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Island in the Stars: Second Journey - Faraway Trilogy
Island in the Stars: Second Journey - Faraway Trilogy
Island in the Stars: Second Journey - Faraway Trilogy
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Island in the Stars: Second Journey - Faraway Trilogy

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Earth empire is crumbling, but still dangerous. A select group of humans and their duster friends have been rescued from Faraway, and taken to a place of sanctuary; a wonder called Earth Island. Coming to terms with the natural world from their distant past, the humans are becoming stronger, smarter, and more spiritual. Other strange genetic changes become evident, unsettling and frightening to the humans and their duster friends.
The Saulan sisters feel something profound is coming, but the Alphans are guarding a secret. Unannounced, their secret can no longer be hidden. It has begun: The Second Journey.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 11, 2013
Island in the Stars: Second Journey - Faraway Trilogy

Edmund Ironside

Born in the last year of the great depression, Edmund found himself growing up on a small farm in Alberta. Starting his formal education in a one room school allowed him to see the world in unorthodox ways. Only his wife has managed to temper his wild imagination. Currently, Edmund and Mary Ellen are living in British Columbia.

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    Island in the Stars - Edmund Ironside

    Island In The Stars

    Second Journey - Faraway Trilogy


    Edmund Ironside

    Copyright © 2013 by Edmund Ironside.

    Library of Congress Control Number:      2013918640

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4931-1632-4

                    Softcover      978-1-4931-1631-7

                    Ebook             978-1-4931-1633-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 11/05/2013

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    Also available by this Author:



    Island In The Stars

    Dance With The Gods

    Island in The Stars

    Second Journey


    A TIME OF change was upon the galaxy, the galaxy locally called the Milky Way. With the coming of each day, its greatest power, Earth Empire, was weakening. Ingrained corruption, a sense of tiredness, a sense of malaise – all things seemed to eat at its very heart. A time of unspeakable horrors was gripping the once-omnipotent empire and its beleaguered people. Facing a bleak future, the people of the empire had become vulnerable to all sorts of dangers. They knew not what to expect. For those able, the people turned more and more to the very drugs responsible for the final blows to the empire. More and more, they turned to a false paradise.

    Predictability was no more. The people were afraid. Uncertainty had replaced the deceptive comfort of certainty. They wanted to not see the results of their actions, or the lack of them. They wanted to not see the signs of decay, to not see things too dreadful to contemplate. In increasing numbers, they had turned to the drugs called fizz and fuzz. But there was no solace to be found there. Since the destruction of the huge station of Faraway, their supplies of fizz and fuzz were running out. The time of deepest dread was upon the people.

    The worst of times held the people in its tightening grip. Earth Empire was fatally crumbling away. It was over. History would end. Yet in one tiny, seemingly insignificant place, a new vision, a new way, was being born. The new vision held promise of better things to come.

    Yumo was at the shoreline of the Alphan Sea, accompanied by Alcor, his Alphan mentor and friend. For his safety, Alcor had recently brought Yumo to Alpha Hercules and given him sanctuary. Gazing across the blue water to a sharp horizon, Yumo sighed, unable to mask his thoughts. Wearing a functional, gray, calf-length cassock with an easily raised hood, he appeared the same as his Alphan hosts.

    Yumo was no longer welcome on his home planet, Earth, the heart of Earth Empire. He had been unwittingly enticed into aiding the subtle Alphans in their defense. Earth Empire had intended to invade and conquer Hercules Alpha, but it just wasn’t to be. With Yumo’s assistance, the Alphans were easily able to turn the empire forces aside and then scatter them across the galaxy, where they could do no harm.

    Hercules Alpha was the last outer galaxy holdout against Earth Empire. Its star, so easily seen from Earth, shone steadily on, in apparent defiance of the all-powerful empire. Its steady light seemed to mock the power of those who deemed it necessary to rule all places.

    Even with their huge battle-hardened fleets, Earth Empire forces had never been able to vanquish the small Alphan forces. Those same empire forces that had overwhelmed all other defenders had once again been turned back by the Alphans. Yumo, knowing that his part in the inevitable failure would be discovered, had fled Earth with the aid of Alcor.

    Yumo had gotten into trouble over gambling debts that he couldn’t pay. The Alphans had paid his debt in exchange for the opportunity to bid on a contract to provide new weapons for the invasion. They had won the bid with far superior weaponry. Once again, armed with their superior weapons, the empire forces had set out to conquer the Alphans. Under Supreme Commander Shaker, the conquest had seemed certain.

    From a great distance, however, the Alphans had deactivated the empire’s weapons. Other trickery allowed only one small ship to reach Alpha while the rest of the fleet became misled, dispersed, and lost. Realizing his part in the affair, Yumo felt like a traitor, which, in a sense, he was. But from early on, Alcor had explained to Yumo that the Alphans hadn’t wanted anyone hurt – Earth Empire forces included.

    I’m a truly different man now, Yumo humbly remarked. Turning his gaze from the shoreline, he looked closely at his friend, the life-mate of Lola, the assembly leader of Hercules Alpha. Now, Yumo began, I understand what I am and why I acted the way I always have. I’m truly grateful for what you have done for me, Alcor. You and all of the Alphans I’ve met have been good to me. But… There was hesitation and pain in his voice, and his gaze returned to the far horizon. He said no more, as though afraid to do so.

    Yumo knew of a group of selected humans living over the horizon. Although far beyond view, they constantly and irresistibly drew his gaze. He secretly longed to join them at a place where small samples of Earth life and ecosystems were being preserved on an island sanctuary called Earth Island.

    But you would like to join with your fellow humans at Earth Island, Alcor helpfully replied. We understand your desires to go to Earth Island, and we think you are ready. Lola and I have discussed it, and we are willing to take you to Earth Island. There is one condition, however, Yumo. You cannot take your credits with you. There is no need, or desire, for credits on Earth Island.

    As a further token of appreciation for cooperating with the Alphans, Yumo had been paid a large sum of credits. At Alpha, he found that he had no need for credits. With gentle persuasion, the Alphans had revealed their age-old wisdom. Credits, or any other forms of surplus wealth, they had insisted, would have become something over which he would worry. They would have also become a wedge, or a barrier, between him and his neighbors. After a while, he gave up on the idea of credits altogether. That was when he felt a great weight lifting from his shoulders. That was when he began to see the light, a great mind-boggling epiphany.

    Trying to safeguard his material wealth on Earth, or anywhere Yumo took it, had meant giving up on his freedom. On Alpha, he discovered that it wasn’t necessary to protect his credits, and that was when he had gained freedom from them. Sometimes assisted by the incredible Alphan technology, everything he really needed, or really wanted, was produced at no cost, other than his physical labor. Yumo had even helped Alcor feed livestock and weed a small garden for Lola. Instead of finding such lowly physical labor demeaning, Yumo had slowly discovered it to be relaxing and stimulating for deeper levels of thought – another grand revelation.

    As I said, Alcor, I’m a changed man. My past life is behind me. Explaining how he felt, Yumo regarded his friend. Acquiring excessive material wealth is no longer important to me, thanks to your insightful and subtle lessons, Alcor. Yumo smiled at his friend and mentor for the wisdom of the Alphans. If I had a way to get my credits to Earth, or some other needful place, I’d donate them to a worthy cause and be finished with them.

    There are many worthy causes, Yumo, Alcor said with a sage smile. Most worthy causes are always short of enough funds, and some have no funds at all. You will be able to find a long list of worthy causes under a dome of knowledge and wisdom, Yumo. Alcor was referring to the learning centers where all knowledge, all ideas, and all belief systems in the known galaxies could be accessed. Each Alphan house had a dome of knowledge and wisdom.

    I know. It staggers my mind to try to pick the most worthy cause, Yumo acquiesced.

    I know of a very worthy cause, Yumo. I’ll tell you about that one as we travel to Earth Island. Alcor smiled as he saw how relieved Yumo looked at the news that he was about to travel to the mysterious island. I’ll summon a ship, Alcor casually said.

    Summon a ship? Yumo questioned. He had seen many strange and wonderful things since joining the Alphans. Summon a ship? he repeated, still not sure that he had heard right.

    Here it comes now, Alcor needlessly commented. Knowing it would just show up, he didn’t even look up to watch its approach. As though by magic, a small ship rapidly slowed to a stop above them and gently came down. A hatch opened, and steps descended to the ground, as though inviting them to board. I took the liberty of gathering your things, Yumo, sure you would ask to go to Earth Island. Taking in the surreal events taking place around him, Yumo’s head seemed to spin. He numbly followed Alcor aboard the nimble little ship.

    How did you do that? I mean bring the ship like that? Yumo asked.

    I called it, Alcor replied. Our technology is half a billion years ahead of your technology on Earth. Many of the things we can do must seem like magic to you. Advanced technology, Alcor continued, has that effect on less technically advanced people. You’ll get used to it after a while. In their ship, Yumo could see his small amount of belongings hanging behind two comfortable seats. Without saying a word, the access port closed, and their little ship gently rose above the beach and turned toward the open sea.

    I assume your ship knows the way, Yumo dryly commented. You don’t seem to be controlling it in any way that I can see.

    This ship reads my thoughts, Yumo. I just tell it where to go, and it obeys. I’ve told it to go slowly so we’ll have time to talk. You will also have time to see what some of Earth once looked like. Gazing about, Yumo could see that the ship wasn’t going as fast as he was sure it could, although the shoreline was already well behind them.

    You agreed that we could talk about something important, Yumo reminded Alcor. I think we were talking about worthy causes.

    When you are settled in at Earth Island, Alcor began, you will meet two very interesting men and their life-mates. They have joined a small group of like-minded people who intend to shake Earth Empire right to its core. If they succeed, Yumo, my friend, everything will change completely, and all for the better. They have an accomplice on Earth. I can assure you, Yumo, that he will need all of the resources and support you can give him, but I’ll leave that decision up to you. There are, as we all know, many worthy causes.

    Yumo sat impassively, thinking about what Alcor had said. Finally, he said, That sounds interesting. I look forward to meeting these people, but I don’t know what they can do. It sounds to me like they plan to try moving an immovable object. The empire is designed to resist all outside influences.

    Alcor turned his attention from the sea and smiled at Yumo. Nothing lasts forever, Yumo. Eventually, everything inflexible breaks and falls. Extremely rapidly – he emphasized with an arching of his brows – if it tries to resist all influences from without – and especially within. Corruption is usually the fatal flaw that brings down the supposedly immovable. I hope you’re not going to argue that the empire has no corruption, Yumo, Alcor gently cajoled. You know, things like dishonest stock markets, fraud, gambling, hoarding material wealth, turning away from others who could use a little help. You know, the list is endless. Alcor watched Yumo closely, waiting for his reaction.

    Returning Alcor’s gaze, Yumo’s face took on a pained expression. He sighed and then shrugged his shoulders. As you know, I have been involved in all of the above and lots more. All of the higher classes are guilty of those sorts of things, and it’s getting worse. Now the corruption is spreading to all levels of society. Nobody trusts anybody and usually with good reason. It’s everybody for himself, he murmured, and not many win in that game. Yes, the rot is setting in, but those in power will never change. They see themselves as the winners of the game, and they want to go on winning.

    They win only for a short time, Alcor replied. In the end, everybody loses, unless… He said in a lowered voice, Someone softens the blows. Unless something, or someone, changes everything!

    Yumo regarded Alcor, his eyes opening wide with bemusement. Changes everything? What could be changed? They, the winners, control everything. Nothing can be done!

    It’s happening as we speak, Alcor replied, regarding his incredulous passenger. You told me all I needed to hear just now. The rot is spreading to the lower classes. Earth Empire is crumbling, and the World United Government and its most fervent supporters are powerless to stop it. They can’t, or won’t, even try to stop it because their rampant vanity and their resulting greed is the main cause. They are so blinded from their greed feeding their vanity that they will be the last to acknowledge it, even as the empire collapses.

    I didn’t know it was that bad, Yumo sighed. I knew many things were getting worse but, but this fast?

    You just said yourself that the corruption is spreading to the lower levels of society, Yumo. The lower and middle classes were the last pillars holding everything up. When they started to go, the whole structure started to fall. As you must know, the new drugs imported from the central galaxy regions spread rapidly throughout the empire, and especially throughout Earth.

    You are talking about fizz and fuzz, I suppose, Yumo replied. I was always too busy to get involved in them. Staying out, I missed some good business opportunities. He arched his brows. It’s those drugs you’re talking about. Am I correct? he asked, knowing very well that he was.

    They were the last and heaviest blow to the stability of the empire, Alcor agreed. The people at all levels are now so incompetent, lazy, addled, confused, and demoralized that not much is still working. Earth in particular is going into its darkest days, my friend. Be thankful that you are here with us. Turning his gaze away from Yumo, Alcor stared ahead as though wanting to see where they were going.

    Yumo was a very intelligent man, and he made another guess. I think you brought me here to do something about it. Am I correct?


    And it involves the people I’m about to meet?

    Yes, Alcor replied. They will be the leading edge of the force that will change everything. They will soften the blows with an ancient force. We want you to help them.

    Without knowing what I’m expected to do, Yumo remarked, I’m afraid I might be inadequate. It sounds like a huge task, but I’ll promise to do my best, Alcor.

    Yumo was looking straight ahead by then, as though searching for something indefinable. Then he noticed a dark horizontal shape on the distant horizon. In the clear atmosphere of Alpha he could make out different shades and even an uneven white line above the darker lower shapes. Is that Earth Island? he asked, already in awe from the clearness of the air between their ship and the approaching island.

    That’s Earth Island ahead, Alcor confirmed. It’s a miniature version of ancient Earth as it was before your ancestors destroyed its ecosystems. Before you lay the most complex engineering project we have undertaken. You can have no idea of the complexity of the climate controls alone. Using subtle force fields, we have built all climatic zones of Earth as they existed in your late nineteenth century. All of the life-forms of the nineteenth century are represented in their various zones. Now with the introduction of a human population, it is complete. You will find it interesting, Yumo.

    Yumo was speechless for a moment. How did you manage such a thing? he murmured in a state of incredulity. I’m not an engineer, but even I can imagine the scope of the problems involved. He watched with wide eyes as the improbable spectacle of the grand engineering project rapidly started revealing itself. Even from here, Yumo marveled, it looks so, so… He hesitated, trying to think of an appropriate word.

    Beautiful, Alcor helpfully suggested. It’s beautiful. It’s magnificent, Yumo. Wait until you see it much closer.

    How strange it is, my friend, Yumo said to himself as much as to Alcor, that my ancestors nearly lost that word – beautiful. I suppose they had no use for such a concept as beauty, grasping for more material wealth and the status they felt they gained. Yumo went strangely silent as he watched the shoreline of the magnificent spectacle of Earth Island passing beneath. Beyond a white coral beach, a green jungle led to a scarp of vertical red cliffs glowing in the late morning light.

    Both men were silent as they passed over the red scarp. Above the scarp, they flew over a plain of brown autumn grass. Next came islands of dark evergreen trees and broad leaf trees, glowing yellow and red, in their splendid autumn colors. Gazing on the distant towering wall of mountains, Yumo gasped over their size and magnificence. Shining in dazzling white, the higher ground was covered with a fresh covering of snow. The more distant peaks rose in blue-tinted white against the cobalt sky. His mind began wandering. Earth doesn’t look like this now. Here, the sky is clear and blue, instead of murky and brown or gray. I can already see lots of different colors from long distances, instead of a thick brown or gray smog that limits Earth views to a kilometer or two.

    We are near the human settlement, Yumo, Alcor announced, breaking in on Yumo’s introspective mood. Their ship started descending toward a large egg-shaped structure set in a meadow in the trees. It was near a winding stream flowing down in sensuous curves from the mountains. As they approached the meadow, Yumo could see smaller structures placed in smaller clearings around the large central clearing. All of the buildings were round and white. Yumo surmised that the houses were the same as the Alphan houses. Above the people’s living quarters, round domes covered the learning centers, or the domes of knowledge and wisdom.

    Their ship continued its approach, slowly enough for Yumo to examine the layout of the settlement. He could see that each house had what the Alphans called a garden where they grew much of their food. Not far away from their settlement, he saw another large clearing where two large machines were working through stands of tan-colored vegetation. He noticed two smaller machines pulling alongside the larger machines. He guessed that the larger machines were gathering something from the large clearing, and the smaller machines were taking it away.

    On the other side of the main clearing, he saw another very large open area. There, he saw a number of strange four-legged creatures scattered about. Perhaps another food source, Yumo surmised. Alcor’s ship was nearly down when he saw the first people up close. Even from aloft, he could see differences from the people he knew on Earth. At Earth Island, they carried themselves differently, and more quickly, as though they had more energy and enthusiasm. Leading the way, a small group of children were running toward where their ship was about to set down. One of the adults smiled and waved in a confident, carefree way. On Earth I never saw people behave like this. On Earth, people hide and look sullen, hoping nobody will notice them. Even the children don’t look afraid like they would on Earth.

    The children ran right up to the ship as it settled to a landing. Yumo was amazed at how much confidence and energy they seemed to have. Why did they run up to the ship? They don’t know that we’re not dangerous. Yumo decided to ask Alcor about their curious behavior, but he didn’t have time to ask. The port opened and he saw outside. Five curious young faces grinned back at him. A steady chatter and commotion continued unabated as they waited for Yumo and Alcor to get out of their seats and leave. Then they changed their minds and ran into the ship. Yumo was alarmed, but Alcor showed no alarm.

    The oldest child, a boy of around six, Yumo judged, greeted him with a grubby hand, which he offered expectantly to Yumo. Grasp his hand and shake it, Alcor instructed. It’s an ancient Earth custom indicating friendship and trust. Yumo tentatively offered his right hand to the boy. The boy grasped Yumo’s hand and shook it with a firm grip. Yumo winced as his own hand seemed to buckle painfully.

    Noticing the pained expression from Yumo, the boy released his grip and apologized. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. His already-ruddy face turned red as he saw Yumo rubbing his hand. Noticing Yumo’s luggage, the boy saw a way to make amends. Let me carry your things to your house, Mr. Yumo. Accompanied by giggles and laughter from the other children, the boy belatedly thought to say, My name is Lad. Welcome to your new home.

    Astonished by the unguarded openness of Lad and his friends, Yumo smiled. Thank you, Lad, but my belongings are heavy. I can carry them. Remembering his days back at Earth, Yumo didn’t think he should let his things out of his sight. He automatically knew that his things would disappear long before they reached his house.

    Guessing his thoughts, Alcor smiled. Your things are safe, Yumo. Lad wants to make up for hurting your hand, and be assured, your things are not too heavy. Our children are growing strong and tough at Earth Island. You will too, Yumo. Go ahead, Lad. You know where Mr. Yumo will be living, and his door is open. Put Yumo’s cases inside his door.

    Before Lad had unloaded the three cases to the ground, four chatting adults arrived. Smiling disarmingly, they greeted Alcor and Yumo. A short robust man dressed in a brown cassock and a very attractive similarly dressed woman stepped forward. The couple slid their hoods back as they greeted him. You must be Yumo, the short man said, offering his hand. Very tentatively, Yumo offered his hand to the short man. I’m Brother Pest, and this is my life-mate, Glow, he said, grabbing and vigorously pumping Yumo’s already-abused hand.

    Ooh, eouch, Yumo replied in his heartfelt way, reeling from the second of his Earth Island contacts. Pain shot right to Yumo’s wrist, causing him to grimace in agony, much to Brother Pest’s astonishment. He let go quickly, realizing that Yumo hadn’t been toughened up yet.

    Oh, I’m so sorry, Brother Pest exclaimed, startled by what he had just done.

    I think I’m already starting the toughening-up process, Yumo gamely replied through gritted teeth. It didn’t look too bad, apart from a slight redness. Making the best of a sore situation, Yumo remarked, I’ll have to get a dummy hand to greet people here. He managed a smile in spite of the pain. Turning to the attractive woman, he said, I believe Brother Pest said your name is Glow. With a glint in his eye, he asked, Is it necessary for you to complete the damage to my fragile hand?

    With everybody laughing over Yumo’s quip, Glow graciously decided what to do. I’m pleased to have you join us, Yumo, and no, I won’t complete the damage. Grinning, she showed a hint of mischief. A hug will do very nicely. She threw her arms around Yumo’s neck and pecked his cheek with a friendly little kiss. Backing away, Yumo felt both embarrassed and astonished by the impetuous lack of fear and suspicion exhibited by the beautiful young lady. Yumo had to admit to himself that he liked Glow’s hug much better than handshakes.

    Meanwhile, Lad distributed Yumo’s cases between himself and two of his younger friends. Turning away, each with a suitcase, they started toward the settlement. Yumo stared in amazement as the young boys took off on the run. Those cases weigh over twenty kilograms each. One of those boys can’t be over five years old, and look at them go. And Alcor says nobody expects to earn credits!

    By that time, the other two adults had arrived. A tall man was the first to slide his hood back. Yumo didn’t think he looked quite human, but it was hard for him to be sure. Ah, Mr. Yumo, the tall man began. My name is Saad, and I believe we will be neighbors. Saad regarded Yumo with a hint of a smile.

    Next, revealing her face, the tall lady slid her hood back. Yumo recognized Lola. Saad has come from the central galaxy to live with us. It’s good to see you again, Yumo.

    Yumo had met Lola once before when the Alphans were planning to remove him from Earth. She had given him a brief look at Hercules Alpha before he was moved from Earth. Are you still the head of your government? he asked.

    My job is finishing as the assembly leader, Yumo. Alcor and I have joined the people at Earth Island, the same as Saad has done. Yumo was taken somewhat aback, hearing that the illustrious Lola was giving up her position as the most powerful leader in the galaxy.

    Yumo turned his gaze back to Saad. I was always informed that we couldn’t live in the same places as you of the Central Galaxy. And my guess is that you are no ordinary person from the Central Galaxy, Saad.

    Lola answered for Saad. Saad is the recently retired convener of the Central Galaxy Governing Alliance. As such, Saad was the most powerful leader in the central regions of our galaxy. Hearing what Lola had to say, Yumo felt astonished, but Lola said more, and he became even more astonished. Yumo, we both have more important things to do now. To Yumo, Lola’s words struck like bolts of lightning. Yumo had been the deputy minister of Earth Empire military affairs, where he had seen and heard many astonishing things, but his mind spun. He felt humbled by the company he suddenly found surrounding him. Now Lola says they are going to do something more important. What could possibly be more important?

    And you were the most powerful leader in the outer galaxy regions, Yumo audibly breathed. I’m overwhelmed by the thought that you have brought me to a gathering of such eminent people. Strangely, Alcor was most interested in having me meet the brothers. Why is it that they are more important than the most powerful leaders, leaders who have just retired to move in with these people – and the brothers? It’s no coincidence that such a group is here, is it? Yumo whispered.

    Alcor was the last to leave the small ship. Speaking for the rest, he said, No, it’s not a coincidence that we’re all here. Now that you are with us, Yumo, we are satisfied that our team is coming together. Yumo gaped at the smiling faces around him, wondering what they were all so pleased about.

    Lola gently grasped Yumo’s remaining healthy hand. First, Yumo, come with us to your new house. After you have moved in and met your neighbors, we will explain what we would like you to do for us. The group started ambling toward the small settlement called East Village. Joining the friendly group, Yumo’s formidable mind began wandering. Here you are among the previously most powerful leaders of our entire galaxy, on a primitive island, on a previously inaccessible planet. And what are they talking about? Something that involves the somewhat plain and simple brother and his life-mate. I haven’t met the other brother yet and the brother that Alcor says is on Earth now. Alcor says they plan to change everything. Where do I fit in? What can I do?

    Yumo had seen enough of the Alphans to know their capabilities were tremendous, but their methods and objectives were alien and strange to him. That they lived plain and simple lives when they could easily be dominant throughout the galaxy was in itself a strange and wondrous thing. These people are not interested in exploiting and dominating others or their worlds. How different from Earth Empire, he mused.

    The amiably chatting group neared a small dwelling that looked the same as all of the rest around the settlement. This is your house, Yumo. She handed him a ring and told him to put it on. With your ring, Yumo, wish your door to open. Yumo had seen the results of instructing similar rings, so he wasn’t surprised to see an oval doorway appear in the previously blank section of wall. He gazed at Lola with a satisfied smile. Of course, Yumo, you are already familiar with the powers of the rings.

    Twice before, Yumo had put another ring in his mouth and mentally called a feat that still amazed him. Alcor had arrived almost immediately after Yumo’s calls. How could Alcor reach Earth from Hercules Alpha so incredibly fast? The only hint had come from a Mr. Smith, his immediate contact on Earth. The Alphans are masters of time, Smith had explained.

    Lola intruded in Yumo’s introspective mood. Go in, Yumo. It’s your house. Entering, he looked around. He was surprised to see his three cases placed inside the doorway. He had almost forgotten about his cases and the boys who had raced off with them. Pleased, Yumo turned to the others and invited them in, behavior he had learned while living with the Alphans on the mainland. They were used to being welcome in someone else’s home, not like Earth, where people were suspicious of other people.

    Lola started familiarizing Yumo with his new house. Most of the features were not new to him, being the same as the place he had already been living in while on the Alphan mainland. Besides such things as being able to open doors and turn lights on and off, it was the dome of knowledge and wisdom, or the learning center, that fascinated Yumo the most.

    Up a narrow winding staircase, a domed roof contained his learning center. With a little practice, a user could find the information, beliefs, or ideas of all societies, past and present, from all sentient beings throughout the known galaxy. Such a volume of information was beyond the capability of anyone to absorb, but it was available. Yumo had discovered quickly to limit most of his explorations to matters of particular interest. Occasionally, he had allowed his curiosity to wander at random through all sorts of things, but he had always ended up feeling overwhelmed by it all.

    Soon, Lola was satisfied that Yumo would be able to look after himself. We will leave you alone to unpack and freshen up. We have an informal reception planned for this evening. You can meet the rest of our community at the reception. Nearly everybody will be there, and make sure you are hungry. We will put on an ancient Earth custom called a barbecue at 1800 hours. Dress as you are now and we will see you there. Before Yumo could reply, Lola and the rest left his house. His door shimmered shut and he was alone.

    Feeling pleased, Yumo opened his three cases. Almost out of habit, he carefully examined them to see what, if anything, was missing. With relief, he realized that nothing had been touched. Then he felt guilty for having doubted the honesty of his hosts and their children. He decided to never question the integrity and honesty of any of them again.

    Yumo wondered where he could hang his clothes. As though on cue, a doorway opened in his small bedroom, and there was his closet. Ah, the ring. It even interpreted my need for a closet before I formally asked it for one. How amazing!

    Next, Yumo thought he should take a shower. Again, another door appeared, revealing a small bathroom with a shower. Soon, he was reveling in the warm water cascading down his body. The Alphans are surely the most civilized people in the galaxy. They have selected their technology only to enhance their lives while maintaining their natural world and their place in it. At least that’s what Alcor says. Judging from what I’ve seen so far, I’d say that is true.

    When Yumo had showered and dressed, he saw that it was nearly 1800 hours. It was time to go to the reception. He was just wondering where the reception was when he heard a knocking where his door had been located. Open the door, he mentally commanded, and it opened. There stood Saad, his tall, slender neighbor. Come in, Saad, Yumo greeted. You can also show me the way to the reception, I believe.

    I would be pleased to come in, Yumo, Saad replied, but I think we have just enough time to walk to the community center.

    Walk? Yumo exclaimed, surprised by such a radical idea. He had assumed that he and Saad would ride a floater.

    Appraising the situation quickly, Saad explained, The Alphans believe in walking, and doing physical exercise in many ways. They say it keeps their bodies and minds strong and healthy. They say also that it helps remind them of what they are and where they came from. Yumo stepped from his house and started walking alongside Saad.

    A few adults could be seen entering the large building. Around the center, children were running and laughing while playing boisterous games. Yumo had never seen children acting so happy and so energetic. Shrieks of laughter echoed across the open area around the building as the children chased each other, participating in an impromptu game. Some of the participants were so young that they couldn’t keep up with their older friends. They were busily gathering sticks and grass to construct something at the base of a nearby tree.

    What are the younger children doing, Saad? Yumo had noticed that the children seemed so happy, dragging things that were often almost too heavy and cumbersome for them. It didn’t seem normal to Yumo that they should work so hard.

    Saad’s face flickered into a slight smile as he stopped to watch what was fascinating Yumo. Officially, they are toughening up, I am informed, Saad explained, but Alcor thinks it’s still in human nature to construct houses. He thinks the instinct is still there, but it’s been buried by your modern, civilized ways. Stopping, they watched a short while. As Saad had said, laboring away on the growing structure, the children seemed extremely happy and cooperative. Already, an A-frame had risen. One end of the center beam, a heavy log, was fastened to the tree by a rope. Two stout forked limbs gathered from the forest supported the other end. While the boys worked on placing thin sticks for the roof and end walls, several small girls were carrying grass inside, thereby making a soft floor. Two bent branches made arches, forming doorways, one at each end. It would be an inhabitable house.

    I have watched the human children making several of these structures, Saad continued. Each one is different. Some are even built in trees, well above the ground, he marveled. Tree houses take longer to build, he needlessly said. The adults had to stop the younger children from trying to climb too high after one of them fell out and broke her arm. I don’t think that entirely stopped all of them from climbing trees, he remarked, chuckling. If the younger children are involved now, they just go farther into the forest to build their tree houses. What impulsive creatures humans are, Saad said, shaking his head. Yumo, however, did notice a slight twinkle in Saad’s eyes.

    Ah, there you are, a friendly voice exclaimed, intruding on the inner thoughts of Yumo and Saad. A tall, good-looking man was approaching from the meeting center. Smiling, he offered his hand. I’m Aldan, and you must be Yumo. Don’t worry about me crushing your hand. I’ve been warned about that, and I fully understand, he said with a wry but very friendly grin. Aldan’s life-mate, or wife, as he had begun to think of her, had nearly crushed his whole body on many occasions before becoming accustomed to the fragile build of Earth-born humans. Yumo tentatively offered his hand in friendship and was relieved as Aldan gently took his hand in his.

    I’m pleased to meet you, Aldan, and I thank you for understanding the limitations of my fragile body. Yumo took an instant liking to Aldan. He seemed so friendly, so open, and so genuine in his concern for Yumo’s vulnerabilities. Instinctively, he did something rare for people from Earth. He trusted Aldan.

    Saad watched Yumo and Aldan, happy to see that they got along well together. Aldan and I quickly became friends, he told Yumo. All of us have much to be thankful for in Aldan, he continued. Largely because of Aldan, we are where we are now. Uncharacteristically, Saad suddenly felt tears forming in his eyes. Before that moment, he had never had a tear form for any reason. It’s the orb of convergence. I’m becoming more like the humans. I’m beginning to understand emotions, and it’s wonderful. Aldan and Yumo were both watching Saad as he began his moment of understanding. His face visibly began changing, becoming more flexible, more open – a mirror to his innermost thoughts, his emotions.

    Aldan suddenly understood that something very unusual was happening to his great friend and confidant. Saad hadn’t experienced, or expressed, emotion in any way before that moment. Aldan’s own eyes were suddenly brimming with tears. Saad, he stammered, you are becoming one of us. Aldan threw his arms around Saad’s neck, hugging him, slapping his back in an expression of deeper friendship.

    Now I’m beginning to understand your feelings and your emotions, Saad whispered through a great sob. What a powerful force! Now I’m beginning to comprehend.

    Yumo just gaped at the two improbable friends from such distant origins. He didn’t understand what was happening, but he knew it must be something very significant. Saad awkwardly smiled through his tears. Aldan, whose face was radiating warmth and compassion for his great friend, returned Saad’s smile. Welcome to your growing humanity, Saad, Aldan whispered. Now I can welcome you like a brother. I don’t know exactly how you feel, Saad, but I’m so entirely glad.

    So am I, Saad sobbed. There is so much more to me now, Aldan. I feel so much more opening up in me. Now I’m relieved of the limitations of my past life. I see no end to my possibilities. A huge smile spread completely across his face.

    In his former life, as a central galaxy resident, Saad had never felt emotion and never cried or smiled or laughed. There had never been any inclination to do so. He hadn’t been able to understand why humans did such unpredictable and wasteful things as joke or laugh or gaze at a sunset. Since arriving at Earth Island a few weeks earlier, Saad had been slowly becoming more human-like.

    Aldan, still grasping Saad by his shoulders, felt compelled to say something more. Welcome to your new life, Saad. I hope you like it. It will have its upsides and its downsides, but as you say, it has limitless possibilities. Yumo could only guess at what was happening. Meanwhile, a small crowd was gathering as Aldan and Saad started sharing Saad’s epiphany like brothers.

    Glancing around at the gathering crowd, Yumo saw a sight that would last for the rest of his days. The two most magnificently beautiful bright-eyed young women joined Saad and Aldan. Shaking with emotion, they watched Saad and Aldan embrace. In spite of tears streaking their faces, Yumo was stunned by their beauty, their undeniable state of presence, and their incredible elegance. When Aldan was finally apart from Saad, one of the young women took Aldan by the hand and stood with her head on his shoulder. The other woman walked to another man in the crowd and did the same. Yumo guessed they were sisters, but his mind raced, trying to discern what was so special about them, apart from their obvious beauty and their luminous eyes. All the while, entranced, he couldn’t get his eyes away from their eyes.

    Among the gathering crowd, Alcor and Lola appeared, hand in hand, looking as though they understood what was happening. Lola spotted Yumo right away and walked straight to him. You were to be the main center of attention, she apologized as she observed Saad starting to get hold of himself. Don’t blame Saad, she continued. He didn’t know this would happen, and neither did the rest of us know it would happen at this time.

    What did happen? Yumo uttered, his mouth agape. What did I just see? Who are these people? His eyes focused on the magnificent sisters and then back to Saad.

    Lola was about to start some explanations when the crowd parted and there stood two men, one tall and the other short. Yumo immediately recognized Brother Pest. By the similarity of his hooded robe, he knew the other tall man was the other brother. Accompanied by two women, Glow being one of them, they walked purposely to Saad. Yumo guessed that the other woman was the life-mate of the tall brother. A hush fell over the crowd. The tall brother placed his hand on Saad’s shoulder.

    In a deep, resonating voice, the tall brother began explaining. Now is the time to see some of your destiny, Saad. Are you ready? Saad nodded his assent. Can someone please bring a chair? the tall brother asked. A sturdy youth sprang toward the meeting place. Yumo saw that it was Lad, the boy who had taken charge of delivering his cases.

    Lola, knowing Yumo must feel alone and left out, whispered a few explanations. The tall brother is Brother Tem. With him is Allright, his life-mate, or wife. You have already met Brother Pest and his wife, Glow. Yumo nodded mutely, afraid he might break the spell of the moment. He waited with bated breath as Lad rushed back with a chair. Lad placed the chair in the center of the gathered crowd before joining his group of young friends.

    Saad hesitantly sat in the chair, visibly apprehensive over what would happen next. Brother Tem addressed Saad and the whole crowd. Today, Brother Tem’s deep voice started, our friend Saad has begun the journey toward knowing his destiny. He is becoming one of us in every important way. Brother Tem gazed across the crowd, seeing that all of the people were present. We feel that now is the time to allow Saad a glimpse of his destiny. Almost every adult here has had this experience. We think that Yumo will eventually decide to join us in this experience. That choice will be his to make when he feels ready. Smiling with comprehension, everybody turned to Yumo. Looks of tranquility and certainty seemed to be beaming toward him. He had never seen such happy faces before.

    Allright stood behind Saad and placed her right hand on his shoulder. Brother Tem stood in front of Saad and placed Saad’s right hand on his shoulder. A hush fell over the crowd as Brother Tem gently took hold of Saad and Allright’s left hands. With his own hands he slowly raised them toward the sky. Spellbound, Yumo watched. He thought he saw a flicker of light rippling down the arms of all three.

    In the close presence of Theone, Brother Tem’s voice rumbled, we accept Saad into your realm. Saad seemed to lurch before slumping deeper into his chair. His normally passive face broke into a tranquil smile, mirroring something deep and esoteric. His eyes slowly closed, and he started nodding as though in deep conversation with a hidden presence. Yumo wrenched his own gaze from Saad to the rest of the crowd. Some faces had tears. Others had varying looks of understanding. Nobody in the crowd was unaffected by the events taking place.

    Then, to Yumo’s surprise, it was over, and everybody returned to normal. It had lasted only a few seconds. Saad sat a few more seconds with his eyes closed before opening them and rising from his chair. When he looked around, he was surprised to see the gathering was still assembled around him. How long have you been here? he asked. I was in the company of Theone for hours.

    Looking somewhat smug, Brother Tem answered, About five seconds by our timing. Saad looked like a changed man, and Yumo sensed that Saad was a different man. Saad grasped Brother Tem by the shoulder, and he said, I thank you, Brother Tem. Now I’m beginning to understand. Now everything makes more sense, and we will be part of it.


    I T TOOK A short time for the excitement to die down. Saad’s transcendental communicating, or communing as it was called, had inadvertently become the prime event of the day, and nothing could compete with that. Many of the people had crowded around the enigmatic central galaxy man and congratulated him. His journey toward enlightenment had begun, and they were supremely happy for him. All of them, even the children, seemed to understand what he had just experienced.

    In ever-deepening fascination, Yumo, standing aside and seemingly forgotten, had been watching. Before his eyes, Saad had visibly changed to an emotional human being. Chatting freely, he was showing rapidly changing facial expressions, so different from the dignified, almost wooden man that Yumo had just been starting to know. Whatever is happening has something to do with the brothers, Yumo’s analytical mind reasoned. Whatever they represent has tremendous power. Saad looks as though he was transported to a different reality, a reality where he lost track of time. How interesting, Yumo marveled, shaking his head in amazement.

    Immersed in his thoughts, Yumo stood alone for a few seconds, trying to make sense of what he had witnessed. Then intruding on his innermost thoughts, a tall, good-looking man appeared from the crowd. My name is Rol, the friendly fellow said, offering his hand. I’m so sorry we left you alone like this, but a most significant event has just occurred. Yumo recognized Rol as the other man who had been with one of the startlingly beautiful young women. Making ready for a crushing grip, Yumo tentatively offered his hand, but Rol was gentle, having already being warned of Yumo’s fragility.

    Aldan and the two magically magnificent bright-eyed girls joined Rol and Yumo. Yumo could practically feel the contentment and joy so evident between both men and their attentive mates. Yumo almost held his breath as the sisters held him with their bright penetrating eyes. He had the feeling that they were reading his mind, probing his deepest secrets, revealing his regrets, his shames, his very life. He wondered about Aldan and Rol and how they had found such enigmas. He knew he was in the presence of mysteries beyond his comprehension.

    That Aldan was at Earth Island was a most unlikely occurrence. He had been born into poor economic circumstances on Earth and had become an orphan at an early age – a very bleak outlook. However, through incredible good luck, intelligence, and hard work, he had climbed higher than could have been expected. He had become the reservations manager at the head office of the Trans Galaxy Hotel chain on Earth. Largely because of his efforts, Trans Galaxy Hotels had prospered.

    A problem beyond Aldan’s control had interfered. Valdi, his boss, had double-booked his hotel during Aldan’s brief absence. Horab, the hotel’s owner, had been furious. He had threatened to send Valdi to the distant base of Faraway as punishment, if he couldn’t find a satisfactory new manager for Faraway. Valdi also desired Glow, Aldan’s promised mate. It had slowly occurred to Valdi that he could achieve two ends with one deft move. Aldan had been sent by Valdi to the Faraway division of Trans Galaxy Hotels. Horab was placated, and Valdi had the affections of Glow all to himself.

    Faraway had been the most distant penetration of the Earth Empire toward the central galaxy regions. When unruly free traders had seized control of Faraway, largely with the support of corrupt elements within the World United Government, it had quickly gained a reputation for being the most undesirable place to live in the empire. It also became the best place to hide from justice of any kind and to conduct the sorts of business that civilized beings would not tolerate. It was also the only place where beings from the central and outer regions of the galaxy could live and meet. Faraway was in a small neutral zone where the inhabitants of the inner and outer zones could both tolerate the differing physical conditions of the galaxy. That was why Faraway existed. It was the crossroads, the trading center of the galaxy.

    Yumo, Aldan began, breaking in on Yumo’s innermost thoughts, I would like you to meet my life-mate, Eesay. Aldan and Eesay were holding hands, displaying openly their trust and attachment to one another. Such open displays of affection were new to Yumo.

    Yumo had to almost shake himself back to reality before managing a reply. Stammering, he felt overwhelmed by the beauty of the young woman. I-I’m pleased to meet you Eesay. He managed a weak smile in response to the glowing, all-embracing smile from Eesay. On an impulse, he blurted, I hope I meet with your approval. What a strange thing for me to say, Yumo admonished himself, feeling embarrassed.

    Eesay regarded Yumo with a slight twinkle of her penetrating eyes. Oh yes, Mr. Yumo. You are just what we need at Earth Island. Welcome to your new home. Inwardly, Eesay chuckled at the slight discomfort of Yumo. He knew I was reading his mind. He has regrets about his past activities at Earth. He wants to join us and help us achieve our goals. I’m sure you will be a very good and useful citizen of our small community, she assured Yumo. Suddenly hugging Yumo, she pecked his cheek with a little kiss.

    She actually kissed me! What an unexpected pleasure. She made me feel accepted, Yumo realized with a thrill that seemed to energize him, to bring him fully alive. I fully intend to do my best, Yumo replied modestly.

    I know you will, Yumo, Eesay answered, her fathomless eyes again holding him in their intense gaze.

    Watching Eesay’s diplomacy in action, Aldan knew fully what she was doing. Eesay already knows all about Yumo. Aldan had quickly learned about the incredible abilities of Eesay when they first met. For reasons that Aldan could only guess, Eesay had selected him from an unlimited supply of men. Within seconds of going aboard the great space liner at Saula, Eesay had sensed the presence of Aldan, and gone straight to him. He was incapable of resisting her then and even more so as time continued. Within hours of first meeting Eesay, Aldan had secretly begun dreaming of her, irresistibly desiring her, as his future mate.

    Eesay was using some of her magical abilities with Yumo, but only to examine his deepest intents. Aldan, my love, Aldan practically heard Eesay say with her eyes and compelling smile, I thought I’d tell you not to worry about my intentions with Yumo. Alcor wants me to know the intentions of Yumo. Peering directly at Aldan, she gave him that enigmatic look that he had seen in the past. Don’t worry, Aldan. I’m all yours, and yours only. Later, Aldan knew she would reward him for his faithful acceptance of their complete fidelity. She would be the perfect wife, and all would be well.

    Yumo thought he detected an undercurrent of communication between Aldan and Eesay. Their faces seemed to reflect unsaid communications. How wonderful that would be, he marveled. Most of the women I’ve met just wouldn’t do. They were only interested in the gifts and status I could give them. I wasted my time with them. It also occurred to Yumo that the women he had met had also wasted their time with him. Their relationships had been crass, shallow, and temporary. They had been based only on fulfillment of short-term lust and status, equally short term.

    Now that Saad has fully entered our society, Yumo, Eesay explained in lieu of an apology, we can carry on with our original program. Let’s go into the community center with everyone else. Leading the way, she took Aldan and Yumo by their hands. Inside the center, Yumo could see nearly the whole population of the community. They turned to him and clapped their hands, another ancient Earth custom. Yumo had often been the center of attention at official meetings, but he had never been made to feel so accepted. Feeling at ease, the smile he beamed back at the gathering was genuine. He suddenly confirmed that he had nothing to fear, and he let down his guard, something he would never have done at Earth.

    Brother Tem climbed to a small dais at the far end of the meeting place. Today, he began, we welcome our newest neighbor, Mr. Yumo. More clapping followed. I would like you, he said to Yumo, to come to the front, where we can all get a good look at you. His brows arched into a great warm and accepting smile. Making his way toward the dais, Yumo felt a bit self-conscious. Strange, he thought. I’ve addressed the most powerful politicians and leaders of Earth Empire and held my own with them. These people have made me feel more comfortable than I have any reason to feel, but I know that I’m being scrutinized more intensely than at any previous time. Currents that I can’t detect, or understand, flow around me here.

    At the dais, Brother Tem gently held Yumo’s abused hand aloft as he simply said, This is Yumo, our most recent addition. As we eat, and after we finish eating, all of us can mingle informally and meet Yumo. I’m hungry, and we all know that Brother Pest is hungry, so let’s get started. Everybody laughed, including the jovial shorter brother. Brother Pest’s appetite and thirst were already legendary among the throng. Glow, his lovely mate, laughed along with the rest as she filled a mug of foaming beer for Brother Pest.

    In jest, Glow theatrically stared at Brother Pest. Only while I’m carrying our child, she loudly announced, you can have my share. Handing Brother Pest the mug of amber fluid, she hugged him with her free arm. Yumo could see that they momentarily looked fondly into each other’s eyes. He hadn’t seen those kinds of looks from the women he had known at Earth.

    In jest, Brother Pest replied equally loudly, In that case, I might have to keep you with child frequently, Glow. Joining with the crowd in uninhibited laughter, Glow positively glowed. Holding his oversized mug out of harm’s way, Brother Pest kissed Glow. As Yumo watched, it increasingly occurred to him that something deep and fundamental had been missing from his previous life. Brother Pest and Glow were showing him something that he wanted but had never even known he wanted.

    I envy these people, Yumo suddenly realized. They live hard but meaningful lives. They don’t have many material possessions, apart from their learning centers, small houses, simple tools, and floaters, but what they do have is each other. Again, Yumo found he was just standing and staring at his new neighbors.

    Lola appeared at Yumo’s side. We have a place saved for you, Yumo. Please join us as soon as you have a plateful of food. Here, she offered, I’ll show you some of the things you shouldn’t miss. Handing Yumo a plate, she ushered him into a line of people working their way along a huge table piled with all sorts of food.

    Looking along the length of the table, Yumo thought he had never seen such a variety of things to eat in one place. I can’t possibly put that many different things on my plate, he remarked. I think you are right, Lola. Show me some of the things I might enjoy the most. Lola was pleased to help Yumo survive his first barbecue with taste and decorum.

    Yumo found he was beside Rol and the other beautiful sister. Yumo – Rol beamed – this is Sassay, my mate. You have already met Eesay. They are sisters, as I’m sure you can see.

    Sassay replied with her magical smile. We’re pleased that you will be joining us at Earth Island, Yumo. You will enjoy Earth Island, I’m sure. Her penetrating eyes seemed to sparkle as she plumbed Yumo’s mind, much the same way as Eesay had done. Strangely, Yumo didn’t mind having the enigmatic sisters read his thoughts. He had already decided to be open and sincere. Since his long talks with Alcor, he had no secrets to hide.

    You should try some of this, Rol exclaimed. Sassay made it. It’s a marinated vegetable dish of some kind. I can never get enough, he insisted. Sassay seemed to glow with a soft light as Rol extolled the delights of her culinary skills.

    Sassay chuckled. I think Rol has ulterior motives – and they usually work, she concluded with a sly little wink. Yumo could tell that Rol and his beautiful mate had the highest regard for each other. They enjoy being around each other. How wonderful it must be to have such close companionship.

    With each new acquaintance, Yumo realized how much he had missed while on Earth. Even the perks and privileges he commanded as the deputy minister of military affairs couldn’t compare to the things he could see around him. Could I find a close and wonderful mate here among these people? For the first time, he allowed himself to dream of such things. Looking around, however, he noticed that all of the women of a suitable age appeared to be paired up with men. Only those who were too young were not in the company of a man. It’s a nice thought though, he ruefully reflected.

    Smoke was curling from a large grill where pieces of meat were sizzling over a bed of hot

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