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About this ebook

Th e fl aw of humanity as a majority is in how its members mentally edit/alter life
events and the substance, statements of quality others in order to justify their
behaviors to as well as towards those quality others.It cannot be justifi ed. Th en
there are those with eidetic memories who cannot do this. We cannot fi t in.
By Sereena Nightshade
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 21, 2014

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    Fin - Sereena Nightshade

    Copyright © 2014 by Sereena Nightshade. 552080

    ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4931-7854-4

    EBook 978-1-4931-7855-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 03/17/2014

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    Mexico Daze



    Skeleton’s Data



    Ode to the Monsters

    The Achilles’ Tendon



    Hill Top

    Matching Luggage


    Down You Go



    Reminding Factors


    Le Menu

    The Reality of Edna

    Sheets of Rubble

    Suspects Of Interest

    Funky Junky




    Dress Down



    Killing Field


    Teleport Lens Validation


    Three Wishes

    Pain’s Flower

    One Last Time

    The flaw of humanity as a majority is in how its members mentally edit/alter life events and the substance, statements of quality others in order to justify their behaviors to as well as towards those quality others….It cannot be justified. Then there are those with eidetic memories who cannot do this. We cannot fit in.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    Someone Once Said: I will place a weak lamb before each of you and if you slay it or neglect it till its life force subsides I will know your true heart. If each of you keep this lamb safe and nurtured and well all men shall profit and all men shall be saved by the grace of this one being fulfilled in the multitudes of the lambs placed everywhere before all of mankind.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    Whoever saves one life, saves the entire world.

    By Itzhak Stern.

    I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

    By Nelson Mandela

    Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but noting consistently without courage.

    By Maya Angelou

    Courage is being scarred to death… and saddling up anyway.

    By John Wayne

    Courage is huge and failure to protect is the ultimate deal demolisher.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    "The police think that just because he didn’t kill you he

    didn’t somehow end your life…"

    Author: Unknown.

    Regarding false allegations: "First rule of the witch hunt;

    don’t limit yourself to the witches."

    An adult male predator’s mainstay quote: It’s not me, her daddy done it.

    This holds true even if her daddy didn’t do it. The same wording can be used to

    pass the blame onto another from the victim’s past who is reasonably to completely innocent while the abuser is guilty.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    Pretty is as pretty does, and while it’s true that money makes the world go round, nice is what makes it habitable. Please keep in mind that in Old English times nice meant foolish as in basically stupid or retarded.

    Cliché’s put together and connected to the final thought

    by Sereena Nightshade


    If someone fails to tell his/her own story honestly someone else will be happy to do it should predatory opportunistic opportunity strike.

    The predatory opportunistic opportunity feeding frenzy is based on sound bites of reality edited, re-written, truncated, warped, altered, removed from its base of context and additional self-serving agenda methodology.

    The self-serving agenda of the predatory story teller is to profit through deception. Profit is not always simply for money. There are many forms of personal greed.

    If one fails to tell his/her story honestly someone else will be happy to do it.

    If one dares to tell his/her own story honestly someone else will still be happy to re-tell it should predatory opportunistic opportunity strike. And those out of context warped lies always sound so much better than the truth ever did.

    It is amazing what can be done with a word, title, phrase or a line or part of a line. It is mind boggling what a deceiver can accomplish by obsessing on a word in a line to create a whole new meaning variant from what was originally stated, written, depicted or intended by its true creator.

    It’s amazing how the masses, for the most part, gobble it up, greedy for dirt and smut. They love to pretend they are concerned, afraid, personally offended or angry; however, deep down they frequently feel utterly elated, superior, and this is the reward for buying it.

    This much I know is true.

    By Sereena Nightshade

    C:\Documents and Settings\Dell\My Documents\My Pictures\pamela\school_pic.jpg

    Just a Mite

    ~ Written Sometime 1999 – 2003ish. ~

    I am nothing, just a mite on the eyelid of the world… And so perhaps I am nothing, but that. As the stalking years roll onward in sickening continuance unstoppable yet somehow, in a manner I cannot yet conclude or fathom in this moment stoppable I drift in and out. I am too exhausted to stand without the entirety of shaking muscles and trembling knees. My blurry vision is a raw truth, red swollen eyes circled by raccoon rings. This is the cost, in small part, of being stalked. The real victim can be forced to wear a distinct look that in and of itself is misunderstood or turned into things it is not. When I was a very small child, perhaps starting at the age of four, like most youth not yet introduced to the taxes of life, I woke far too early in the morning. My father, the weary war hero renewed in this land of great opportunity was an early riser as well. He would awaken every morning at the crack of dawn in our old San Diego home; eat his morning donut with the fruit jelly center, after which he would go outside to clean the pool before leaving for work.

    I would always follow him outside and as he cleaned the pool I would scamper around the cool deck to rescue all of the insects I could reach with my bare hands. I saved the beetles, moths, butterflies, crickets, grasshoppers and even the spiders and bees when I could get at them. I would scoop them out of the drowning waters and gently place them either on the cool deck or on the ground beyond that circular expanse. I proceeded with this routine even when I was bitten or stung as I felt such empathy for these insects. I could not bear

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