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About this ebook

Two friends Ema and Joshua their lives change completely
when Josh moves years pass and Ema copes she then fi nds out
she and her parents have to move to a different state Colorado
there she meets up again with Josh but little did she know that thats the
place where her life would change she goes to college and thats where
she meets the Ezniezs Alisha, Jessieh, Cassandrah, Maxxon and Robert.
You see the thing is the ezniez along with Joshuas family hide a secret
they are vampires and Josh is a jaguar you see both Robert and Josh love
Ema and they wont give up till she chooses one.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 17, 2014

Jeanna Armas

Jeanna Armas is 32 years old, single no children,went to UEI (United Education Institute) in the El Monte Campus and studied Medical billing and Insurance coding. She lived with her two parents. Her mom Rosario is 73 years young, her dad Manuel is 75 years young, she has ten siblings total and she’s one of the youngest. She worked at Wal-Mart in the city of West Covina in the inland shopping center after she graduated.

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    Midnight - Jeanna Armas

    Copyright © 2014 by Jeanna Armas.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 01/24/2014

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    BOOK 1 Emma

    BOOK 2 Russon

    BOOK 3 Emma

    I want to thank and dedicate this book first of all to god whom without his wisdom and guidance I wouldn’t of been able to finish this book and then my guardian angel who has been with me all my life to take care of me and to Mary mother of god thank you for your love and support and for giving me the dreams that I myself put in this book and last but not least my parent’s I Love You both very much with all my heart without you there’s no me.

    As the sun sets, and moon rises so does all dreams, all hope, all love, along with all else as we are two becoming one and with that comes strength and power that lies in us… .

    By: Jeanna armas

    I saw you kicking on the ground in your blood as I was passing, and I said to you; "you that’s loosing blood, LIVE! and grow like the weeds on a field!, then you started growing; you developed you became a young lady, your breast became firm and your hair grew; but you were stark naked, then I saw you as I was passing by; your time had come, the time for love; I spread my cloak over you and covered your nakedness, I gave you my oath, I made a covenant with you,—declared the lord Yahweh—and you became mine


    so tell me!!! . . . . what will you do for love… . for Robert I stop at nothing, even if it killed me I thought to myself as I ran in a pouring rainy day in Madrid to stop the Archibald’s from harming Robert I was running as fast as I could with every strength in my body, running between people pushing myself threw to stop them in time from killing him I stood in my path looking from one direction to another seeing if Robert was around Ema, in there Alisha said screaming it to me I couldn’t face to loose Robert not now, not ever and not again as I ran inside the building I saw Robert being taken to the Archibald’s my dearest Robert we would be please if you join us, please consider it Bruno said as he reached for Robert’s hand I want to die I heard Robert say the words were like knifes killing me, I saw two men pulling a board and placing it on the floor then Bruno was giving a knife as they lay Robert on the board Robert no… . I remember, I remember I said running to him and standing in front of him… .

    Book 1



    Chapter 1 — It’ll Be A Miracle

    Chapter 2 — Old Friend’s

    Chapter 3 — It’s You They Want

    Chapter 4 — The Ezniez

    Chapter 5 — Test Of Love

    Chapter 6 — Meeting Annett And Dasson

    Chapter 7 — The Chase

    Chapter 8 — The Proposal

    Chapter 9 — I Do

    Chapter 10 — Island Whattitier

    Chapter 11 — Three’s Baby

    Chapter 12 — Kassianne, Judson & Jonahsen

    Chapter 13 — I Was Born To Be A Vampire

    Chapter 14 — Josh & Me

    Chapter 15 — Fight For Freedom

    Chapter 16 — The Ending Is Only The Beginning

    Chapter 1


    Walking threw a long hallway I notice the walls wet water escaping from who knows where, I wasn’t in my time I was in this time period where the houses were lightened by candles where kings had castles, as I walked I noticed the dark hallway being lighted by torches the kind you reached and get to lighten your way I kept walking not knowing where I was going to end up I turn a corner when I heard this hissing sound I looked back scared I started to run for my life I didn’t want this animal that was chasing me to catch up I knew if I did it would do something I raced inside a room closing the door tightly behind me I looked over the window the door had I had left the animal behind I looked around to see where I was I had come across the kitchen I looked around to see what was in there I was shocked when I came upon this dead weird animal the same one that was chasing me worm shape thick with eyes and fangs ready to eat me alive the corps was on the counter cut into pieces ready to be cooked I notice there was a pot boiling with the same animal inside cooking I heard something pounding at the door I knew it was the same animal I had left behind it had caught up to me I raced to see threw small window on the door it didn’t see me it was just there hissing then it looked up I clearly saw the animals eyes it’s blue eyes set on mine it moved back and then pounded the door breaking the wooded stick that held the door closed it kept doing this for two more times it really wanted to get me I looked back seeing there was a door to go to outside it pounded one more time it wanted to kill me that much I knew I took another look over the window I was scared it was already looking at me when I looked over it knew one thing I was grateful for is that it couldn’t fly I had to make a quick choice either stay in here and wait for it to leave or take a chance let the door go and race for my freedom I closed my eyes bit my lips and raced to the door I manage to get the door and close it before it reached me I looked around to see if there was something to hold it closed but there was nothing I looked over the door saw me and started pounding it this animal was trying to get out as it kept hitting the door I was scared I looked back to see what else I could do I knew very well the second I let it go I would be killed the thing kept pushing the door trying to get to me as I held it with all my strength I knew I had to go I took a chance and started running as I looked back scared for my life I knew that the thing that was chasing me was closely behind I looked at all the houses around me with candles outside to lightened the night some were burn out others were just giving their last dim light of the night I rushed up the stairs to one of the houses and twisted the knob to open it but it was locked I rushed to another house and it was also locked the thing that was chasing me was closer I turned to look and there was a house with the candle light on I was scared to go down the steps I knew if I did the animal would bite me but I had to do it I wanted so much to go inside that house I took a chance and started running I was almost to the door when the animal bit me aaaaaahhhhh I screamed of the pain I felt, I woke up sweating scared startled as I open my eyes quickly.

    I was born January 16, 1982 my name Emaliah Jeanna Armas I live in California, Baldwin park to be exact I’m 4ft 8inch tall chubby with long dark black hair blacker than night, that fell beautifully to my hips lips redder than blood cheeks pink as a rose and skin white like snow, then there’s my parent’s my mom the worry wart Matildah who is 35 years old has always been so worried about me I guess it’s because I haven’t had a nice childhood like one time when I was five and was raped but all that is behind me I guess that’s why now as an adult she feel making up for what she feels didn’t do but I don’t care and don’t blame her for nothing she is a good mom, her and my dad where on vacation to Mexico to check on their house not that they need to worried because she left my cousin peter in charge of the house but every year they go and since she worries about me a lot I needed to call her every other day so she could hear my voice and know that I was ok, and then there was my dad Richard a 38 year old man his more relaxed, mellow you couldn’t know what subjects stressed him out I loved that about him.

    It had been three years since they got married my mom for some reason couldn’t get pregnant she walked over with a glass of water sitting next to my dad as he put his arms around her don’t worry honey it’ll happen he assured her putting his feet up on the coffee table

    how are you so sure she questioned him she needed closure a sure answer my dad obviously didn’t have that answer I just know it’ll happen

    ok love you she added getting up and walking to get her gloves to go to the yard where her garden was love you too. stepping outside looking at her beautiful garden and taking time to admire it she closed her eyes took a deep breath opened them and smiled proud to have accomplish such a task they sure are beautiful the next door neighbor commented startling my mom and quickly turning to see who it was

    thank you

    I see you put banana peels

    yes I do. reaching over to cut a dead rose when her scissors fell to the ground shoot

    I hate when that happens be careful don’t get pricked by a rose or you have to make a wish


    yeah didn’t you know that if you get pricked by a rose and blood comes out you have to make a wish but be careful they do come true

    you believe that my mom question there was no way this could happen and for our neighbor to believe meant that superstition is without a doubt out there

    oh yes, well I need to get my meals ready see you around Matildah

    yeah see you around my mom smiled she looked at the roses thinking if that could possibly happen that’s ridiculous she admitted reaching for her scissors she couldn’t get pass that she took a minute and looked at her roses honey my dad called out what… . ouch. she picked up the scissors and notice she had pricked herself

    sorry never mind. she turn to look at the blood coming out deciding if to make a wish

    what could be the harm she told herself I want a little girl with skin white as snow hair black as night eyes brown as the honey lips red as blood cheeks pink as a rose a life different to what we have and know. and licked her finger she took a minute to look at her finger

    this is ridiculous it’ll never happened she told herself and walked inside the house and walked over to put on a bandage what happened my dad asked when he noticed the bandage oh I pricked myself with the rose bush she answered sitting next to him

    oh so are you ok now

    yeah I’m fine she assured him my dad reached in to give her a kiss

    the next morning my mom woke up to find a note on my dads pillow that read… .

    Hey Sweetie,

    I’m waiting for you with your breakfast in the backyard


    Love u always

    She got out of bed and walked outside to meet him good morning beautiful my dad smiled and walked over to kiss her and what’s all this she said amazed that my dad went to trouble for the beautiful night we had

    oh ok she smiled and went to take a seat and started to eat

    honey the breakfast is delicious

    thank you

    did you cook it

    I sure did

    oh if I knew that’s what it takes for you to cook I should do it more often

    you should he said reaching for a kiss

    a month had passed since the rose incident and my mom had completely forgotten, that morning she wasn’t feeling like her usual self she had heartburn oh god she said rubbing her chest what’s wrong my dad asked concern coming in the kitchen as my mom reached for the bottle of antacids it’s this heart burn

    oh… so you want to cook outside on the grill today

    yeah please I really don’t feel like cooking today

    ok I’ll get it started. he walked around to give her a kiss and walked out to the backyard my mom reached over for the packet of chicken that was prepared to put it inside the pot to take to my dad

    oh god yuck. the smell was too harsh for her to take she covered her mouth and raced to the restroom to throw up

    honey what’s wrong are you ok

    it’s the chicken I can’t take the smell she said flushing and sitting on the edge of the tub

    why what’s wrong with it

    nothing just the smell of it got to me

    ok now be careful your pregnant my dad said sarcastically

    yeah sure get out of here it was something I ate just go cook the chicken I’ll be out in a minute

    ok my dad said and left my mom pondered for a second if this could happened I mean why not they had been wanting a baby since they got married and soon accepted the idea that it couldn’t happen she soon remembered what happen with the rose

    no it can’t be true I was being sarcastic she told herself pondering she got up and got a pregnancy test she looked at herself in the mirror and threw a quick smile to herself

    ok this is it she said and took the two test that were in the box she was sitting there nervous biting her lips waiting for the time to pass she looked at her watch

    ok… moment of truth she said standing up and reaching for a test positive it read she reached over for the other one in disbelief positive it read

    oh my god she said smiling covering her mouth and crying she ran out of the restroom to show my dad in a hurry honey look she said showing my dad the test

    no it can’t be he said smiling hard

    it is your going to be a daddy she said happy crying as my dad picked her up and kissed her, months were passing by as they got the nursery ready soon they finish standing in the middle of the room looking around at the nursery we did a good job my mom said walking over to sit on the rocking chair as my dad sat on the couch we sure did he said smiling and pleased ahh my mom said touching her stomach what is it my dad asked standing up and walking to her I think we need to go to the hospital she said as my dad helped her up ok just breath, breath he said helping my mom to the car ahh, wait my mom said taking a deep breath and holding to my dad ok she said as he helped her inside the car

    hold on honey he said and soon the day came when I would come to this world because you see the day I became one she became one but my future was too much to take it would be something we would have to get used to especially me she would hold my hand take me to school watch my every recital go on every doctors appointment I would have and she wouldn’t even mind.

    my mom had told me that right away she knew my name was meant to be Emaliah she said they couldn’t make a mistake on giving her the wrong baby I was born with a blue dot just like the one on her forehead but mine was on my right hand above my thumb

    here’s your baby the nurse said giving me to her ok thank you my mom said taking me in her hands right away she check my hand and threw a sigh of relief what’s wrong the nurse asked turning to look at my mom nothing I’m just happy to have my baby girl with me my mom responded with a smile ok I’ll let you two alone the nurse said and left

    I don’t know what it is but I don’t want to loose you my mom finish saying when my dad walked in the room hey she’s here my dad gushed yeah they just brought her

    here let me carry her my dad said taking me in his arms

    aren’t you a pretty little thing he said as he looked at me with a smile I reached over and wrapped my hand over his finger come on give her to me… I hate sharing her my mom said as she started breastfeeding me she reached for my hand looking at it

    look honey her life line goes all around her thumb she said shocked let me see my dad said taking a look well, how about that my dad said amazed

    what do you think it means

    that she’ll live forever my dad said smiling hard come on be serious

    it’s probably nothing stop being a worry wart

    yeah your right my mom said as she looked at me with a smile just look at her she’s perfect she has a head full of hair blacker than night skin silky and white like the snow lips red as blood cheeks pink as a rose eyes brown as honey… . she said as she stopped herself nervous soon remembering what she had wished for what is it my dad asked when he noticed my mom got quiet he look at me and then at my mom again nothing, just nothing she said putting on a fake smile

    give me her crochet hat and shoes please I want to put them on her my mom said my dad walked over and took out the things for her as she quickly slipped me in them hello the doctor said coming in the room hello doctor my dad said with a smile what’s wrong my mom asked the doctor when she noticed his worry look

    it’s your daughter

    what’s wrong with her!! my mom asked looking at me the room got quiet as they waited for the doctor to tell them what was wrong with me

    the thing is… . all I can say is it’ll be a miracle if she lives past the age of twelve

    so… . what is it… . why… . what’s the reason… I need a name for this things she has my dad demanded in a desperate tone trying to keep calm for my mom, my mom was in shock looking at the wall about what the doctor was saying was wrong with me she started crying as the doctor explain, my mom was without response my dad was in rage that nothing could be done get out! he ordered I’m sorry the doctor said as he left closing the door behind him it’s ok my dad said comforting my mom

    but why! . . . . why! This can’t be… . something can be done… . I know it my mom said crying

    you know he said the odds are against her my dad said taking me in his arms

    no their not… I can feel it, she’s strong… . she’ll live my mom said reaching for me crying honey my dad said putting his arm around her

    no if you don’t think she’ll make it… . Then… . you don’t have to be here you can leave my mom said crying I’m here honey, I’m here I’m not going anywhere my dad said kissing my moms forehead god my mom said reaching for my hand and kissing it, the third day came and my parent’s were home with me and my room was full of baby stuff my mom would take extra care of me she was so scare of loosing me she would take me on all the doctor appointments she was always there on time that’s when she started hovering over me the months pass by and soon came the first day of school I came down the stairs and saw them sitting on the dinning room table as I took a look peeking my head in

    why can’t they come and hi honey come and eat my mom said smiling knowing that I was there

    do I have to I asked walking over to take a seat

    yes you have to go to school my dad said firmly

    we could of used home schooling you know my mom said placing a plate of fruit for me on the table no we talked about this Matildah, she needs to be around kids her own age my dad responded taking food to his mouth

    I know but she’s small than regular kids they might hurt her or push her down and walk all over her my mom said trying to convince my dad but it was clear that he wasn’t going to give in she’ll be fine my dad said looking at me

    you want to play with kids your own age right Ema he asked placing his hand on top of mine yes daddy I said putting on a fake smile

    you see, come on we don’t want to be late my dad said getting up and putting on his sweater as I got up to put on my coat as my mom walked over to put my backpack on me ok come on let’s go my dad said on our way I found myself taking deep breaths as I look out the window looking at the trees passing us by

    we’re here my dad said to me ok I said getting out and putting my backpack on as my mom took my hand and walked me to my classroom ok honey just be nice and if any kids are mean to you just tell the teacher ok she said giving me a hug and fixing my hair as she looked at me ok mommy I said, she took my hand with a firm grip mommy I said turning to look at her she looked down oh sorry honey she said and loosen the grip

    hi is this Ema the teacher said coming over to meet us yes my mom responded

    hi Ema I’m Mrs. Kanter she said smiling and looking at me hi

    ok Mrs. Armas you can go Mrs. Kanter said smiling and taking my hand

    oh I was hoping to stay with her you know just for her first day my mom said oh no I’m sorry we encourage parent’s to let children experience this first day of school on their own

    oh but she’s so small my mom said biting her lips

    I understand Mrs. Armas but I can assure you Ema will be ok

    oh ok my mom was sadden she couldn’t stay this would be the first time ever being away from her sight ok come on Ema Mrs. Kanter said as she took my hand and walked inside I looked around and started crying I want my mommy I said turning around to face the door it’s ok Ema look there’s toys for you to play with Mrs. Kanter said as she took me to meet other student’s look Ema this is peter and Samantha she said introducing us hi peter said with a smile hi. I knew it was a good thing not scary meeting knew people

    here you want to play Samantha said giving me a doll yeah I said smiling and sitting down to play I heard a tapping on the window I turn to look mommy I said getting up and running to the window Ema come on sweetie go and play Mr. Kanter said walking over to take my hand and directing me to my friends I saw her going over and opening the door Mrs. Armas you need to go Ema is fine as you can see

    I know I’m sorry I just wanted to make sure my mom said as I raced to hug her

    ok honey I need to go my mom said smiling and almost crying why mommy I asked

    because you need to learn and be smart she said biting her lips ok mommy bye I said giving her a hug and going back to play ok Mrs. Armas she’s fine Mrs. Kanter said holding to the door Matildah come on my dad said coming over

    I’m coming my mom said turning to look at him ok you take care of her ok my mom said looking at my teacher I will bye she said walking inside the classroom and closing the door behind her I was happy being with my friends considering that I have always been shorter than people my same age I manage to get along a year had gone by I was six it was Cinco de mayo that morning I woke up happy there was going to be a festival for that day and my class was going to perform in front of a crowd of people Ema my mom called out I’m coming mommy I said finishing getting ready and looking at myself in the mirror Ema hurry up we’re going to be late my mom said again as I rushed of to the kitchen finally my dad said coming over to sit down

    here honey have your breakfast my mom said as she set down a plate of fruit for me

    you look beautiful sweetie my dad said smiling thank you daddy

    so honey did you remember your camera my dad asked my mom yes baby she responded sitting down to eat her fruit so are we ready my dad asked looking at me

    yes daddy

    ok come on we don’t want to be late my mom said reaching for my hand.

    Ms. Greutert we’re ready for your class now the principal said walking in the classroom

    ok thank you. I was nervous sitting on my seat with my long red and striped skirt and white blouse ok class everyone stand up making a line Ms. Greutert said going outside ok class we’re going to go up you take your spot just like you are then I’ll tell you when to start with my hands

    please welcome Ms. Greutert’s second grade class whom will be performing our fist dance of the day the principal said as everybody clapped we took our spots she picked up her hand and we started dancing I saw my mom with her camera recording the dance soon we were on a table eating they had a lot of food enchiladas, tacos, churros all the Mexican food you can think of I was busy eating a taco my mom had prepared for me and talking to my friend’s Mrs. Armas I heard Ms. Greutert yes

    can I speak to you privately

    sure my mom said getting my hand and directing the way she wouldn’t let me out of her sight not for one minute I turn to look at my mom and she had a worried look to her Mrs. Armas the reason I pulled you away is to ask you has Ema ever dance before… . you know professionally Ms. Greutert said turning to look at me with a smile um… no, why? my mom responded well the thing is if your interested I was given a scholarship for one student of my choice to take ballet classes and I was wondering if you would like the scholarship for Ema

    I don’t know my mom said thinking if it was a good idea

    it’s near you wouldn’t have to leave town

    please mommy I said looking up at her while pulling her dress to get her attention Ema you want to take ballet classes? my mom asked shocked yeah I do

    ok then I guess she’ll take it my mom said looking at Ms. Greutert

    great, here you go, the classes are Monday thru Friday after school and here is the address she said giving my mom the paper ok thank you my mom said taking my hand and leaving. back home I was happy I was going to dance I turn on my boom box and started dancing in front of the mirror ok Ema come on honey time for bed she said walking in the room and turning off the music mommy I love dancing I said as I lay on my bed I know baby but it won’t be the same like when you dance here at home your going to learn steps dance like the rest of your group it won’t be easy you know that right she said preparing me

    I don’t care mommy I want to dance. I wanted to convince her I could do it that not matter what I was capable mommy why do you call me caterpillar I asked wanting to know did you know that a caterpillar changes into a butterfly she asked no mommy, why? I asked looking at her because it’s a transformation the caterpillar does it’s like when you grow you’re an adult well the caterpillar grows up to be a butterfly

    so one say I’m going to grow and be like a butterfly

    yes baby your going to grow and fly spread your winds

    I like butterflies I responded with a smile just promise me something she said fixing my hair what mommy

    that you never fly far enough for me to catch

    ok mommy

    ok well she said giving me a kiss now good night go to sleep she said reaching for my empty cup of milk and walking over to turn off the light love you little caterpillar she said throwing me a kiss I know momma butterfly I said catching the kiss and throwing one to her as she reached for it and then to turn the light off and closing the door. It was my first day of class orientation and I was excited we arrived to this big building that had a big sign that read first academy dancing studio for children my mom walked around the car to help me off taking my hand extra firm mommy your hurting me

    oh sorry baby she said loosening the grip come on then she said taking a deep breath relax momma butterfly

    ok little caterpillar she responded giving me a smile hello how can I help you the lady in the lobby asked yes I got this scholarship from Ms. Greutert she’s my daughter’s teacher my mom said giving the lady the paper

    oh yes one moment please I’ll notify the teacher your here

    come on Ema my mom said taking my hand and walking over to take a seat

    are you nervous baby

    a little… but I’m ok I responded you sure are strong and tough she said reaching to move my hair out of my face we can go if you want

    no mommy I want to dance

    ok she said giving me a nervous smile Mrs. Armas the lady said walking over to meet us hi I’m Ms. Cepeda I’ll be Ema’s teacher she said reaching to shake my mom’s hand hi

    hi Ema how are you? Are you excited? ms. Cepeda asked hi, yeah

    good, Mrs. Armas let’s go to my office and talk and get Ema all set up she said directing the way the place was fancy like nothing I’ve ever seen before I looked up at the ceiling it was covered art I noticed a painting of a man naked sitting down on a cloud pointing with his finger

    ok first I want to welcome Ema and you to the academy now did Ms. Greutert explain that this is a promotional scholarship so saying, like a coupon for only one year if you want to continue you’ll have to pay the tuition fee for the rest of the time Ema’s with us Ms. Cepeda said taking her seat as my mom took a seat oh… no she didn’t

    we’ll you see this is only to give student’s the opportunity to see who we are… . an experience for them

    oh I see, and how much are these classes of yours

    they are $976.54

    is that for each year

    no that’s the price for three month’s Ms. Cepeda said looking at my mom

    then I guess we’ll only take the classes that the scholarship pays for

    ok so it’s only for one year Ema will be with us

    yes I’m sorry but at the moment we can’t afford throwing money away like this

    I see, well let me show you around the campus

    right this way Ms. Cepeda said leading the way

    this is the locker room where Ema will come every morning and change for rehearsal, I was amazed of how fancy and big it was so clean and organized

    and this will be Ema’s locker she said reaching over to open it as I looked inside it was big, long now let’s go to the studio where Ema will be practicing she said closing the locker and directing the way we’ll come back and put her uniform in here oh before I forget the things you are being giving can’t leave campus they will stay in the academy

    ok… . sure my mom said looking around and this is the studio Ms. Cepeda said I walked in looking at the whole room I was amazed I walked over to look at myself in the mirror I was amazed of how many mirrors there were no walls except the mirrors that were placed as walls wow I finally said as I looked at myself come on Ema my mom said extending her hand for me to take this way please Ms. Cepeda said walking over

    to the office inside the studio and reaching for a uniform

    here you go this is your uniform Ema backpack, slippers and locker combination and locker number her access key this is to show the front desk so she can come in and behind it has my information ok let’s see am I forgetting anything she said looking around and thinking if she forgot anything

    oh yes we encourage our student’s to wear their hair up it doesn’t matter how as long as is up

    ok sure my mom said ok her leggings her lesson planner it’s already filled with events that we’ll be attending most of the recitals will be here I’ll show you the auditorium later and the yard

    ok let’s go back to the locker room so we can put the stuff inside after I’ll show you the cafeteria then auditorium and of course the yard

    this is an impressive school tell me Ms. Cepeda how many student’s of the academy become professional dancers

    ok let’s see we start teaching our student’s at about age four and continue to age twenty she said thinking age twenty

    yes you see they go around dancing at age fifteen and talent agents come to see our student’s then at age twenty they pick one they won’t risk before that age

    wow… so about what percent my mom asked again about 77% become professional dancers the 20% graduate with a diploma she responded as she opened the door to go inside the locker room what about the 3%

    when that happens is because the parent’s pulled them out or like Ema they only take the scholarship trial Ms. Cepeda said walking over to open the locker

    so if I like how you teach and want to keep Ema here I still have time to decide

    yes of course Ms. Cepeda said putting the stuff inside

    now the classes start at 2 and end at 8 Monday thru Friday

    ok my mom agreed ok almost done with the tour let’s go to the cafeteria she said smiling and leading the way

    tell me Ms. Cepeda will this interfere with Ema doing her homework

    of course not we give them an hour of break during that break the parent’s take the advantage to go to the cafeteria and do the homework Ms. Cepeda said opening the door of the cafeteria

    as you can see during that hour of break we have food here that you can buy we have a variety of vending machines your snack bar over there she said pointing it out

    this is an impressive school

    thank you we do the best to keep the academy clean and of course we put our 100% in our student’s

    ok let’s go to the auditorium I couldn’t help to notice the big long room they had so beautiful with seats all over and this is the auditorium it holds about two hundred and forty five thousand people

    wow I said in amazed looking at everything

    I know Ms. Cepeda said walking in as we followed her she walked over and stood on the stage as we took a seat here is where Ema is going to perform three times a month you will be giving four ticket to invite anybody you like any additional tickets are a hundred she said

    ok let’s go to the yard it’s very beautiful we just had it renovated

    I just can’t get over how much room is in here

    yes we want our student’s to feel comfortable Ms. Cepeda said as she stopped turning to look at my mom oh I’m sorry I forgot to tell you in the far corner of each room is a room that our student’s are directed inside in case of an emergency the panic room

    oh wow emergency my mom said concern yes years back we had somebody that came in here and well you can only imagine the scare our student’s got, but don’t worry it’s quite safe now, now let me show you she said walking inside a room and walking to the corner

    and this is the room as you can see is quite big for student’s, parent’s, and teacher’s to go inside she said holding the door open for my mom to take a look I reached my head inside to take a look it was so big I couldn’t get over it as I noticed my moms scared look don’t worry Mrs. Armas we have drills each month we’re thankful that nothing has happened

    knock on wood my mom responded

    yes Ms. Cepeda agreed

    ok let me show you the yard she said closing the door and directing the way

    and this is the yard she said walking outside. it was beautiful a pond in the distance chairs tables they had it all this is where our student’s come during the summer

    ok I think that’s all let’s go to my office

    do you have any questions Ms. Cepeda asked taking her seat

    no just that if by the end of the year if Ema still wants to attend the academy can she still do so or does she have to pay like a fee or just pay after that

    no if Ema wants to continue she can… all you would need is pay the fee along with the rest of the parent’s Ms. Cepeda informed

    ok thank you my mom said standing up and shaking Ms. Cepeda’s hand

    thank you… see you Monday Ema

    ok I said smiling, I was excited I couldn’t wait to start,

    honey are you excited my mom asked ones we were inside the car

    yes mommy

    good I said I was looking at all the trees passing us by I was so happy full of life.

    I had fallen asleep on the car I was dreaming of dancing in my uniform happy full of life when I saw a tall man standing in the distance looking down at a box he had next to his feet he was sad, looking inside, I walked over to stand next to him as I looked at him and then at the box

    you know… . things happened for a reason was all he said

    yeah I said looking down at the box I felt his sadness he was full of regret Ema… . Ema sweetie wake up my mom said touching my hand yeah mommy I said rubbing my eyes are we home I said looking around

    nope we’re getting you that doll you been wanting she said smiling

    the American child I said happy

    yes and guess what you can paint your room she said happy I was excited I unbuckled my seat belt in a hurry

    wait… . mommy why are you buying me the doll after days off asking I asked suspicious no reason honey I was just thinking that for ones I give you what you want she said biting her lips that was the first day that I bit my lips also I was nervous

    no mommy tell me what happened asked nervous I didn’t want her to tell me that they were going to break up I just didn’t want to hear it

    well honey your friend josh is moving

    what!! I said shocked and holding back the tears

    yeah honey they’ll be leaving in a couple of minutes

    NO!!! I said crying as my mom got out of the car and got in back to hug me

    it’s ok honey… shhhh she said comforting me I want to go home I want to see him I said crying ok but let’s get your doll first ok she said moving my hair come on she said taking my hand and walking inside the store honey go ahead pick the one you want

    I want the 1973 Rosaline I said sad and reaching for it

    ok honey come on let’s go and get your paint she said taking my hand she took small cans that were different colors and paid we pulled up to the driveway I saw Josh coming out running I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out I raced to hug him josh don’t go I said crying and holding him hard I don’t want to he said crying I turn to look at the truck already pulling away josh I said crying and hugging him hard

    come on Josh we have to leave his dad said coming over for him no josh I said crying and hugging him Ema josh said as we both cried our eyes out come on josh his dad said getting his arm and taking him and putting him in the car josh I said crying so hard as I ran after the car and my mom ran after me as josh looked at me crying from the back seat come on honey she said carrying me and taking me inside let go I said running to my room and racing to my bed and crying Ema honey my mom said putting the things she had bought me on the floor and walking over to take me in her arms mommy why I asked crying

    well honey Luke wanted to spend time with his family his going to visit

    are they coming back

    I don’t know baby maybe they didn’t sell the house she said giving me a kiss on my forehead ok so how about you paint something on the wall… uh she said to lighten the mood I don’t want to I said putting my face on my pillow ok honey I’ll give you sometime alone ok just call me if you need me she said walking out, it’s been three days since josh left and I haven’t heard of him I was walking inside my room put my backpack on the floor I saw the doll and the color paint still inside the store bag I walked over and took the doll out of the package hi Rosaline I’m Ema you want to be friend’s I said putting her on the floor sitting her on her chair good I said turning to look at the cans of paint oh I was going to paint something on my wall but I don’t want to anymore

    I’m sad cause my friend josh left

    no they lend it to some people I said getting happy

    your right they didn’t sell it so they are coming back some time I said walking over and taking the cans in my hands and opening them and started painting

    I’m going to paint a rose I love roses I said taking the brush and painting

    what’s going on in here my mom asked walking in and seeing me paint

    I’m painting a rose I said smiling

    that’s good now let’s not get those clothes dirty ok so let’s put these on she said putting a head band on my head and putting a robe on me thank you mommy I said giving her a hug ok I’ll leave you to finish she said walking out ok rose now the thing is circles you need circles to make a rose soon I substituted my friendship with josh to my doll soon the week was gone and that Monday I woke up happy ready for school and most of all ready for the academy Ema my mom said walking inside my room

    I’m up mommy I said coming out of the restroom

    wow you sure are excited she said coming over to comb my hair

    I am mommy

    come on we don’t want to be late remember don’t forget your homework were going to do it at the academy. my mom said parking ok mommy I said as I rushed out of the car and inside my classroom for the day to be over

    hey Ema I heard your mommy’s taking you to the dancing studio Maya asked


    how fun she finish saying when Ms. Greutert walked in

    ok class take out your books and read chapter 7. I took out the book and started reading the hours were passing by slowly I would turn every minute to look at the clock as Ms. Greutert stood in front of the class to lecture

    and with all the elements of the solar system that’s how power saving is obtain she finish saying when the bell rang

    ok class you have your homework in your backpacks don’t forget to bring the permission slips tomorrow or you won’t go to the field trip she said walking over to her desk as I quickly got my stuff and stuffed it in my backpack

    Ema honey can I see you she said before I had the time to rush out the door

    yeah I said walking over to her desk

    did you see the academy already

    yes I said trying to rush her

    did you like it

    yeah I start today

    oh that’s good I hope I get to see you dance

    yeah I’ll let my mom know so you can come to one of the shows

    that would be good


    ok I won’t keep you have fun ok she said smiling

    thank you Ms. Greutert… . I will

    ok honey good luck… hurry

    thank you I said going around the table to hug her


    bye I said running out the door to meet my mom as I rushed inside the car

    ok I see somebody is excited my mom said smiling

    I am… now go mommy I begged


    don’t forget to get your homework out

    I won’t I said getting my folder out of my backpack and a pencil

    you have everything honey my mom said smiling and taking my hand as she took the folder off my hands

    just have fun honey ok my mom said

    yeah I said as we walked in and my mom showed the access key to the front desk person ok honey I’ll wait for you in the studio ok you go and change

    ok mommy I said and she gave me a kiss I walked in as I noticed the other student’s looking at me I reached my locker and opened it

    hi I’m sally she said when she closed her locker

    hi I’m Ema I said smiling

    who’s your teacher

    Ms. Cepeda I said taking my outfit out placing it on the floor

    oh she’s my teacher too

    oh I said taking off my coat and changing into my outfit

    good luck my first day we had to dance in front of people she said walking away I felt motionless with what she said what if I only had to practice today and tomorrow we dance in front of a crowd I was scared

    ok girls be in your rooms in five minutes the lady said walking to all the ails as I hang up my regular clothes inside the locker I couldn’t help to get scared

    ok girls come on the lady said walking in again and walking out I quickly ran inside the panic room and started crying it didn’t take long for my mom to miss me I had taken a

    minute in here before she came looking for me

    Ema, Ema I heard my mom called out I had my head resting on my legs crying

    Ema, Ema where are you! I heard her worried voice say

    Ema, honey Ema, where are you she said scared

    oh there you are she said relief as she came to my side

    honey why are you crying

    I’m scared mommy

    but why I thought you loved dancing

    no I want to go home

    but why come on tell me honey one minute your happy ready to get your uniform on and now you want to go home

    because a girl told me that on her first day she had to dance in front of people and I’m not ready for that… I haven’t even practice I said crying again

    oh honey look at me she said reaching over for me and wiping off my tears

    look at the book and you see this date that’s a month from now you have a lot of time to learn your steps before then she said comforting me

    I will I said wiping the tear off my cheek

    yes now come on Ms. Cepeda is waiting she said reaching for my hand and closing the door

    mommy do you think I’ll be good I asked her pursing my lips

    little caterpillar I know you’ll be great she said giving me a kiss

    thank you mommy I said giving her a hug,

    oh thank god you found Ema we were worried Ms. Cepeda said walking over to meet us

    yes she was in the panic room my mom said

    oh Ema sweetie are you ok Ms. Cepeda asked me

    sally said that she danced in front of people on her first day… I’m not ready I said looking at Ms. Cepeda

    sally honey can you come here please Ms. Cepeda said looking at her mad

    yes Ms. Cepeda sally said with a nervous tone

    you know you didn’t dance on your first day here now you apologize to Ema for scaring her Ms Cepeda ordered

    sorry Ema sally said looking me

    it’s ok I said biting my lips

    ok are you ok now Ms. Cepeda asked

    yes I said as I noticed sally in the far distance smiling hard

    ok, now class if you’ll all take your places… Ema this is your place Ms. Cepeda said taking my hand and placed me in my spot

    ok were going to start with simple steps were going to be black swans ok now look at me she said she was ready a good dancer I quickly learned the steps

    ok now you she said looking at us I saw my mom sitting looking at me dance

    ok class we are going to dance in front of people in a month so we need to practice, practice. soon the month came and me and my mom were on our way to school my first day that I’ll be dancing in front of a crowd

    come on honey hurry we’re late she said getting out of the car and rushing to where the buses would be

    oh thank god… there you are Ms. Cepeda said relief

    ok class get in. sitting on the bus watching the trees as we passed them

    oh, Mrs. Armas before I forget were going to take the train after this to get to our destination, I hope Ema doesn’t mind she said looking at my mom as she turn to look at me I was scared I didn’t want to get on a train

    um, no of course not my mom said giving her a fake worried smile

    mommy I don’t want to get on a train I said nervous

    It’ll be ok Ema Ms. Cepeda said trying to comfort me

    ok I said not convinced I turned to look at the view outside scared to arrive at the train station the time flew by quickly, soon were in line to get on the train as our turn came my mom reached for my hand I looked at the train how long and big it was another train arrived whistling as I covered my ears

    ok come on Ema my mom said reaching for my hand

    no, no I said scared and pulling away

    honey it’s ok my mom said

    mommy no, no, no I said crying my eyes out and pulling away

    Mrs. Armas we need to get on Ms. Cepeda said

    mommy no, no I said crying and pulling away

    god Ema honey my mom said reaching to carry me in I was crying so hard I saw the doors being closed I felt trapped the whole way I felt numbed not myself, I was out of my body and I was looking at myself from the opposite direction trying to revive myself my legs felt weak soon I felt a heaviness over them as I kept looking at myself I reached over to touch my hand and then my face I felt a tear down my cheek why didn’t my mom care why did she listen to Ms. Cepeda instead of my crying, my plea not to get on I reached over to touch my head and I disappeared the heaviness was still on my feet as I was left feeling numbed this girl that was left behind was not me anymore it was somebody else staying behind to take care of this body that I had left soon I saw myself again I smiled reaching for my face

    oh my god Ema my mom said scared as I started shaking a lot I was having a seizure

    lay her on the floor Ms. Cepeda said

    don’t touch her she said reaching for her phone to call an ambulance I saw me again smiling I kept looking at myself I reached over to closed my eyes as I started dreaming walking threw the forest in a white gown

    hi she said coming out from the side of a tree I got confused why was there two of me

    are you my twin I asked looking at her scared

    no… come on let’s go play on the slide she said running to get on the slide I walked over and stood there watching her come down the slide

    come on it’s fun she said smiling

    who are you? I asked

    I’m taking care of you till you feel better

    what happened?

    Ema it’s ok come lets play your mommy is taking care of your body and I’m taking care of your soul

    why? I said again

    you got really scared you don’t like trains you started shaking a lot she said informing me

    who told you to take care of me

    god she said racing to get on the slide again

    wait I said racing after her as she started running deep in the woods

    wait I said again running after her as she looked back laughing she came upon this house and ran inside it, I stood still wondering if I should follow her inside

    come on she said calling me over with her hand

    no I said as she came to my side

    it’s ok my mommy’s inside she made us some spaghetti

    my mommy said not to go inside strangers house I said sitting on the grass

    it’s ok my mommy knows you she said sitting on the floor with me

    she does

    yeah she knows a lot of people, I saw this beautiful lady coming out of the house and walking to where we were

    hi Ema she said sitting down on the grass with me

    hi I said scared

    don’t be scared Ema, my name is Mary I’m your mommy’s friend she said to tell you she loves you a lot and she wants you a lot Mary said smiling and reaching to move my hair out of my face

    are you hungry she asked


    well, I have some spaghetti if you want some

    but my mommy said not go with strangers

    your mommy said it was ok, just until you go back to her

    ok I said, she took my hand I looked around her house it was nice

    come on Ema she said setting a plate down for me I walked over and took a seat as I turn to look at the plate

    what’s your name I asked the girl that look like me

    Michaela she said eating I looked at my food go ahead Ema Mary said smiling I reached over to take the fork in my hand

    it’s good I said when I tasted the food

    thank you she said standing up

    where’s my mommy I asked Michaela

    she’s here Michaela said eating

    where! I said looking around

    Ema honey eat Mary said smiling

    ok. the afternoon came as I wish I could go home

    Ema, Michaela come in here please Mary said from the room as we went

    lets change you out of those clothes, as she finish changing me I looked down at what I was wearing I don’t like it I said looking at Mary

    I know my little tomboy but just wear it for me ok

    ok I said smiling

    ok I guess you can go out and play

    come on Michaela said reaching for my hand and rushing out the door I was having fun playing on the swings then the slide ok you two… . here I brought you these sweaters she said as we both raced to

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