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Immolation Row
Immolation Row
Immolation Row
Ebook74 pages57 minutes

Immolation Row

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About this ebook

IMMOLATION ROW is a book-length poem in free verse, which is an extended
interior monologue. In its freewheeling, unpredictable manner, the poem is as
much a fugue as anything approaching objectivity. One door opened leads to
another and another. Sometimes the tone is somber, sometimes playful, but
throughout the book, the language is always engaging. The aim of the poet is not
objectivity, but demonstrate the sense of wonder people can find in a world of
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 12, 2014
Immolation Row

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    Book preview

    Immolation Row - Tony Sanders




    I must not see myself heretofore and forget

    To speak to the folks I don’t know

    To cry out without being heard

    For nothing all alone

    I know the whole earth and each of your steps

    I would like to recount something but nobody’s tuned in

    Their heads and eyes turn away from me

    Toward night

    My head is a full and heavy orb

    Which rolls on the ground with little din

    *     *     *

    Every one dances lightly

    Between sky and earth

    But a ray of light’s come

    From the lamp which you’ve overlooked turning off

    On the landing

    Ah this is not over

    Forgetting is not finished

    And I still must learn to know myself

    —Pierre Reverdy

    (from Toujours Là)


    —for my children

    I came here of my own accord,

    Delirium was multi-faceted,

    But single-minded without a purpose,

    The sly blue of the pilot lights agreed,

    So détente was domestic with a hitch

    That stays with you like a boiled potato

    In your dominant pocket.

    Right-hand man,

    Don’t you filibuster with me, don’t lie

    In the hammock predicated on fear

    Of Saturdays queued up like abandoned

    Warehouse windows in dead mill towns,

    The late day shadows gnawing at your temples

    As if it were the north end of Boston

    Or France.

    The compass was confused

    Or jealous over the elegance of watch fobs,

    The deep history always bearing a weakness

    For vest pockets and pantaloons.

    Remedy was a destination and vice versa,

    And that was saying something about the kitsch

    Disbelievers at bus stops and pharmacists

    In pince-nez peering over the counter

    After midnight those times when gastritis

    Or some surly relative ruled.


    Speaks of the operating expense of sadness

    As if it were an STD or collect call

    From so-and-so without a name.

    The past is littered with harbingers,

    Yesterday’s humdingers destined to become

    Today’s peanut gallery. Who could guess

    Shadows could be flexible and light rigid.

    A hybrid chiaroscuro thing


    Somebody pulled the plug, the room darkened

    And there we were, left to our own designs,

    Twiddling thumbs while contemplating

    Big thoughts, erstwhile knee-slappers

    Subject to ridicule while in our hearts

    We knew mischief in the wake of misery

    Was subterfuge. Alas,

    The roses in the vase,

    The painted ones, thanks to Korea,

    Wilted, albeit not to say there’s not charm

    In elegy, minute elegy. Who could predict

    Growing timid and changing shirts

    After the long life of carousing would matter?

    A platter of scrambles and hash browns?

    The warehouse look in your eyes?

    The truth of the matter is the eglantine

    Aroma arrives at the most ungodly moment,

    What else is there to do but tip your cap

    In deference to your plight,

    How long you choose to circumnavigate

    Pro Bono is your business, as is

    The fetching sight of a ladle in bean soup,

    Would there ever be a dearth of crime stoppers

    And heartthrobs vying for attention

    While Fido dozed and some semblance

    Of harmony fooled us for a sec.?


    Weren’t we due at the ordination of waking

    Long ago, what was the big rally in the square

    About anyway?

    Even running commentary has its faults,

    We should be so lucky as to have the wherewithal

    To talk ourselves through the haunting

    Ataxia that throws us on our backsides

    Each time the grainy solution

    Starts narrowing into focus with the randy truth:

    Chide me for I have erred, Lord knows

    Who tossed the spirit template into the fire,

    But it didn’t burn. Life in the middle

    Is an organizational hazard, it’s the bookends

    With their hoary ordnung that guide us,

    Keep up looking forward and backward

    Like bobble heads.

    Perspective is always unsung

    Until it lurches forth with old show tunes

    Of personal info better left under the rug,

    What else is there to do but wince and take your licks

    As the simoom sears your feelings, leaves you

    Hot and bothered at some one’s mercy

    If you’re lucky! Experts would say to leave off pining

    Too much, lest your sang-froid melt

    Into an unseemly puddle visible to neighbors

    And innocent passersby, and you never

    Want to be stuck in the predicament of a window

    With no shades, though, brace yourself,

    Been there, done that is the norm where we hail from.

    Until the master steps down

    We’re on trial by jury through no fault of our own,

    And while we’re reduced to passing hasty notes in secret,

    Being riveted to the party line buys time

    To chit-chat about the soon-to-be-relevant merits of plan B.

    There were once start-up wineries in the mind

    And the immigrant vintners anointed you

    As the inside story, any semblance

    Of a game plan was mere coincidence.

    You were embowered,

    And late

    Afternoon’s empty airport-like

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