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The Unknown Division: The Nephilim Mission
The Unknown Division: The Nephilim Mission
The Unknown Division: The Nephilim Mission
Ebook469 pages6 hours

The Unknown Division: The Nephilim Mission

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About this ebook

Marcus Harper is a FBI agent who is assinged a case that gives him a glimps into a world most know nothing about. The case almost kills him. Due to his actions during the case he is reassigned to the Unknown Division. There he is partnered with a sarcastic agent named Jack Priest. Marcus learns in this division they deal with vampires,werewolves,jinn,shapshifters,angels and demons. He also learns of an old race known as the nephilim. They are half man half angel, and they have a mission. Its on Marcus Harper, Jack Priest, and the Unknown Division to stop the nephilim.
Release dateAug 28, 2014
The Unknown Division: The Nephilim Mission

Chad Pastor

Chad Pastor is a divorced father of two from Muskegon Michigan. After high school Chad joined the Army as an air defenseman, and was deployed during Desert Storm. After being honorably discharged in 1993, Chad was employed in a factory for 11 years. In 2005 Chad re-entered the Army as a Cavalry Scout. After being deployed to Iraq twice chad was again honorably discharged and retired from the Army. Chad now spends his time being a father to his two children Mckenzie and Rydder while writing.

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    The Unknown Division - Chad Pastor


    M arcus Harper was a model FBI agent. Six foot tall, two hundred and fifteen pounds and muscular, brown hair, brown eyes. He was a chick magnet, but he never took advantage of the woman who would throw themselves at him. He did date woman and slept with some, but he never took the ones that would flat out say to him let’s fuck. Marcus thought it was cheap, and he was better than that.

    Marcus went to college, and earned a law degree from UCLA prior to going into the Marines. He became an officer in the infantry. Did two tours one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He was wounded and received a purple heart. He was recruited by the FBI after receiving an honorable discharge. After training he was assigned to the Homicide Division in California.

    There he helped solve a number of federal homicides, usually dealing with politicians and government workers who either lost their minds one day or tried to cover up shit.

    Marcus did make a name for himself in the FBI. He made the press for solving a serial killer case in San Diego his first year with the FBI. Marcus made the papers and news on a few more cases. He was charming when doing interviews. This had given him the reputation of being a show off or glory hound to some of his fellow agents.

    It was when he got the call for the Dempsey murder that would change his life forever, he just did not know it at the time.

    The crime scene was brutal. A young woman in her mid-teens was crucified upside down and gutted. Her heart had been cut out of her chest, and placed on a spike. Her insides were cut out of her and placed around the spike and burned.

    Why are we here Bill? Martin asked.

    We are waiting for the superstar to show up. Bill Newton replied.

    The fuck is taking him so long? Martin said angry.

    How the fuck should I know. Bill said irritated.

    Well for fuck sake. We have been working all day on the Kirkland case and they send us here to hold down the fucking fort for that dick. Martin said.

    I want to get home too, but till that fuck shows up, we stay. Director Hill’s orders. Bill said.

    Martin Caller hated Marcus Harper. Martin use to be the darling of the Homicide Division. He stopped a terrorist group from setting off a dirty bomb. He made the press and news and he loved it. Until that is, Marcus Harper showed up, and took what Martin considered to be his thunder.

    Bill Newton hated being partnered with Martin Caller. He was arrogant, Bill thought. He wanted the fame that went with the job. Bill Newton just wanted to do his job, not be on the morning talk shows. He was a bit of the old school.

    Bill did not like Marcus Harper either. Marcus was a good agent, and a good investigator, but he was heading down the same path as Martin. Bill hated it mostly because it was a competition between them, and that was dangerous. So yeah he hated Marcus Harper as well.

    Marcus walked into the room looking at Martin and Bill.

    About fucking time you show up. What you had to get all prettied up for the press? Bill asked.

    We do have other cases we are working on Harper, so we don’t have all night. Martin said.

    Maybe that’s why they called me, because you two shit heads have open cases and I don’t. Marcus replied.

    Martin moved towards Marcus to throw a punch, but Bill stepped in between them.

    "So why is the FBI looking at this? Marcus asked.

    Bill Newton tossed Marcus and evidence bag.

    Take a look at who she is. Bill told him.

    Marcus looked at the driver’s license of the victim.

    Mary Dempsey, who is she? Asked Marcus.

    Daughter of federal judge Thomas Dempsey. The one who just passed down a conviction on racketeering charges against Victor Kenzov the Russian mobster. Martin said.

    Yeah I saw it on the news. Marcus replied.

    Yeah well this is his daughter, and right now it is looking like this is a retaliation for the judgment he just passed down. Bill explained.

    Well tell me what you know so far and then you two can go from there. Marcus said.

    Martin looked at Marcus with hatred.

    Look at the body and talk to the coroner, and do your fucking job. Martin told him.

    Marcus watched as Martin and Bill walked out of the room.

    Fucking assholes. Marcus thought to himself.

    Marcus looked around the room. The room was in an abandoned two bedroom house near an empty lot. At one point this house had caught fire on the inside. The neighborhood was basically an area with drug houses. No one would have heard anything, let alone say anything even if they did see or hear what had happened.

    Hey Doc how about you give me an update on what happened here. Marcus said.

    Donna Filner was the FBI’s best medical examiner in the entire country. She is one of the smartest people they could hire. She and her team have helped solve some of the most famous cases the agency has had in the last four years.

    Donna Filner is a beautiful woman. She has long black hair, which was always in a ponytail. She was very voluptuous. Every man that has ever dealt with or seen Donna since high school, cannot tell you what the color of her eyes are. She dresses conservatively because she knows what the men around her are looking at.

    The first time she had a case with Marcus Harper she about dropped her jaw. She could barely keep her eyes off him, let alone tell him what she had. Marcus just smiled and let her take her time. Donna flirted with Marcus and later felt embarrassed. Marcus did not complain, so Donna would flirt whenever she worked a case with him and she didn’t hold back.

    Donna was afraid to make the first move with Marcus, because she was afraid he would say no. Marcus would flirt with her too, but Donna was confused why he wouldn’t ask her out. Just when he seemed to want to ask he would suddenly look guilty. So for now she would just flirt. She could wait.

    Well from what I can tell she was tied in an upside down position, before she was sliced open and gutted clean. Her insides were piled in the middle of the floor and burned. Her heart was cut out with surgical precision. Whoever did this to her knew exactly where to cut. The heart was then placed on that spike in the middle of the floor, but take a good look at it on the left side, someone took a big bite out of it. I am hoping to get some DNA off from it. Donna explained.

    Marcus moved to look at the heart and could see the teeth marks, and a piece of the heart missing. His stomach knotted up.

    You love your job don’t you Donna? Marcus asked looking from the heart to the pile of organs that surrounded the spike.

    "I’m just good at my job Marcus. You think the FBI only hires second rate coroners? Donna said snickering.

    Well the rest are second rate. Your top notch. Marcus stated.

    Donna blushed.

    Donna any signs of how many people may have been involved with this? Marcus asked.

    We found foot prints in and outside the house. I had pictures taken as well as cast made of the footprints outside. Once we get them back to the lab we will be able to track down the type of shoes they are and possibly more. Donna replied.

    Any signs of sexual assault on the victim? Marcus asked.

    She did have sex, but there are no signs of her being raped. As you can see her pubic hair has been shaved off recently. I will know more once we run labs on her. What I can say is this, a condom was used because there is no sign of sperm in her vagina, but there are traces of spermicide. Donna explained.

    What about a murder weapon? You said her heart was cut out, as well as her insides, so I can assume a knife, or cutting tool was used, any idea what kind? Marcus asked with curiosity.

    That’s what I am curious about. Donna said with confusion.

    Marcus looked at her. For the first time since meeting and working with Donna she seemed really stumped.

    "You sound a little worried there Donna. Marcus stated.

    I can tell you that her heart was cut out as well as her insides, but come here and look at where her heart should be. Donna said pointing to the victim.

    Marcus moved to Mary Dempsey’s body hanging upside down. He squatted down to look at the hole in her chest.

    Ok what am I looking for here Donna? Other than a hole in her chest Marcus asked.

    Donna squatted down next to him.

    Even in this mess she smells good. Marcus thought to himself.

    Well let’s look at the wound on the chest first. Her left breast was cut completely off to expose the rib cage. That tells me that whatever was used was sharp enough to cut through skin, muscle, and tissue. Now look at the cut itself on the rib cage, what do you see? Donna said pointing to the ribs.

    It looks almost burned. Marcus told her with a confused look.

    That is correct. The upper portion of her rib cage on her left side was cut, not sawed or broken. I can tell that from looking at the point of the cut. The cuts are a straight down motion, and it left burn marks on the bone itself. Donna said as a matter of fact.

    Go on Donna you have my attention. Marcus said very interested.

    Now once the ribs were removed, they were placed in with the pile of organs. Donna said looking at the pile of burnt organs.

    Marcus turned his head to look at the pile of organs on the floor. He could see the ribs protruding from the burnt pile of organs on the floor.

    Missed it completely didn’t you? Donna asked with pride.

    Hell yes I did. Marcus replied with a little humility.

    Good thing I am her huh. Donna said.

    Yes it is. You are good Donna I will give you that. Marcus said smiling.

    Donna blushed again.

    You have no idea. Donna said winking at Marcus.

    Marcus understood what she was hinting too. It was his turn to blush.

    Go on tell me the rest. Marcus said with a smile.

    Donna looked back to the wound.

    Now look at the aorta, the pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava they were cut and cauterized. Donna said pointing her flash light into the gap in Mary’s chest.

    Marcus looked at where Donna was pointing her flashlight. He could see the arteries and veins. They were blackened and looked sealed.

    It is the same with her abdomen. Donna said looking up.

    Marcus looked up at the wound on the mid-section. There were burn marks on the inside and outside of Marry Dempsey’s body.

    Were did most of the blood loss come from? Marcus asked.

    From the wound on the abdomen. As you can see by the blood on the body it flowed down and pooled on the floor. Donna answered.

    So we are looking at a blade type weapon that can seal open wounds, cut through bone, and be used to gut a person. Ever heard of anything like that? Marcus asked.

    Donna stood up, Marcus followed.

    Marcus if you a heat a knife to where it is red that could cauterized wounds, it would start lose its heat value once it is exposed to air. What I’m seeing is this, the cut on the chest, the veins, aorta, and mid-section as well as the organs were done with the same weapon. Donna said confused.

    And that means what? Marcus asked confused

    That the weapon used was continuously hot. It never lost any sort of heat. There are no hesitation marks on any of the wounds. It was done in a swift motion. Like I said whoever did this knew what they were doing, and had a blade like object that in my informal opinion was constantly heated. Donna said with a worried voice.

    Is it possible that the killer used more than one knife? Marcus asked.

    The cut marks on all the wounds look to be the same type of blade weapon. Let me get her to the lab and I can let you know in a few days or so. Donna said.

    So what we know is this, Mary Dempsey is tied upside down. Her heart was cut out as well as her organs by some kind of heated knife. Her organs and ribs were placed in a pile around a spike that her heart was placed on after someone took a bite out of it, and the organs were then burned, does that sound about right? Marcus said looking at Donna.

    Donna looked at Marcus with worry. Marcus never seen her look that way at any crime scene he had worked with her at.

    Preliminary findings say that’s what happen, but I will know more later on. Donna said.

    Marcus had a thought that increased the knot in his stomach.

    Donna can you tell if she was alive when this happened to her? Marcus asked feeling sick to his stomach.

    I sure hope to God she wasn’t Marcus. I don’t even want to think about it, but I will let you know. Donna said feeling angry at the thought.

    Marcus looked around the room one last time, trying to see anything that would give him some sort of clue of what happened here. He couldn’t see anything.

    Thanks Donna, let me know what you find, and could you get your team to send me what they have as soon as possible. I am going to the office and let the boss know what we got. Marcus stated.

    I will get what I have to you as soon as possible. I am making this a priority. I want answers. Donna said excitedly.

    They both looked at each other and smiled. Marcus began to walk out of the abandoned house and Donna watched him go.

    I am going to let my fingers do the walking tonight. Donna thought to herself.

    Marcus liked Donna. She was beautiful, and smart. She loved to flirt with him and he had no problem with it. The only thing stopping him from asking her out was the guilt he felt for what he was doing. He knew she would say yes before he could finish asking her, but he couldn’t hurt her. Telling her the truth would destroy her. He couldn’t do that to someone he really cared for.

    Marcus talked to the cops who were cordoning off the crime scene. He asked them if anyone had seen or heard anything. The cops just told him that in this neighborhood they don’t talk period. With that Marcus headed to the Homicide Division.

    Marcus walked into the homicide division, and he walked right to the office of his boss Harry Tunnel. Marcus knocked on the door, and looked inside.

    Hey boss got a minute? Marcus asked.

    Yeah come on in and tell me what you know so far. Tunnel said waving his hand.

    After explaining what Donna had told him, as well as what he personally seen, Marcus could see Harry was almost sick to his stomach.

    Jesus fucking Christ. What kind of sick fuck could do this? Harry said with disgust.

    I would say this is retaliation for the judgment her father just passed down against Victor Kenzov, but I have seen what they have done in a situation like this, and this is nothing they have ever done before. Marcus said.

    Maybe they are trying something new? Harry asked curiously.

    I will not know anything concrete till I get forensics and the autopsy. Till then, I will just do a back ground check on her, the family and friends. I’ll look into the Russian angle too. Marcus replied.

    Harry leaned back in his chair.

    This is going to be a bloody fucking mess. The family has been notified and are on their way to the morgue, and the Director has made this a priority. Whatever you do, do not fuck this up Marcus, cause there will be hell to pay if you do. Harry said with concern.

    Marcus looked at Harry seeing a man who has been with the FBI for more than twenty years. Harry Tunnel was a man who did not mix words. He was fair and balanced, and did not tolerate failure. Harry always stuck by his agents and would go to bat for any of them, but fuck up and it was your ass.

    I won’t let you down boss. Marcus said leaving the room.

    Sitting at his desk Marcus cracked his knuckles and began to do research on Mary Dempsey. Getting her address to her school, her parents’ house, and her personal history was not a problem. By all accounts she had a normal life, for a privileged kid. No criminal record that was on file, grades were top notch at her school, no reports of any drug or alcohol abuse. Her family life seemed normal. No reports of violence with in her family. Mary Dempsey by all appearance was a normal all American girl.

    Marcus decided he would go to the school first. This way if he did find anything there he could bring it up when he visited the parents.

    Teenage girls won’t tell their parents everything, but girlfriends will know her secrets. Marcus thought to himself.

    Marcus thought about her parents and how he should approach them.

    Give them time to try and accept what just happened. Marcus thought to himself.

    Marcus began looking at her parents. Father Thomas Dempsey, a federal judge with a great conviction rate as a prosecutor, as well as when he became a judge.

    Mother Marion Dempsey is an English teacher who doesn’t even have a parking ticket. She is a member of many charitable organizations. No criminal record.

    Her brother Ryan is a captain in the USMC. Has a couple of deployments and doesn’t even have a blemish on his record.

    Impressive. Marcus thought.

    The youngest sister Joan was only twelve so Marcus kind of let that go.

    Marcus felt tired suddenly. He rubbed his eyes then felt a hand on his shoulder. Marcus spun around. It was Harry.

    You haven’t left your desk since you left my office Marcus. Go home get some sleep, the case will be here tomorrow. Do what you do best and brief me so I can let the brass know what’s going on. Harry said sternly.

    You got it boss. Marcus replied.

    That means Marcus you better get up and go now. Harry said with authority.

    Marcus grabbed his jacket and went home.

    Bill Newton was walking to his car. All he wanted to do was go home to see his wife and kids. That was cut short.

    Hey Bill, have you got a minute? A voice said.

    Bill spun around reaching for his gun. Then he saw who was asking. It was Jack Priest.

    For fuck sake. I could have blown your damn head off. Give me a warning or something. Bill said pissed.

    Sorry about that. Was making sure you still had what it takes. Priest claimed.

    What do you want Priest? Bill asked calmly.

    Word is you and that shit bag partner of yours caught a case today. Just wondering what’s up? Priest said grinning.

    We were there to secure the scene. Harry gave it to Harper. Bill answered.

    Is he any good? Priest wanted to know.

    He is an egotistical prick like Caller, but he is a bulldog when it comes to working a case. Bill described Marcus.

    Is he the one that did that serial killer case in San Diego? Priest asked.

    That’s him. Bill answered.

    He is all charm when he is doing an interview. Priest claimed.

    You here to take the case? Bill asked.

    That’s what the Chief wants. Priest said hesitantly.

    Well this case is right up your alley Priest. Bill told him.

    That bad? Priest asked smiling.

    You remember that case you pulled from me six years ago? Bill asked.

    Yeah the senators nephew who had a thing for eating people. Priest answered.

    This makes it look like a walk in the park. Bill responded.

    Priest nodded.

    Who is the M.E. on this? Priest asked.

    Donna Filner. Bill responded.

    She is good, and those fucking tits, dam. Priest said with a grin.

    Yeah well I’m going home to Elizabeth, so good luck. Bill said going to his car.

    Give her my love. Priest told Bill.

    I will. Bill said.

    Priest watched as Bill drove off. He took out his cell phone and called Chief.

    Listen I’m thinking maybe we should let this Harper investigate the Dempsey case. Priest said.

    Why? Chief asked.

    Even if we take this from him, he will more than likely keep investigating the case any way. Why not let him. See how far he gets. If he fucks up I’ll take it from him. Priest explained.

    Ok Jack. Just so you know if it does go sideways it’s your ass. Chief made clear.

    Yeah I know. Priest responded.


    M arcus was laying on his couch flicking through the channels but not really paying attention to what was on TV. His thoughts were else were.

    Even the Russian mob wouldn’t go that far. Torture yes, but this. This seems more of a ritual. Marcus thought to himself.

    Marcus sat up in a hurry.

    A ritual. Marcus said out loud.

    Marcus stood up from his couch and walked to his computer. He was about to sit down in his chair when there was a knock on his door.

    Fuck, what now. Marcus said under his breath.

    Marcus opened his apartment door, and there stood Hillary Caller. She was holding a Chinese takeout bag, and was wearing a tight black dress that showed her sexy body. She didn’t need a push up bra, in that dress, not that she needed one anyway.

    I’m not wearing any panties. Hillary said smiling and lifting the bottom of the tight dress exposing herself.

    Hillary walked into Marcus’s apartment, Marcus shut the door and turned around. Hillary pushed Marcus against the wall and kissed him hard then dropped to her knees.

    Hillary Caller whose maiden name is Blanchard, is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times. She started at the bottom after getting her degree in journalism from UCLA. She was stuck reporting on cook offs at a fair or Mrs. Jackson’s one hundredth birthday. She felt she was better than this.

    After a few years of this she got her big break. Hillary was approached by two women who said they had a story for her. They said they believed she could help them. The story was about a judge who had offered the two women a deal to have their husbands released from prison for sexual favors.

    Hillary jumped at the chance. This could make her the reporter she wanted to be. Hillary started a file on the judge, looking at his conviction record, what kind of cases he had ruled on, and his record on probation, and parole hearings. Looking through this Hillary could not find any discrepancies with the judge.

    After a few weeks she did however find that he was having an affair with his clerk. Hillary began to doubt the story, and saw her future as a reporter going nowhere. When she talked to the woman again she said she needed proof. A few days later they came back with pictures of one of the woman meeting the judge at a restaurant. The women then told Hillary that the judge had made one final offer for their husband’s freedom for sex.

    The reporter in her said without confirmation or at least something on tape there was nothing to this story, and that’s what she told the women. They were persistent. They even went to the cops to press charges. When Hillary found out they went to the cop’s opportunity struck. Hillary went to her boss and told her about the story.

    Get conformation Hillary. Any Evidence you can find with at least one person backing it up will help. Hillary’s boss told her.

    Hillary was in a race against not only the cops but the D.A.’s office as well. So Hillary did the only thing she could do, she went to the judges’ clerk.

    There is nothing you can do to stop the affair from going public. If you play ball you can save your marriage as well as make some money out of this. Hillary told the clerk.

    When the time came Hillary’s story about the judge was printed. The story was about a judge using his position to get sex from women whose husbands were up for parole. When the cops and prosecutors could not find any evidence to her story, Hillary wrote that it was due to the fact that they were covering up for the judge because he was tough on criminals.

    They did start to listen when she wrote about the judges’ clerk coming forward to say the judge was forcing her into a sexual affair by threatening to tell her husband, and that the judge had in fact told the two women to have sex with him or their husband’s paroles would be denied.

    The story was a huge paper seller. The prosecutors tried and convicted the judge and he was given a ten year prison sentence. Despite the judge admitting to his affair with the clerk, he continued to say he was innocent of the charges of forcing woman to have sex for their husband’s parole. The judge died three months later from being shanked by a prisoner.

    Hillary’s career took off. During her rise to stardom at the Los Angeles Times Hillary did things she felt was necessary to get the good scoop. On one story she went to interview a prisoner who had info on a murder she was writing about. The prisoner offered her the info.

    I’ll give it to you only if you let me finger fuck you. The prisoner told her.

    Hillary let him, and she got her info and the story.

    Hillary realized early on she could use her sexuality to get what she wanted and she did. She went as far as to sleep with a woman who had info on a gangster she was writing a piece on.

    The one story that got her to the top was an interview with the FBI agent that prevented a dirty bomb from going off in San Diego. That agent was Martin Caller.

    The story was big and it made her famous. It also gave her the top spot and more money. Hillary thought Martin was kind of attractive, but thought more about what he could do for her career. So at first it was a friendly arrangement. Over time Hillary did sleep with Martin to get the inside scoop on FBI investigations.

    He is not bad in the sack, but I’ve had better Hillary thought to herself.

    Hillary knew Martin had some kinky sex ideas and she went along with it for the story. A year later Martin and Hillary were married. On their honeymoon, Hillary found out how bad Martin could get.

    After their first round of sex, Hillary figured it would be just sex. That was until Martin tied her up face down. Hillary figured oh well he will fuck me from behind and it will be over with shortly. This was not the case.

    Tied down Hillary could not move. Martin began to push inside her ass, Hillary yelled and said no. Martin leaned in as he was pushing into her

    You are mine now and you will do what I want. Martin told her.

    Hillary grimaced in pain as he was going deeper. She could feel tears coming.

    No I won’t you fucking pig. Hillary said defiantly.

    Yes you will. Martin said with confidence.

    As he pushed inside her ass as deep as he could go, Martin made his demand very clear.

    Would you prefer that it go public that you forced that judge’s clerk to say how she was forced into the affair when she was not? She did it willingly. Did you think nobody would know? I talked to her and she told me all about it and told me how you helped her out financially for her testimony. So what do you say Hillary who do you belong to? Martin asked with malice.

    Hillary’s mind was racing with fear and anger. Her career or being this fucker’s sex slave. She made her choice.

    I’m yours. Hillary said bitterly.

    Martin finished fucking her and untied Hillary.

    If I want a blow job I get it. If I want to fuck your ass there will be no fighting it, and if I want anything else you will comply am I understood? Martin demanded.

    Hillary was curled up into the fetal position on the bed.

    Yes Hillary said with fear and anger.

    The honeymoon was horrible after that for Hillary. When they returned to Los Angeles she felt dirty, but she also knew her career could go anywhere. So she endured.

    Two years later she walked into Martin’s division to ask about a murder he was investigating and laid her eyes upon the new guy. Martin introduced her to Marcus Harper, the new agent in the division. Hillary shook his hand

    I am going to fuck your brains out. Hilary thought to herself.

    Hillary could feel herself getting excited. He is good looking and defiantly the kind of guy Hillary really wanted, not the pig she was with.

    This is the guy I would be a whore for any day. Hillary thought to herself.

    Hillary couldn’t get Marcus off her mind. Martin would tell her how Bill and he would get on Marcus and the things they did and said to Marcus. Of course he would tell her while she was blowing him.

    After another year with Martin, Hillary came up with a plan to get back at him. She approached Marcus about an interview about the last case he had just completed about a string of murders committed by a nephew of a high ranking officer in the army.

    Sure I have no problem with that. Marcus agreed.

    After the interview Hillary shook Marcus hand and thanked him for the interview.

    I know what Martin and Bill are doing to you. Martin tells me every night and it gets him excited, but I find it cruel and unjustified. You seem to be a good agent and you deserve better. If you ever want to get back at him let me know. Hillary said with a small grin.

    Why would you offer to do something like that to your own husband? Marcus asked curiously.

    Hillary turned in dramatic fashion away from Marcus to hide her smile.

    He took the bait. Hillary thought to herself.

    Martin is not the perfect husband. I am nothing more to him then someone he can fuck how and when he wants to. He does not know what love is, and it is humiliating. Hillary replied with bitterness.

    Marcus got angry about it. Marcus does not like it when a man abuses a woman. Hillary turned to Marcus looking at his eyes, Marcus was looking at her cleavage.

    How could you help me get him back for what he is doing to you and me? Marcus asked sincerely.

    So began the affair. Marcus would go to work every day knowing he fucked Martin’s wife and was better in bed than he was. It has now been two years.

    There was guilt in him. He knew what he was doing was wrong, but he didn’t care. Martin was an asshole. After he met Donna, and it became increasingly evident she liked him, Marcus found himself in a conundrum. He had feelings for Donna, and wanted to be with her, but with what was going on with Hillary, he did not want to hurt her.

    Marcus looked up at Hillary who was on top moaning loudly as she was riding him. The image of Donna popped in his head. It was her on top moaning loudly. That thought alone brought Marcus to finish. Hillary collapsed on top of him breathing heavily, still moaning.

    God it feels like it gets better every time we fuck. Hillary said in between breaths.

    Yeah it does feel that way. Marcus said untruthfully.

    Hillary laid her head on his chest snuggling next to him.

    So can you tell me anything about the Dempsey girl yet? Hillary asked.

    Marcus was stunned and sat up.

    How the fuck did you know I caught that case? Marcus asked.

    I have lots of sources Marcus and it is big news today. Hillary said with a grin.

    Marcus got out of bed and put his shorts on.

    I’m hungry let’s eat Chinese. Marcus said trying to change his mood.

    Hillary put on Marcus’s t-shirt and followed him out to the small kitchen. They ate in silence.

    You can’t tell me anything at all Marcus? Hillary asked hoping to get something.

    I don’t know much myself at this point. It has not even been twenty-four hours yet. I’ll know more tomorrow. Maybe I will have something in forty-eight hours, but I can’t promise anything. Marcus said irritated.

    Hillary picked up on that and moved closer to Marcus.

    Baby I am sorry if I seem to be pushy, but you know that’s just the reporter in me. Hillary said trying to calm him down.

    I know. It just has been a long day. Marcus said.

    Hillary cleaned up. She walked out from Marcus’s bathroom throwing Marcus his T-shirt.

    "I am sorry I can’t stay long. I can only stall for so long, but I do have to

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