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The Nine Levels of Anointing Power for Christian Growth
The Nine Levels of Anointing Power for Christian Growth
The Nine Levels of Anointing Power for Christian Growth
Ebook115 pages2 hours

The Nine Levels of Anointing Power for Christian Growth

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This book deals with the rites of passage into adult Christian living. To pass through these powers of anointing by the Holy Spirit, all of us must take a journey from babyhood (new birth in Christ) to growing in spiritual maturity into that perfect man or woman of God (Ephesians
4:1112). This will not come overnight or quickly in our walk with the Lord; it will take time, and many will have to sacrifice the things of this world to achieve it. But it can be done by all who are willing to follow the Lord in this world. One hundred percent of us must start by passing through the first level of power that the Holy Spirit bestows upon all who believe in Christ Jesus. Everything in our lives will begin at the cross of Calvary, and from there, we will all go on a trip with the Holy Spirit that will forever change our lives every day. The Holy Spirit will become our teacher and guide (John 16:13) and, depending on how much of him we want, will determine the level of growth we achieve as Christians in this world. It will not come because of traditions of men or preachers proclaiming to have absolute truth but only by the Holy Spirit himself as he teaches and witnesses with your spirit the revelations of Gods Word that only he can give (Romans 8:16).

I invite you to travel with me through the pages of this writing and discover the truths that are within. I take no credit for what the Holy Spirit of God has revealed; only he has the wisdom and revelations to open our eyes to his Word. And only he has the anointing power to grow us up from level to level as we progress in his knowledge and power. But here is a truth you must know: the Holy Spirit will not take you any further in spiritual growth than you are willing to allow him to (Matthew 7:11). At every level of anointing you have to pass through to grow and go on to the next level, you will have to ask of him and be willing to sacrifice what needs to be given in order to achieve it. Many who are tied up in religion and bondage to denominationalisms will try to keep you from this growth. Very few in the body of Christ will ever reach full maturity in our Lord. Most already believe that they have achieved this level because they are good Christiansthey go to Church, give their tithes, help a few people, work in the church, and say their prayers every day. Outwardly, this may seem like the perfect saint of God, but the Lord is seeking more from us to pick up our cross for him and follow him. This will require commitment, a soldout attitude, sacrifices, and even deathif thats what it takes! Twelve apostles willingly lived their lives for him and gave their lives in death. The question today is, How far do you want to grow in Christ? and Do you want to live your life for him or continue to play church on earth?
This book will change the way you see yourself with Christ; it will help you come out of organized religion and walk with your Lord the way he meant it to be. Only the Holy Spirit can show you these things to come. I hope this book will challenge you to become the mature Christians God intends for all of us to become.

In Christs love,
Dr. Richard E. Weathers, PsyD
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 15, 2014
The Nine Levels of Anointing Power for Christian Growth

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very informative and easy to understand. Thank you for pinning this books the knowledge has elevated me to another realm of glory in Christ Jesus. Thank you!
    Velma H.

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The Nine Levels of Anointing Power for Christian Growth - Dr. Richard E. Weathers

Copyright © 2014 by Dr. Richard E. Weathers, PsyD.

Library of Congress Control Number:    2013923137

ISBN:    Hardcover    978-1-4931-5597-2

Softcover    978-1-4931-5596-5

eBook    978-1-4931-5598-9

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New King James Version—The Ryrie Study Bible 1978

Rev. date: 03/11/2014

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The anointing power of the cross

The anointing power of a renewed mind

The anointing power of Pentecost

The anointing power of bodily sacrifice

The anointing power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

The anointing power of mountain moving faith

The anointing power of Gods wealth

The anointing power of praise and worship

The anointing power of God’s Love



My wife, Kay, has been such a strong influence in my life and throughout my walk with the Lord. I would like to dedicate this book to her to let her know how important she has been to me in this life and how much I love her for all the little things that she does to make my life happier. This book would not have been possible without her input and her confidence in my abilities to complete it, always giving me encouragement and respecting the time it takes to write it, sacrificing herself and the things we missed doing together so it would be a blessing to those who read it.

I would like to thank my daughter, Tonjya, and her husband, Steve; my son, Justin, and his wife, Heather; and also my grandchildren—Tanner, Taylor, Hailey, and Haiden.


The nine anointings of power that the Holy Spirit gives to each Christian contained in this book are, by far, not exhaustive. We will barely reveal the surface of each one. But by studying and digging deeper into God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will continue to bring to you great revelations on each power anointing.

I have been praying to the Lord for many years to reveal to me what a mature Christian should be and how we could walk in that growth. Here’s what he showed me: Ephesians 4:11-16 tells us that Jesus gave to his body apostles, prophets, some evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry until we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ so we would not be children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men in the cunning craftiness by which they lie in wait to deceive. God is telling us that we can go from new birth (babies) and grow into full mature adults in the kingdom of God.

The Lord began to show me the different levels of growth and anointings that each one of us must go through in order to attain maturity. There would be many that would not be willing to pay the price of picking up the cross for him and sacrificing a lot of the things of this world in order to get there. But the ones who are willing would enter into a realm of spiritual understanding where the wealth of the fruit of his spirit rests and the awesomeness of his power takes place. In Hebrews 5:8, Jesus learned obedience by the things that he suffered to be "perfected." He became the author of eternal salvation. We too, as we receive each one of God’s anointing powers, will have some decisions of sacrifice and choices to make. Do we go on with God into full maturity, or do we get off the bus and be content? I hope you will be challenged by what the Lord will reveal to you about your life with him.

Many believe that there are only two Holy Spirit anointings that take place in our lives—the one at the "new birth" and the other at Pentecost with the enduement of power from on high.

God has revealed nine anointings to bring us into maturity with him. There may be many more that I have missed, but God has revealed these to me and assured me that if we achieve them and walk in them, he will be pleased!

Apostle Paul (Hebrews 5:11-14) tells us about Christians who have been taught for over two years of whom we have much to say and hard to explain. Since you have become dull of hearing, by this time you ought to be teachers—you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God. You have come to need milk (baby food) and not solid (mature word) food. Solid food belongs to those who by reason of use (or practice) have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

These nine anointings of God are so important for us to receive and grow up with so that we do not fall into the trap of Satan, not knowing the will of God or direction for our lives and for our family. As we receive from the Holy Spirit these different levels of power, no longer will we be tossed to and fro by man’s doctrine, but we will be solidly anchored to the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Even though I have listed these anointings of power in the order the Holy Spirit gave them to me, you can receive them out of order when you are ready to embrace them. Two days after I was born of God’s spirit, I asked him for the Pentecost power of anointing—that it would fall upon me as it did two thousand years ago in the upper room in Jerusalem (Acts 2:2). I was in my own living room at home when this happened and I received it. No one was there, just the Holy Spirit and me. The experience of this anointing was joyful and powerful. But I did not have within me God’s Word of a renewed mind. It caught up with me later. I tell you this so you will know the Holy Spirit is just waiting for you to reach out and receive when you are prepared and ready to ask. Remember, we have not because we ask not (James 4:2). The Holy Spirit will give and teach you all about the Savior and this power that belongs to you (John 16:13). Greater Works then than these you do because I go to the Father, Jesus says (John 14:12). It does not matter what faith or denomination you are in or have come out of. There is only one body of Christ, one baptism and Holy Spirit. All these anointings are for the entire body of Christ. Regardless of what label or name you are called by, if you belong to Christ, the Holy Spirit wants you to have all these anointings of power in your life to overcome all that the world or Satan can throw at you.

There is a map or gauge to show the growth of our spiritman and our walk and service before

God, our Father. This gauge can show what level of Christian maturity we are at in our Christian life at any time.

Let’s take a quick look at these different levels of power of anointings that will be discussed in these pages.

To grow in Christ, all of us will have to face the Holy Spirit and receive from him these powers:

Level 1 power of the cross

Level 2 power of the renewal of the mind

Level 3 power of Pentecost

Level 4 power of bodily sacrifice

Level 5 power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Level 6 power of mountain-moving faith

Level 7 power of wealth

Level 8 power of praise

Level 9 power of love.

Each one of these anointings can be received at any time and even out of the order listed—whenever the Holy Spirit knows you are ready and prepared to receive them.

Except level 1, everyone will have to enter into the kingdom of God through the cross of Christ and be born again, washed in the blood of the lamb and having become a vessel prepared to receive the other eight levels of power. Only a small percentage of believers will reach full maturity in Christ. There is also a percentage gauge of those in Christ that I believe operate in these anointings of power. My purpose is not to make anyone feel that these anointings are not attainable. But they are (just that today) in the body of Christ, only a few are willing to pay the price to receive them.

Achievement in the body of Christ

Percentage of Christians operating in power

Level 1 100 percent

Level 2 50 percent

Level 3 25 percent

Level 4 20 percent

Level 5 20 percent

Level 6 15 percent

Level 7 10 percent

Level 8 10 percent

Level 9 10 percent

You notice that the level of those in Christ operating these anointings begin to drop after the first three levels. As you read this book, you will begin to understand why only a small percentage will enter into what the Lord has for them while on earth.

All these power anointings have a number rating of eleven. All start with eleven points, and each time we receive a new level of power from the Holy Spirit, we add these points until we achieve full maturity of 99 percent. For those of you who operate in five of them, your Christian maturity rating is 55 percent; in eight, 88 percent rating; until you reach full maturity at 99 or 100 percent. This is where all of us should strive for. But remember, this is a daily walk until the trumpet sounds and Christ takes us home. Let him be able to say to all of us, Well done, thy good and faithful servant.

At no time have I ever reached the fullness of all these anointings. But I have walked and served in all of them, and every day I strive to reach their full potential. Don’t ever feel bad if you fall short. No one ever loses with Christ that loves us. As we all try to reach our highest Christian level of service, Christ will always love us and help us

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