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Hallelujah Anyhow!: For Every Stage of Life
Hallelujah Anyhow!: For Every Stage of Life
Hallelujah Anyhow!: For Every Stage of Life
Ebook131 pages53 minutes

Hallelujah Anyhow!: For Every Stage of Life

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Hallelujah Anyhow!

Have you ever been in a situation when youve felt like there was no way out? Or that your world was crashing down around you? Or how did I get here, and how do I get out? I think that most of us would say that we have been there, done that and somehow managed to overcome the most challenging circumstances. Some people might say it was luck. Some of us, looking on a more spiritual note, will tell you that the Lord carried you through. There are times when my pastor, the Reverend Dr. William F. Baskerville of Mount Mariah Baptist Church, would say, You ought to shout Hallelujah Anyhow!

Life is full of changes and experiences. I guess thats what makes life such a beautiful enigma. We are shaped, molded, and cultivated by the apprehension of material things, thoughts, and emotions that we sense. We are human, and we live to experience and adapt through the accumulation of knowledge.

In Hallelujah Anyhow we share our tears, our losses, our fears, our truths, and our joys. Lifes trials become lessons and, ultimately, our testimonies. It is our hope that you can connect with what you read and find some joy out of it, and if not, hopefully you find it worthy of a ...
Hallelujah Anyhow!
Release dateApr 9, 2015
Hallelujah Anyhow!: For Every Stage of Life

Sabrina Nash

About the Authors Margo Mayo Margo is a divorcee who currently lives in Paterson, New Jersey. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in sociology from William Paterson University in New Jersey. In her spare time, she likes to write poetry, read, work puzzles, and dream of the day that she will receive that check in the mail that will finally afford her the good life that she’s always fantasizing about while chillin’ in her “bistro.” Sabrina “Nina” Nash Sabrina, affectionately known as Nina, currently resides in the Baltimore Washington Metropolitan area. She currently works for the Honorable Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards in Maryland’s Fourth Congressional District. Nina has always had a deep-rooted passion for serving people, writing, and culinary arts. She holds a bachelor of arts in hospitality management from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and aspires to go to law school in the future. Her motto is to “be worth knowing versus well-known,” and this is very fitting for the life that she has designed for herself. She prides herself on being a mommy, wife, mentor, culinary enthusiast, baker, event coordinator, and author. She admires the beauty in life and only wishes to add to it. She considers herself a “free spirit with a revolutionary soul” and looks forward to the day that she can open and operate a nonprofit that enriches the lives of youth. Darcelle Mayo Battle Darcelle Battle resides in Glen Burnie, Maryland. She holds a degree in business administration from William Paterson University in New Jersey. She enjoys traveling, reading, writing poetry, and sipping her coffee while meditating on life. Her patience is her virtue as she tries to present a kinder, gentler expression of life. She may not be able to battle all of the prejudices in the world, but she can certainly write about them. One thing I can say about her is that “in her spirituality, the pen is mightier than a sword.” She is the loving mother to coauthor Sabrina Nash and Sierra Battle. She is the loving wife of the deceased Clinton Battle. Karen Mayo-Hogan Karen is married, with children, and also lives in Paterson, New Jersey. She currently holds a degree in sociology from William Paterson University in New Jersey. She enjoys traveling, reading, writing poetry, and helping others along their way. Her son thinks that she holds a second degree in the field of morbid reality because each of her poems deals with what most people consider as the morbid side of life, which is death. Make “no bones” about it, the woman has swag when it comes to expressing the “darker side.” Her son, Dexter Hogan, unknowingly, is a contributing writer as some of his poetry is featured in this book. Many thanks to his Aunt Merill who thought it was not robbery to laminate his early works of poetry. He wrote his first poems long before he started college, and his analogy of poetry was “hated it.” In reality, his poems are pretty good. Good enough, that is, to be featured in this book with the rest of us.

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    Hallelujah Anyhow! - Sabrina Nash


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    © 2015 Sabrina Nash. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   03/27/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0203-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0204-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015904500

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    Poems of Contents



    Where Has All The Time Gone???

    A Poem for Our Friendship

    A poem for Mommy

    A Beauty You Are… (A Poem for My sister)


    You are God’s little One

    To The Graduates



    We Love You,


    A Love Gone


    I Saw You Standing There


    Missing Link


    The Illusion of Love

    Love Lost

    Missed Connection


    Moral Dilemma

    From This Window

    Blissful Sins


    Boogie Man?



    A Million Miles Away

    Cold Weather

    The Night

    Just One

    The Construction Site


    Senses the Attention

    Oh! Dark Winds

    Be It Day? Or Be It Night? What It Be?

    Claim It Personal Space; Peace be Mine

    The Arch Street Bridge

    The View

    Haikus for You!


    GOD Will

    Well Done


    Your Loving Ways

    Reconstruction Time 2013 (Changes)

    Rest in Peace Young Man

    One Day

    Stop!!! (My plea to my brothers)

    Life Evolves Through God

    Escape to the Surreal World

    I Meditate

    The Cost of Living

    Are We Not All?

    The Claims of Soul River (Water)

    Why Did I? Come This Way?

    Spirits Lay Broken

    The Hardest Part of All

    God’s Time

    Silent Tears


    Only God Knows

    Along Life’s Way

    Undying Love

    Precious Feelings…


    A View From My Heart

    Heavenly Sleep

    God Called

    A Soldiers Faith and Courage

    A Talk With God



    The Master Plan




    No Farewell


    God’s Commands

    Someone Special

    And Away

    Too Soon

    God’s Child

    The Hour


    Uncle Karl

    My Homegoing


    Blessed Dove By: Damon Black

    About the Authors

    Hallelujah Anyhow!

    Have you ever been in a situation when you’ve felt like there was no way out? Or that your world was crashing down around you? Or How did I get here and how do I get out? I think that most of us would say that we have been there, done that and somehow managed to overcome the most challenging circumstances. Some people might say it was luck. Some of us looking on a more spiritual note will tell you that the Lord carried you through. There are times when my Pastor, the Reverend Dr. William F. Baskerville of Mount Mariah Baptist Church, would say You ought to shout Hallelujah Anyhow!

    Life is full of changes and experiences. I guess that’s what makes life such a beautiful enigma. We are shaped, molded and cultivated by the apprehension of material things, thoughts and emotions that we sense. We are human, we live to experience and adapt through the accumulation of knowledge. Even if your situation didn’t quite turn out the way you intended, Hallelujah Anyhow! If you’re breathing, Hallelujah Anyhow! If you’re rich or poor Hallelujah Anyhow!

    Hallelujah Anyhow! Is for our tears, our losses, our fears, our truths and our joys. Life’s trials become lessons and ultimately our testimonies. We thank GOD that we can share these with you. It is our hope that you can connect with what you read and find some joy out of it and if not, hopefully you find them worthy of a…

    Hallelujah Anyhow!

    In Loving Memory of Clinton Battle (3/19/54-5/17/2009)

    "The Memories Of Loved Ones Gone,

    Will Forever Linger Within Our Hearts."

    -Karen Mayo-Hogan

    Where Has All The Time Gone???

    Wow! Where has all the time gone?

    One minute I was a kid, the next I was grown!

    Yet, somehow it couldn’t have went that fast.

    I got

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