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History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism
History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism
History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism
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History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism

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At present, the world views Muslims as terrorists and Islam a religion of tyranny especially after 9/11. Thereafter, to my surprise the killing of Muslims right in the mosques and public places around the Muslim countries has become every day affair which I never heard in my life earlier.

While so many sects like Wahabi, Qadiyani, Bahai, Ahmadi, Parvezi and many others emerged in the course of past two hundred years through the efforts of Britain. The most cruel and dangerous among them is Wahabi sect formed by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi of Saudi Arabia, which declared whoever does not follow them among Muslims, taking their lives, property and their wives is permissible.

King Abdul Azeez Ibn e Saud formed armed group by name Ikhwan who mercilessly killed thousands of Muslims in Najad. They killed even women, children and old at Taif and throw their dead bodies on the hills. They flattened the graves of the family of Holy Prophet and his companions in the grave yards of Makkah and Madinah.

I got serious in finding out the cause of this bloody change and I happened to read the book Tareekh Najad O Hijaz written in Urdu language. The book also gives the details about Wahabism. So I translated this book in English and named it History of Saudi Arabia and Wahabism. The regime of Saudi Arabia is spending billions of dollars to spread Wahabism in Muslim countries as per
Holy Book Quran in the Verse 5:8 says in this regard:

"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for God Almighty Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do"

May God Almighty Guide Muslims towards Straight Path and Salvation. Amen.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 2, 2014
History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism

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    History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism - Anwar Haroon

    Copyright © 2014 by Anwar Haroon.

    Library of Congress Control Number:     2014905912

    ISBN:                  Hardcover                        978-1-4931-8148-3

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    Reason for translating and publishing this book

    Foreword by the Author of Tareekh Najad O Hijaz

    Few words to the Caretakers of Holy Sites of Hijaaz (Makkah and Madina)

    Chapter One Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi

    The summary of the regime of Abdul Azeez Ibn e Saud

    The Death of Sheikh Najdi

    Chapter Two The Truth about Sheikh Najdi’s preaching

    Chapter Three What others say about Sheikh Najdi

    Sheikh Najdi Finding Faults with Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam

    Excesses of Ibn e Saud

    Sheikh Najdi’s alliance with Ibin e Saud

    Most Quivering acts of Sheikh Najdi

    The religious beliefs of Sheikh Najdi

    The List of the Scholars who refuted Sheikh Najdi Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab

    Chapter Four The First Period of Wahabism 1745 A.D to 1818 A.D

    The Second Phase of Wahabi Regime

    Third Phase of Wahabi Rule

    The Role of Saudi Regime during World War

    The oppression of Wahabis during the war

    Friendship with Britain and Enmity with Turkey

    Birtish Involvement

    A Bag of Gold Coins

    The Religious Doctrine of Wahabi Najadis

    A New Sharia Law in Najad

    Chapter Five The report of Markazi Khilafat Committee

    First meeting with Sultan Ibn e Saud

    Chapter Six Hidden faces of Lawrence of Arabia

    The ill person in the eyes of Europe

    Benefits expected by Europe

    Military Tactics

    An awful protocol

    Deceitful intelligence of Lawrence

    Difficulties faced by Turkey

    New network of promises

    New announcement and new promises

    The plan of Jews

    New plan of Lawrence

    The Plan of Jews

    Who is the real leader of Arabs? Is it Shareef or Ibn e Saud?

    New net of conspiracies

    Chapter Seven Abdul Hameed the Last King of Sultanat e Uthmaniya

    Chapter Eight Rule of Ibn e Saud

    Beginning of American Influence in Saudi Arabia

    The Dream of exploring oil in Saudi Arabia

    The Results of Najdi Movement

    Formation of the sect Ahl e Hadeeth

    Chapter Nine The Rule of Shah Saud

    The Reaction of News papers of Pakistan

    Syed Abul A’ala Mawdudi stated during his visit to Arab lands in 1959/60

    Special considerations for family of Sheikh Najdi

    The relationship between Najdis and followers of Wahabis in Pakistan

    The grandeur of the city of Riyadh

    Buying and selling slave girls in Saudi Arabia

    Eradication of Historical Monuments by Saudis

    Jannat ul Mualla grave yard at Makkah

    Romantic personality of Shah Saud

    Lavish spending of Shah Saud

    Shah Saud got ousted as a king

    Chapter Teen The reign of Shah Faisal

    Martyredom of Shah Faisal

    Rule of King Khalid bin Abdul Azeez

    Rule of Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud

    Rule of King Abdullah bin Abdul Azeez

    The site of Kaaba in 1880.

    Hajar al Aswad Black Stone at Ka’bah

    Maqam e Ibraheem alaihissalaam at Haram Makkah

    Birth place of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alahi wasallam

    Hajis at Present Zam Zam well

    Present Mina (Tents)

    Shuhada e Badar Martyres of Battle of Badar

    Masjid e Khaif Meena

    Masjid e Jinn at Makkah

    Masjid e Hudaibiya at Makkah

    Mount Uhad

    Jabal al-Nour in Mecca.

    Masjid e Quba the First Mosque in Madinah

    Masjid al-Quba

    Masjid Jum’ah

    Riadhul Jannah and Mehrab where our Holy prophet peace be on him prayed

    Minmbar e Masjid e Nabwi

    Inside View of Masid e Nabwi Madinah

    One of two courtyards inside the mosque

    Grave of Hazrat Ibraheem Raziallahu Anhu

    Grave of Syedina Uthman radhiallahu Anhu

    Grave of Bibi Haleemah

    Blessed Wives of Holy Prophet Peace be on him at Jannatul Baqee Madina

    Mausoleum containing the bodies of Imam Hasan, Ali, Baqir, Sadiq and Fatimah prior to its destruction.

    Grave of Hazrat Fatima Az Zahra Radi Allah Anha…

    Ahl ul Bayt (The blessed family of the Prophet Peace be on him) at Jannatul Baqi

    Masjid e Syedina Abu Bakr Siddique raziallahu anhu

    Masjid e Umar raziallahu anhu

    Masjid e Uthman bin Affan raziallahu anhu

    Masjid e Ali bin Talib raziallahu anhu

    Masjid Biah or Masjid Uqbah

    Masjid e Ghamama

    Mosque Salman al-Farsi, battle of trench, Medina

    Masjid e Bilal raziallahu anhu

    Masjid e Qiblatain

    Masjid e Ejaba near Masjid e Nabwi

    Masjid al Fatah

    Masjid e Hudaibiyah

    Masjid Numrah

    Shuhada e Uhad Martyres of Battle of Uhad

    Ghar e Uhad (Cave of Uhad)

    Masjid e Abuzar Ghaffari raziallahu anhu (Masjid e Sijda)

    Destroyed Islamic Sites

    Dedicated to

    Thousands of Muslims killed by King Ibn e Saud and his

    Ikhwan brotherhood lead by Sheikh Najdi in Najad,

    Taif and Holy places of Makkah and Madinah to replace

    Sultanat e Uthmaniya and form Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Reason for translating and publishing this book

    Dear Readers

    At present, the world views Muslims as terrorists and Islam a religion of tyranny especially after 9/11. Thereafter, to my surprise the killing of Muslims right in the mosques and public places around the Muslim countries has become every day affair which I never heard in my life earlier.

    While so many sects like Wahabi, Qadiyani, Bahai, Ahmadi, Parvezi and many others emerged in the course of past two hundred years through the efforts of Britain. The most cruel and dangerous among them is Wahabi sect formed by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi of Saudi Arabia.

    Sheikh Najdi declared in his book ‘Majmooa’a Tawheed" few examples of Kafir Polytheist

    •   Whoever greets Kuffar is a Kafir Polytheist.

    •   Whoever respects Kuffar is a Kafir Polytheist too.

    •   Whoever lives in the country of Kuffar is a Kafir Polytheist.

    •   Whoever Consults Kuffar in any matter is a Kafir Polytheist.

    •   Whoever accompanies Kuffar and goes to them is a Kafir Polytheist.

    Sheikh Najdi declared it is permissible to kill them, loot their property and take their women as slaves. By following this doctrine King Saud formed an armed group by name Ikhwan in 1925 and they killed thousands of Muslims in Najad and Holy places of Makkah and Madina and Turkish Empire was rereplaced by his rule to form Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was getting aid from Britain to this cause. They demolished holy shrines, mosques and flattened the graves of the family of holy prophet and his companions in the grave yards of holy places of Makkah and Madinah.

    Now they have changed their title from Wahabis to Ahl e Hadeeth and now as Salafis, they are given generous aid from Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries and they are misguiding the young generation of the Muslims around the world and mass killing in the name of jihad is ongoing by Al Qaida, Taliban and many others.

    I got serious in finding out the cause of this bloody change and I happened to read the book Tareekh Najad O Hijaz written in Urdu language. The book also gives the details about Wahabism, so It is named as History of Saudi Arabia and Wahabism. Further I have added photographs and illustrations of concerned people, historical places and mosques in this regard.

    As per

    The Saudis have spent at least $87 billion propagating Wahhabism abroad during the past two decades, and the scale of financing is believed to have increased in the past two years[when?]. The bulk of this funding goes towards the construction and operating expenses of mosques, madrasas, and other religious institutions that preach Wahhabism. It also supports imam training; mass media and publishing outlets; distribution of textbooks and other literature; and endowments to universities (in exchange for influence over the appointment of Islamic scholars). Some of the hundreds of thousands of non-Saudis who live in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf have been influenced by Wahhabism and preach Wahhabism in their home country upon their return.

    Holy Book Quran says in this regard:

    There is no compulsion in religion; no doubt the virtuous path has become clearly distinct from the erring; then whoso does not accept devil Quran 2:256

    O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-aquainted with all that ye do (Holy Quran 5:8)

    I pray that this book through the historical facts provided shall induce humanity and guide the present Muslim generation to shun Wahabism and bloodshed, Amen.

    Anwar Haroon

    September 28, 2013

    Foreword by the Author of Tareekh Najad O Hijaz

    The basis of the history is based on the strong proofs and not religious beliefs or thoughts, while the religious sentiments are based on the Holy book, Sunnah practice of Holy prophet peace be on him and his followers may Allah be pleased with them.

    This book is mostly based on the history and strong evidence together with the published news except a single chapter about the Islamic beliefs as per Holy Book Quran and Sunnah practice of Holy Prophet peace be him stated by the renowned religious scholars.

    Muhammad Abdul Qayum Qadri

    11th Sha’ban 1398 Hijri

    Certain Requests from the Author

    Every particle of Hijaz (Makkah and Madinah) reverberate the hearts of Muslims. Whenever a Muslim pilgrim returns from Hijaz after performing Haj the religious obligation, they kiss his hands for the reason he had touched the Holy Ka’ba and the Mosque of Holy Prophet peace be on him and they also kiss his eyes as he sighted the holy places which were seen by Holy Prophet peace be on him and they embrace the pilgrim too.

    It was a practice of the companions of Holy Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them) used to collect the water dripping from the face and hands of Holy Prophet peace be on him while he was performing ablution and smear it on their faces. If someone could not get it, he used to smear the hands of the companions who took it. Such was their respect towards the Holy Prophet Muhammad peace on him. There were few rightly guided predecessors who placed themselves lower than the dogs of Holy Madina as many of the earlier followers considered themselves as dogs of Holy Prophet peace be on him. The land of Pakistan is full of such lovers who love Holy Prophet peace be on him and consider themselves to be inferior than the dogs of Holy city of Madina.

    These days the holy places of Makkah and Madina are governed by the Wahabi cult. In-spite of it when the Imam of Haram e Nabwi Madina and Imam of Holy Makka visited Pakistan in 1976 A.D, thousands of Pakistanis greeted them whole heartedly by shouting Ahlan wa Shalan Marhaba. Even though the name of those visiting persons was Abdul Azeez bin Baaz and Abdullah bin Sabeel, they respected them as they were attached to the Holy places of Makka and Madina.

    When there was news that these imams were planning to visit Pakistan again, a Pakistani newspaper wrote; when they arrive and lead the prayers of thousands of Pakistani people, it will be known; who is their religious leader.

    To me it is a wrong method of knowing the religious leader; instead that news paper would have written that a person is going to lead the prayers in Karachi Pakistan, who declares that whoever request Shafa’a reprieve from Holy Prophet peace be on him is a Kafir and should be killed and whoever request that his prayers be accepted on behalf of Holy Prophet (peace be on him) is haraam forbidden and whoever visits the graves of Awliya Allah friends of Allah and put flowers on the graves and seek his prayers be accepted on their behalf is haraam and shirk and who says except a few Ghair Muqallideen persons who do not follow four Imams of Jurisprudence are Mushrikeen out of Islam, then it will be known how many Pakistanis will go and offer their Salaat prayers behind those Imams?

    It is also true that a news paper Nawa i Waqt pblished on 11th May 1955 A.D has written that Saudi King Amir Faisal visited the Samadhi grave of Mahatma Gandhi and laid flowers on it.

    Similarly as per the News paper Nawa I Waqt dated 2nd. February 1975 mentioned that Saudi King Shah Saud laid flowers on a non Muslim grave in Arlington USA. Similarly as per the newspaper Kohistan prince Fahad of Saudi Arabia laid flowers on the grave of George Washington. So if these kings and rulers of Saudi Arabia commit such acts it is not Shirk forbidden as per the religious scholars of Saudi Arabia and thery have a different rule for royal people.

    In the year 1956 Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was invited by Saudi Arabia, he was greeted with slogans Marhaba Ya Rasoolus salaam means Welcome Prophet of Peace. All the Religious Scholars of Saudi Arabia and their followers around the Muslim world commended this slogan, while the Non Wahabi Sunni Muslims condemned their slogan. While these episodes gotten old but preserved in History.

    This book is a record of Historical events between the years 1703 A.D and 1975 A.D. The purpose of writing this book is that majority of the people are unaware how the Sultanate of Uthmania (Turkish Empire) which was ruling almost all of the united Islamic area was disintegrated through a controversy.

    Who was Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Sheikh Najdi and what was his religious innovation and what was the reaction of the Muslim Scholars worldwide on it? Who instigated the Arabs to revolt against Turks? Who was Lawrence of Arabia and why the western powers wanted to finish off the Turkish Empire and what Interest USA had in it?

    The Wahabi movement was crushed twice in Hijaz, but they succeeded later and came into power. In the third attempt Abdul Azeez bin Abdul Rahman Saud captured the Hijaz area. Wahabis took away the golden globe and crescent from the Green Dome of Holy Prophet shrine and they even tried to demolish the green dome but failed as two of their people died while doing it and this plan was dropped.

    What was the reason, that Turks could not save Hijaz from getting into the hands of Wahabis? What did the Wahabis do to the people of Taif? What were the contents of the memorandum Central Committee of Khilafat placed before Sultan Abdul Azeez for implementation? How Sultan promised the committee that he will implement their proposals and reconstruct the demolished monuments but later turn away from his promises?

    I have recorded the history of the period between Abdul Azeez Al Saud, then Shah Saud, then Shah Faisal and Shah Fahad through the news papers and the books written by both Wahabi and Deobandi scholars.

    I have recorded events from the books published in Saudi Arabia and they are sold in public and available in libraries. If proved that my written statements are wrong I shall omit them in the next edition of this book.

    My intension of writing this book is not to hurt the sentiments of any person or group, while it is all facts. If someone is seeing his own faults or mistakes he need to correct them and not to set a precedence for others to continue those mistakes.

    It is said that the Swad Azam the Sunni Religious leader condemns the Wahabi and Deobandi scholars and this book shall reveal who is responsible to pass religious rulings that Muslims are out of their religious Islamic faith?

    It is being declared by Abdul Wahab Najdi and his followers; whoever is not following their religious laws are kafir mushrik means out of Islam and they should be killed. Is that the Muslim since thirteen hundred years were not Muslims and they died as non Muslims?

    I request Holy Prophet Peace be on him for myself and for the sake of the rightly guided Sunni Muslims and request Him to keep up the prestige of his slaves and grant his Shafa’a reprieve on the day of justice. You Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam have the crown of Shafa’a on your head and you are authorized by Allahu Ta’ala to grant Shafa’a reprieve and you are seated on Maqam e Mahmood and you possess the fountain of Aab e kawthar and we are your beggars, please accept our request.

    Muhammad Abdul Qayum Qadri

    11th Sha’baan 1398 Hijri

    Few words to the Caretakers of Holy Sites of Hijaaz (Makkah and Madina)

    By: Salahuddin Mahmood (Lahore Pakistan)

    In the name of God Almighty Allah the Most Beneficent and Most merciful

    I am in search of the first imprints of my senses and Beloved Holy Prophet Peace be on him is only the cause of the existence of my senses. So He peace be on him is not only the first imprints of my senses but my faith eemaan too.

    My journey is ongoing since I came to this world from the world of non existence and it shall continue until I returned back to the world I came from. But to explore my initial existence I am in need of the imprints of Holy Prophet Peace be on him so that I can get awareness of both of my earlier existence and the present.

    Can I find it out in a plain valley or a turn of an unknown valley or within or out of myself or in a mirror which combines the exterior and interior?

    Well my objective is to explore it and it is ongoing. To fulfill this objective I travelled to Hijaaz (Makkah and Madina) in the year 1390-1391 Hijri and the following text is its episode.

    The Turks decided during their reign of Hejaz to preserve every moment right from birth to demise of Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, be it physical, spiritual, historical or social aspects for the sake of the coming generations of Ummah. While this task was in force unintentionally since the lifetime of Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, after the period of almost one thousand years it was necessary to perform this task with full determination and earnestness. To perform this task it was required to possess limitless love towards Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam together with utmost human sincerity. These qualities were inborn in Turks and for this reason they were almost successful in their endeavors to fulfill this task and this being their utmost favor on humanity.

    They knew on which place of this earth Holy Prophet Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam descended. Which place he took his first breath, put his first step, which place his first voice was absorbed by the surrounding air, which place of air has carried the chirping of the bird to his ears, and on which location of the atmosphere the moon and the sun had seen him first and he saw them first. In whatever angle Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam saw the galaxies and all of his moments in every angle, his talk, his steps, and his vision became the role model and permanent asset of the believers until the end of this world.

    Keeping in view of the above points, Turks started to record the history from the moments when a handsome person from the tribe of Banu Sa’d walking in the state of fever in a field of Madinatul Munawwara left his beloved smiling-faced wife who was pregnant and departed from this world forever leaving the coming child as an orphan.

    Again, Turks identified the small house lying in a valley of a hill in Makkah where in its first floor room towards north, a baby supposed to be the trust of the whole universe had taken birth. Then a respected aged person with signs of hard work under the sun on his hands took the newborn child covered in a sheet of cloth and walked by the pathway leading towards the house of God. Upon reaching the house of God, he lifted the newborn child towards the horizon and prayed that he be blessed being an orphan and helpless. Turks also identified the pathway and the location where he prayed.

    Again, the Turks explored the intersection of the hills and desert where walking by holding the fingers of the six-year-old child, his mother upon returning from his native land of Medina had sheltered to take rest at night and departed forever. Next day the bewildered child saw the face of his mother for the last time before she was buried in that location and departed with the caravan towards his destination. Turks had placed a plaque at that location for identification for the sake of the coming generations.

    Later after the course of three years, a child was crying while walking and holding the casket of the dead body of an aged person who was his caretaker thinking that he will not be able to openly cry like it again. Turks with utmost care, love and affection tried to identify and preserve every landmark of the period of whole life of Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam and they were almost successful in their endeavor.

    After earmarking the events from the childhood to the adolescence, they looked upon the peak of the cave of Hira and towards its valley identified the house where Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam came overwhelmed to his wife Khadija after the first revelation from God Almighty Allah. His wife Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, consoled him with full confidence. This place was so important to Holy Prophet Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam that after winning the battle of Makkah, when he was asked, where would he like to rest? He ordered to put up a tent adjacent to the grave of Hazrat Khadija raziallahu anha. When people were surprised and questioned why adjacent to a grave in a graveyard? He answered:

    While I was poor, she (Khadija raziallahu anha) enriched me, when I was called a liar, she totally believed me and while all the people were against me, she was totally on my side.

    The Turks identified that house of dwelling together with its room where Hazrat Khadija raziallahu anha consoled Huzoor e Paak sallallahu alaihi wasallam. It might be interesting for the readers to know that the Ottoman Empire had passed a resolution that every year this room has to be painted white upon seeing the first moon of Ramadan, and women should recite Holy Quran all the night there until Morning Prayer call.

    In addition, it was ordered that every year on First of Rabi ul Awwal, the Huffaz of Holy Quran should paint with white color the northern room of the house of Hazrat Abdul Mutallib where Holy Prophet Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam was born. In addition, young children should recite Holy Quran on the twelfth night of Rabi ul Awwal in that room and it was a custom to free caged pigeons in the morning there.

    After identifying the dwelling of Hazrat Khadija raziallahu anha and the room where she consoled Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, Turks also identified the seat of Banu Arqam, the entrance of the house of Warqa bin Nawfil and the courtyard of Umme Hani

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