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Joshua and Timmy were friends that had found a magical land in Riverwood. Joshua followed signs to find the Wishing Tree, which was founded by his great-grandfather Thomas, an explorer. He had overcome fear and become brave enough to be worthy of the magic. Now feeling competent of trying new things and believing in what he cares about, he is looking forward to a new school year.

Timmy, though his leg had healed after his accident, was told he couldnt play football this fall or even ride his bicycle yet. He became sad, angry, and lonely. Turning to the computer, he developed a skill and became very good at it. Peer pressure would cause him to question his beliefs, ideals, and values. Through conflict, he finds out who he is and learns to accept himself and others despite their differences. Both boys follow signs and clues to solve the mystery in Great-Granfather Thomass journal.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 18, 2014

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    Riverwood - Xlibris US



    Copyright © 2014 by Dorothy Roberts.

    Library of Congress Control Number:  2014914723

    ISBN:                        Hardcover           978-1-4990-6047-8

                                  Softcover             978-1-4990-6048-5

                                  eBook                  978-1-4990-6049-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 08/15/2014

    Xlibris LLC




    Part I Riverwood

    Chapter 1 Joshua

    Chapter 2 Riverwood

    Chapter 3 The Shadow

    Chapter 4 Rules and Chores

    Chapter 5 Research and Try Try Again

    Chapter 6 Magic and the Wishing Tree

    Chapter 7 A Wish Granted

    Part 2 Identity

    Chapter 1 Timmy

    Chapter 2 The Journal

    Chapter 3 The Girl in the Corner

    Chapter 4 The Old Man

    Chapter 5 Angel

    Chapter 6 Amira

    Chapter 7 Together

    Part 3 Commitment

    Chapter 1 Teamwork

    Chapter 2 The Treehouse

    Chapter 3 Aurora


    Dedicated to Brandon, Austin, Faith, Emma, Dustin,

    Lucas, Jacob, and Jaxon. They are my inspiration.


    PART I



    Once upon a time, there lived a ten year old boy whose world was about to change. Life is full of change which can cause fear. Overcoming that fear would be his quest. Through rules and chores he learns to care, becomes brave, and even believe in magic.




    It was a cloudy, rainy day. In fact it had rained most of the week. Joshua was tired of being inside and gazed longingly out the window. School had just ended two days ago and he was looking forward to summer. At least he was before he overheard his parents quarreling last night. Joshua heard his dad say that the Company he worked for was going to close. The Company was the towns main source of income and its closing would effect everyone, including Timmy’s dad. Timmy was Joshua’s best friend since kindergarten. Joshua had noticed that his parents had seemed very worried and scared. This morning his father had left early and his mother was busy in the kitchen.

    Joshua? His mother called from the kitchen, Timmy is here. Joshua raced down the stairs. Glancing at his mother, he noticed that she looked older and tired. He wished he could do something to help. Play in your room, she said, and continued washing the dishes. Timmy and Joshua headed up the stairs.

    Have you heard anything about the Company closing? asked Joshua.

    No! Timmy said, but mom and dad have been really grouchy lately. They never used to fight. Now they look sad all the time, worried, and scared.

    I heard my parents talking last night and if the Company closes, dad will have to leave home to find work somewhere else. That means your dad will too, and most of the families in town. Both boys just looked at each other, and the terror of all that would change filled their minds. As best friends they had been together every moment. They played on the same baseball team, The Hornets, Joshua as first baseman and Timmy as catcher. Their fathers were their coaches. Joshua sat at his desk and Timmy sat on the bed. What can we do? Joshua said slowly as his body seemed to deflate and slump over.

    I don’t know, but we have to do something! gasped Timmy. That last Saturday at the library they had heard a story about a place called Riverwood. It was told by an old man who seemed to believe that there was magic there, and a Wishing Tree. Timmy loved magic and had talked of nothing else since. I did some research on Riverwood. It’s a real place near here and maybe there is a real Wishing Tree.

    You are kidding, right? There is no such thing as magic, stated Joshua, disgusted by the thought. Not what he wanted to say, but he didn’t want to hurt Timmy’s feelings. Magic was not real and it was ridiculous to even consider it.

    You’re wrong, and I’ll prove it to you! Timmy yelled. He ran down the stairs and out the front door. I’ll show him, he thought.

    The next week the weather continued to be gloomy. The whole town seemed to slow down. Everyone looked sad. When people talked they would snap at each other in harsh voices. Some would stay at home and not want to be around anyone. Many homes had yards that had overgrown. It was as if a horrible gloom had settled on them all. Timmy hadn’t called or come over all week. Joshua told himself he didn’t care anyway.

    At dinner one night while they were all at the table, Joshua’s parents told him that they were sending him to his grandparents house for the summer. Joshua just sat there and stared at them. I don’t know them and haven’t seen them since I was a baby. Why do I have to go? he pleaded. They explained that they needed time to work things out and that he would have more fun there. Joshua got up, stomping slowly up the stairs. How could they? It

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