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Shine the Light
Shine the Light
Shine the Light
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Shine the Light

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About this ebook

I have struggled in my walk with Jesus. Struggled in my faith in a God that could possibly love me--how could he? By His statutes I was a mess--a fornicator, a liar, a drunk, one who did not “honor thy father and mother”. These were all the things that would keep me from Him, yet I kept feeling this tugging in my heart that there was more to life than partying and drinking. More to life than being in a never-ending search to quench that “itch” that nothing on this earth could satisfy! What was I to do?

Shine The Light is one woman's walk to Christ Jesus
and the journey it took to get a deeper
understanding of the relationship
we can have with God,
Christ and the Church.
Release dateJul 14, 2014
Shine the Light

Dr. Rebecca Payne

Dr. Rebecca Payne’s story is simple, presented for all to contemplate. Dr. Payne asks us to join her in reflecting on life’s struggles as she seeks God’s answers to the purpose of life. Dr. Payne lives in NJ.

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    Shine the Light - Dr. Rebecca Payne

    © 2014 Dr. Rebecca Payne. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/02/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2456-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-2457-5 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


    Cheryl, a rock and a shoulder to lean on when I didn’t know

    where to turn—your love became a light when I couldn’t see.

    To Sarah, for your wisdom, guidance and love—You understood!

    To my Bible study sisters—thank you for letting me

    be myself and for all the love and support!

    For my family—no one knew a lost little girl would

    find a love that removed all the darkness!



    Trusting God

    Where are we going?

    What does Jesus mean to you?

    The Love of Jesus

    Bringing God closer to you

    Who are we?

    You are free!

    Growing Closer to God

    What will Jesus do?

    Walking with God

    The journey with God

    Walking in the Spirit

    Letting in the Holy Spirit

    Walking in faith in times of trouble



    But God…



    What should I do?

    Let it go!


    The real deal

    What is Love?

    His Family

    Walking in the Wilderness

    First Steps toward Canaan

    Give it all

    God’s Love

    Basking in the Glow of Love


    Hearing God



    About The Author



    I was born to the right parents and family, at the right time, given to the right man as wife, given to the right people as friend. I am loved and I am love! Nothing was taken for granted! I am abundantly blessed and can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. God put me on this earth to give of myself to others in His church and to be a blessing to all who serve Him.

    The Lord knew me through all the phases of trials of my life. Even though I thought I was lost at the time, God didn’t forget me. It was Him that saw me through and never let me down. He remembered me through the struggle, He remembered me through the pain, and when I needed Him most He washed me in His blood to sanctify me as His. Like David, the Lord heard my cry and sent me home.

    Psalm 132:1, 7,8,10

    ¹Lord remember David and all his afflictions…⁷We will go into his tabernacles. We will worship at His footstool…⁸Arise O Lord in Thy rest…¹⁰For thy servant David’s sake turn not away the face of thine anointed.

    It doesn’t matter the sin, doesn’t matter how bad you feel inside, just trust in Him, give it all to Him and He will turn it all around for your good. GIVE IT UP! With His arms stretched wide He waits for you. As on eagle’s wings He wants you to soar, to rise above the heavens and claim your place in Him in victory. Just reach out to Him and praise Him.

    Psalm 32

    ⁷Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.

    The Lord is with me, has been with me all along, teaching and guiding me, showing me how to live—Sometimes I simply didn’t see Him or didn’t hear Him—yet He stayed with me.

    This book is for all those who have experienced similar times in life. Times when you didn’t know if God could hear you but still you pressed on keeping the hope that He would one day call you to Him. Maybe you don’t understand every scripture but you’re holding on to salvation because you believe in Jesus.

    God can move things in your life for your good if you’ll let Him. He has need of us for the glory of His kingdom because He wants us in His family—to be a part of Him in fellowship. Above all things beloved you are His child and He is your Father.

    You are not alone!


    Trusting God

    I want to take you on a journey: A journey of love and sacrifice. I know some of you have heard the teaching ‘trust in God and all will be well with you. He will guide you, He will teach you—His love is never ending, He will never leave you.’ Powerful words and powerful truths. But how do you wrap your mind around the fact that God loves you so much Jesus suffered and died for you!

    What do you do if you don’t know Him? Never heard His name, Jesus, don’t understand His mission, the stories He told, the lessons in the stories, the life He lives.

    I have struggled in my walk to Jesus. Struggled in my faith in a God that could possibly love me—how could He? By his statutes I was a mess—a fornicator, a liar, a drunk, one who did not honor thy father and mother. These were all the things

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