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A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Just Lookin’ for a Home
A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Just Lookin’ for a Home
A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Just Lookin’ for a Home
Ebook44 pages41 minutes

A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Just Lookin’ for a Home

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About this ebook

This book was written from the point of view of a 4 year old girl and is the way she remembers it. It is her experiences while traveling with her alcoholic, musician, father in the early 1940s. This is just one year, from age three-and-one-half, when her mother died, to four-and-one -half. She drew strength from a Pow Wow where she was given her Indian name and a Totem. The half years made her feel important and more grown-up as she looked forward to what each new age would bring.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 2, 2014
A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Just Lookin’ for a Home

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    A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Just Lookin’ for a Home - Xlibris US

    Copyright © 2014 by Sy Criswell.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This story is not to be taken literally because it is from a child’s experience and Un-researched memory.

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    Rev. date: 07/25/2014

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    But for the grace of God…There go I.

    John Bradford, Killed in 1555 for being a Christian



    A most grateful thank you to all the authors and editors who helped me to write this novella.

    I owe a special thank you to Myron Doc Downing PhD, MSW, LMFT, Author and teacher who has taught me through his Books on Taking Control of Your Life and huge group therapy. Matt Perelstein with his New Directions workshops was always there as a buddy and friend.

    Thank you friends and relatives for being supportive in all of my ups and downs, especially you……………..Karen Flower.

    With Love………..Sy Criswell

    AKA/ Talks Like the Wind


    I t is the spring of 1940, before the official announcement of WWII but the threat is in the air. Sometimes we stop where someone has a transatlantic radio and we listen to the BBC and Daddy cry’s because his younger brothers have been drafted. I don’t know what that means. It must be real bad. We are poor, very poor and Momma is dead. She died having baby David. Now Daddy and I live in an old car. I can’t see out ’cause I’m too short, so I have to stand on the worn out car seat. I watch people through the window, some are hanging clothes on close-lines and all of them seem to be participating in home life. Home life, something I don’t have any more. As Daddy says, Life just kicked us in the backside where the sun don’t shine. He does a lot of yelling and even more crying. Daddy Roy is looking for a home, very unsuccessfully I might add, but he says, You never know what you might find just around the next corner. I don’t believe him.

    Oh, by the way, I’m Nichole and I’m four goin’ on twenty. Leastwise, that’s what Daddy says.


    Establishing the Bond

    I n A Little Ole’ Boll Weevil Looking’ for a Home the bond between my Daddy and me had already been established. I fell into a bucket full of hot ashes fresh from the Ben Franklin stove when I was three years old. Daddy and Momma rushed me by car to the hospital in Dallas, Texas, which at that time, about 1940, could do little for burn victims except to clean and bandage a burn then send me home with belladonna for the pain. Of course, they told my parents that I would never be able to use my hands again as they wrapped them up in fists and gave instruction

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