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Africa Poems
Africa Poems
Africa Poems
Ebook76 pages38 minutes

Africa Poems

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About this ebook

Africa Poems features the awesome continent of Africa, mankinds cradle; as well as
histories about the Serengeti and Sahara; some of Africas colorful leaders and explorers; the tragic genocides in Rwanda and Sudan; and the disasters in Zaire and Somalia.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 5, 2011
Africa Poems

Theodore Lyons

Theodore Lyons majored in English at Illinois Wesleyan University and edited for several journals. His other books include 91 Gordon Street and Two Occult Tales.

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    Africa Poems - Theodore Lyons

    Copyright © 2011 by Theodore Lyons.

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    Mère l’Afrique

    La girafe et l’acacia

    La savane

    La forêt

    Les oiseaux

    Le figuier

    Les bois

    Le Kilimandjaro


    Le Caire

    Le Nil

    Le désert

    Gens du sable

    Les chameaux

    La côte d’or

    Le Congo Belge

    Président des choses

    Le Zaïre

    Le Ruanda

    Le Soudan

    La Somalie

    Monsieur Botha

    Monsieur Mandela

    Monsieur Qadhafi



    Le tyran a posé devant lui ses mains nues

    et, seul devant ces mains étrangères, ces Mères

    presque exsangues sur le drap pourpre des nations,

    seul contre ces ménades pâles de l’histoire

    dont l’ombre lacère sans trêve l’univers,

    il fix leur blancheur funèbre dans les âges

    et sent la nuit grandir derrière elles, le sang

    les soulever jusqu’au regard de dieu qui juge!

    Pierre Emmanuel

    The tyrant placed in front of him his naked hands

    and, alone in front of these foreign hands, these Mothers

    almost bloodless on the crimson sheet of the nations,

    alone against these ashen madwomen of history

    of which the shadow lacerates without truce the universe,

    he stares at their funereal pallor in the ages

    and feels the night grow behind them, the blood

    raises them up to the gaze of god who judges!

    Mère l’Afrique

    Africa, about as old as the Earth, is man’s birthplace;

    The oldest continent in the history of our human race.

    Africa gave birth to man about four million years ago:

    Yet Africa is still unaltered by earthquake or volcano.

    Our posture, mind, and musculature are evolutionary;

    Bodily capacities inherited from our African ancestry.

    Africa: the world’s diamond mine and a mine of gold;

    The world’s storehouse of copper and minerals of old;

    So big, all of the United States could fit in the Sahara;

    Africa, once the center of the supercontinent Pangaea.

    The equator has crossed Africa for forty times an eon,

    Fostering its evolution; in the mountains of Barberton,

    Billions of years old, God’s first life form, fossil algae,

    Feeds millions of flamingoes in Rift Valley waterways.

    Africa’s crocodiles are close descendants of dinosaurs;

    Brave archeologists have excavated their fossils galore.

    Africa’s vistas and landscapes are surprisingly diverse

    And practically forbid poets to describe them in verse:

    From sunny savannas, snowcapped peaks seem to rise,

    And Africa’s rivers feed desert vegetation of great size.

    Central African lakes—Malawi, Tanganyika, Victoria—

    Are among the world’s largest from Seattle to Pretoria.

    The Congo river forests are a refuge for chimpanzees.

    Sahel’s savannas extend from Sudan to the Senegalese,

    Dividing Africa’s tropical regions from the hot Sahara.

    Unique plants and animals have developed in Ethiopia.

    Africa is kingdom to the giraffe, zebra, and rhinoceros;

    And large animal populations—like the hippopotamus;

    And mountain predators—lions, leopards, and cheetah;

    And many other species—wild dogs, buffaloes, hyaena.


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