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My Walk with God: He Held Me in the Palms of His Hands
My Walk with God: He Held Me in the Palms of His Hands
My Walk with God: He Held Me in the Palms of His Hands
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My Walk with God: He Held Me in the Palms of His Hands

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In her autobiography, My Walk With God, the author, D. M. Scales, talks about many things. Foremost, she talks about her life and growing up in the South during the oppressive sixties era.Basically, this was during the civil rights movement, which was a product of inequality along with Jim Crow and Brown v. Board of Education. Importantly, this was when many blacks wanted to obtain equality. Here, this writer talks about how being black and poverty stricken during the dark sixties, posed serious problems for her as a youngster. Typically, educated as well as uneducated black Americans were subservient to Jim Crow laws. In contrast, in our society today, blacks have now become better educated, but this writer alludes not much has changed. The expression not much has changed is further exemplified for the reader throughout this autobiography. Drew exemplifies this when she says oppression and discrimination both existed during the sixties, and in the Jim Crow era and yet cohabitates in our society today.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 22, 2014
My Walk with God: He Held Me in the Palms of His Hands

Drew Maye Scales

Drew Maye Scales, a native American scholar and “Twenty-First-Century writer” was born in Paris, Northeast Texas, and attended public schools while residing there. Drew received her nursing experience or licensure while attending Paris Junior College Vocational School of Nursing. Drew also matriculated at Prairie View A&M University as well as Houston Baptist University. She received her bachelor of science degree in education and completed most of her post-graduate studies while attending Prairie View A&M University.

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    My Walk with God - Drew Maye Scales






    Copyright © 2014 by Drew Maye Scales.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014911381

       ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4990-3964-1

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                    eBook           978-1-4990-3963-4

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    Rev. date: 08/18/2014






    Prologue Divine Inspiration


    Chapter 1 Interpreting a Child’s Thoughts (Carnal Mindedness)

    Chapter 2 Getting To Know God

    Chapter 3 Accepting Christ into One’s Life

    Chapter 4 Acknowledging that One Has Accepted Him


    Chapter 5 Standing Faithful

    Chapter 6 Drawbacks Faced in Life Experiences

    Chapter 7 Persevering in Times of Hardship


    Chapter 8 God’s Word

    Chapter 9 Hallowed Be Thy Name

    Chapter 10 Thanking God for His Many Blessings


    Chapter 11 Epilogue


    Several people and events were instrumental in my composition as well as completion of My Walk With God. First of all, I give praise to my creator (God), in whom I love, move, and have my being. Not only this, but I am truly thankful and blessed for the opportunity and mainly for many other good reasons. To begin with, I am so thankful that God inspired me to compile this autobiography. Next, I am exuberant that he enabled me to tell and share with other readers all he has done for me. Quite frankly, I can say truthfully that the Lord is blessing me right now. To add to that, there are not enough words for me to absolutely express the outpouring of love that God has shown toward me. Nor am I able to express the unending blessings that God is bestowing and has bestowed upon me.

    In addition to this, I give thanks to my dear family as well. I thank them for their encouragement in helping me decide to write and complete the compilation of this autobiography. Not only that, but my parents tried to make spirituality a cornerstone for implementing good virtues into our home setting. Also, I am thankful for many other things as well. For instance, I am truly thankful for being a student as well as being in the presence of such wonderful professors as I did while attending college. Foremost, I am especially grateful and blessed to have been a student of Dr. Lois Lawrence, one of my English writing professors, while attending Houston Baptist University. Thank you for helping me to improve my writing skills. Also, I am grateful for Dr. Mary Ellis, one of my Education professors while attending Prairie View A&M University. Thank you for encouraging me to utilize my writing skills.

    Additionally, I am so honored for having had such wonderful employers while trying to purse my professional degree. Truly, I am deeply touched and thankful to have worked with Doctor Jewellean Mangaroo. Thank you for your patience, and understanding and for persistently urging me to persevere and acquire a good education first. Also, thank you for constantly reminding me that an education is paramount.

    Next, I am blessed to have known and grown from the tutelage of evangelist Charles Tanner and the late pastor C. H. Pierson (Overcomers Church of God in Christ). Quite frankly, it was a blessing as well as a privilege to learn and grow from the principles of the late pastor John Osteen, too.

    Finally, I express my utmost and deepest adoration collectively to all who helped to inspire my writing experiences. Above all, I thank God for his faithfulness, love, and devotion. But mostly, I thank him for giving me the wisdom and opportunity to finally tell others about his divine love.



    In the advent of this autobiography, My Walk With God, it talks about many things, but mainly oppression. Oppression, in this sense refers to when one is subdued by unjust use of force and tyrannical authority, or to burden. This and from two very important perspectives is where I address oppression. To begin with, my first view on oppression dates as far back as my early childhood. This and during the enactment of the Civil Rights Bill is where I speak of oppression here. Also, this is where I address it as being a basic feature of inequality and amongst some other things too. I say this because during that era, many black Americans were uneducated and poor, and some were even regarded as worthless human beings. Another thing, they were led to believe that they were inferior, or subordinate to their white counterparts or to other races of people.

    Next, I speak of oppression in a form in which I have experienced as a black American woman. Also, from this perspective, I allude to its involvement and amongst a society of so-called intellects. Not only that, but these were the same intellects or the ones said to have traditionally received a formal education. But on the other hand, it seems oppression indeed may have possibly outwitted their intellectual skills. By this, I mean, it has perpetuated and masked itself by exhibiting high unemployment statistics, astronomical medical costs, and decreased wages, along with a failing economy. Since its inception, oppression has always been the culprit for man or woman’s enslavement. To substantiate this fact, this dates as far back as biblical times. As difficult as it may seem, I can attest that oppression yet exists today. Not only that, but it cohabitates in a modern-day institutionalized society and in a very subtle and ugly form.

    For instance, I personally speak about the desire to make a change for better in my life as well as in the lives of my family. But on the other hand, when those changes were sought after, oppression, I deduced, appeared yet at the forefront. In addition to this, it tried to subdue, as well as take a toll, on me. Next, this is where I explicitly address another point for the reader too. This is where I speak of the oppressive nature I experienced as a young black child. But, this was during the predawn of the Civil Rights Act. In other words, I experienced the effects of oppression before the Civil Rights Amendment’s passage. In contrast, I experienced the effects of oppression after the Civil Rights Act as well.

    According to most activists, the Civil Rights Act in itself was designed with two distinct purposes in mind. To begin with, it was made to eradicate separation or feelings of inequality. Next, the law was passed to remove the oppression brought on by discrimination. At this time, oppression’s focus stemmed mainly from white supremacist groups. But, there were other groups who identified with this same type of ideology, though.

    Prior to that, oppression was just a way of life, for most black Americans during that era, so to speak. Conversely, I also point out other things to the reader too. First of all, this is where I explicitly tell as well as show that not much has changed, since its inception. Then, I go on to talk about how its proliferation yet goes unrestrained. As a result, I also show the reader just what its crippling effects are in an American society alone.

    Next, I indicate to the reader how I was led to Christ at such an early age by the Spirit of the Almighty God. This is where I show how this very fact parallels with biblical times when children were always depicted as being messengers for God. I say this because David was depicted as a young shepherd boy who slayed Goliath, the giant. Also in the Bible, Jeremiah is depicted as the young weeping prophet who Jehovah God used to foretell unfaithful Israel’s future. The young Virgin Mary was chosen by God to fulfill the prophet’s prediction of the coming Messiah. Also, Christ was shown as a young shepherd boy teaching in the seminaries, but with Godly wisdom. Finally, God exhibited his sovereignty in other ways in the Bible when he says, "Talitha koum!" He saves and resurrects a little dead girl here when he does this and by showing his magnificent powers. Then, my book goes on to talk about some of my personal struggles with giants. I show just how God was victorious in all my battles and struggles and stood faithfully by me. Not only that, I indicate how he carried me through those crucial hardships that I so often encountered. This is where I can willfully attest to my Heavenly Father’s principle here and when he emphatically says, Apart from me you can do nothing (Jn 15:5). Also, those burdens were ones brought on by the enemy’s vice. Next, I indicate how God carefully embraced me with the power of his Eternal Word and helped me through such tough times. Then, it talks about how, when, and where those oppressive hardships actually occurred. It indicates this too and during various stages in my life cycle. Importantly, these were the pivotal moments that created a framework for me to write this autobiography. They are also all the things in which My God lead me through and for me to share with you, the reader.

    In other words, I indicate to the reader those things which preceded my walk with my creator, or Jehovah-Jireh, My Provider. I explicitly describe those times in which I faced, and how they were during mounting hardships. Also, when various obstacles were occurring I show how I confronted them as well. Quite obviously, I had to allow Divine Intervention, have full control, lest my secular mindset become uncontrolled. This in essence would have allowed the enemy[devil] to completely exploit me. To add to that, it states in detail just what the drawbacks of being black (colored) held for a young, immature, and uneducated Southern girl. It also shows how some of those same past stigmas yet exist through so many setbacks of today. As a result of that, not much has changed. On the other hand, I also indicate how being a creation of a Supreme Being, disallowed my being permanently stigmatized by the color of my skin. In contrast, I also imparted that this was only mastered through a very unique value system, though. Then, I also talk about my living at the poverty level both as a child and as an adult temporarily. Additionally, this added much to the gloominess and the bitter turmoil as well as the anguish that I or anyone would suffer. However, this imbalance or projected emotional upheaval is what the enemy so often idolizes. Later, I tell how and by what means I was guided throughout so many failures in life. As an old adage goes, You win some and you lose some, and some are just rained out. But, these things are thoroughly discussed in this autobiography and happened on two separate occasions for me as well. On the one hand, I talk about how many difficult experiences were faced prior to accepting Christ into my life. This is where I talk about how such a gravitational force while being centered in Christ impacted me tremendously. It began during my youth and until this day has enabled me to overcome many of my adversities. Emphatically, I can say that God has been my greatest support system in helping me victoriously through such tough times. Yet even today, I thank him continuously for blessing me with his "divine" love. Not only that, I thank him for helping me to endure and overcome some of those same adversities that I later experienced much later as an adult. I further explain in this autobiography that after I became a believer, there were yet barriers or more bridges to cross. Also, this is where I further impart to the reader about other things as well. But mainly, I can attest that becoming a believer does not eradicate adversity. In opposition, it only strengthens one’s belief system that God can and will forever answer our prayers.

    Here, I talk about the awesomeness of God’s presence as Supreme Deity. Then, I expound by saying, when I invited God into my life, he manifested his spirit as well as his constant companionship. In contrast, it goes on to show how the act of "free will," can ultimately impact one’s life. It does this by making two very obvious points. I became less exploited and more open-minded when Christ took full control or had full precedence. To this day, I have tried to manifest this one concept in every aspect of my life. Allowing God to control my life disallowed my life from becoming completely out of control. To add to that, I claim the victory in the name of Jesus of Nazareth! I will attest to this according to Isaiah 54:17. I confirm this now because I have accepted Christ into my life wholeheartedly.

    Next, this autobiography further expounds on how as a Christian adversity sometimes yet awaits at the forefront. As a result, this further substantiates the vulnerability and fallibility in all Homo sapiens. I emphasize this point by saying other things to the reader too. I begin by saying, I initially became Christ-like by accepting him [Christ] into my life. However, when this occurred, the enemy appeared to become even more antagonistic in all aspects of my Christian endeavors. I say this because the enemy tried even further to steal my joy and tried to influence me to renounce God. However, the good news is I became victorious although, much adversity sprang forth! The reason for this is because I remained centered in Christ and his Eternal Word. The apostle Paul’s Pastoral Epistle alludes to this fact so well. It does it in the New Testament when it says, "Being a Christian is not an easy matter (1 Ti 3:16)."

    In contrast, this autobiography points out some other things too. It begins by telling how both poverty and abandonment can be traumatizing experiences not only personally but also for anyone. By this, I mean not only did those things yield bad experiences for me, but for my parents and entire family as well. In opposition, it tells how "effective parenting" means, ones based on a strong Christian foundation proved to be a very advantageous point personally. I say this because most children develop behaviors that are the result of a learned stimulus. Sometimes though, the response may or may not always be an acceptable behavior. Also, I go on to describe this in detail for the reader and, of course, in various ways too. I begin by focusing on the thoughts of a young impoverished child or, in other words, myself.

    Then, I explicitly show how many of the personal hardships stemmed mainly from my being indigent along with other ills of society. This autobiography clearly elaborates on these points when it mentions some past stigmas and how they even co-exist today. Such stigmas as poverty, illiteracy, and discrimination have not as yet become eradicated from today’s society. To add to this, some other good indicators for much of the grief as well as pain our family suffered were pointed out also. For example, the separation of my parents, who were both common laborers, contributed to many of our monetary problems. Also, neither of my parents shared the advantages or blessings of being reared in a dual-parent household either. Both my grandparents on my paternal side died while my father was yet a youngster in school.

    On my maternal side, I am told that my grandmother passed away while my mother was only a senior in high school. My maternal grandfather whom I loved and vividly recalled, passed away at a ripe old age, though. But, being a product of a devout Christian mother posed several positive outcomes for me later on. Case in point here, the writing of this autobiography as aforementioned is one good example. Other positive attributes will be deduced by the reader when witnessing the awesomeness of God in this book’s narration.

    Next, Mother’s spirituality and support when I was a child helped to somewhat appease my initial brokenness. To the reader, this brokenness was not only mental in a sense but physical and spiritual as well. But mainly, the hardship of it all and my most distasteful moments resulted from just being at the poverty level. Emphatically speaking, God was the one who removed all my brokenness both past and present.. In addition to this, although some personal experiences were sometimes daunting, they strongly impacted my entitling the book as My Walk With God. I say this because throughout those moments of turbulence, my God spoke softly to me. Not only that, but while he was speaking, he was leading as well as guiding me in the correct path. Most importantly, it all happened when he was walking with me, and while holding me in the palms of his hands.

    Later, this autobiography will discuss other things too. It begins by elaborating on the many disadvantages faced throughout life

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