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The Blessed Seed of Abraham: Enjoy Greater Success
The Blessed Seed of Abraham: Enjoy Greater Success
The Blessed Seed of Abraham: Enjoy Greater Success
Ebook189 pages5 hours

The Blessed Seed of Abraham: Enjoy Greater Success

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The personal teachings from the Holy Spirit upon the life of James Robert Sims are meant to be shared with others. This book offers first hand experience of the commandment God placed on mankind using seed as the illustration. Understanding seed and the inescapable directive to reproduce after the image and likeness from which it came, enables those that operate in the spirit to fully utilize those favorable traits. It also enables those that are aware, of the opportunity to separate themselves from traits unlike the image and likeness of God.
This book begins with seed and ends with seed. It traces the journey of seed and how it is directly related to blessings. Those that continually lived their life in accordance with the will of God, were blessed, and their seed was blessed.
This book is a must read for those wanting to maximize the gifts and talents that God graciously bestowed upon them.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 16, 2011
The Blessed Seed of Abraham: Enjoy Greater Success

James Robert Sims

He was born July 12,1949, in Akron, Ohio. Graduated from San Francisco State University in 1979, after an honorable discharge from the Army Finance Core in 1973. A career salesman, he found the mortgage business at its peak. He created the radio program, “Bible Study with Brother James,” and gave God all the praise and glory for owning and operating 5 offices in 4 states. God changed his career by planting dishonest people around him, subjecting him to prison at Marion Correctional Institute. That is where this book began.

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    The Blessed Seed of Abraham - James Robert Sims


    Life is a magnificent miracle gifted to mankind for the glory and purpose of God (2 Tim 1:19). The gift of life is even a greater miracle than the creation of our habitat, Earth. We are special. We are blessed and highly favored because God created us in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). God gave us the freedom of choice to choose our spiritual leadership. If we love God, we keep his commandments (John 14:15). Either we are guided by the spiritual leadership of God, because we love and trust him, or we are guided by our flesh. Others around us see who we are guided by and many are influenced one way or the other. We need to exhibit God working in our lives.

    There is absolutely no way we’re created for a life of mediocrity. We also were not created to become bank robbers, dope peddlers, con-men, crooked politicians, or to use filthy language, or to dishonor our parents. Short sighted careers and antics such as these are desperate actions caused by a lack of understanding of who God is and what he can do. With God, there is not a reason to trap ourselves in a career, legal or illegal, that is beneath our God given talents. Sin disconnects us from our help in God. There is not a reason to become your own God and justify everything you do, right or wrong, on the needs you think you may have at that particular time. You are always better off with God, than without. You cannot reach your full potential without God. He made you. He made everything. He will help you. He wants all of his children to be successful. What Father doesn’t?

    God created a family structure as a template for all future family units. The husband, wife, children and immediate relatives comprise a social structure that would first introduce children to the presence of God. Mankind, created as a seed, has the first opportunity to nourish, protect, and inform its family about the goodness of God. A seed is nurtured towards maturity. The family structure has the opportunity to first train and lead that seed in the correct path, by instruction and by example. That is what the family structure is all about. God is holy. He wants us to be holy and without blame before him in love (Ephesians 1:4). He wants us to tell others about his goodness. It starts first in the family structure. The worst thing we can do is live our lives as if there isn’t a higher power. Our purpose on this planet is at the discretion of God, the Master of the universe.

    This book is directed toward a better understanding of who God is and what he requires from us so that we can tap into his unlimited resources.

    Chapter 1

    The Holy Bible, What is it?

    The Holy Bible is an excellent opportunity to expose the greatest fraud in the history of mankind. God has boldly inspired over forty writers of the Bible to document his word, his will, his promises to man, and the conditions for man to obtain eternal life. It has taken over sixteen hundred years to assemble sixty six books into a Manuel for everyday living and worship. The Holy Bible openly invites anyone to scrutinize the Word of God. All scripture in the Bible is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for correction in righteousness (2nd Timothy 3:16).

    The Bible was converted from Greek and Hebrew to English by King James of England in 1611. The sixty six books of the Bible comprise thirty nine books called the Old Testament. The Old Testament records the creation of Earth and Man by God. The Old Testament graphically reveals how sin, a separation from God, entered into Earth as an unwanted, unintended, plague against the success and growth of man. The Old Testament contains a never ending cry back to holiness. The Prophets of God had a common objective: denouncing sin, and a return of the people to the standards of God.

    The Old Testament brought forth the Law, introduced by the servant of God, Moses. Until then, there had not been any written law. The Law Moses presented to the world was the Ten Commandments.

    Ten Commandments.

    1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

    2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

    3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain.

    4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy.

    5. Honor thy Father and Mother, that thy days be long.

    6. Thou shalt not kill.

    7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

    8. Thou shalt not steal.

    9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.

    10. Thou shalt not covet.

    The remaining twenty seven books comprise the New Testament, which warns us of the coming of the end of the world as we know it. Animal sacrifices for sin will soon be inefficient to save mankind. The New Testament uncovers the long awaited, perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind, and the only way to be saved from hell.

    The New Testament reveals more about Father God and how he has always been there for our spiritual leadership and the answer for our wants and desires. God reveals in the New Testament a better covenant and promise to his children than before. A covenant based upon faith and obedience for eternal life with God.

    Two hundred thousand Bibles are being distributed in the world each day in over twelve hundred different languages. There are over two billion Christians in the world today. Needless to say, the Bible is the world’s best seller, and for a reason. It works!

    Today there are many variations of the King James Bible and many different denominations. There has been books of the Bible that have purposely been omitted because of authenticity questions. There have been translations that have been lost going from Greek and Hebrew translations to English. Some cults have even written or revised the true Bible to fit their own personal beliefs. But the King James version is the predominant version, the best seller, and has stood the test of time. It is what I use. All the Bibles have at least one thing in common: the goodness of God, and the love he has for his children are without question.

    There is great experience and knowledge to be gained by making the Bible part of your life. The Bible contains the road map leading to eternal life. How would you like to see your grandparents again? Or your mother and father? They could be there waiting on you if you can make it through. The road to eternity is a very narrow road. Not everyone will make it. A casual relationship is like no relationship with God. He wants our total commitment.

    Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven. (Matthew 7:21)

    The Spirit of God is in the Bible. In your loneliest hour, you can read the Bible and receive peace and comfort. You can rest assured that others have been in your situation. You can draw from the exact same experiences, and be delivered. That is one reason why God had his word documented, so you can prove to yourself that God is faithful to his Word. God can be trusted. Just try him. Do you think living your life in accordance with the will of God is grievous, or intolerable? I don’t! Millions of people do not think so either. Believers go to parties, play sports, dance, go roller skating, and do most everything there is to do. There is a misconception that God is boring and so are his believers. It’s not true. It’s just that some things you may be doing, can be done without.

    You may be closer to holiness than you think, and the approved standard for God. A lot of us think we are not good enough to be counted as family members of the kingdom of God. But let’s just think about this for a moment. Is swearing your problem? Is false testimony your problem? Are you bound by sins of the flesh? How about drugs? Are you a slave to them? Do you continually mistreat your spouse? Do you blame others because you are a poor provider? Others have been freed from these vices, and you can be too.

    You see the Bible is a system based upon a code of conduct. That system, believe it or not, is drenched in love. It is a system that not only makes you better, character wise, but in many cases, prosperous also. Regardless of what adversaries say against the cross, no matter of the unexplainable, or incomprehensible scriptures, you have the opportunity to make the Bible and its system work for you.

    How much of the system you retain and incorporate into your daily living, is based upon several factors. Submitting your will to the will of God, and setting aside study time so you will be able to recognize good teachers, are two very important issues. You can step into a better world right here on Earth by understanding how God started everything.

    Chapter 2

    Preparing for Family

    Almighty God, the creator of everything, decided to extend his family. He would love his family and make it possible for his family to live eternally with him. All God ever asked was to return the love he gives by living our lives in his image and likeness. He created us with freedom of choice so that we could choose love and obedience over pride and arrogance.

    As a loving Father, God wanted the best home or habitat for his future family. God showcased his love by creating a rich and bountiful domain, called Earth. Earth was given fertile soil, precious metals, and valuable gems. Earth still maintains eye popping wealth. Earth has climates to suit anyone. God has been very gracious to us. We should be able to see and appreciate all he has done in the very beginning.

    Many take our habitat for granted, but the creation of Earth was the beginning of the greatest love story the world will ever know! God prepared our habitat without a lack of anything. Then, he gave us dominion over the entire Earth. And, as if that were not enough, he gave man the divine inspiration to document how he created Earth. Those that truly love, worship, and seek God, may unravel mysteries or discover advantages being made in his image and likeness may offer. If we knew of these benefits, and understood them, we wouldn’t waste so much time on things that don’t count, like drugs for instance.

    The Creation of Earth

    In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. The Earth was dark, without form and void. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, poised to perform the vision of the will of God. God dispatched his mind set by WORD of his mouth to accomplish his will. God spoke into existence all that we see by his invisible, yet powerful WORD. The Word of God, and the Spirit of God, together, performed and completed the will of God. God looked upon all that he created and endorsed it as good. The lights, Heaven, the seas, land, vegetation, the heavenly bodies, animals, and man, are all products of the vision of God, created by his will. In the preparation of our habitat, there is not any indication of God having to remake, reset or re-time anything. He looked upon all that he had created and saw that his Holy Spirit and Word performed exactly as he intended. Everything was good. (Genesis 1-26)

    Every region of the Earth has been crowned with the love of God. Every region of the Earth has its share of wealth and breathtaking scenery. There are rolling hills and powerful mountains that stretch across the buxom of Earth, boasting of the omnipotence of God. Even the vast plains, thick forests, and fertile valleys boast of the glory of God. The deserts are not deprived of the love and glory of God because they also have their share of majestic beauty and sustenance. They rely on the sun, placed perfectly by God. The moon and the stars present a special stage for love and exude peace and tranquility. The creations of God reflect the love God has for his children. You can see the love of God. All the components of Earth and the universe have been supernaturally orchestrated to work in harmony with each other to serve man.

    For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20). Apostle Paul

    Creation reveals God and his power. No man can ignore the power of God. Therefore, all men are accountable to him. Creation happening by chance is scientific rhetoric and baseless. Those who claim that creation happened without God only seek notoriety. We cannot count all the perfections that had to be in place to have a world in the first place, a world in which we could live.

    Seed Time and Harvest

    Having a rich and bountiful habitat is one thing, but replenishing the natural resources and food supply is another. God solved this potential problem by creating, Seed Time and Harvest. It began with God creating seed and commanding seed to reproduce after its kind. God said:

    "Let the Earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the Earth: and it was so.

    And the Earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:11-12)

    God not only created this paradise Earth, using his Word as seed, but created the Vegetation seed. Our beautiful habitat, Earth, our supernaturally created habitat, now has a system for replenishing its food supply. Seed Time and Harvest has always been with us. Many have taken it for granted, though all of Gods creatures have depended on its existence for survival. The Word of God guarantees that this supernatural phenomenon, that replenishes our food supply, shall remain in place as long as the Earth remains.

    Because God loves us so much, he has thought of everything for our survival. He is a great Father to prepare for his family so thoroughly. Seed Time and Harvest is vital to the continued existence of his people. God declared:

    While the Earth remaineth, Seed Time and Harvest, cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease (Genesis 8:22).


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