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The Unwritten Love Letter
The Unwritten Love Letter
The Unwritten Love Letter
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The Unwritten Love Letter

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After infatuation and disappointment had taken over the course of his entire life, Seth Green had fallen madly in love for the first time. An addicting love it was. A type of love that even after a small dosage, one would desperately crave for more. For Seth, after growing dangerously in love with one, he found that he still had obstacles to overcome. And as he was accused of having deceitful eyes, he wondered if the love that sought and found him, was real or perhaps a misconception.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 6, 2013
The Unwritten Love Letter

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    The Unwritten Love Letter - Javon Reed

    Copyright © 2013 by Javon Reed.

    ISBN:        Softcover        978-1-4931-2669-9

                      eBook             978-1-4931-2670-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 11/13/2013

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter One

    Panting with my hands on my knees as if I was suffering from an asthma attack. Sweat dripping down my face, neck and back leaving my shirt dripping wet, giving the perception that I was caught in a rainstorm.

    ‘Just a few more blocks Seth. Come on!’ I urged myself as I started a full on sprint heading straight for the terminal. While running the only thing that was on my mind was what everybody insisted about her. ‘Is she really an illusion like everyone explained. Maybe some sort of figment of my imagination like everyone insisted? After all, have I come back and forth to the creek to visit a ghost? Have I fallen for a ghost?’ I asked myself several times. ‘Or perhaps everyone’s blindness fails to see what I have come to see? Their ignorance may have just left them in the darkness where the sort of bliss and joy I’ve come to love, is absent?’


    Hurrying straight into our direction while following the breadcrumbs that we unintentionally left behind. Foaming at the mouth they were, as if a rabbit dog waiting anxiously to inject it’s pungent teeth into the nearest flesh, which In their eyes, we were. These people had proven to be reluctant as they sounded of their firearms and chanted in a foreign language, telling us that we were virtually dead.

    And they were right. We were virtually dead. Deserted, lost, hurt and hopeless. But urging me to live on was the voice of someone back home telling me that she loved me and couldn’t wait to see me again.

    Seth, save yourself, Sergeant Royce somehow managed to say in such a dry yet convincing voice.

    I’m not leaving you and that’s final! I replied sternly as we struggled north, escaping from what most might call doom.

    As the day’s sun had fallen, Sergeant Royce and I had found ourselves currently out of danger in a secluded area in front of a burning fire on the side of a sand hill.

    Why? asked Sergeant Royce

    I wrinkled my forehead slightly in confusion, asking why what Sergeant?

    Why continue on this dead end pathway? If we don’t die out here, eventually they’ll find us and they will torture us, making us both wish we were already dead. We should just stop and turn ourselves in!

    I’m afraid that It’s just not that simple for me Sergeant.

    No kids, young, handsome… there’s someone waiting on you, is there? he asked with such certainty.

    I shook my head yes as I tried my hardest to concentrate on my mission, and not on death.

    Talk to me… tell me all about her, he requested.

    Momentarily I ignored Sergeant Royces request as I was overwhelmed by the sight of him. Such a tough and seemingly invincible person on base he was. Well… seeing that very person hurt and vulnerable made me question things. It made me question myself side by side with my chances of survival as well.

    While grimacing, I asked what do you want to know?

    Only someone special can push someone as far as you’ve gone. Correct? he asked.

    I suppose.

    Tell me, what makes her special.

    Well, she possesses a rare heart, passion, mind and beauty. And if not for my eyes being so deceitful in previous times, causing me to believe that I found what she bared in others, I would’ve never distinguished the real thing.

    "And what exactly is the real thing?" he asked in a perplexed tone while making me feel as if I was sitting in front of a counselor instead.

    I don’t exactly know. I can’t quite find the words to describe it either, and I never could for that matter. And from the day that I met her, it has always been a mystery to me. I said as I sat back and thought to myself, ‘a mystery that I think no man has ever solved. A mystery that is so fragile that it could only be whispered underneath the breathe of the one whom it mystified. If anything even slightly above a whisper, it could descend like a white dandelion in the path way of even the mildest breeze.’

    I just can’t figure out what was in her that made her irresistible. I, myself of course have never had the chance to experience that so maybe I will never understand. stated Sergeant Royce. Take me to the Genesis of your story ? he pleaded.

    I paused momentarily, still deep in thought, I looked up and saw that Sergeant Royce’s eyes were blazing into mine. His interest of my daily urge had surely caught his attention as he asked me to continue. I was never really fond of telling stories, but he asked and I… well, I knew that I just needed to express the very feeling that had driven me forward everyday. I felt compelled to get it off off my chest and relieve some stress.

    ~One year and a half earlier~

    Sitting in front of a blank page, I was while wallowing in self pity. I had no idea what it meant. I had no clue how it felt, therefore I could not write about the very significance of what everyone thought they knew and felt… love.

    Ninth period English class, where we were assigned to write either a poem or a statement on the subject of love and its crucial significance. How it felt to give and how it felt to be the recipient. At that time we were studying the arts and life of William Shakespeare. The way he wrote and to whom he was writing to. The way he described his emotions without using the very word itself. All of that left most including our teacher, Mrs. Bowler astonished.

    Mrs. Bowler, a quite colorful person, if you will. Her very personality reflected on our many assignments nonetheless. And this current assignment, she felt was very important to a young heart and soul.

    She gave us up until then end of the month to draft, revise, complete and recite. This method she used substituted homework and large test. Quite frankly I preferred to do things the exact opposite, to avoid the humiliation of knowing absolutely nothing about what seemed to rarely surpass anyone else.

    Still in front of that blank page, swiveling my pen back and forth. Not writing much, or anything at that matter, but just trying to blend in with the ones whose utensils moved decisively as if they were experts. But really, who was I to say that they weren’t, because I simply never knew the feeling. Now, I don’t mean I never fell in love before. Of course everyone has a love or two. There’s always that one person we think about at night while wondering if that person is doing the same. And for me, that very person that I thought about at night, never seemed to give me the time of day. Or at the least, a brief moment to explain my affection without sounding desperate.

    For an example, about two months prior, I fell in deeply in love. In this very class, we were assigned to write a statement on happiness and what causes it, what deflates it and so on… well, let me explain thoroughly.

    It was my turn to present my statement on happiness. I was called upon by Mrs. Bowler to stand in front of the class and do so. The aisle between my desk and the front of the classroom seemed very miniscule, perhaps because glossophobia took a toll on me as I felt an urge not to present my inner thoughts in front of my peers.

    Well, in front of the class, I inhaled deeply and read on…

    ~ "For happiness, a great deal of people yearn for everything and more including money and fame, hoping

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