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Confessions of a Movie Cowboy's Horse
Confessions of a Movie Cowboy's Horse
Confessions of a Movie Cowboy's Horse
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Confessions of a Movie Cowboy's Horse

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Jack B. Ralph, a Navy veteran was born in Chicago, grew up in Easton, PA, attended Lafayette College, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and graduated with a Master's Degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. Ralph has devoted much of his life in the interest of civil rights by writing, publishing and speaking on behalf of all minorities, handicapped persons and the aging population.

And now, he shows, in a light manner, examples of the serious history, interdependence and similarities and differences between those of the lives, experiences and working conditions of horses and of our own population.

He has published, with entries written by persons of ages 4 to 94, the fascinating marriage saving Love is Everywhere, 365 ways to live a life of love. The collection of observations and definitions of love illustrate the living with real expressions of love. His A Kids World, Parts One and Two, contains thought provoking stories with messages that can start children in gaining maturity.

Jacks wife of over 60 years is a beautiful redhead and a former professional bowler. They are parents who enjoy their two sons, five grandchildren, terrific daughters-in law, and they joyously share their sense of humor also with that of their cousins, their fine in-laws and, with acceptance, possibly the entire receptive loving world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 1, 2014
Confessions of a Movie Cowboy's Horse

J.B. Ralph

Jack Ralph, a Navy veteran, was born in Chicago, grew up in Easton, Pa, attended Lafayette College, Georgetown University, and graduated with a Master's Degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. His wife of over 60 years is a beautiful redhead and a former professional bowler. They are parents of and enjoy their two sons, have five grandchildren, terrific daughters-in law, and they joyously share their sense of humor also with that of their cousins, their fine in-laws and, with encouragement, possibly the receptive word. Jack has devoted much of his life in the interest of civil rights, both as a volunteer and as a professional. He wrote and published documents and delivered speeches on behalf of all minorities, handicapped persons and the aging population.

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    Book preview

    Confessions of a Movie Cowboy's Horse - J.B. Ralph

    Confessions of a Movie Cowboy’s Horse

    As told to

    J.B. RALPH

    Copyright © 2014 by J.B. Ralph.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2014905754

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4931-9035-5

                    Softcover        978-1-4931-9036-2

                    eBook              978-1-4931-9034-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 03/28/2014

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    Xlibris LLC





    The Author Conducted This Interview Because…

    Chapter One

    It’s My Story As A Horse; I’ll Do The Talking

    Chapter Two

    We Travel Similar And Rocky Roads For Dignity

    Chapter Three

    Horses Have Been About And Around

    Chapter Four


    Chapter Five

    You Think I Have It Easy?

    Chapter Six

    All Cowboys’ Horses Are Not The Same

    Chapter Seven

    There Is A Different Way And Place To Gain Respect

    Chapter Eight

    What’s In It For Me, For You, And For Some Kids?

    Chapter Nine


    This little but significant book is for my loving soul mate and wife, Lenora, who has smiled and laughed with me through our lifetime together. Love is everywhere but none is better than ours.

    You should be so lucky.



    The Author Conducted

    This Interview Because…

    I T TAKES REAL effort and a lifetime to learn about people and their cultures, prejudices, hobbies, biases, desires, and motivations. But in addition to satisfying my curiosity about people, my obligation to science and history caused me to see how different and even similar our ways are compared to other beings.

    Most domesticated animals do not work for a living. They can provide companionship and do react nicely, but rarely do they live for anyone else. And don’t count on any conversation with them.

    First, I talked to a number of dogs and puppies as they do in the movies. I saw some tails wagging, heard some barking, and felt some wet nuzzling in my hand. Many of them can be trained to do tricks and, hopefully, may even let you know when they need to go outside.

    Certainly, there are war dogs that are used in police work and as drug trackers. But those dogs might be suspicious of my intentions, actions, and aroma, and they would not be willing to tell me anything if they could talk.

    I tried using my display of attention and social skills to get the attention of what many people think of as lovable pussycats. They kept their standoffish attitude and disdain of me and anything that I would do or say. I knew that they would never talk to me.

    Talking with sheep might have been interesting, but their future plans and concerns were concerned only with when they were scheduled to get their hair cut as wool and in our eating them as chops. What they could say would have been very depressing to them and to me. In no way would their responses be similar to the lives and work of normal working humans.

    Goats were just out of my picture. I needed an animal that worked as we do, produced results, was active, and did not just stand or lie around.

    In one movie, I had seen that the best thing they gave to the lead character was that he was named Horse after being adopted by an Indian tribe. He lived and did battle for the tribe’s life.

    There was once a horse on television that had things to say. But everyone knew that it was really not a talking horse. It was some actor making what was supposed to be his jokes, remarks, and little bits of old-time wisdom.

    There was also a British movie about a doctor who would talk and listen to all the animals about their joys and problems. The idea sounded okay, but I did not feel that it could not be for real. I wanted facts. Real responses. I needed to talk to a real talking horse. Would it be possible?

    I knew that horses are mentioned in Revelation according to John in the New Testament. It mentions four horses and their riders that seem to act in human ways. The horses were a white, a red, a black, and a pale one. They were supposed to represent human values, conquest, war, famine, and death of the world, the Apocalypse.

    Was this scripture used to explain and to predict the many years of war, famine, and death to come? Just imagine, horses were used to bring this religious and important, terrible message. Is this Revelation the real truth used as a background to base the stories of many cowboy movies? Such a thought should embarrass and make a horse nervous about his role in our society. Are we similar in our actions?

    In our modern times, the Four Horsemen was a description of four talented men who showed limited violence on a winning football team. They won their games by bringing near disaster to the lives of the opposing players. Do you see how the scripture can serve many purposes?

    Cowboys’ horses have no real complaint. With all the

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