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It’S Just You and Me God: Anytime! Anywhere! Anyhow! Anything!
It’S Just You and Me God: Anytime! Anywhere! Anyhow! Anything!
It’S Just You and Me God: Anytime! Anywhere! Anyhow! Anything!
Ebook137 pages50 minutes

It’S Just You and Me God: Anytime! Anywhere! Anyhow! Anything!

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About this ebook

This devotional guide can be catered to fit your schedule and your study style and depth. My prayer is that God will use it to help you walk boldly into His presence and into His vision for your magnificent life! Knowledge is power. What greater power is there than to receive the abundance of Gods grace and peace. We can enjoy these privileges that God offers us freely by getting to know Him through bible study prayer.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 28, 2017
It’S Just You and Me God: Anytime! Anywhere! Anyhow! Anything!

Marilyn Lee

Marilyn Lee lives, works, and writes on the East Coast. In addition to thoroughly enjoying writing erotic romances, she enjoys roller-skating, spending time with her large, extended family, and rooting for all her hometown sports teams. Her other interests include collecting Doc Savage pulp novels from the thirties and forties and collecting Marvel comics from the seventies and eighties (particularly Thor and The Avengers). Her favorite TV shows are forensic shows, westerns (Gunsmoke and Have Gun, Will Travel are particular favorites), mysteries (loves the old Charlie Chan mysteries. Her all-time favorite mystery movie is probably Dead, Again), and nearly every vampire movie or television show ever made (Forever Knight and Count Yorga, Vampire are favorites). Marilyn has won numerous writing accolades, including a CAPA award for Bloodlust: Conquering Mikhel Dumont and the following Lub-Dubs Awards for 2009: Lifetime Achievement Award, In Blood And Worth Loving (Best erotic novel and best sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal Award. She loves to hear from readers who can email her at or who can visit her website, Visit her Facebook page ( She has a Yahoo! Group called Love Bytes that readers can join by sending an email to

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    It’S Just You and Me God - Marilyn Lee

    Copyright © 2017 Marilyn Lee.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9988-0 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9989-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017913155

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/24/2017




    God Is Calling You!

    God’s Timing

    God Our Protector

    God’s Grace and Mercy

    Holy Alliances – Who Is Your BFF?

    The Mind of Christ

    About the Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher


    This prayer devotional is in loving memory of my mother, Ruthie Lee Pitts. She was known as Mother, Mom, Mommy, Granny, Momma Ruthie, Momma Lee, Miss. Ruthie, the Avon Lady, the Tea Cake Lady and most important a true prayer warrior. You left your fingerprints of grace on the lives and hearts of many. You will never be forgotten.


    Glory to God in the Highest!

    The Magnificent Visions Ministry team has demonstrated endless support, insurmountable patience, and unshakeable love! And if that’s not enough, they have given and continue to extend Grace and Mercy beyond measure. Thank you and blessings too numerous to count to each one of you beloved friends and ministry warriors!!!

    God Is Calling You!

    T he word of God is unique and precious to each of us; there is not a generic vision for everyone.

    God has a specific assignment for you just like he did for Samuel. At the time God was calling Samuel he did not know the Lord, God called Samuel three times before Eli perceived it was the Lord speaking to him. How often has God called out to us, but we have not heard Him, or recognized it was God that was calling us? What has God laid on your heart to pursue? A ‘dream’ or ‘vision’ He has given you. Of course we need to have discernment, to know if it is of God or of ourselves. But I think that anything in the area of ‘ministering’ to others and ‘spreading the gospel’ must be of God. I believe that God gives us real ‘passion’ in our hearts for that ‘dream’ or ‘vision’.

    Samuel had a sensitive spirit, and was willing to listen and obey. We too need to have sensitive spirits, willing to listen and obey. We need to remain in-tune with God. We all have a purpose and a destiny. God has created us for a reason. If you are still unsure of what God wants you to do ‘Ask’. He will show you. He wants us all to rise up to that which He is calling us to – to be functioning in it. Don’t think God hasn’t got anything for you to do. On the contrary, He has an awesome plan for your life. If you have a ‘dream’ or ‘vision’ God has laid on your heart, why not take steps today to make it a reality. Pray that God will direct you and show you what you need to do to make it happen. He will begin to open doors. Watch and see what the Lord will do - when we heed His call.

    God’s Timing

    W aiting on God is not an easy task. First and foremost we need to realize that God’s timing is perfect, just as all of God’s ways are perfect ( Psalm 18:30 As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD ’s word is flawless;

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