On this Christian journey, you must constantly prepare for battle, whether that battle is on your job, in your church, or even in your home. Keep in mind that while Jesus was here on earth, he did battle as well, so you must arm yourselves likewise. You see, the race is not given to the swift nor to the strong but to the ones that endure to the end. Hold on to all that God has promised you. You are more than conquer; you are a child of the KingJesus.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 15, 2014
7 Councils of Jesus:: Training for Battle While on This Christian Journey

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    7 Councils of Jesus: - Mariea Calhoun Smith

    Copyright © 2014 by Mariea Calhoun Smith.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4990-7111-5

          eBook      978-1-4990-7110-8

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    Council One : Repentance

    2 CHRONICLES 7:14

    JAMES 4:10

    JOB 22:29

    PSALM 32:5

    PSALM 38:4

    EZRA 9:6

    EXODUS 34:16

    NUMBERS 25:1-2

    HOSEA 9:10

    PSALM 106:28

    PSALM 51:1-4

    ISAIAH 43:25

    ISAIAH 59:12

    PSALM 95:8

    PROVERBS 1:23

    JOEL 2:28

    PROVERBS 28:13

    ISAIAH 55:6

    EZEKIEL 14:6

    EZEKIEL 37:23

    Council Two : Forgiveness

    MARK 11:25

    1 JOHN 1:9

    ROMANS 3:26

    TITUS 2:14

    JAMES 5:16

    ACTS 2:38

    ACTS 3:19

    MATTHEW 26:28

    MARK 1:4

    1 JOHN 1:8

    ROMANS 3:23

    1 TIMOTHY 6:5

    MATTHEW 7:21-23

    MATTHEW 25:9-11

    PSALM 6:8

    MATTHEW 25:41

    MATTHEW 6:24

    GALATIANS 3:27


    2 CORINTHIANS 5:17

    Council Three : Love

    1 JOHN 4:8


    HEBREWS 12:29

    MARK 12:30

    JOHN 14:15

    1 JOHN 5:3

    1 PETER 4:8


    EPHESIANS 4:32

    1 JOHN 2:15

    LUKE 16:13

    JOHN 15:13

    EPHESIANS 4:31

    JUDE 1:21

    REVELATION 12:11

    JOSHUA 1:9

    Council Four : Trust

    PROVERBS 3:5

    PSALM 37:3; 5

    PSALM 62:8

    JEREMIAH 29:11

    JEREMIAH 32:38

    JEREMIAH 24:7

    ROMANS 10:9

    PROVERBS 3:6


    JOHN 8:32

    ISAIAH 40:31

    ISAIAH 26:3-4

    MATTHEW 5:6

    PSALM 27:14

    PSALM 55:22

    PSALM 37:5

    Council Five : Fasting

    LUKE 18:12

    DANIEL 9:3

    NEHEMIAH 1:4

    JOEL 2:12

    1 CORINTHIANS 9:27

    MATTHEW 6:18



    JAMES 1:22

    MATTHEW 4:4


    ISAIAH 58:6-7

    JEREMIAH 34:9

    LEVITICUS 25:39-46

    EXODUS 21:2

    1 CORINTHIANS 7:23

    1 PETER 1:18

    ISAIAH 14:2

    ISAIAH 49:22

    ISAIAH 60:14

    MARK 9:29

    MARK 1:12

    Council Six : Prayer


    LUKE 10:41

    1 PETER 4:7


    ROMANS 8:26

    JOHN 15:17

    ISAIAH 55:6

    JAMES 4:10

    JOB 22:29

    JAMES 4:8

    PSALM 22:1

    MARK 15:34

    1 SAMUEL 1:10

    ROMANS 10:13

    JOEL 2:32

    ISAIAH 11:11

    ISAIAH 24:15

    ISAIAH 25:3

    REVELATION 11:13

    JOSHUA 7:19-21

    JOHN 4:24

    MATTHEW 18:20

    1 JOHN 5:14

    EPHESIANS 3:12

    PSALM 31:22

    JAMES 1:5

    Council Seven : Praise

    PSALM 127:1-5

    GENESIS 3:17

    PSALM 112:2

    JUDE 1:25

    PSALM 104:24

    2 PETER 3:18

    EPHESIANS 5:19

    PSALM 109:30

    2 CHRONICLES 5:13

    PSALM 106:1

    PSALM 99:5

    PSALM 69:30

    PSALM 28:7

    PSALM 18:2

    HEBREWS 2:13

    ISAIAH 8:17-18

    PSALM 34:3

    PSALM 50:14


    MATTHEW 25:13

    PSALM 119:7

    PSALM 75:1

    PSALM 71:8

    ACTS 16:25

    JEREMIAH 1:5

    Extra Scriptures in reference to the 7 Councils of Jesus

    PROVERBS 28:26

    PROVERBS 25:19

    PROVERBS 1:7

    1 JOHN 4:1

    JAMES 3:17-18

    ISAIAH 11:2

    ROMANS 1:18

    2 TIMOTHY 2:15

    ROMANS 13:1


    MATTHEW 5:16

    ROMANS 12:1-2

    GALATIANS 5:22-23

    ACTS 2:23

    PROVERBS 18:24

    ISAIAH 25:1

    Words Of Encouragement


    I would like to dedicate this book to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For without him I can do nothing of myself, it is in him that I live move and have my being.

    I would like to dedicate this book to Living Covenant Church where the pastor is Edward and Tracy Douglas. Thank you for allowing God to use you both the way he do.

    I also would like to dedicate this book to the night staff at Burger King, Hampton Inn, and Ozark Dale County Library you know who you are.

    I would like to send a special shout out to my son Lamar Drake, I am so proud of you.

    I would like to send a special I love you to all of you that has played a part in my life whether it was good or bad, each and every one of you regardless of how you were used, God alone is getting the glory.

    I big fat I love you to my children: Micheal Calhoun Campbell (Eboni, Michael Jr., Malachi), Chris Calhoun (Timiko, Jakari Moni Jackson), Valissia Nicole (Maddison & Mark) Craig

    To my entire family (White) I love you all very much.

    Love Mariea


    Some of you may ask the question what are the seven councils of Jesus?

    Well, these seven councils of Jesus will help you on your daily walk with God. As the body of Christ or a babe in Christ; one must learn to stand on the seven councils of Jesus. These councils will help you to grow and as you grow, you will be able to help someone else grow.

    Also, the seven councils of Jesus must be practiced on a daily basis, not once a week, once a month, or even once a year in order to be an effective witness for God and the building of his kingdom. The seven councils will bring fulfillment in your life and through these seven councils you will be able to have the mind and heart of your savior Jesus Christ. Remember, so as a man thinks, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7).

    Council One


    2 CHRONICLES 7:14

    If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    So often in life you will find yourself in situations that are beyond your control and then there are those situations that you will find yourself in because of the choices that have been made; even in that there is a lesson that has to be learned in learning that lesson you will be able to help someone else.

    As you begin to grow in your Christian walk; you must realize that you can do NOTHING without the Lord; once you realize that you will begin to grow and as you begin to grow you will be able to help others. The one thing that causes believers to miss out on what God truly has for them and that is their PRIDE will cause them to miss out on God every time.

    Ask God to give you a teachable spirit and as you are given this teachable spirit you will always be learning and growing spiritually in God. There is nothing wrong with sitting under pastors that are truly after God’s own heart and they are growing as well. When you are under someone that is truly living a life of holiness every day and can admit that they do not always have it together; you can learn from them. You are never too old to learn from someone else. There are more members in the body of Christ besides you; you do not know everything, because if you did you would not be in the situation that you are in. remember to seek the face of God for all areas of your life, but most of all repent of your sins and turn from your wicked ways; so that God can forgive your sins and heal your land.

    JAMES 4:10

    Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

    You are constantly asking God for this and asking God for that, but the truth is you are not willing to take up your cross and follow after Jesus with your whole mind, body, and soul. You can live a life of holiness; you just have to make up in your mind that you are going to serve the Lord no matter what comes your way.

    You see, you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. You are not alone; God will never leave you nor forsake you. Walk with God and hold on to the promises of God regardless of how things are in your life at this present moment. God has not forgotten your labor of love that you have shown toward the saints and do minister.

    Continue to believe on him as the scriptures have said and out of your belly shall flow rivers of living waters. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.

    You must walk by faith and not by sight; if you keep walking by sight you will miss it. It is something like this: if you are constantly looking at the problems that you are faced with and not looking unto Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of your faith; you will find yourself dwelling on what you do not have instead of what you do have; the good that you have while going through the storms of life; you have all the activities of your limbs; you are on top of the ground and the ground not on top of you. You still have a roof over your head while there are those that are out in the heat or cold with no place to go. You are not confounded to a wheel chair: you are independent (able to do for yourself). In other words, stop taking life for granted. There are many that are in those situations and they are happy because they chose to overcome their obstacles and make it work for them; and if they can do it then so can you.

    The very things that we take for granted others wish they had. So therefore be mindful of your surroundings and no that God is NO RESPECTOR OF PERSONS. Just a friendly reminder there is someone worse off than you are but through it all they are wearing a smile on their face and giving God the praise for allowing them to see another day that was not promised to them.

    JOB 22:29

    When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.

    When you find yourself in a state of disbelief; begin to give God the praise. There is power in your praise; have you ever wondered why at times it is so hard to praise God? Well, let me share with you what a preacher share with the church one night; there is power in praise

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