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Ink Stains
Ink Stains
Ink Stains
Ebook92 pages33 minutes

Ink Stains

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About this ebook

Ink Stains is an artistic interpretation of the everyday modern world in New England where the author lives. Piehl tries to shine light on ordinary experiences with his imagery in his second collection of poetry. Central themes of loss and relationships are prevalent throughout this book. Piehl documents the world around him with creative and sometimes imaginative prose trying to find beauty that may be otherwise missed in the common. When the eye sees poetry in the average day the mundane seems exciting and fantastic. Escape into Ink Stains and find a world you may not have known you were a part.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 23, 2015
Ink Stains

James M. Piehl

James M. Piehl was born in Worcester, MA. This is his fi rst collection of poetry. He began compiling this in college while working on his BA in Journalism. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts. James is also involved in his community doing theatre. He is also avid in photography and painting.

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    Book preview

    Ink Stains - James M. Piehl

    Four hours ’til dawn


    Something you will not know like I know

    is your own breath

    in these hours before dawn

    Before the light is at the door

    like an executioner

    calling us to the gallows

    Something you will not know

    like I know

    is the exit

    and why I leave this way

    we cannot explain

    or how your arms will reject

    any reunion

    to expel the ache

    of what we have learned together

    Something you will not know

    like I know

    is how I held the stitches together

    this long

    knowing they would burst

    on a day like today

    Something you will not know

    like I know

    is it was over before we even got to here

    Even before we agreed

    tonight was the end of forever


    And something you will not know

    like I know

    is how I always desperately slip into the daylight

    before you wake

    praying for the strength

    to keep walking away

    Day breaks


    Stone capped angel

    and a mushroom dance

    sun bright with a devilish smile

    That orange flame

    flicker box

    north of the forest

    North of the border

    between pain and the mountains

    One giant white flurry

    One more gust

    One more good gust

    And the shadows

    The ever growing dark

    The long length between

    light and black

    or this grey light

    One more deadly flicker

    of present and memory

    One more goodnight

    snuffed out

    and day breaks like a lit cigarette

    as she moves like smoke

    Sun rises

    Sun sets

    Downy hair on a downy pillow

    Good morning

    becomes good night

    Good night becomes

    peek-a-boo with little hands

    and the shadows hide like fame

    in a death camp

    My baby, my baby she cries

    One tear

    and the rain starts

    One grey cloud

    One dark

    One empty

    One day

    black as night



    My heart lay in a hospital

    half a day away where my hands

    could not hold

    Here, the rain battered the bus window

    and I wanted to bottle the lightning

    like fire flies in a Summer field

    Save it for an ordinary day

    Keep it just out of reach

    of the children

    But here in the less ordinary

    the rain beat my window

    and the lightning showed nothing

    more than a blue light on everything

    And my heart was breaking

    in those long blue lines

    How long could I wait

    and not feel like a coward anymore,

    Without tearing myself in half again

    How long could I wait?

    I needed to see a fire in her eyes

    to know it was still burning

    because my light was slowly dying

    as I was beaten all day

    in front of

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