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How do you find God's smile in the midst of trials?

This collection of moving stories and devotions is based on the author's experience with chronic illness. She illustrates how you can look for God's hand and perhaps sense His smile in times of trouble.

Even if you aren't facing trials you'll find this book to be rich in life lessons everyone can learn from. She will show you how to look for His love in ordinary, everyday things: like a snowflake, a hat, or a song.

You will be touched by stories like Handing Out Hope where she shares about her husband's diagnosis with cancer.

You will laugh when you read about her children in An Acre Of Memories, and you'll be delighted to read heartwarming devotions such as Let It Rain and The Hat From Heaven.

You will also find hope and tremendous encouragement throughout GodSmiles, especially in stories like Love Without Conditions and You Are Mine, which testify about the Lord's unfailing love.

For more stories, visit my blog at

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 21, 2015

Angela Dugi

Angie lives in Texas with her husband and their three teenage children. She has suffered for almost two decades with lupus, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain. But she refuses to let disease define her. Besides writing, she loves to cook and grow anything that blooms. Angie is also the author of What I Learned Lying Down—Hope for the Chronically Ill. For more stories, visit my blog at

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    Godsmiles - Angela Dugi

    Copyright © 2015 Angela Dugi.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® and NIV® are registered trademarks of Biblica, Inc. Use of either trademark for the offering of goods or services requires the prior written consent of Biblica US, Inc.

    All stories and devotionals are original works by the author, unless otherwise stated.

    The Trial by Nancy Humphrey, Copyright 1991, used by permission

    There is Power in the Blood by Lewis Jones, 1899. Copyright: Public Domain

    WestBow Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-7153-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-7154-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015903271

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/20/2015






    Oceans Apart

    Spoon-Feeding Granny


    Seek First The Kingdom

    The Backpack

    The Podium

    The Furnace Of Affliction

    How Does A Young Mom Die?

    Handing Out Hope

    Comfort Or The Kingdom?

    An Acre Of Memories

    Moving Out

    To Hell And Back

    Sounding The Alarm

    The Trial

    Love Without Conditions


    Garage Sale Friend

    Granola Message From God

    Backslidden Daughter

    Duty Or Devotion

    His Beautiful Feet

    King Jesus

    Let It Rain

    Morning Glory

    My Rock

    My Naomi

    Permission To Enter

    Pressed But Not Crushed

    Sugar In My Cup

    The Hat From Heaven

    The Tea Bag And The Temple

    The Wonder Of Snow

    Under His Wings


    Wonder-Working Power

    You Are Mine

    Prayer To Receive Christ


    I dedicate this to Greg —my husband and best friend of 20 years. Thank you for your help with this book, and for putting up with all my technical difficulties! Your input was invaluable. Great is your reward in heaven for loving me through sickness, and for pouring every single drop of yourself into your family. You have my heart!

    And to my mom Barbara—my encourager, prayer warrior, and friend. The one who endured 24 hours of labor to bring me into the world. As a young girl, watching you read the Bible changed my life. I would not know Jesus or be who I am today without you. I love you Mama!

    In loving memory of two special ladies who died during the writing of this book. To my beautiful Italian grandmother, Rose Lee Tompkins, who inspired me with her story to begin this book. And to my beloved mother-in-law, Melbalee Dugi, who left an indelible mark upon my life.


    I want to thank God for giving me the opportunity to write. I never set out to write a book, and certainly not two! Without Him I can do nothing. I am forever humbled that He would use this broken vessel. He is the push behind my pen, the inspiration behind these stories, and the best Author of all time. Father God, Lord Jesus, and precious Holy Spirit: I love you with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. You are my EVERYTHING!

    Greg, I am especially grateful for you. You became a writer’s widower more nights than I care to count. Thank you for the hours you spent reading and proofreading this book. However God chooses to use this, you will be rewarded in heaven! I respect you and love you with all of my heart.

    Matthew, I’ll never forget the hours you spent with me in the final edit of this book. I could not have finished this without you! What a patient soul you are. In the midst of the heavy cross you bear, you are an overcomer who displays humility and grace. I love you Son!

    Mary Kate, God bless you Flower for reading my stories and for encouraging your mom over and over again. Thank you, my junior editor, for your feedback. You are a great writer. Keep laughing! I love you sweet girl.

    Emma Rose, you were so patient with me while I worked on this project. Thank you for all your bedtime hugs, Boo. They are the best medicine ever! Your joy is a blessing to me. I love you baby girl.

    Chester Dugi, Dad, you are one of the best gifts that God has given to me. What an honor it has been to be your daughter. Thank you for teaching me so much about the Bible through the years. I have soaked it all up! You reflect Jesus in all you do and say in the most humble way. Oh, how we love you.

    Al and Mom, thank you for serving us and coming to our rescue more times than I can count…many times with roses in hand. Thank you for driving us to doctor appointments, doing loads of laundry and dishes, but most of all for your prayers and love. You mean the world to us!

    Charles and Beth, you are the best friends a family could ever have. Thank you for driving me to all those pain management appointments and for taking me into your home. (I miss the princess bed!) God bless you for loving our family like your own. Thank you for your listening ears and years of prayers. We love you always.

    Elaine, Lil, Miriam, Nancy, and my children, this book is yours as well because it would not be the same without your stories. Thank you for allowing me to share them. You are so close to my heart.

    To my editor Jeanne Leach—you went above and beyond the call of duty to edit this manuscript. I am so grateful that God picked you! When I doubted myself, you encouraged me; when I asked endless questions, you were patient to help me sort through them. Thank you for all your hard work.

    To Tammy, Sheila, Heather, and Sue—my suffering sisters and dear friends. I truly don’t know what I would do without y’all. You have blessed me beyond measure! Thank you for your daily prayers for me and my family. I thank God for you and the remarkable way that He brought us together through disease. I can’t wait to meet you face to face! I love you to pieces.

    To Marsha—my texting buddy and beloved friend. Thank you for keeping me in your prayer basket and for your fervent intercession for our family. Great is your reward in heaven! Thanks so much for reading this book and giving me your input and validation. It gave me the courage that I needed. I thank God for you!

    Thank you Global Media Outreach family for letting me write about this amazing ministry. Your love and prayers have touched us deeply.

    To all my Facebook friends, your prayers and words of encouragement have blessed my life. It has been so much fun sharing my GodSmile pictures with you! May the Lord bless each and every one of you.

    To our church family, Champion Fellowship. Thank you for serving us for seven years. We are forever grateful for your friendship and our time with you. We will never forget how you met so many of our needs. We miss you and will always carry you in our hearts.

    To ALL who suffer from disease. I know the immense toll that affliction takes on your body, mind, emotions, spirit and relationships. My prayer is that this book ministers to you and brings you a little encouragement. I’m praying for you.

    And last but not least, we humbly thank those who have lifted up our weary arms in prayer year after year. Your prayers carried us and they were felt as waves threatened to pull us under. You are loved and appreciated more than words can ever express.

    I give thanks to God always for you, making mention of you in my prayers. (1 Thessalonians 1: 2)


    D oes God Really Smile? Indeed, He does. We are made in His image. We smile and laugh, rejoice and sing, and so does our Maker. In the book of Zephaniah, the Bible says that He delights over us with singing! King David was a man after God’s own heart and he danced before the LORD with all his might. If David danced, perhaps the King of Kings does too.

    God also grieves. He weeps when we weep and mourns when we mourn. Our God is not without emotion like a somber statue or graven image. He is alive! He is real and personal.

    Life is both bitter and sweet, like sea salt and dark chocolate; the salt brings out the sweet. It is similar with trials too. We can be sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, just as one can have joy or a gentle peace in the midst of sorrow.

    So why a book titled GodSmiles? It all started over a decade ago when I had a doctor appointment at a cancer center. I was being evaluated for what might be leukemia. With a blank stare and a numb heart, I attempted to eat lunch at my favorite French restaurant. As I looked down at my bowl of fruit, an image of a smile stared at me, face-up on a cube of watermelon as if someone had carved it

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