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Millennium Past: Yahweh's Mythopoeia
Millennium Past: Yahweh's Mythopoeia
Millennium Past: Yahweh's Mythopoeia
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Millennium Past: Yahweh's Mythopoeia

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In the long-awaited millennium reign of Emperor Yahshua Messiah, the elect worship the Heavenly Father as Yahweh Elohim, the great I Am That I Am. Yet sin runs rampant from the words and actions of unbelievers. They force the final conflict, as prophesized in the Book of Revelation 20:78, and through trials and tribulations, joys and prosperity, and banishments and executions of one thousand years, the Prince of Peace decrees His servants to fight, forcing the saints to ask, Does Yahshua desire His people to carry out the vengeance believed to be Yahwehs alone? And can we fulfill His will?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 31, 2015
Millennium Past: Yahweh's Mythopoeia

Bryant Griggs

Bryant Griggs, an East Orange, New Jersey resident, former Bridgeport Connecticut Telegram news reporter, and University of Kansas and New York University graduate, spent over 40 years seeking Judeo-Christian revelations, while writing his way to become an accomplished author, evangelist and speaker. Through 37 years of medical setbacks, Mr. Griggs has achieved his newfound purpose to reveal the Name of Yahweh Elohim, and His Only Begotten Son, Yahshua (Jesus) Messiah through the literary arts. Mr. Griggs devotes his time to being a testimony of Yahshua crucified, and the appearing of the Kingdom of Elohim (Mighty Ones) on Earth among all who experience his writings.

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    Millennium Past - Bryant Griggs

    Millennium Past

    Yahweh’s Mythopoeia

    Bryant Griggs

    Copyright © 2015 by Bryant Griggs.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Biblical quotes from The Scriptures, translated, published and distributed by the Institute for Scripture Research, P.O. Box 1830, Northriding 2162, South Africa. The Names Yahweh and Yahshua are transliterated from Hebrew in The Scriptures to its present English spelling. Scriptural quotations are also from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First printed in 1611. Some words interposed between The Scriptures and KJVB versions for clarity.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 04/08/2015





    Author’s Notes on Millennium Past: Yahweh’s Mythopoeia, Evil’s Conspiracy and Yahweh’s Vengeance.

    Yahshua Reigns 01.03.6224

    Fountain of Life 01.03.6224

    Crime and Punishment 11.35.6232

    Murder One 02.16.6375

    Mourning for Joy 01.29.6376

    Orion’s Travels 04.26.6376

    A living sacrifice to Yahweh, my Heavenly Father; His

    Only Begotten Son, Yahshua; and Blanche W. Griggs, my

    Conscientious Mother, who I didn’t always see eye to eye with,

    but eventually fell in line with them all and their truth.

    Author’s Notes on Millennium

    Past: Yahweh’s Mythopoeia, Evil’s

    Conspiracy and Yahweh’s Vengeance.

    Millennium Past is a Yahwistic myth! It is not Gospel! And as this writer scripted, Yahweh’s Mythopoeia and its following two novels, is based on the New Testament’s Book of Revelation’s 20:7-8 and First Corinthians’ 15:24-26 scriptures. In this imaginative mythopoeia, and because Elohim (The Mighty Ones) operate in the sphere of reality and history, Millennium Past follows certain scriptural facts that cannot be denied. Two facts still debated today, is whether the Messiah’s name is Jesus, Yeshua or Yahshua, and if God should be called Hashem, Lord, Jah, Jehovah or Yahweh? But according to historical truths and original Jewish texts, the Name of the Son of Adam is YAHSHUA, and the Judeo-Christian’ Supreme Being’s Name should be worshipped as YAHWEH, the Holy One of Yisra’el.

    For nearly four hundred years and earlier, the Body of Christ was taught that the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua need not be known, and calling Yahweh God, is not disrespectful or an insult to the Judaic life story. Through Satan’s lies, we’ve been blinded to the deep revelation of those divine Names that’s been demonically removed from the lips of believers.

    Most Christians read additions, subtractions and substitutions from later editions of the 1611 King James Version Bible, introduced by a racist, homosexual King James’ (1599-1625) English worldview. The saints don’t conduct a thorough exegesis in Hebrew or Greek to get a more authentic perspective of important scriptural facts. They wade in shallow milk, never getting to the meat of Yahweh, which translates as I AM THAT I AM, or Yahshua, meaning YAHWEH’S SALVATION. When all is said and done, many will shockingly discover that no one can be saved in the name of Jesus, for salvation can not come through a lie.

    If the spiritually blind should meet Yahweh Elohim face-to-face, He, most likely will say, I never knew you, because you never knew Me … because you lied and brought My Name to naught … Because you have forsaken Yahweh, (I) have forsaken you, according to Shemoth/Exodus 20:7, Mishle/Proverbs 30:4-6 and Second Chronicles 24:20. And in Luqas/Luke 13:27, Yahshua says, I do not know you … Depart from Me, all you workers of unrighteousness. With all the gains made in scriptural research, many Jews and Christians still refuse to call on the Name of Yahweh and Yahshua out of fear and ignorance. Yet, these covenant Names are the passwords to everlasting life and paradise. And the Name Yahweh is not unfamiliar with New Testament scripture, where one can read in Ma’asei/Acts 2:21, And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be saved. And You shall worship Yahweh your Elohim, and Him alone you shall serve, from Mattithyahu/Matthew 4:10.

    The definition of God means an artificial or natural object that is thought to be the seat of divine power, the expression of divine personality, or itself, a supernatural or divine agency; a person or thing that is honored as a god or deified: something held to be of supreme value, according to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary. Put simply, God can be any deified person, place or thing. Not a fitting moniker for the Almighty or His Son. The word, God, originates from the German deity, "Gott, and the Judeo-Christian’s Supreme Being should not be called by a transliteration of a German god or as a generalized common noun. For Yahweh is not common or generalized, and He can’t be compared to anyone or anything! His Name was revealed in the Book of Shemoth/Exodus, Chapter 3:13-15. And only by name, should a God be worshipped, rapturing the believers into communion and full relationship with the divine. Without knowing your Supreme Being’s name, you can’t honestly worship the Entity, you capriciously call God" and disrespect.

    Etymologically, the name Jesus has no etymology. Ancient Greeks called Him Iesous, Romans called Him Iesus, but why did the King James Version Bible’ English scribes refuse the Hebrew Name unless they had ulterior motives? And since the Name Yahweh was known before Mosheh’s (Moses) time, there was no need to rape Yahweh’s or Yahshua’s Name from Their ‘Jewishness,’ and base Yahshua’s Name on mythological deities, whose names all end in –us, like Dionysus, Hephaestus, Odysseus, Bacchus, Perseus and Venus. And through King James’s racist and nationalistic machinations, Jesus became the Anointed Zeus. Then the English theologians had the audacity to promulgate that lie as truth, and erase it from scripture 930 times!

    The Body of Christ, who study the scriptures to show themselves approved, must realize they’ve been grafted into the root of the Jewish branch, called Yahweh and Yahshua, not the Jewish branch grafted into the Christian branch. All the authors of the Holy Bible were Jews from Yisra’el, not from England, Germany, Rome, Greece or America. For true believers know they are Jews inwardly, not entertaining anti-Semitic, English and German lies by giving Yahweh, Yahshua and Miryam (Yahshua’s real mother’s name) anglicized slave names.

    Yahweh is substituted 6823 times in the King James Version Bible for THE LORD. LORD is another name for Ba’al – a Phoenician deity - which means Prince or Lord of Heaven and Earth, according to The New Encyclopedia Britannica. It’s also the name of English Magistrates. Such a negative and uncovenanted title, shouldn’t be used to name an Elohim of love, truth, creativity, righteousness and infinite power. Leading this folly were hubristic Jewish priests and scribes of the 6th (after the Babylonian Exile), and 3rd Century B.C.E., during the Age of the Talmud. These scholars, erased the Father’s Name from the Torah, believing the Name of Yahweh is too holy to say, too holy to share with Gentiles, anyone who voiced the Name Yahweh had no share in the afterlife, and it’s disrespectful to call the Holy Father by His personal Name. But Yahweh says in Yeshayah/Isaiah 55:8-9, For My thought, are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, My ways…For as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. The primary reason the Torah was written, was to reveal the Name and Nature of the Heavenly Father – written as YHWH (the Tetragrammaton), and pronounced Yah-way, according to Hebrew historian, Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-c.100). If His’ Name was too holy to say, Yahweh wouldn’t have told us! Yahweh doesn’t tell us something and then proceed to hide it! Truth should go out from Yahweh’s mouth, springs up from the Earth, and return to Him as ripen fruit, according to Tehillim/Psalms 85:11.

    I wrote Millennium Past: Yahweh’s Mythopoeia, Evil’s Conspiracy and Yahweh’s Vengeance to fulfill my life’s purpose as that self-professed soul winner and ready writer, who sees life as a cosmic play, and born of Elohim to express my vision through the eyes of Christ as I understand Him. The Millennium Past trilogy is birthed from a spirit of love in composing a story that comprises the most important nugget of Yahweh’s Truth – His Name. Written by a mere man, honoring Judeo-Christianity’s long historic past, present and future, I fear and tremble to do Yahweh’s work, and penned Millennium Past as a mythical, largely-scriptural pedagogical vision of how the Kingdom of Elohim comes to Man. With the goal to touch a dying world, mesmerized by the allure of science fiction, freedom’s rights, the surrealism of fantasy, the vanity of youth, and a misunderstood passion for redemption, Millennium Past caters to a 21st Century’ hope-conscious audience, searching for that Absolute Reality that is only Yahweh.

    And while Yahweh doesn’t deal in myths, He’s a Warrior-Poet! And the mythopoeia of Millennium Past, boldly sweeps aside the divisions of Christian denominations, sects, traditions, lies and half-lies and attempts to pull the reader in as an elohim with Elohim. I believe as a visionary Christian, I strive to take up Yahweh’s mantle as a co-creator and world changer, and transform the concepts of literature, poetry, theatre and songs for the glory of His Name. For when Yahshua says, Father, esteem Your Name, Yahweh said from heaven, I shall both esteemed it and shall esteem it again. And I dream of seeing that prophesy fulfilled!

    No one knows exactly what the world will be like after Satan’s release from the bottomless pit, but it is written, Yahshua’s shall put all enemies under His feet … killing (sinners) by the words of My mouth … and My right-ruling (shall) break forth as the light, according to Hoshea 6:5. And in Luqas/Luke 19:27, the scripture states: But those enemies of mine who did not wish me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me, according to the parable. Yahweh and Yahshua’s light will shine, but before that time comes, Elohim called me to write my personal revelation and make it public, to show how the Redeemed may travail through a carnal war in the hope of spiritual glorification.

    For the sake of the dramatics, my characters get weak, deal with sickness and die, and must fight a war to uphold Judeo-Christian truths. But, in the end, I’m just asking you to enjoy a tale about virtual angels and a real Elohim, and not false deities known as Jesus, God, Jehovah, Jah, Hashem or Lord – a story that inspires and offers a glimpse of the hereafter. I also didn’t want to write about a quick war that ends in one day as the Battle at Armageddon, where saints have minimal chance of dying. And although, in His earthly Kingdom, Yahshua may be seen as Cop, Judge, Jury and Executioner, I left such duties at Man’s discretion, for in Yahweh’s Mythopoeia and subsequent novels, Yahshua rules His Empire from a hands-off position after His 50th year Jubilee ascension. Yahshua still watches over His Kingdom as one of the Heavenly Fathers in a faith with henotheistic overtones, as Man temporarily takes the reins and subdues the worlds under de facto Prefect David, son of Yishai, and the Chief Elder, Yahn the Baptist. And socially, (and against most civilized cultures), the saints are allowed to have multiple fathers, mothers and consorts (husbands or wives) through the permissive voice of the Holy Spirit in a culture without marriage. Scripturally, preaching is to cease during Yahshua’s millennial reign; but in this tale preaching continues, as humanity continues to sin and end their sin with war. And Millennium Past paints a wider scenario of cosmic conflict, where Yahshua’s power is beyond this world, and galactic empires square-off in the battle of the children of light and the children of darkness with 43 billion light years between them.

    From sinless tranquility and plenty of the first 50 years, the story turns ugly. Worlds collide through 950 years of lies, deceptions and blasphemies, making Millennium Past an extreme and radical supposition of what Judeo-Christianity could be when righteous men and women work together and fight for a just cause in a universe tainted by Man’s long militaristic and sinful past. And sin arises, when men, who are born after the Resurrection, rehash Evil’s adulteries that end in the prophesied Final Conflict.

    Millennium Past presents a fun and spirited adaptation of Yahshua’s Last Revelation, even as many Christians, Jews and non-believers cannot phantom Satan’s return after Yahshua’s Second Coming and Millennial reign. But being true to Yahshua and the vision, Millennium Past originates from childhood dreams, an adult word, and imaginative meditations after reading the Book of Revelation and First Corinthians scriptures, and seeing a war that merges destruction and grace (if such polarities are possible). And as I wrote this trilogy, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, this is what I want, it’s helping Me, and the publication of the trilogy will save many, even though, Millennium Past alludes to a carnal war and not an angelic war. And if Elohim has blinded Jews and Christians from calling on His Name through ignorance, pride and false hopes, maybe a creative storyline that bends the truth alittle may help Yahweh’s Mythopoeia, Evil’s Conspiracy and Yahweh’s Vengeance get believers to worship Elohim as Elohim desires, and not as Man wills!

    Yahshua is the Supreme Emperor of the Milk and Honey Empire, through the fulfillment of Mosheh’s, the Elders’, and many saintly luminaries’ prophesied, who comprise Yahshua’s theocracy. Orion Rosh - Luna Governor, Congressional Speaker, family man, emotionally-torn and ruthless warrior – must rally the Imperialists to fight for the Messiah’s End Time prophesy. And with other respected prophets, prophetesses and apostles, the believers take up arms to destroy the works of Satan and that lesser Anti-Christ, known as Shemesh - Lord of the evil Confederacy. War is the answer and lines are drawn on holy grounds. Anyone crossing those lines must be put to death; even as saints abide by Yahshua’s call to love your enemies. But the Final Conflict lurks like a furtive stalker, and saints struggle as Judges of Yahweh’s Truth, being strict and forgiving peacemakers of ‘tough love.’ And through it all, all parties must learn war again. The saints bravely face death, but it is written, that men only die once, as Millennium Past becomes a savage and supernatural war saga of Old and New Testament dreams, exemplifying the heroic and antiheroic exploits of sinners, according to holy faith and little faith.

    Reading Millennium Past, some will say I’ve turned the Prince of Peace into an Anointed Warmonger by the Father’s divine vocation. But metaphorically, I simply imply that life is a fight. It’s harder to live for Christ than to die for Him; and it’s easier to live for pleasure than to die to self. Man faces an uphill battle with Satan, self and human nature, and only the just live by faith. But faith without works is dead. War is Man’s lot in this world – be it carnal or spiritual. But the love of Elohim helps us fight off life’s trials and tribulations in our quest to be holy, perfect and excellent Yahwists, who are promised Abraham’s blessings. Despite my scriptural extemporizing, Millennium Past remains true to the overall message of Yahweh’s redemption of the human race. It’s a tale for believers, spiritualists, nonbelievers, futurists and war enthusiasts alike, who can glean and appreciate a provocative story from my knowing in part and prophesying in part. And as a writer, I pray Yahweh appreciates my literary work that glorifies His Name and His Only Begotten Son’s Name so that many can hear what the Spirit is saying as hearts yearn for fellowship at Yahweh’s feet.

    And as believers are beginning to worship Elohim in spirit and truth, I implore you to taste, see and enjoy this literary epic as Children of Light and Friends of Elohim! Then, I can rest assured that the epistle of my life will be justified through my reasonable service and my fruits clearly known and seen. That lives be saved and the Holy Judeo-Christian Church abide in one faith under one Father, one Messiah, and one Holy Spirit as the Ruach Ho-Kodesh.

    And when the thousand years have ended, Satan shall be released from his prison, and he shall go out to lead the worlds astray which are in the four corners of the (Universe - Yerushalayim, Tsiyon), Gog and Magog - to gather them together for battle, whose number is as the sands of the sea. – Hazon/Revelation 20: 7-8

    Yahshua answered, ‘My reign is not of this world. If My reign were of this world, My servants would fight…’ - Yohanan/John 18:36

    Yahshua Reigns


    Today’s my 65th birthday. Unlike my 18th, 29th, 46th or 52nd, this one’s special. For after 50 years of Imperial rule - on the third day of the Year of Jubilee - my Yahshua, Emperor of the Holy Milk and Honey Empire, is departing for a time and making an announcement about Man and Man’s future. But after Yahshua’s 25,003-day reign, the worlds were beginning to change and the people sorely felt a new era of Post-Millennial militarism was about to begin.

    Through my bedroom walls, I could hear my consorts, Myyah Taylor and Joy Ferrara, dressing in their adjacent bedrooms, preparing for this morning’s service at the Great Temple on the planet Yahweh. And to tell you the truth, I’m excited about all the day has to offer. As the birthday boy, Myyah and Joy made plans for my Second Coming birthday party tonight, and they invited all our children. But I chose to invite as few grandchildren as possible. Our home is too small to accommodate all my fourteen children and additional 44 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.

    But awakened before a pink skyline, blazing across a barren moonscape, I couldn’t help but pray for Myyah and our ten children, and Joy with our four children with twins on the way. Without the institution of marriage, our devotion is to the Emperor alone, with consorts living and cohabitating with one another in hopes of having as many children as the universe can hold. Through Elohim’s blessings, I thanked Yahweh for the continued anointing of my children and grandchildren, and their relationship with the Father and Son. I thanked Yahweh for my governorship, the Empire, the fortitude of its citizenry, and the path we’re headed up through the words of our Savior. I also thanked Yahweh for His Plan of Salvation He revealed to me, and the minds of all the people to comprehend and receive Yahshua’s teachings that anchor our institutions, spiritualize our computers and robots, and provide prosperity and justice for all. As a nation, we should take credit for creating a culture of brotherhood and sisterhood that enlightens every man, woman and child towards the unity of elohimship.

    Yet, through all the good that embodies our Empire, our future seemed uncertain. Yahshua prophesied a war, but whether the people heeded that word was yet to be seen. And after much prayer, I still wasn’t confident what the people believed. Would the people, still mesmerized by the Good News of Yahshua’s past sermons and speeches, and enraptured by His earthy call to party and procreate, be ready to fight when war breaks out? Would the Empire be militarily-prepared for the Last Apocalypse? And would the people survive the war, or die as martyrs, giving honor to Yahweh in death? The Emperor had warned us of a Final Conflict that must be fought to life or death. But to me, those Words seem to go right over the heads of the people. They only saw Yahshua as the loving king who could do no wrong. They didn’t see Yahshua as heaven’s Man of war, or Commander-in-Chief of the warring angelic hosts. They only saw Him as the benevolent Prince of Peace and the ultimate High Priest."

    But after fourteen days in prayer and four days of fasting every pleasure except water, I couldn’t get pass the people’s lukewarm acceptance of war on this ostentatious day of Yahshua’s ascent and announcement. I knew the 3.5 billion redeemed, resurrected and the born again saints weren’t ready to watch their backs from the future treachery of themselves, and live righteously. For it’s been 50 years of spiritual freedom, social security, space and oceanic exploration, revelry and good times; and now, the other shoe was going to drop. We knew the changing of the Guard was coming - Yahshua told us many times before. But as Satan is scheduled to get out of hell at the end of a thousand years, I had a nagging question: "Will the saints be ready to face their own temptations and vile wickedness, even as they live as virtual sinless beings now? From the peace and tranquility of Yahshua’s millennial beginnings, I knew, without a doubt, that evil men will arise and be hard pressed to destroy all that Elohim has called good, and some way, somehow, we had to stop them.

    Incidentally, my name, Orion Rosh – Luna’s appointed Governor of Tranquility Gardens, the underground metropolis, located in the southern lunar highlands of the polar region of Earth’s moon. On a full moon’s night, you can see us from Earth in the Tycho Crater region, in the lower left-hand quadrant at the bottom of the aqua blue, rabbit-shaped Tranquility Sea. Appointed Governor in the year 6206, according to the new, 500-day Jewish’ Calendar – or the Gregorian Calendar Year of 2432 – I was chosen to be ruler and sovereign upon this powder-fine desert-sea moon by Yahshua Himself. And for my obedience to His unfailing Word, I sit as a voting member in the Imperial Congress, eighteen years after Yahshua’s Second Coming. In floral Tranquility Gardens, I and nearly 30 million inhabitants live 384,000 kilometers above Earth’s surface, in, under and around Tycho, and the surrounding craters of Street, Pictet and Sasserides. But sinister days are indeed coming, and whether we’re ready to answer the call would be entirely upon Congress, our new Prefect, and the twenty-four Elders.

    As I got up off my knees, sat on my bed, and laced my boots, after a morning shower, shaving, and dressing in my ceremonial Hebrew white tunic with purple girdle, I thought about today’s Sonday’ morning’s service and the Word Yahshua was eager to tell the people. Not only would He tell us of our future plans, but also appoint a Prefect to guide us through the years in His absence. At tonight’s party, I would tell my children of the age-old prophecies, visions and revelations in making them understand and more dedicated in their walk with Christ. It was my duty to prepare them for the future, and in return, my sons and daughters would relay my message to their own children when they returned home. But mainly, I wanted an intimate affair to bless my children, share my vision for them, and map out their place in the universe. But rushing to see Myyah and Joy dressed in their Sonday’ best, I walked out of my bedroom to meet their morning shaloms, and tell them of my newfound willingness to eat and share my bed with the women I love again.

    Praise the Name of Yahweh, I shouted, in hopes of alerting my consorts’ happy faces. And knocking on and opening Joy’s bedroom door, I said, How’s my love puppy? as she fidgeted with her HOLINESS TO YAHWEH brooch.

    Happy birthday, my sweet, she answered, attaching her jewelry, and giving me a kiss that would make morning turn to night. Your love puppy is looking for a beautiful day today – on this very, very, special day – your birthday.

    My sentiments exactly, I’ve been praying for two weeks and I’m ready to hear today’s sermon. I can hardly wait what Yahshua’s going to say, even though I believe He must straighten us out before the return of Sin.

    You still believe the people aren’t mentally prepared to fight off their spiritual shortcomings Yahshua warned us of?

    You know and I know we’re not! All we can hope for is that the Final Conflict doesn’t come before the one thousand years are up. When the doo-doo hits the fan. I just want me, my family and the people to be ready and equipped when the time comes.

    We’ll be ready! The Emperor never steered us wrong before. You got to have faith honey!

    Well, today’s His day to reveal His plan, but I think the people need their bubble burst. Fourteen days of prayer and four days of fasting has revealed things that I know the people aren’t ready to hear.

    Like what?

    Tonight at my party I’ll share what I’ve seen with you, but it’s not going to be a rose-colored prognosis!

    Now you must tell me, Orion!

    It’s time for you to finish dressing. It’s 8 o’clock. I smell Myyah making breakfast. I’ll speak more about it more when we go downstairs.

    As Joy adjusted her clothing, we could smell Myyah making pancakes and eggs downstairs. And after helping Joy with her dress and discussing her pregnancy, we went down together to greet my first consort. But before we could say a word, Myyah greeted us, and raised her voice, May you be blessed with 1,000 more birthdays, my love, as she flipped a pancake with the spatula without looking.

    Joy and I kissed Myyah, and returned her salutations by sitting down to bless the food and partake of Myyah’s family-famous flapjacks and western omelets.

    How was your last night of fasting, dear, asked Myyah, concerned over my lack of food for four days – a personal best, since the longest length of fasting is six days, due to our new genetic makeup and our evolution at the Second Coming.

    I feel a little weak, but nothing your home cooking can’t fix … But today’s going to be a great day, even though it will leave many with sullen hearts. I prayed for peace of mind and the spiritual might of the Empire, and I believe it must come to pass for the people’s sake. At least that’s what I hope.

    But Orion thinks the Empire’s not ready to face their sin that Yahshua spoke of, interrupted Joy, as she massaged her belly, making circles around her baby bum, then forked a piece of egg and pancake and ate it.

    If we continue to pray, we can’t sin, declared Myyah. That’s our duty as saints. But what has Yahweh shown you, honey?

    I just think the sin of men will be more violent than any time before. And they’ll do it in Yahshua’s face. And the people we war against will be more savage and beyond repentance," I prophesied.

    What do you mean ‘beyond repentance?’ asked Myyah. I thought all can come to Christ!

    If anyone can sin in Yahshua’s millennial age, and be born and grow up in a universe saturated with Yahshua’s love, they don’t deserve repentance. They will be born of Satan, and there will be no repentance for reprobates and infidels. This is what Yahweh showed me. I also thought no one could be outside Yahweh’s grace, but those who sin in the future, is, and will always be of the devil. There’s a lot more things I want to share with you, but I’m going to wait until tonight’s party. Today’s my birthday, and I’m going to rejoice and be glad in it. As a man of Elohim, no matter how chaotic the worlds become, I’m going to be happy! We must keep the faith even though some won’t!

    What do you think Yahshua will say today? asked Joy.

    The Emperor hasn’t been forthcoming in what He’s going to say. It’s not like it used to be when the press was all over a story and there were no secrets. Yahshua wants to make His announcement a surprise for the children and everyone else, I assumed.

    Do you think Yahshua would name you as Prefect? You work yourself to the bone! You’re humble, generous, a great prayer warrior, and you’re as good as any government official for that high office, Myyah said. After 18 years as the Governor of Tranquility Gardens, it’s time for a change.

    That would be nice, but I love being Governor. Plus the decision’s not up to me. It’s Yahshua’s!

    But wouldn’t it be nice being the Prefect under the Emperor, Joy added. Just think, we could move to Yerushalayim and be closer to our children, you could be more involved in the affairs of Congress, the Cabinets, the Council of Elders, and life would be so much better than living on this desolate desert moon.

    Now you’re talking crazy woman, I gesticulated. Would we forsake the good that Yahshua has given us for political gain? And besides, I’m already a voting member in Congress!

    Forgive her, my darling, Myyah interjected. She’s having a temporary case of insanity, she expressed with a side-looking smile. But it would be nice being closer to the Elders! There’s nothing like running with the ‘Top Dawgs,’ she added, as she put her right arm around my shoulders, in what I thought was jest.

    I would love being in the Emperor’s administration, playing along and smiling into Myyah’s eyes. But I don’t believe the Emperor needs me.

    Well, I think a promotion is well overdue, my sweet. And I think Yahshua will make a terrible mistake if He keeps you on this moon, Joy replied.

    Your support is flattering, taming her enthusiasm. But in several hours, we’ll know who the Emperor’s Prefect will be, and it won’t be me.

    We can still dream can’t we? Myyah and Joy concurred, while gulping down their orange juice.

    *     *     *

    It was now 9:20 a.m. Service begins at 10 o’clock. The moment Myyah, Joy and I stepped out of our Tranquility Gardens penthouse complex, the city was abuzz with energy to hear Emperor Yahshua’s last sermon and speech. As usual, Myyah and Joy looked exquisite in their white Roman stolas and palliums that extended to their ankles and revealed white Babylonian sandals. But I’m bias; they always look good.

    As we made our way through the bustling crowds, everyone everywhere was on their way to the giant, Temple planet known as Yahweh. And from today until the end of days, Yahshua’s speech will be analyzed, deciphered, critiqued and transcribed for everyone to study, pray over and hold dear to their hearts.

    Walking through the floristic and tree-lined boulevards of Tranquility Gardens, we joined the throngs in the bright morning light that reached up and down the streets through atriums, prisms, mirrors and light fixtures. And as we conversed, laughed and stepped lively to Tranquility Gardens’ Teleport and Space Station, we marveled over how the Station was sculpted out of Tycho Crater’s central glasslike peak that rose 1.6 kilometers above the crater floor. The teleport station transports more than 19 million Tranquility’ commuters a day, in and out of Tranquility Gardens to destinations near and far. And customary during Temple services, most teleport gates were set for Yahweh, since all the Empire’s 3.5 billion citizens were responsible to be at the service. No work was to be done on this holy day. Computers, androids and robots were in control.

    As we entered the neo-Gothic-Yahshua-sculpted Teleport and Space Station, the transportation center bustled with a greater concentration of white and purple-clad worshippers. And as all passed through the station’s ornate crystalline screens, around terraces and flying buttresses, decorated with eagles that ascended up towers of pinnacles and arches, we surrendered our brainwaves to Third Eye or 2BAI teleport scanners, and walked through the metallic arches on our way to Yahweh. And from Luna, we appeared outside the Great Temple on the mountain island in the blinking of an eye.

    I must have teleported up and down our planets and moons a thousand times, and no matter how many times I flash through, I still can’t get over how fascinating teleportation is. In the movies, one form of teleportation featured a tubular vortex, bedazzled with bright lights and passing stars as a passageway to a cosmic destination, and in another method, one’s bodily subatomic particles are scrambled, then reassembled, as one jumps from one destination to another. But Yahshua disregarded such cinematic hocus-pocus, and made teleportation more like walking through a magic door, bending time and space and squeezing billions and millions of light years within the width of a single, three-foot-wide, metallic post and lintel. And in correlated fashion, Yahshua also restructured our brains to experience more of our nonphysical traits, opening us up to a whole new world of para-psychological-teleporting possibilities, greatly expanding our consciousness.

    I call it magic, extorted Joy.

    I call it Yahweh, Myyah shot back, as we walked into the gate’s shadows and coruscated like fireflies through the opaque darkness. And with hundreds and thousands of other worshippers in unison, we stepped out among the panoramic porticoes of the Great Temple, high atop a mountain on the large island, with the Great Temple as the brightest spectacle on the planets. And reflecting the clear azure skies of Yahweh, and making the Temple look like it was awash in various precious stones, the Temple radiated a presence as a lone, magnificent beacon, set in the middle of the aqua-blue Beloved Sea. And even though, there is no Sun in Yahshua’s Kingdom - for Yahshua is our light - the blue skies of Yahweh made the House of Yahweh a beautiful Tabernacle of spiritual and social fellowship.

    And this is no ordinary Temple either. Like all the housing mega-structures of our planetary systems, this Temple came down from heaven to bless the saints with a place of worship, 300 million kilometers away from its rotating worlds. The Temple’s designed as a circular amphitheatre, capable of occupying a much greater number than our current 3.5 billion population. So it’s massive! And if I had to compare it to a man-made architectural wonder, I would liken it to Rome’s Coliseum, but on a much grander scale, lushly decorated with green, orange and bright-yellow trumpet vines. Colossal, and featuring partially-domed retractable Plexiglass ceilings, this Temple of classical and romantic Renaissance architecture, has a circumference of one million kilometers, with a height of four kilometers. It was created with many stadiums in one, with Yahshua and the Elders magically and simultaneously enlarged before the people in all the stadiums at once – speaking to the people giving their speeches in unison. Coming down from the stars days after the Second Coming, the Temple is in the style of a Greek and Roman ancient ruin with sculptured friezes and allegorical figures representing the Patriarchs and Mosheh (Moses), the Judges, Shemu’el (Samuel) and the Prophets, the Davidic Empire, the Kings of Yehudah (Judah) and Yisra’el, the Babylonian Captivity, the Virgin Birth, Yahn the Baptist, Yahshua’s Passion, the Apostles, the Resurrection, the saintly men and women of faith down through the ages, the Judgment and the Second Coming - all mastered in iron and stone. The Temple also soothed the soul with serene ambiences from surrounding gardens shaded by tall Medjool Date Palms, Japanese Maples, Indian Banyans, Golden Weeping Willows, Giant Sequoias, Cedars of Lebanon, False Sago trees, silver saw palmettos and other floral foilage. The complex is also manicured with garden walkways, fountains, water pools and pedestals with biblical-themed sculptures.

    Coming out of the Temple’s teleport gate, we were watched over and shielded by 50-foot living, radiant seraphim and cherubim gate-keepers, guarding all four million Temple entrances on the outside. These angelic guardians, with wings, emanating from the side of their heads, from their backs and at their ankles, sparkled like the appearance of polished bronze, and exhibited a noble character, full of Yahly beauty and might. We were so accustomed to seeing the archangels every Shabbat and every Sonday, they seemed like old friends. And as they stood with flaming swords in hand, the saints had deep respect for these angelic messengers, even though, they did not speak. They only praised in unison, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy, is Yahweh El Shaddai, Who was, Who is, and Who is coming. And no matter how the people tried to distract their flow, the archangels remained a praising mystery. I guess Yahshua didn’t want the people to make idols of angels. For when they weren’t present with us, they were always before Yahweh’s face, radiating His majestic power light years away from His northern throne.

    Looking at my timepiece, and knowing we were still good on time, we entered the Temple’ amphitheatre and looked for good seats. And as we passed under the holy sentinel, we could see the Temple was already less than one-twenty-five thousandth full, and this meant everyone could sit on the ground floor level. The congregation was giddy with excitement for all Yahshua had to say. But regardless of how they felt, they weren’t going to let their contemplations ruin the somber expectation of Satan’s release and Yahshua’s departure. The people were eager to show Yahshua that even before Satan gets out of hell, they were going to exhibit the guts and glory that Yahshua instilled in them when He appeared.

    So we hurried to get seats in one of the many stadium’s descending naves, and continuously kept an eye open for our children and grandchildren. But unfortunately, didn’t see them. We did, however, see Myyah’s and my second son, Seven, who volunteers in the Yahwistic Ensemble and Choir. He and the band were also giants, leading praise. But I did see my Labor Advisor, Ned Telleves, and his consort, Beulah Tsong. And walking over to them, I said, Happy Jubilee Day, Ned and Beulah!

    Happy Jubilee, all, Ned replied, in his drollness.

    How are you feeling? I asked, as our consorts greeted one another and veered into a more feminine conversation about the children, their dresses, and white-hot gossip.

    I feel steady and ready, and I can’t wait to hear what the Emperor has to say, Ned replied.

    I feel the same way, but I’m more concerned about what the following years will bring. And it took several days of prayer and fasting to feel that’s the real issue.

    What did you see?

    I just don’t feel the people are ready to face what Yahweh’s has to say today.

    How do you know what’s He going to say, Ned asked. Did you get a copy of His speech?

    No, I’ve just been in deep prayer, and the Spirit gave me the gist of what Yahshua’s going to say. Yahshua warned us of Satan coming out of hell many times before, and a Final Conflict many years from now, but I’m not sure the people are getting it. They’re not ready to face the sin buried in their own hearts, and that’s more of a threat than Satan. It will be up to the Imperial Eldership and Congress to properly prepare the people against the darkness ahead. As I see it, the people are still in a party mood – still mesmerized by Yahshua’s love over 50 years of peace and fun times. They’ve been blinded to His words of sin, war and vengeance. I know it’s not like Yahshua to advocate fighting and wars, but we’re about to enter a different age when men must cope with their inner transgressions as Satan is released from the abyss with hatred in his eyes. And facing Ned, I could see a puzzled look come over his face.

    The Word states, ‘that though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim, to the pulling down of strongholds …’ Ned reminded me.

    But today’s a new day, I pointed out. The Word also states, ‘(There’s) a time to be born, and a time to die … a time to kill and a time to heal … a time to get, and a time to lose … a time to love, and a time to hate, a time for war, and a time for peace.’ I believe when the Final Conflict comes, it will be a war of swords, guns and military armament, and not necessarily spiritual prayers. We had our time to fight evil with the Word. Now, I believe, it’s time to embrace the doctrine of the ancient warrior-prophets, and show Yahweh, we’re not afraid to fight Satan with sticks and stones.

    That defies everything Yahshua’s about, Ned passionately interjected. Isn’t it our mission to walk in love, forgive the sinner and persuade them toward the Way?

    "I agree, but that applies to an old-time, pre-Second Coming religion. I believe the enemy coming for us will be unrepentant and deadly from the get go, coming out of planetary systems percolating with sin. The war we fight is against a people who have no regard for Elohim, and war is not contrary to Elohim’s nature. Elohim is not only love, but a ‘Man of war,’ according to Shemoth/Exodus 15:3 and Yeshayah/Isaiah 42:13. Over the last 50 years, has He not shown us a side of Himself that reflects both natures? He showed His fight by ending the moratorium on military research 25 years ago, and instituted polyamorous consortium for both men and women. And when Yahshua took Miryam of Magdala as His consort, who He raised from the dead at His Appearance, many wondered if this was the same Yahshua they read about as the ascetic Savior? And don’t forget our Adonahy, who fathered 77 children? And Yahshua’s indulgence for the fruit of the vine, also took many by surprise, even though Yahshua Himself said, ‘The Son of Adam came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘See, a man, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners! And wisdom was declared right by her works.’ And when Yahshua eliminated harmful, cognitive, psychological and addictive side effects from alcoholic beverages, an Empire-wide cheer went up that shattered the eardrums. And many geneticists, bioengineers and prominent psychologists supported Him in His acceptance of ‘strong drink to gladden the heart’ and give the people a sense of moderate inebriation. Yahshua taught that Yahweh permits all things, and we as Christians, should be responsible and never add drunkenness to thirst. And although narcotics are prohibited in the Empire and liquor should be eaten, Yahshua proved you could be a recreational partier and not be strung out as a failure, an addict or a lowlife with no hope or purpose. Like the Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) wrote in First Corinthians 6:12, and Yahshua confirmed, ‘all things are lawful to me, but all things are not expedient; all things are lawful to me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.’ And in Philippians 4:5, Sha’ul wrote, ‘Let your moderation be known to all men. The Master is near.’ And by Yahshua’s own admittance, the worlds had to take a double take at this King and see Him for who He really is.

    As encouraged to abide by a law of moderation, so we must stand firm to face the evil coming at us - not with timidity, but with equal force. Didn’t the Elder Yehezqel/Ezekiel say in verse 3:8, ‘See, I shall make your face as hard as their face and your forehead as hard as their forehead.’ So who’s to say if, Yahshua preordained us to engage in a war to end all wars, who are we to not blow the trumpet? Time has not only revealed Yahshua’s Manhood; but also His divine Sovereignty over heaven and Earth and life and death. And when Yahshua speaks of a Final Conflict, it shows His ‘never die’ spirit. It’s His good pleasure for us to fight to show ourselves approved.

    Fight to show ourselves approved? asked Telleves astonished.

    Yes, I believe as Yahshua was sent to the Cross to die for Man’s sin, so Yahweh is sending us to be warring lambs among wolves. And in the end, only war will decide whether we attain paradise unscathed, or side with the mendacious and die a sinner’s death, I tried to explain, waiting for Ned’s reply.

    That’s a hard word you speak of, was Ned’s retort. I know Yahshua ended the military moratorium to defend ourselves, but nonetheless, we’re not supposed to learn war anymore. I know Yahshua said there will be war, but are we to fight a civil war where guns and knives are used, or will Yahshua intervene and eliminate the need to fight? We were all in a sinful place before Yahshua’s Second Coming. I know there are no sinners now, but salvation must be offered to sinners, even if we must go to war with them. If sinners become teachable to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, we must be diplomatic first before we talk war. But only time will tell! By coming here today, we will discover and know all Yahshua asks of us, he added. I only hope it’s not as dire as you make it sound, Ned joked, I got kids to take care of, speaking of his 107 children, while patting me on my back.

    Yeah, I got kids too, I echoed. And that’s what frightens me the most. What’s important now is that saints strive to raise more saintly children. Yahshua said be fruitful and multiply; but we have to make sure through our increase we raise saintly, as well as warring Christians. That’s the challenge of our times.

    And as all five of us made our way through the nave through electromagnetic turbolifts (elevators), that can move both horizontally and vertically at 10 meters per second, with inertial dampeners, installed to provide passenger comfort and eliminate the acceleration effect, we took our seats to witness the liturgical festivities.

    With the aid of eagle-like vision and overhead jumbo televisions that were strategically-placed around the stadiums’ interiors, we looked towards the altar, listening to the dulcifying music of the Yahwistic Ensemble and Choir. We watched the graceful balletic moves of liturgical dancers, and sat on the edge of our seats, awaiting the arrival of the 24 Elders. The Judeo-Christian Elders were mostly the chosen prophets, apostles, martyrs and heroes, who totally, completely and fully overcame the world, and whose sole purpose was to be united with the Source of their spiritual yearnings. Not only were they overcomers, but ordinary men who followed their spiritual calling, despite constant temptations, persecutions and the spiritual teetering that all men grapple with in faith. And the Elders had become like celebrities of spiritual acclaim, and all the people loved them as more than natural men.

    As always, the first Elder to enter the Temple was the prophet Yo’el (Joel), the son of Pethu’el, and his name means Yahweh is El (Strong One). In the past, he wrote a communal lamentation in Yo’el 1:4 of the species of locusts as the covenant curse of Deuteronomy 28:38 and 42; the sanctification of a fast; and the call to assemble at the Temple for repentance. He also prophesied ecological and political upheaval as divine retribution for widespread apostasy and crimes, addressing themes of theodicy as judgment. But more importantly, to the latter Judeo-Christian believers, Yo’el’s prediction of the falling of the Ruach Ho-Kodesh (Holy Spirit), symbolized the birth of the Judeo-Christian Church and the call of all saints as prophets, according to Mosheh’s prayer in Bemidbar/Numbers 11:29, the Babylonian Talmud, and Midrash’s Fourteenth Psalm. Lastly, Yo’el told of the gathering of a foreign nation for an apocalyptic battle against Satan and our Empire, which many took with a grain of salt, as they enjoyed the comforts of the last 50 years with little fear. Yo’el wrote several manuscripts of the essence, being and wonders of the Holy Spirit, as Yahshua gave him special insights on that subject. And his novel, titled, The Spirit of Yahweh, was a galactic bestseller. Yo’el was also a master chef, famous for his version of ‘Ambrosia’ that its eaters salivated over. Instead of the pineapple, mandarin orange, coconut, sugar and marshmallow 1800s Southern American concoction, he masterminded a Gumbo and Jambalaya delicacy with rice, okra, tomatoes, vegetables, chicken, sausage, ham and seafood, with his top secret herbal ingredients only known by a few corporate sponsors.

    Second in the procession of Elders was Adam, the first man Elohim formed from the dust of the Earth, who was the husbandman of the Garden of Eden. Adam and his wife, Hawwah (Eve), formed from Adam’s rib, were naked, innocent and abided in freedom, except for one of Yahweh’s commands, to not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But it wasn’t long before Satan, in the form of a serpent, beguiled Hawwah, to believe she could be as wise and as beautiful as Elohim. And caught in Satan’s web of deceit, Hawwah, then Adam, ate of the forbidden fruit, relinquishing Adam’s dominion over the Earth to Satan. This act, cursed all men to be born in sin and die. And no one knows how many times Adam expressed his regret for doing such evil. But in the end, it was Yahweh’s predestined will. Adam was ruddy, strong, had a pretty-boy face, the physique of an athlete with short reddish hair and slight growth of a beard to show his exemplary age and manhood. Hawwah was equally as comely, being the first woman of Creation. Hawwah was a brunette-haired damsel, with long locks, and an angelic face, that a jealous man would war to possess. But as Yahshua corrected and expanded on the ancient scriptures of Adam’s time, we understood the shame Adam and Hawwah felt for placing Mankind at sin and death’s door. But in the annals of eternity, Adam’s and Hawwah’s story turned out to be a love story.

    Extremely dejected by Hawwah’s violation, and seeing a change in her countenance, Adam willfully ate the fruit, and provided Yahweh with the gift of family and the opportunity to show grace. Adam had no intention to disobey Yahweh, but in order to keep the only woman he loved, and not be eternally-separated from her, he ate. Although, Adam went against Yahweh’s command, he couldn’t live without the love of Hawwah, choosing death and toil over unrequited love. Adam’s hope for a glorious resurrection, forced Yahweh to be long-suffering and forgiving, concerning Man’s sin and rebellion. Walking in with Adam and Hawwah, were their sons, Hebel, who was the first murder victim, Seth, and many of the couple’s sons, daughters and grandchildren throughout the years.

    And Joy postulated, There’s a man who really understands love and knows the meaning of sacrifice. After all he went through, and what he put Mankind through, he deserves to be Prefect. Didn’t Elohim promise Adam dominion, reigniting our previous conversation.

    Hearing that, my answer to her was I thought you had a high hopes for me as Prefect, and now your choice is Adam? You were bold enough to say we could be closer to the action in Yerushalayim, be close to our children, and get away from Luna. Now you think Adam should be Prefect? Scalawags!

    And giggling over my objectionable remarks, Joy added, I still believe you’d make a fine Prefect to the Emperor, my darling, but after considering the facts, I think Adam will be the better choice.

    You’re so fickle! And getting a smile out of my two consorts, I held Joy’s words close to my heart, as from one who understands love and loves me. But let’s wait to see who Yahshua chooses.

    When a youthful Abraham, the son of Terah, came in and took his throne, a thunderous applause went up, as the friend of Elohim and the Patriarch to Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He entered with his former wives, Sarah and Qeturah; concubine, Hagar, and son, Yishma’el. And I know Abraham was glad when Sarah and Hagar buried the hatchet and ended their animosity toward one another, to become ardent spokeswomen for the institution of polyamorous consortiums to give Yahweh the living souls He desires to fill the universe. Through Abraham’s Post-Second Coming’ proselytizing, he wrote his galactic-wide masterful discourse, "Full Faith in Yahshua, and greatly contributed to ending centuries of Middle East religious strife between Jews, Christians and Moslems. Abraham exemplified true faith toward Yahweh’s covenant, by living out theHH promise of being the father of many nations," and the righteous seed of one, who multiplied into the progenitors of the current Judeo-Christian Empire, comprising every tribe, nation and peoples. Abraham was tall and buxom, with a sun-kissed complexion and eagle-like eyes that discerned every truth and falsehood. And when he laughed with Sarah, it was pure gold.

    Abraham would make a fine Emperor too, when Yahshua leaves, said Myyah. But captivated by the arrival of the other Elders, we let Myyah have her say, and continued our watch.

    When Yahn the Baptist entered the Temple, his parents, Zekaryah (Zachariah) and Elisheba (Elizabeth), came in with him. And the entire congregation chanted, Baptize … Baptize … Baptize, as a big smile came over Yahn’s face, acknowledging their salutations and seating himself on his throne. Called Prophet of the Most High by his father when he was filled with the Holy Spirit before he was born, Yahn preached the imminence of Yahweh’s Judgment and water baptism as a means of repentance and self-preparation. For his obedience to Yahweh and His message of baptism, Yahn was chosen to be Chief Elder by Yahshua during His reign. Before his resurrection and during his former life, Yahn was ultimately beheaded by Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, as a result of criticizing Herod for taking his half-brother’s wife in marriage after his brother’s death. As Yeshayah (Isaiah) the Elder once wrote of Yahn: A voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way of Yahweh, make His paths straight. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough become smooth ways, and all flesh shall see the deliverance of Elohim. But as in his previous life in early 1st century B.C.E. Palestine, Yahn resumed his vow as a Nazirite, also becoming the leader of all those dedicated to refrain from wine, grapes, raisins and intoxicants, not allow a razor to shave their heads until the days are completed in their separation to Yahweh, and abstaining from fornication. And many followed Yahn, as they first sought guidance from our Emperor. Yahn was rustic, raw and resolute. He was also tall and strappy, and he didn’t care what anyone thought if it didn’t line up with his cousin, Yahshua’s teachings. Yet, he refrained from going into consortium, and gave all his allegiance to Yahweh and Yahshua.

    When Patriarch Noah, the son of Lamech and the builder of the Ark, came in and took his throne, the worshippers marveled over his albino complexion and eyes so bright they shined like flashlights. He saved seven members of his family, and one of every male and female beast, bird and creeping thing for preservation and sacrifice from the destruction of the Deluge that destroyed all life on Earth. And coming in with Noah, was his wife, Naamah, his sons Shem, Ham and Yepheth, their wives, and Noah’s current children and grandchildren. Like Adam and Hawwah, Noah, whose name means one who comforts, was commissioned to be fruitful and increase, and fill the Earth. And he and Naamah blessed the Earth with many offspring. Noah was short, muscularly-stocky and quite the family man. He also loved the fruit of the vine as much as Yahshua did, and wasn’t ashamed to show it. He even produced a wine stock of his own near the city of Troy in the Land of Turkey. In his open-book personality, he revealed much about the licentiousness of the people before the Deluge and his experiences concerning that time in a catalogue of books that brought that age into the future, warning others of sin’s stranglehold.

    As Prime Minister to Pharaoh, the Patriarch Yoseph, whose name means May Yahweh add, lived through family rejection for a dream he had. He was sold into slavery by his brothers because of that dream, and was later blackmailed by the wife of Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, who accused Yoseph of attempted rape. Potiphar had Yoseph cast in prison for many years, but Yoseph was able to put it all behind him when he revealed a dream Pharaoh had, concerning seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. And rightly foretelling ways to cope with the drought, Yoseph was raised to be one of the most powerful men in the land, by keeping his eyes on the prize of Yahweh’s love instead of his brother’s and Potiphar’s treachery. Yoseph is famously regarded for his highly-publicized statement, What you (his brothers) intended evil against me, Elohim intended it for good, in order to do as it is this day, to keep a great many people alive. These words resonated as a favorite among the saints, as Yoseph’s life exemplifies the hardships of living a pious life, and the successes of being a ruler with Yahweh’s unfeigned blessing. With Yoseph, came his wife, Asenath, their two patriarchic sons, Menashsheh and Ephrayim, and many more children, who took their seats in the nave section around the altar. And as Yoseph separated himself from his family, and took his throne, there was an eruption of applause throughout the congregation at seeing Yoseph’s lean, toned, tall and physical stature, which he filled with manly distinction. His trilogy of autobiographical novellas regarding his early love for his father, Yisra’el; the betrayal by his brothers; his fall and rise in Egypt as a slave; and his ministerial appointment under Pharaoh, revealed the mind of a hero who wouldn’t let hardships keep him down.

    Elder Yoseph would also make a fine Prefect when Yahshua goes, said Ned. And we tallied up his opinion and continued to look on.

    When Mosheh entered the Great Temple, the minimally-filled amphitheatre, exploded with thunderous applause. Here was the Nile-born Patriarch of patriarchs, who revealed the covenant Name of the Father, gave us the Ten Commandments written from Yahweh’s own hand, foretold of the coming the Prophet – Yahshua - and helped lead the Israelites to the Promised Land after their 40-year wilderness experience. He was not only a spiritual leader, but also a mighty prayer warrior, who saved the Yisra’elites from Yahweh’s wrath due to their complaining and backbiting. Through Mosheh’s prayers and surrogate repentance, He made the Yisra’elites a wonder, instead of Antiquity’s laughingstock and scapegoat. Mosheh, whose Egyptian name means, to draw out of the waters, was ironically found by Pharaoh’s daughter floating in the Nile in a basket covered in tar and pitch as an infant. Pharaoh had ordered all the Yisra’elite’ newborns to be slain because the Yisra’elites were too many, and threatened the security of the Egyptian realm. But Pharaoh’s daughter saved Mosheh, and he grew up to be the epitome of what a true leader should be - tall, meek, strong, and possessing all the wisdom of Egypt. His books,

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