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How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within: The Simple Way to Commune with God and Get the Answers You Need
How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within: The Simple Way to Commune with God and Get the Answers You Need
How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within: The Simple Way to Commune with God and Get the Answers You Need
Ebook718 pages28 hours

How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within: The Simple Way to Commune with God and Get the Answers You Need

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How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within. In How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within, author Billy Dugger offers readers a new and very effective way to simply commune with God and get the answers you need. He explains in an everyday conversational style just how organic life actually got started on earth. This is totally different than the evolution theory or the idea that we were created instantly, as some believe. The book is in three separate sections and is 550 pages long. It also answers the three main questions: Where did you come from? Why are you here? Where are you going? The last section includes a very effective meditation technique that takes only a few seconds to use.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 14, 2010
How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within: The Simple Way to Commune with God and Get the Answers You Need

Billy Dugger

Billy is a 47-year member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 702. He retired in 2004. Received an Associate degree in electronic technology in August 1969. Graduated from the University of Science and Philosophy in Swannanoa, Waynesboro, Virginia 1980. Certifi ed in the science and art of hypnosis by Sidney A. Schneider Sep. 7, 1980. Certifi ed as a Practitioner of Neuro- Linguistic Programming by Steve Anderson, Chicago, IL. 1989. Member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists Sep. 1994 by Jo Rickerson. Board member of the Associates Dedicated to Life in Balance, Carbondale, IL 1997. And a board member of the Huna Research Center in Cape Girardeau, Mo. 1999. Enjoys teaching others about the illuming Ecstasy within us all.

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    Book preview

    How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within - Billy Dugger


    Section I

    A note to my wonderful reader

    Transmuting the Elements


    An important fact for you to know before reading

    Acquiring God-awareness

    A 3 second Meditation

    Walking and Talking with God is a Skill.

    Becoming the Ecstatic Existence

    You are any of 8 Geniuses.

    One more Thing

    This is the Science of the most Important Law of Your Life.

    How to read this book.

    What it’s like to Be and work in God-awareness

    Chapter 1:—Where did you come from?


    All Things Live Through 9 stages.

    There are only 2 Desires in all Creation

    How many thoughts do you think?

    Sins can be Analyzed by the Elephant and the Mouse Seesaw

    Let’s do a visualization of all that’s taken place so far.

    Seeking Your Light of Ecstasy

    What’s really important to you and God

    You can’t be an Individual

    That which you know you cannot see and that which you can see you cannot Know

    Droplets of water explain why there are planets and stars.

    Nothing but our awareness is ever without God.

    What’s more important than what you believe about God

    You form the reaction while you are giving.

    Your twisted life can be untwisted with Ecstasy of communing

    Think about this way to diet and lose weight

    Motion is where the doer is and stillness is where the knower is

    Ecstasy from God will help you not to be led around by anyone

    The last lesson we need from our ocean

    All you give back to earth is by your equator.

    Desire is gravity.

    Every human is a manifesting soul pattern

    You have to act the way you were meant to

    God gave us everything all at once

    Elements do not chase each other to mate

    Balance to be reached

    Scientific answer to Why be good?

    Chemistry is sex.

    Your electric senses are made of atomic systems of bees

    The universe does not add it multiplies

    Chapter 2:—Dimension

    Dr. Einstein thought the universe is an object-.

    Cosmic Consciousness

    How we desire to die-.

    Chapter 3:—Let’s take Dimension away for now—Why are you here?


    We are Slaves to our complexity

    Section 2

    Creation is living Consciousness

    The difference between the ape FoxP2 gene and the human Fox P2 gene.

    Sensing of the body is habitual while Ecstasy of God-awareness is potential.

    Rhythmic balance.

    You always divide to combine

    Anatolia 7,400 years ago

    Wordless communication in identities

    You can’t act.

    There are only 3 words for the mind of God.

    Create Realization not affirmation

    The One’s that’ll really help you make progress

    Where are you going?—(Need to contact me with question?)

    Motion means to desire to seesaw.

    How to study Your life with God.

    On Purpose success

    Essence of Word work

    What tells me this is a lemon?—What does the flower tell the bee?—What does the church bell tell you?

    What it means to give

    Ministers do not give this to your congregation without giving to yourself-

    Healing yourself with Ecstasy

    Meet yourself this time!

    Section I


    There are several books out there that try to teach and influence our beliefs about the universe and God. I have positively no intention to change your beliefs about God. It is also not my intention to change the world by teaching everyone the mentality of ecstatic god-awareness. This would be an impossible and a regretful task. Every person would have to be ready for such illumining (we’d all have to be alike!) That failed effort would destroy all hopes of developing this almost unheard of mental ability that now lies dormant in literally 99% of us. Instead I’d like to demonstrate my own ecstatic awareness and hope to help those few who may be ready for such a glorious and workable mentality to desire and get into it. The ability to commune with God from within and know God’s balancing ways and processes in any given situation will help you to create the balanced life you desire. You’ll find a part of you that you had no idea was in you. This book is about you changing the world by changing the elements in your life situation.

    Instead of my trying to change the world with words. I’d like to expose this wonderful mentality to you the reader by way of experience in Light itself. I hope that you’ll will take up the study of the elemental charts, inert gas descriptions and help bring to life the transmutation of the elements from the spiritual standpoint. My teachers Dr. Walter and his wife Lao Russell has left us with all we need to figure out this miracle making science. To know the universe spiritually instead of just by your electric body sensing is something few have ever heard of much less considered doing.

    We ourselves have the computers that the Russell’s did not have to accomplish this task and I believe that we can save ourselves from self-destruction and transform the world with transmutation work. Just to be able to have ecstatic communing in your ability is the most wonderful gift one could ever hope for. However this is not a book on transmutation. Rather it is a book designed to talk with you as a person and show some things about nature that you may have never recognized before. Hopefully that new recognition of your own ecstatic Light will leave you deeply inspired and perhaps give you a deeper understanding of the real creator you are right now!

    However just what does it mean to the average person to "transmute the elements?

    To put it into simple terms every form or object everywhere is made of basic chemical elements arranged in given pressures. By using the ecstatic God-awareness mentality God gave to the Russell’s and taught in their study materials we could accomplish the unwinding structure of such chemical and elemental arrangements back into the basic form. Instead of recycling we could unwind a form and have the raw materials left to create something else with. We could do away with trash right in the home where it was first made by transforming it back into the basic form it was made from is just one small example. If you don’t like the cake just transform it back into the basic ingredients you started out with to put it more simply. Although this example is a bit comical it is the simplest way I can explain transmutation. With such power we could transmute any metal from any other metal. The ability to change gold would change the world as you can imagine. Some may say that this is a pipe dream. Yet when we know the universe as Light under certain mathematical pressures plus how we’ve already done some tranmutating with the elements of so called matter, the idea does seem possible. The people we’re about to talk about certainly did some important work along these lines with science.

    This process would literally change the way we view the universe and ourselves as well. Most importantly it would bring God into our self-awareness where God intends to be in human affairs. God would become our constant companion. We could have greater understanding of gravity and outer space as well. We could create wonderful new cures for diseases. We would know that all answers to all questions are within us. Food supplies could change over night. We’d know the simple principle the universe is based upon. We control the pressures of the atmosphere and thus have a better understanding of weather. This would help us to perhaps manage Carbon and maybe do more about global warming. We’d have such a great understanding of the inert gases that we’d realize just how we’ve created deformed children through our own ignorance. Medical science would change literally over night.

    However the number one benefit that ecstatic God-awareness would bring to mankind is the knowing of what he and she really is and why we are on this planet. Unbelievable as it may sound but murder and stealing would be a thing of the past. As desire to be like the Light that balances us would dominate every human thought. We’ll understand ourselves as Light and not some evolved animal like creature. If we change science we’ll change all other aspects of life as well. Mankind would begin to treat each other as God intends. Just look at what science has accomplished in the last 200 hundred years.

    In fact I’m 64 years old and life is absolutely nothing like it was when I was a child. Science changes education, industry, and religion with hardly a lift of the finger. Science really changes us and we change everything else. If we are to ever change the effects we now face each and every day we must get to know the cause and the source of all motion.


    My purpose for writing the book How to Find Your Light of Ecstasy Within:

    My deepest wish is to help you to understand the unique and almost unheard of mentality known as Cosmic Thinking. In fact more than just understand it, I want you to actually experience the wonderful ecstasy that always accompanies knowing God’s ways in nature. I offer you my way to get into the ecstatic and wise teacher we all have within us. How can I do this? What qualifies me to help you find such a glorious mentality?

    Allow me to answer that question with a brief story.

    Back in the early spring of 1979, my wife and I along with our two young children were in Chicago, IL. We were visiting my wife’s parents for a few days. I was excited because I had signed up for a business and self-help seminar. The seminar itself was very informative and I enjoyed the new contacts I had with other participants. However it was the free gift I was given at the end of the seminar that literally changed my life. It was a little blue book with a picture of an artist on the front. The title was The Man Who Discovered The Secrets of The Universe by Glenn Clark. You can find this book right now at, or call them at 1-800-882-5683, and I urge you to please do so. Their President’s name is Mr. Michael P. Hudak, a very busy but helpful man.


    What I offer you here is not based upon beliefs about God nor is this science based upon experimentation. You’ll better understand if you decide to use the special way to meditate into the ecstasy mentality I’ll show you. Once you learn the science you’ll realize why it only takes three seconds to use this meditation.

    There are numerous organized systems teaching us about God and God’s ways and processes in nature. I wish to expose to you the only spiritual system that has been known to actually change the Mandeleef table of elements. In so doing the Russell science brought the never before heard of Inert gases for the creation of the atomic age into being. Not only that but the charts drawn by Dr. Russell and his wife Lao have made numerous improvements in today’s understanding of the universe. God gave this science to us through the cosmic illuminations of both Dr. Walter Russell and his wonderful wife Lao. Without our realizing it the Russell’s have brought science and God together in such a manner as to allow God to be recognized in scientific laboratories around the world. A fellow student informed me recently that the Russell science has been used to make metals stronger and lighter. I want to finish telling you about that free gift I received though.

    I took the little blue book I got free home and found the most profound claim in it. It was about a man I’d never heard of before, but was just the type of person I was most interested in meeting. His name is Doctor Walter Russell.

    Dr. Russell used his own type of meditation he called God-awareness to achieve remarkable things. He gave the world of science the knowledge of the existence of plutonium, neptunium, deuterium, and tritium. This later changed the Medeleef table of elements for the entire world of science. All this has been in copyright. He did this through the use of his meditation. In other words he did not study science to discover these precious elements of nature. He was able to go deep within his invisible self.

    He is the Father of the atomic age, and in my opinion has affected the lives of every human being on earth in some way. The American Academy of Sciences awarded him his Doctor’s Degree in 1941.

    He had no prior education in science, nor did he desire to have. He received his knowledge through what is called Cosmic Illumination. This is a condition where the two lobes of the brain electrically short together, and one enters into the knowing of the Universal Light of Being, which we all are. This condition will eventually become the norm for humans. Yet our spiritual growth is deeply deficient at this time. We do not desire such a mental condition because we are not aware that it exists. This is due to ignorance of the Light of ecstasy and the lack of desire for it. We lost our desire for the Light within thousands of years ago and it must be awakened once again so we can understand it and balance our lives by living in it. We do not yet realize we are creators of ourselves. We must knowingly desire to create from our ecstatic selves, and we’ll investigate the mentality that commands creating.

    Inspiration is not understood as a flash of communication from our Light of God. This is a spiritual universe we live in and we make life hard on ourselves finding this out. Life becomes balanced only when we become knowingly balanced in our own Light. Our illumination is what’s needed, not just our information.

    Dr. Russell had experienced several of these illuminations throughout his life and he described a wonderful ecstasy that always came with these illuminings. Earlier he had become the official painter for Theodore Roosevelt, Governor Ames of Massachusetts and many other famous families. He said he always painted within his God-awareness. He meant the actual Being within the light of all knowing was within his awareness. In other words he knew he was the Light, not just in the Light.

    After one of his illumining experiences, and again without any previous training, he began to design great buildings in architecture. In New York he erected thirty million dollars worth of studio and apartment buildings. He also designed the artist colony on West 67th Street where he lived. In all he designed some eighty million dollars worth of architectural structures. We’re talking about money of the early nineteen hundreds too.

    Later at the age of 56, he became the official sculptor for Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Victor Herbert and many others. He was also the author of several books. Including writing several books along with his wife. Together they wrote the home study course for teaching others their wonderful ecstatic God-awareness meditation and ecstatic mentality. Both Dr. Russell and his wife Lao were complete masters in everything they desired to do. They knew their universal relationship with the Light of God. Dr. Russell himself was called the Modern Leonardo, and Dean of the Arts.

    His accomplishments would take more than this entire book just to list. The above is just a few things that have caught my attention, sense I’ve been with the organization. Dr. Russell and his wife Lao formed what is now the University of Science and Philosophy in Waynesboro, Virginia feel this is the most important thing Lao Russell accomplished. It is mainly because of her that we can understand the science of Dr. Russell. Lao Russell is a cosmic thinker in her own right.

    So what does all this have to do with you, and helping you to discover your own unique brand of God-awareness in ecstasy? You must understand that it is so vitally important that I help you, or reveal to you this ecstatic mentality that lies within you. Some people realize their special ecstatic place and go there as often as they can.

    These people are often accused of being absent-minded, and often do very poor in the traditional schools because their imaginations take over their complete focus. Parents often do not understand their children’s condition and berate them for losing focus of attention in and out of school. They often grow up feeling deprived spiritually, and seek their revenge in violent ways. They often go within to find comfort from the ecstatic light they love. Birth into the spiritual world is just as difficult as that of the physical one at this time. The way we live and how we try to educate our children has much to do with our comprehension of the Light within us. Comprehending the Light and being illumined has nothing to do with what you believe about God. The science I mention in this book is the only spiritual discipline that has been known to actually change the table of elements. As a result of that change during the 1930’s, every person on Earth has been affected in some way.

    Acquiring your God-awareness

    There are those who constantly seek into different religions trying to find the light that is just beneath their waking state of awareness. You see your soul is the only living thing in you. You really don’t need a book or a religion to teach you about your soul. You need to know how to get away from body awareness and acquire your God-awareness of ecstasy. Your body is pulsing only because of your living eternal One Being is centering it right now. That Being is the real you in ecstasy. You must by all means discover that ecstatic person you really are my wonderful friend. I cannot list all the life time benefits you’ll experience from finding your ecstasy. You’ll not want to live without that glorious knowing in the Light of you. You’ll rather leave home without your arms and legs as to leave without your ecstasy of knowing you inner One.

    Don’t get me wrong, this book is not the only one that may help you find you ecstasy. But I do hope it points you toward the seeking of that place of glory within you. The Russell’s have been directly responsible for helping me to work up to my level of God-awareness. This is a unique and almost unheard of mentality. Illuminating flashes come direct from the soul and mankind knows very little beyond beliefs when it comes to realizing spiritual communing with God. Ecstatic knowing from within has nothing to do with your religion or beliefs about God. It is a condition of totally forgetting one’s body awareness and becoming the ecstatic being each of us really are within and beyond the vibrating senses of our body awareness.

    A three-second Meditation

    You deserve your ecstasy just as much as you deserve your arms. It is a part of your very Self. You must find it now to balance your thinking now. The effects will result in a balanced life beyond anything you could otherwise imagine. I offer you an easier and quicker way to know the Light of God through a meditation technique that takes only 2 to 3 seconds to use. Your ecstasy comes from your experiences in the Light not from the information offered in this book. Therefore I’ll show you how to experience your Inner Self by way of forgetting your body sensing just long enough to start recognizing the ecstasy that centers your body. You must first read the entire book, learn to use the meditation, then re-read the book meditating each paragraph to get the most I offer you. It only takes 3 seconds to use my technique.

    I feel that I myself am more like the average person than a special born Cosmic Thinker like Dr. Russell and his wife. I feel I know what you are going through in everyday work and play. I wish to be looked upon as a simple reporter of the most beautiful thing we now possess. Our world peace demands that we learn how to balance human relationships. You must learn balance from the Light of God within you. Information can’t teach you balance. You are a pearl waiting to be found. Here’s why. Once you learn how to knowingly get into your ecstasy within you’ll have the highest form of inspiration there is. God talks to all creatures by way of ecstatic flashes of Light. These flashes are a natural way for humans to commune with God from moment to moment. You’ll become addicted to your Inner flashes of Light, as I have, once you learn how to commune and why to commune the way I show you. You see you acquire the ability to commune by way of desire. You could commune right this moment if you have an understanding of your relationship with the Light within you. Human had this ability thousands of years ago but material thinking buried it so deep most people are unaware of its existence today. You’ll also learn the spiritual skill of what I call the w/t out in nature. To w/t means to take any problem or concern you have out somewhere in the beauty of nature and do a walk & talk (w/t) about while communing with the ecstasy of yourself. In other words God is your companion on your w/t experiences. You could develop the w/t skill to the point where you could commune about a situation without going anywhere. You could as I do w/t in a noisy subway or even while driving to work in your car. The action of the w/t is highly focused and it is actually good to use while driving or working. You’ll only touch into the Light in split second intervals with the system of meditation I’ll show you how to use and the science as why you should use it. Keep in mind though.

    I wish not to change the way you think about God or any of your beliefs. I want to bring awareness of the ecstatic mentality one may find from the study and application of the Russell science. I wish you to consider using the wordless way of communing with God that I’ve found to be so valuable in my life and that of thousands of other Russell students. I’m writing this book because I feel I have a special way of helping those who desire the Light to comprehend the Russell science and make it easier to discover that very special stillness in ecstasy that centers us all.

    There is a force in nature that actually resists creation. It desires for everything to be invisible space with no stars or planetary form anywhere. There is another force in nature that desires there be all form and no space. That all things should be created. There is still one more force that desires to keep the two forces of creation and non-creation balanced in action and reaction. Once you understand and enter that centering universal force you’ll understand life, death, and all motion. You’ll be able to command your own life in a manner you never thought possible.

    Acquiring our ability to commune with God means we have a scientific approach to putting the Golden Rule into social action. Those who know God from within as an actual ecstatic entity in Light and can commune knowingly in that Light will physically behave in a balanced manner. The ecstatic desire to be like the balanced ecstatic Light God is will center each and every thought and experience one has.

    Therefore I’m not going to preach to you. I’d rather show you and demonstrate to you a mental and spiritual power ancient civilizations once possessed on this planet. I acquired this power from taking a special course on Cosmic Conscious Thinking and doing. I wish to share my ecstasy in God-awareness with you my reader for one simple reason. It is my deepest and most sincere hope that you’ll take my meditation techniques, read the books I recommend, take the course I tell you about and seriously acquire your ecstasy in God-awareness with me. However if you decide not to read that recommended material I promise to do all I can to illumine you with my writings alone. I currently have thirteen volumes I plan to write to get you into your ecstatic self without having read any other material should you decide not to. However you will need to actually do the meditations I teach. I want to help you become so ecstatic you acquire the ability to heal yourself. My meditation only takes a few seconds to perform. If you do this with serious expectation and desire I’m sure of your success in discovering this almost unknown mental and spiritual skill. Knowing God is a skill of forgetting your body awareness. The more skill you gain the better you gain in balancing your life the way God balances all things in nature. I did not write this book or any other of my books just to sell and make money. I must give my glorious ecstasy to all that will listen and comprehend their own eternity from within. Thank you very much and let’s get started.

    To you and your family my Love is my exploding Light.

    Bill Dugger

    I fear that without finding our ecstasy in greater numbers, we may not only lose our civilization to chaos and panic, the human race may perish completely. Chaos and panic can take place instantly! Panic and chaos are always at the front during the fall of a civilization. This will be by our own hands, for God’s intent for you is to live in a balance of body sensing and in the love of soul, not just in reasoning and emotional sensing.

    There is a way to be totally taught by God alone. We have no science for spiritual balance in our schools of learning. Religious beliefs, affirmations, or faith cannot avert chaos and panic. Only the knowing and practice of the universal laws of balance centered by our ecstatic guide can save us. Ignorance and the lack of experience in the Light of God are the reasons for the violence and mental stress in our society. As you gradually merge from the I of the body to knowingly include the I of the Universe into your awareness, you’ll crave the light of ecstasy even more. This is a law of nature. Thus as you crave the ecstasy of life, you’ll crave to give it in all your thoughts and actions. Once you’ve found it you’ll live it. It’s not something to believe in when it is marked into your soul. This is not a new fad mental technique it is a way of living to the very fullest of being. You’ll meet your gorgeous self! And that self is not your body.

    Your craving is the gravity of desire for ecstasy will carry you like rocket fuel to your truly balanced place in life. This is not a mental technique because you become the ecstatic existence, known only by those who’ve desired this level of knowing and doing in the Light of Self. You’ll create your life from your balance of ecstatic knowing instead of by logic of your brain alone. You are surrounded by your ecstasy of awareness in light. Likewise your desires will also become more God-like and balanced. God is Light you are Light but you must be illumined into knowing this. You must know your self scientifically and spiritually. You are not just a body.

    This is not magic or a miracle, it is however a totally different comprehension of what you now think you and God are. You no doubt think you are an individual human being. YOU ARE LIGHT ONLY! You act human and loving because of that light. Your love is you it is your knowing of the Light within you. The more you know Light the more you think and do in Light. You are the art that the light of love has made you into. You are not an individual weakling in an individual self-concept when you actually do know yourself as the whole Universe. Until then you are just a part of the Universe and you act that part as an individual. You are the raw wood God is sanding and finishing into a fine piece of art in manifesting life. I must speak to your true nature in order to help you experience that same ecstatic nature. Your ecstasy lies dormant within you until it is recognized and brought into your life experience. Allow me to explain.

    This is your inheritance from God. Most of us have been sensing too much to take the time to find our place in stillness. You’ve not been taught how to stop long enough to receive your gift of yourself. Just the reading of this book shows that you seek the gift of your own Light. Your stillness is with you all the time, just like all silence is with you all the time. You need only to know how to get into that ecstatic nature. You need to know that nature has been trying to teach it to you. We’ll even take a look at a civilization that existed thousands of years ago that knew and practiced this ecstatic knowing stillness in light. They had more interest in creating than in possessing. But don’t get me wrong, your financial needs will be addressed in the w/t as well. We’ll gain a whole new way of thinking about financial matters. All things in life can be taken into advisement with God. You’ll be surprised at the unique answers you’ll receive from your communing.

    We in our society ask the question of how to raise kids. We come up with a variety of answers about moral teachings and religion. Yet we’ve forgotten that if the parents know themselves as Light, their children will know the parents as Light. Thus we instill a natural self-knowing in our kids. Our kids grow up in ecstatic thinking skills. They express themselves with a satisfaction with what they really are. They find that they do not have to become, because they already are. Your genius mind is in flashes of God-awareness and no where else. You’ll learn your genius way of life while in the Light.

    Science has now determined that you have at least eight different areas that you can be a genius thinker in your own self of light. Your genius thinking and doing come from your ecstasy. You have at least one special area, and maybe more than one. You touch the light in your own wonderful area of life.

    You could be as many as 8 geniuses or

    better yet just one.

    1. You could be a mathematical genius. This area can include greater powers of logic in scientific categories too. God talks to you ecstatically in this area more than in other areas. You may crave doing these things. Why? Because you crave to BE your Light

    Imagine the words as you write down and describe vivid experiences you’ve had in the mathematical area of life.



    2. You could have strong abilities in the spatial area. This is where you’d solve complex problems just by visualizing the solution. You use vision ecstatically. Ecstasy by the way is the Universal language of Love. Everyone is made out of love because you are made of Light, and Light can only be Love. You are neither your body nor your emotions. Your ecstasy can instantly change the polarity of your body and thus heal you from much emotional damage. Your ecstasy is in command and is your reality rather than the effect you’ve made your body into. Mankind as a whole creates the hard life of violence. Our ignorance of what we are causes us to be violent. We’re not listening to the universe we live in. Your light is the only intelligence you have. Your ecstasy is not in your brain. Your knowing of your ecstasy is printed upon your soul. You get to know yourself by desire to know. Your body is not a permanent thing. It is a complex system of ever changing waves in motion. In your genius mind you tap your soul’s inner knowing of Light in solving problems.

    How do you feel about the ability to solve problems just by visualizing the solution? Imagine seeing your hand holding a pen and writing the words to the answer on these lines.



    3. You may be a physical genius in sports or dancing. Your genius is in the divinity of motion. You love balanced moving in your ecstasy.

    How does it feel to dance or be active in a sport? See the words in color if you like because your eyes act as a funnel to flow the ecstasy from your soul pattern.



    4. Are you a relationship genius? You really can relate to others. Others are light and you know light well enough to know how to combine the two lights in any relationship need. In fact you may intuitively understand what others are going to say or do before they perform these actions. Your Inner Light creates a deep and wordless understanding of others. Sometimes you can’t even explain it to yourself, but you possess the power to create peace among people. Others do not easily insult you because you understand their turmoil they’ve created within themselves.

    Your thoughts form the light of you?



    5. How about a language genius where you receive the essence of words in ecstatic flashes. You see beauty and you crave to talk about it. You are great at telling stories, and reciting poetry. You really do understand the essence of what is meant by a rose is a rose is a rose. You love to give speeches and your listeners love hearing them, because you make them feel their love within. You reflect your love vocally. You may see an audience not as a group of strange people but the way a child sees a puppy. You love your language and talking it.

    Speak your light!


    6. Like me you could possess a spiritual genius. We seek to be alone and meditate and write, or paint our spiritual knowing in ecstasy. My favorite toy as a child was modeling clay. I spiritually connected with God and lost track of time while I created things with clay.

    Give us your love please.



    7. You may wish to express your Self in the area of music. You can spend hours playing a musical instrument or singing. It’s after you’ve played the song that you feel the most love because the song lives on for hours in your imaginings. The song is no longer sound it becomes a play in images as well.

    Ever tried to sing?



    8. Nature lovers, those who love going out in the forests and other inspiring places of beauty feel a special essence there. You can relate to animals and know intuitively how to help them. It is hard to get you lost in the forest. You possess a special sense of the Earth itself. You may even know where the most fish are at sea.

    Your thoughts? Just imagine the words if you want.



    Any of the above could be your area of genius, at least one, or a combination of them are. I guarantee it. What this means is that you’ve learned to turn down the volume of your body awareness and became more aware of your inner ecstatic light. This Light is the only living thing in the universe. That Light does not sense. God is not a pulsing electric wave like your body. Yet God is at the front, center, and end of each waving pulse of electricity no matter how large or small.

    The nature of the Universe is ecstatic. You must find and Be that ecstasy, it is your purpose. What will happen when you do? Let’s look at someone who did complete his purpose in ecstasy, and see just what has happened

    Michelangelo was born March 6, 1475. We all know that he painted bible scenes depicting the story of Noah on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. As a result, the people who attended church, most of whom could not read or write, began to better understand the bible. They looked up with their electric sensing eyes. They began to get a glimpse in their soul of the light, which centers all things. Anytime you love something that love is not coming from your brain or body, it is coming from your Light, which you can’t sense, but you do know. The light of ecstasy centers the universe, and humans awaken to that ecstasy as they mature spiritually.

    You ripen into the beauty of yourself. This is why some people are more kindly than others. You can’t give away your Light, you but reflect it. You can’t give away what you become, you can only reflect it. What you are and become is actually marked in the inert gases of your soul. Another can’t possess your ecstasy. In fact, they can’t even sense it with their bodies. What other people experience is the recognition of their own Light when they recognize you Light. Giving is reflecting, that’s why you’re given even more love after you give it to others. You’ve built a higher level in knowing love once you discover your God-awareness and gave it away. Every genius is a Light giver.

    Michelangelo painted in his ecstasy. His ecstatic flashes were a guide for each and every brush stroke he made. Each of his actions was spiritually controlled. His ecstasy grew spiritually as he painted, and saw his beautiful work coming together. He didn’t paint for money, although money could have been the original motivator. He would’ve painted no matter whether money was involved or not. Money means very little too many genius thinkers because they do not know how to mange their money in their Light.

    Michelangelo’s ecstasy changed the culture of the people who saw his work. His giving was reflected in society at that time. His ecstasy spread through the souls of his observers. He expressed his ecstatic nature from the years 1508 to 1512 painting that ceiling. Even today his ecstatic nature changes people to the same degree that a beautiful sunset does. Love is as eternal as waves in the ocean. Love is missing in society only because it is not known and given in waves from one to another.

    He as every genius was able to reflect ecstasy to the point that others could become aware of that nature within themselves. Everything that is in one person is in all of us, if it weren’t, we could not recognize the inspiring Light in others. If you don’t know Light you can’t recognize it. You cannot recognize something unless you are ready to find that it is already within you. When you see beauty in a sunset you are actually recognizing within yourself. God is easily mistaken for when we see or hear beauty. We make the mistake of thinking that beauty is in our individual brain. You are ready to see and know beauty when you can recognize it. You’ve opened yourself to knowing God when you experience beauty or love in any way possible. We give geniuses credit for what lies within us.

    The church congregation gave Michelangelo the credit for what was lying dormant within their inner domain. Our ability to see and know beauty and ecstasy is a spiritual skill to be learned. Once acquired it is marked permanently upon our soul. We grow culturally by our skill in knowing beauty. Our peace or lack of it comes from our skill to know our self-love.

    Humans think their bodies are the real selves until they receive enough flashes from their very souls to illumine them into God-consciousness. These flashes, called inspiration, at first can occur at any time. You can’t keep inspiration away from you any more than you can keep ideas from coming. You are becoming aware of your own personal genius through these inspiring thoughts. Intense inspiration is ecstatic communing to its highest degree. Your purpose in life is to discover and use your Light. You’ve discovered the earth with your senses now discover your ecstasy with your soul and you’ll possess the universe. Your life glows like the sunshine when you know the universe from within.

    You never lose your level of awareness. You just keep discovering new levels of God-awareness when you knowingly commune. Death does not even take away your ability to know your light. Your awareness of your universal light is marked upon the inert gas pattern within your soul and nothing can take it away from you. Your ability to commune is your greatest asset in life. You are marked by your desire for the light. You crave to recognize more Light ecstatically. The inspiring flashes keep you coming back for more. However most people put marks of sensing and material thinking on their soul pattern. Your entire life is basically ruled by these marks on your soul. That is why it is vitally important for you to know your light, and take action to work in awareness of your light. Your life is guided by the marks on your soul. Those marks are always manifested in some way during your life. You must know how to mark your soul ecstatically!

    You must become the universe and complete your purpose and you’ll suffer until you do in fact find your ecstasy, which is the deep purpose of my writing this book. I wrote it in my level of ecstatic knowing so to help you discover your level. Thus you’ll learn to desire that precious gift of yourself. This is not to say that your current level of God-awareness is not far greater than mine. We need all the ecstatic ones we can get in society.

    We all vary in our ecstatic knowing just as the trees vary in height. I wish to help fertilize your desire to know your inner self as the Self of the Universe. This is the most wonderful part of us all. Your Light is dimensionless. And that is why you can’t see God. God centers every particle of matter as Light. We must learn to recognize the Light to know our ecstatic lesson to be learned from one inspiring flash to the next. Helping you to recognize your Light is the purpose of this book and all the future publications I have planned. You have millions of storehouses of wonderful things to experience within yourself so let’s get to just a fraction of them for now. You have as much as the Universe has because you are the Universe personified in the idea of you. God has an idea of you, and when your idea of you equals God’s, you’ll be the Universal ecstatic you. You are God’s clay.


    What I’ve written in these pages is a direct result of my very own ecstatic meditations and study. Although Dr. Walter Russell and his wife Lao lead me to my inner-self of ecstatic knowing of my Light, they nor the University of Science and Philosophy are to be held responsible for what I’ve written. Everything I write comes from my own concepts and no one else’s.

    Thank you. Billy Dugger. May 21, 2010

    This is the science of the most important

    law of your life.

    The law states:

    All I have is what I’ve given.

    I’ve made me.

    You can’t buy back your giving you can only give

    Differently. The purpose of this book is to show how this can be done in a balanced and natural manner.

    If you imagine it you’ve become it only because you’ve given it.


    I must first warn you that this book has been written with lots of fragmented sentences in it. They serve a very important task. I’ve planned out where these fragments are to be placed. You see I want you to imagine you and I am sitting outside in my heavy wooden chairs on the patio. The view is that of a hay field that is still green in the spring and sprinkled here and there with beautiful blue and yellow wild flowers. There are tall maple and oak trees lining the background. It’s a beautiful spring day and we are having a casual conversation about the subject of the Light within us.

    I write the way I speak. So my voice is what I want you to hear and imagine as we study life together. Formal writing is wonderful and has its place in communicating with each other. Yet I feel we can just let things be so that you as the reader can forget you are reading a book. Please do not speed through to get the book read. Such speeding is not for relaxing on the patio. Maybe your purpose is to find out if I really can bring you into the Light. If this is the case you won’t find it in my words. You’ll find the Light within only by taking the action to go within. I guarantee I have a totally different way of getting to our ecstatic knowing than any other system you’ve looked into. This is especially true for those who may feel they already know all they need to about the Light within us. The science of chemical elements can be comprehended from within can you explain those? I’m not trying to rise above you by no means but this meditation system is based upon science. I’ll show you some things about the elements that will surprise you. Don’t think for one minute that I think I know it all either. The universe has as many lessons to learn as a kaleidoscope has patterns.

    At this moment I want you to feel you are sitting across from me at the patio table. You appear casually dressed with your cool drink sitting on my white table. I plan to have a great and interesting experience with you. Just sit back and visit with me.

    Please allow me to direct your imagination because I’m about to reveal something we lost several thousand years ago. No book can teach you about God. The only teacher is God. And God-awareness is the only way to learn directly from God. No wordy prayer can get you there. I truly believe we can change this violent world of ours over time with the recovery of our lost selves.

    Thank you so much. Bill Dugger


    (What it’s like to Be and work in god-awareness)

    While reading the little blue book I noticed Dr. Russell talked about going out into nature and communing with God to write or draw. This reminded me of going out into a wooded area behind our house when I was 15 and playing the classic guitar in deep inspiration. My most inspiring performances were done while feeling my closeness to God. Yet I had no idea anyone could meditate in such a way to learn the scientific principles behind the universe itself. Such an idea intrigued me and I had to learn more about it.

    After I read the little blue book, I decided I had to meet this man called Walter Russell. So I wrote the University of Science and Philosophy a letter asking for further details on meeting the Doctor.

    His wife, Lao, responded with a nice letter and a description of all their books she and Walter had written. She further explained that Walter had refolded, (passed away), back in 1963. She now carried on with teaching others God-awareness ecstasy. I felt that because she was his wife that she might not be able to help me learn this wonderful mentality. I could not have been more mistaken. Lao, in-fact made all of the Doctor’s writings easier to understand for me, and the thousands of other students involved. She was also responsible for extending her own Cosmic Illumination, a glorious, high degree of inspiration rarely ever experienced, into a living philosophy that if practiced can build an enduring civilization. Illumination is an actual electric shorting of the two lobs of the human brain. But please do not get me wrong here. I do not mean that you’ll experience anything like a flash of ecstatic Light just from reading this book. Nor will my information cause you to experience Cosmic Illumination. Such a condition causes one to think and do in flashes of wonderful genius type mentality. However I’ve learned to desire and get into the ecstatic mentality to such a degree that I can commune with the Light and receive the answers to all my life concerns at will. And this is just what I do promise to deliver to you.

    You’ll learn to have God as a constant companion throughout your life. You may be alone but you’ll never again feel alone. Just put your heart into learning this process from all the books and courses I recommend. Plus don’t forget to contact me with any concerns you may have about my writings. One can become addicted to his or her thinking in this manner. It’s the way you think and do that gets you ready for the ecstatic mentality not what gender you are or who you are. You live and do in Light and you must become aware of it. There are no separate people in God’s eyes.

    Lao’s philosophy fits right in God’s natural laws and processes. Dr. Russell said of her she is the greatest mentality he’s ever known. She taught what she ecstatically thought, you might say. She lived and worked in total God-awareness. He further stated that man’s belief in EVIL enslaves him. You can’t really and truly know the real God and think the ignorance of evil. Believe it or not evil will come to an end as mankind learns the Light from within. We think we are evil because it is impossible to know our stillness in Light with material thinking alone. It would be like trying to travel both North and South at the same time.

    I personally found that Lao Russell is the only person who could help me comprehend that mankind cannot be EVIL, but he can only believe in EVIL. He invents evil and because of ignorance, he uses evil. Thinking evil will bring about the evil he seeks in. Nature says that mankind is one wholeness in thinking. We use the evil we believe in without realizing it. Any time fear or negative emotions such as guilt is used it is a form of a belief in evil. Behaving in evil ways is marked upon the inert gas pattern of our soul, and therefore must be acted out. This creates even more evil. Light of Self is the glorious balanced stillness we seek. Only knowing the Light of God through actual experience will help us get rid of evil and replace it with knowing and performing in our natural purpose the way God wants us to. What we believe to be evil is actually unbalance actions carried out in ignorance of God’s law of balance. There’s much to talk about when it comes to evil. So we will return to this subject as we cover other principles. Every motion made by mankind is an attempt to be like the Light of God that centers us.

    You seek to BE, not just to DO! You recreate yourself by the way you think and do. If you change either your thinking or doing you’ll change yourself. The experience of ecstasy shocks your nervous system into knowing not just believing. You’ll start knowing and creating rather than sensing and repeating from memories when you find your ecstatic mentality. You’ll know the greatest degree of happiness. You’ll stop marking your soul with individual thinking and replace it with ecstatic thinking of a universal Knower of God’s Light. Thus you’ll take your high place within yourself. You’ll know you are love in the fullest sense.

    Lao journeyed in far lands seeking what would awaken the Light within mankind. She looked within man and found that he believes himself to be EVIL. He has put trash in the waters of his eternal well. Within our soul is our good, however man is not yet desirous of his soul, just his sensing. Man believes he is his senses. Each man believes he is smarter than others are. When you know the light you know this is impossible. It is impossible to be smarter than someone else. Our individual thinking has divided us to our own disadvantage.

    We drive ourselves to be individuals. Women are expected to be beautiful constantly and men are expected to be smart in every way of life. We build greed and fear and believe our bodies are our very selves. Lao has illumined us into the ultimate desire of mankind. You are not the individual you think you are. You desire to live and work in the Light of Self. Nothing but desire will bring you the awareness of that Light. You must know where that Light is and how to become aware of it, and thus live in it. You must know what desire itself really is. We’ll take a look at what the science of universal desire is within each of us.

    The Universe is an ecstatic Self and we desire to BE that glorious Self. Man doesn’t know who he is or why he’s here. Lao was freed from the illusions of matter and body sensing as an individual self because of her illuminating experience. This comes from the SKILL of knowing the inner-self. She had her inner-voice of ecstasy speaking to her as she dealt with others and observed the world of man’s dealing with man. I know this sounds quit strange that knowing God is a skill. I mean by this that I present a natural skill God teaches all humans to know when we allow God’s ecstatic stillness to center our every thought. If we live the natural way we learn to extend our ecstatic selves into our senses. By natural way I do not mean to live in some remote place and meditate all day long. I mean to think within and know the ecstatic self within seconds. However we’ve taken a different route and become more motion thinking than a natural balanced thinking between our invisible selves and our material sensing. We’ve lost the natural rhythm of thinking and knowing God intends us to live by.

    Therefore this is not a book to read, judge and toss, or put on a shelf for future reference. You are expected to work your way into your silence. It’s not hard to do but it is not something you can ask God to give you. Your inner voice is not in words, although you can put words to it. You know things in ecstasy, and in essence of words. You’ve covered that knowing up with your individual type thinking, sensing, and doing. All for me we say. What for the universe? Who knows and who cares? This is not the way we were meant to think and do with each other.

    Lao brought us the message that mankind does not know the meaning of love. You do not know love until you are illumined into BEING love. Then you cannot do anything but manifest love, because it is your BEING. Your thinking and doing is spiritually tattooed for life after life. You can’t lose your love once you become aware of it. The Light of love is the eternal gold. The difference between inspiration and illumination is like the difference between a glass of water and the ocean. The illumined you is the ocean of you. You can’t exist as anything short of being gloriously special in your Light. You’ll never be out of a job when you know your Light and manifest it to others.

    You were born from Light and will return to Light in many lives in a rhythm all of your very own. You are a musical note the Universe is singing. You must become aware of You the balanced ONE in Light. You stand tall as the ecstasy of Self no matter how tall your body is. No one else can replace your ecstatic creations. That’s a job only you are qualified for. There’s not a woman or man alive that’s not a genius.

    If mankind did not have love within him, he’d not be seeking it. Yet every single move man makes is the seeking of love. You must know the law of balance to know love. You must be taught the law from your soul flashes, not from beliefs or information alone. Our evil deeds and self-beliefs are killing our awareness of love.

    You can crack an egg using a 16 pound sledgehammer and a hard fast swing. This is acting in your ignorance. There’s no need for such ignorance. When you know God, you can accomplish more with great gentleness and a unique personal knowing of all things within and without you. You’ll understand the why of all that goes on around you. You’ll know and fully understand that there really is no one but you and the Light of God anywhere.

    This ecstatic stillness of Light is what all bodies human and other wise enter into and out of. Let’s stop and examine this. Look at your right hand please. As you look at that hand notice your fingers have straight sides and are rounded. Each finger of your hand is round and straight so to speak. For the most part your fingers lengthen out like a straight line and that line borders roundness. Every wrinkle and every spot on your hand is either straight or rounded. Look at your thumb, isn’t it straight and rounded as well? Now look about you, and what do you see? Look at the window, it has straight lines around it too. Look at any tree, it has branches that are straight and rounded too. What am I leading up to? You cannot see, feel, or hear anything that is not either straight, round, or a combination of these two forms.

    God thinks in only two shapes that of the perfect sphere and the perfect cube. All other shapes come from either one or both of those two perfect forms. Even the pyramid is part of the cube. Just take six pyramids and put all the points together and you have a cube. Every curved blood vessel of your body comes from the sphere, and the sides of them come from the straightness of the cube. Nothing in the universe escapes this rule. Now take a pencil and draw an object on the line below that does NOT have any straight lines or curves.

    Okay how did you do? Did you draw something without straight or curved lines? No? Well join the universe because nothing can exist without being in the cube sphere relationship of God’s thinking. You can’t think different than God thinks. I know you

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