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Until Death
Until Death
Until Death
Ebook395 pages7 hours

Until Death

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This is a HOSTEL, FEAR FACTORY type of story where an evil man finds the woman of his dreams to discover that she is with a brother of his that he thought was dead at birth. Due to the fact that the brothers would do anything to try and keep the same girl they go through hell to keep her. The Halloween party that brought them all together left the survivors playing some FEAR FACTOR type games that were killing them off slowly.
The good brother is a loose cannon while he tries to save everyone but winds up in a new building, playing new games, and looking for a new escape. This time the group of survivors are joined by the authorities so hope is dim. Some are able to go for help and a group of friends find them to hopefully save the day. The evil brothers associates are not happy with what he is doing but sometimes life throws you lemons.
Release dateApr 1, 2014
Until Death

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    Until Death - Tammy Lynn Kollman

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    © 2014 T6L9K (Tammy Lynn Kollman). All rights reserved.

    Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Tammy Lynn Kollman

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/21/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9860-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4918-9859-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014905610

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    About The Book

    Section 1: In The Yard

    Section 2: In The House

    Section 3: Back To The Hunt!

    Section 4: The Barn

    Section 5: Helps Coming!

    About The Author

    About the Book

    This is a HOSTEL, FEAR FACTORY type of story where an evil man finds the woman of his dreams to discover that she is with a brother of his that he thought was dead at birth. Due to the fact that the brothers would do anything to try and keep the same girl they go through hell to keep her. The Halloween party that brought them all together left the survivors playing some FEAR FACTOR type games that were killing them off slowly.

    The good brother is a loose cannon while he tries to save everyone but winds up in a new building, playing new games, and looking for a new escape. This time the group of survivors are joined by the authorities so hope is dim. Some are able to go for help and a group of friends find them to hopefully save the day. The evil brothers associates are not happy with what he is doing but sometimes life throws you lemons.

    Section One

    In the yard

    It was Halloween and everyone was excited about the day and how they were going to celebrate. There were select groups of people that had something planned for that day. As the day of work and school ended the town filled with children in their costumes and young adults out looking for a scare. There were few teens and young adults that had come across some party invitations that filled their day with excitement and planning. They were all going to this house in the woods but the invitations weren’t to explanatory so no one really knew what to expect. I was invitation only and every invitation was inviting four people since groups were more fun than couples anyway. The invitations were passed out a couple of weeks prior to the party so those who wanted to go were excited.

    The day the invitations went out the rumors began about this being the biggest party of the whole year. That was actually written on the invitations but then again so was the fact that there were going to be a butt load of bands. No names or anything to let anyone know just who was throwing this party but with all of the distractions no one really asked. With the invitations inviting four people parents weren’t asking to many questions because they figured it would be a rather big secure party. In fact the only worry that parents really had was whether or not their cell phones were going to work or not. It was also a lock down since the doors were going to close at a certain time and it was be there or be square. The town closest to the party had the most invitations and no one once questioned the fact that you had to bring the invitation with you to the party. The good thing about this little town was that the city wasn’t far away and some of the local boys really weren’t anything but trouble. They were harmless in ways but being pranksters everyone kept their eye on them.

    With all kinds of people getting the invitations we find good and bad of course. The ones that we meet in this story range in four groups so there’s someone for everyone kind of. They all had one thing in common though and that was that they all thought that they could take care of themselves but we might find out otherwise. Every one of them honestly believed that they were going to have fun. Why would anything happen these days on Halloween? Sometimes people liked the trick but sooner or later things could change. We can find our first group just coming together as our girls come out of the law firm that they work at. Lyllyn majors in research and her love is a steel worker across the street that can’t wait to put his dirty hands all over her.

    Sheril was going over the amount of dope that she wanted to take with her as Lyllyn’s boyfriend, Rain, strolled up to put in his order. Lyllyn warned him to watch his black hands and he did but his lips, he warned her, he couldn’t watch. Lyllyn kissed him nicely as she barely touched him but it was enough to catch the eye of Rain’s homies and make Sheril jealous. She warned the two of them to knock that shit off as a gold whoopty with Tirone driving it pulled up questioning if that had been a payment or a pickup? Rain and Lyllyn both smiled since they all knew why Rain had come over there in the first place but Gee hollered about wanting to know if things were a go or not. Gee was itching to go do something since he and his old lady in the city were fighting. He’d been tapping Ti on the shoulder ever since they’d gotten into the car. Rain told Ti to talk to Sheril for a minute while he talked to Lyllyn about where they were going to go first. Tirone shook his head as Rain went back to telling Lyllyn that he needed to go home and tease some kids about some candy. Tirone was with him on that one which made Lyllyn happy.

    Gee was really in a hurry so Tirone was quick and so was Rain as he was going to meet Lyllyn back at the house with Ti and the kids. Lyllyn had kissed him real quick before she watched him jump over the back of the car and Sheril got in their car. Dominic had warned Rain to watch it as he got into the car since he was rolling a blunt in the back seat and Gee told him the same thing. Rain got in playing around with him and the seat but Dominic wasn’t losing his weed. Lyllyn could only smile since the sight she was looking at was like some boys with their toys. One with a gun, one driving, one rolling weed, and the other one playing clown and it was more than ironic that she wound up with the one that was playing the clown. Still she loved the other three of them like brothers since they’d all grown up together but she didn’t always agree with their crew and its bullshit.

    They were all a pretty strong group though and as Lyllyn got into the car she saw Rain pull apart Gee’s gun in his lap and Sheril tell her that they had to go pick up her boyfriend. Lyllyn smiled and shook her head as she agreed with her and then she hit a joint that was handed to her. Lyllyn commented on how good that felt as she watched Ti drive off with Gee yelling at Rain about being an asshole and Dominic crying about the two of them playing around. Ti’s seat was bouncing all around and he wasn’t even hitting his switches. Needless to say Tirone was bitching about them all as he was driving away and Lyllyn handed the joint back to Sheril as she followed them out of the driveway. Lyllyn could only wonder about her life and knew that she needed this night out.

    Getting into their 4x4 truck across the street was a couple of jocks and their cheerleader girlfriends. They were all talking about where they were going to get the booze when Tirone and Sheril drove by. There was Jenny, Jessy, Andy, and Carl all in this group and they were talking to Andy about getting alcohol at Jenny’s house. She wasn’t really up for that idea but that was because she didn’t like how Andy was when he drank. Still Jenny used her parents catching her as an excuse and Jessy reminded Andy that last time she got grounded for a week and missed the big camp out because of it. Andy had camp out plans of his own with her because of that so Jenny wasn’t even complaining then. She agreed to get the alcohol but didn’t like doing it. Her parents were drunks anyway and never usually noticed as she knew she really didn’t have any choice in the matter.

    Carl also knew that Jenny didn’t have any choice either so he tried to lighten the load with food. He really didn’t want to get into that Jessy, Andy argument that was about to happen and since he didn’t believe in drinking on an empty stomach Carl made sure that everyone was going to eat before they started drinking. Andy always agreed for that and was going to stop at a fast food place before they went to Jenny’s house. After all something had to distract her parents while he swiped the booze. Jenny just shrugged at Carl and Jessy as she climbed into the truck in front of Andy. He couldn’t help but check out her ass in her uniform as Jessy just smugly looked at him and turned to walk around the truck. Carl wasn’t complaining though as he walked behind Jessy agreeing with Andy. Andy could only shake his head as he climbed into the truck.

    As Andy drove off with his group in the truck beside him they drove passed our freakier bunch at the comic book store. Their Joan was reading tarot cards to Angela on the hood of Greg’s car. He was sitting in the car with his foot in the door towards Angela as they waited for Joan’s boyfriend to get off work. He was manager of the bookstore so he always had to close. Greg had been raging on Joan and her cards until he busted up laughing at Angela for getting the death card that gave Joan an actual bad feeling. Angela hadn’t cared much because she knew that it didn’t always mean death and she warned him that many others would go first. That was right after Greg commented on how it was time for her to meet her maker. Still Joan felt cold and warned Angela to watch it at the party that night and she told her about how that card was making her feel. As Joan’s boyfriend came out of the store Angela kicked Greg’s foot off the door and got in the back seat.

    Angela and them were all a dark group with their black cloths, tattoos, and piercing so you can see why one would worry why others didn’t. They were all heading to the party right away because Angela and Greg didn’t want to miss any of the bands. Joan was more skeptical now and her boyfriend could tell because she was always getting nervous before they did things. Joan was a big scaredy cat since all her boyfriend could do was wait for it to pass. Little did they know that they were going to have to wait for the doors to open and that they weren’t the only ones with that same idea? The girls road in the back of Greg’s car and they were all about to run into the biggest walls ever. A twenty foot high wall with scary steal gates that were built in their own steal factory.

    When Greg finally was pulling up to the place they were like the second car in the line. The place was creepier than all hell and Angela loved it while Joan’s mind kept flashing back to that stupid death card. The front gates were giving everyone the chills and they were loving it. They were about to find out that they were also automatic and that it was even creepier to watch them open up. As you drive up to the place it’s pretty creepy too since you get a good look at a huge yard of nothing but trees surrounding a big house or mansion. With Greg and them being close to the door they got first looks at the yard and when the doors opened it almost made them want to turn back. But that was what they were there for and if they were already feeling it than just imagine what the party was going to be like.

    Driving into the over grown yard everyone could find that the sun set gave everything a real creepy look. The mist was already starting to fill the area and it was getting creepier by the minute. They drove in and up the drive to the first stop because the drive split into three ways. This was to break things up in the yard and see to it that it was nice and even everywhere. People were thinking that some rich kids were throwing this party but they were about to find out that they were just spoiled brats that thought they could do whatever they had wanted. The hosts of this party were definatly looking to have a good time with their party guests but no one knew just what kind of fun they were going to have that night.

    With everyone pouring into the yard our main host watched from his office windows at the top of his house. His office was the whole top floor and the walls were mostly windows which he loved looking over his magnificent yard through. The only thing he couldn’t do was hunt in his yard and that was because there wasn’t any pray. He could have watched birds or something but he wasn’t into birds. No; this guy liked having people around and so did the three partners he had waiting with him. The partners loved the entertainment value of the party more though. Each one of our four hosts had ten men under them to command at will but the rules of the party were simple. Scare the hell out of some people and don’t let anyone get into the house until it was time to bring them in. Our main host stayed in his windows as he was watching the house just in-case someone did get in and that rarely happened. But it was his section of the yard.

    Kale was standing in his office above the yard and his three partners were Alex, Darren, and Edward who were waiting patiently to go outside on the main floor of the house. Kale had let them know how they’d had quit the turn out for this year’s events and assured them that there would be plenty for all once everyone was inside the wall. The doors were on timers so they only had to wait until they were closed and then they could show their guests just what kind of party that they were in for. The fun would begin and Alex was more than anxious to get outside because he loved Kale’s parties. Edward was too but Darren warned them to be more patient like Kale so nothing went wrong. Kale just loved watching his yard fill up with un-expecting victims as he wore an evil grin wondering about the future of the night at hand.

    Since the first car in the lineup had stopped to decide on what way to go, Greg went around them impatiently because he didn’t care which direction he went in. The others followed him and before you knew it there were carloads of people in three sections of the yard and no one to take invitations. People were starting to get out of their cars and stretch their legs as they wondered just what they were supposed to do next. Others started breaking out the beer and drugs as they were going to have a party no matter what and some started walking around to see whom they could talk to. Since none of the drives seem to head to the house it became the topic that people were talking about heavily. Some people had even noticed Kale in the windows, as the time got closer for the doors to close.

    Sheril and Lyllyn had pulled in where Lyllyn had noticed the guy in the window of the house and pointed him out to Sheril. Sheril was wondering if he’d been some one famous or something but Lyllyn had noticed how he’d kind of looked like Rain in a suit. Sheril could see that too as she chuckled at the thought because he was pretty far away. They both knew that Rain was ahead of them and that he was with Tirone and the others. Lyllyn also knew that Rain would never wear anything other than jeans and a T-shirt like the rest of the crew. Sheril had known that too and she let Lyllyn know how she was glad that Rain didn’t wear his cloths baggy though. Lyllyn blushed as she assures her that his tight little ass wasn’t always worth the trouble. Sheril agreed as they continued on to the left side of the yard.

    The doors were about to close and Kale prepped his men to go out into the yard. He only hoped that they didn’t start losing people before the doors closed and by the looks of it everything was still looking like a one-way street. With the last car pulling in the doors began to close and Alex, Darren, and Edward got their men ready to go outside. Kale watched his men pour out into the yard as he hoped that just one person from the party would make it into the house and up to him without having to be brought. It was his biggest wish since it had never been done before and for some reason he hoped it wouldn’t be a guy. It had been too long without a woman and he got hard just thinking about how exciting it would be to have a woman around. Kale knew that his perfect girl had to be out there somewhere and he knew that he’d find her sooner or later. He just always hoped it would be at one of his parties.

    Kale had figured that his loneliness was because he hadn’t learnt how not to be lonely but Kale knew that he killed his father at the right time. It had been ten years since something interesting had happened and he was just itching for something to go right. He’d hoped it would be as interesting as leaving his mother to her death but even that was something he only thought about. Still Kale had a lot of issues and he really didn’t know what else to do besides load his dart gun and wait. He wanted to be ready just in-case someone was able to make it to his office and the crowds were getting tougher with every year. He could literally see the strength in the people grow as time went on but that was because of the job he was loving to do. As Kale loaded his dart gun with tranquilizers that he designed himself he watched the gates finish closing and waited for the screaming to start.

    The gates closed as eerily as they’d opened and with them sealing off Alex and his men headed to the front yard so that the doors didn’t get to much damage done to them. People were starting to turn back and Lyllyn and Sheril were looking for Rain while something explosive was about to split people up. Lyllyn had known some of the people that were there and she just kind of passed by them as she searched for Rain and with no luck she went to meet Sheril back at the car. Before Lyllyn was able to get out of the woods a bunch of smoke bombs went off and the screaming didn’t stop. She couldn’t see what was happening and Lyllyn took off looking for Rain now for sure. The direction Sheril was in really didn’t sound safe and Lyllyn knew something was wrong. Her first reaction was to find Rain because he and the boys had guns.

    As Lyllyn went searching for Rain she found dead bodies in the woods and they had cross bow and arrows stuck in them. Some were just mutilated with knives and bigger knives as she ran through the woods until she’d come across one of the killers. Not up for a fight Lyllyn punched the guy in the throat and ran some more wishing that she hadn’t been a smoker. Others besides Lyllyn were trying to smash through the gates and other vehicles but Alex was on top of that as he and his friends were having a shooting contest. Alex and his men got to be up by the gates because they were the most aggressive group and that left few survivors to get to the house then. His group was split up into two groups between the gate and the house so Alex had a wide range of area covered. It did also allowed several people to slip passed in-between the ten people he had. There were like one hundred and fifty people at that party.

    Alex was quick and he was brutal with his killings as he went around one side of the drive and some of his men on the other side of the drive. The only thing they didn’t use was guns and usually if anyone had snuck in with a gun then they were taken out quickly because it had happened before. Darren and Edward had the east and west sides of the yard where gun shots had been heard so there were a few people headed in that direction but Alex wasn’t one of them. He knew that someone else would get to them first and was having fun right where he was. Lyllyn was being chased in that direction deliberately because she was being pushed towards the gun shots. She could only hope that she was leading whoever was following her into a trap. Lyllyn had no clue as to where to go really but she knew that she was going somewhere. Little did she know that Rain was looking for her too and he was heading towards her without knowing it either. Rain could only hope to find Lyllyn and just hoped that he wasn’t too late to see her alive again. If anything he was going to find her dead body at least.

    Kale knew where his partners were with Edward in the east yard, Darren to the west, and Alex out front so all he did for the time was watch out his windows listening to the screams that his partners were making while testing his company’s products. Kale could smell the blood in the air as the door banged and the herds spread out into smaller groups and the taste was almost mind numbing. Kale wondered just what kinds of reports he was going to get back and how much fun they were to use for his men. He could picture the killings as he listened and every now and then he could see a killing in one his paths. Kale thought about how his products made it hard for anyone to get to the house but the thought of someone getting to him made him hard and impatient like a little kid. Kale just knew that he was going to get what he wanted this year but that made him a bit impatient.

    Right at the gate was John, Jason, Dan, and Barry along with Alex and they were having so much fun that they were chasing their guests off rather quickly. They had started placing body parts all over the cars that were smashed into the gates so that anyone who thought that they were going to get out would know otherwise. They were planning on moving out and spreading out around their area for more action with Alex. They’d already watched a bunch of people turn around in their cars and head back out into the yard. This was encouraging for them and they wanted to make some more brutal head shots before round up time came. That was if there wasn’t anything better to do as they went along. Alex had even made sure that he made some killings in the paths for Kale to witness since he knew how Kale was always watching.

    Things were getting bloody and Lyllyn just knew that she wasn’t getting out of that place without Rain so she was still searching for him. Rain, Ti, Gee, and Dominic were on the east side of the yard heading northwest towards the house to find Lyllyn. Rain figured that Lyllyn would head towards the house so that was where he was going to look for her. Lyllyn knew that he would do that so she tried to get as close to the house as she could and stay in the woods at the same time to hide. Sooner or later they would cross paths. Tirone just hoped that she didn’t wind up in the back yard somewhere. With things still being pretty dangerous Rain and them came across some trouble and lost one of their group.

    Gee had gotten his head torn off by a guy in the tree with razor wire and Ti, Rain, and Dominic all filled the guy full of holes for it. Dominic had picked up Gee’s gun and holstered it for Lyllyn when they found her because he knew that girl well enough to know she’d be looking for them if shit like this were going on. There wasn’t even any time to morn and he could only hope that they’d make it out of there alive. Rain’s biggest concern was Lyllyn and he was out to find her even more now since they’d lost Gee and his heart pounded with the thought of losing her. He knew that he didn’t want to lose her even if he didn’t know where she was at for the time but he did know that that girl could take care of herself until he got to her. Tirone and Dominic were staying with him since splitting up wasn’t an option.

    Jumping way out by the back wall we find some of Darren and Edward’s men picking on Angela and Greg. They’d lost Joan and Davis because some big guys hiding in the bushes had jumped them. The big guys trapped Angela and Greg while the others got away. Greg had stabbed one of them with his pocketknife and the two of them were chased all the way out by the back wall because of it. The two of them had run over some nasty brutalities as they headed out there and all they were seeing was death. Angela’s mind kept flashing back to the death card that Joan had turned up for her as she thought of how Greg was going to wind up getting killed by the guy he’d stabbed earlier.

    Angela and Greg seemed to run a long way but they’d been running into a trap unlike Lyllyn who was up by the house looking for a trap to save her ass with. It seemed like forever she’d been running except Lyllyn had literally been chased right into the side of a medium sized barn. She’d actually run into the side of it. It was exactly what she’d been looking for as she went around the side of it to find a door because there had to be something inside she could defend herself with. The door was locked but since Rain was a master lock pick she knew how to get around that. Lyllyn took off her earrings and began picking the lock with them. Just as an arrow hit the door beside her head the lock popped and she was more than glad to see how quickly things were going to go for her. Lyllyn slipped inside with the lock in her hands still. She looked around the barn for something and as she did she put one of her earrings back in.

    On the wall was a pitchfork so Lyllyn tossed the rock in the corner as she went to get the pitchfork down and use it to defend herself with. If it were a no guns rule then she would play by the rules for now. Lyllyn was a mean bitch and messing with her could cause a person trouble so it was kind of why Rain needed to find her. She was the one with all of the ideas so if anyone could get them out of there then it was she. Dominic agreed. Still Lyllyn had to get to them first or vise-versa and that meant killing off her tag along first. Or at least injuring him into not following her any more. Lyllyn knew what she was doing so it was only a matter of getting it over with and she hid behind the door waiting for her follower. Lyllyn knew she had to find Rain.

    Lyllyn listened to the man come closer and closer as he voiced out what it was that he was going to do to her. Lyllyn just shook her head no as she listened for the footsteps to reach the wooden floor. The man had walked into the barn telling her that he was going to get her. The sound of her heart’s pounding over took her hearing so she used it and all of her strength she had to tell the man no by stabbing him with the pitchfork. As Lyllyn spoke, he turned around to get it right in the chest and as Lyllyn stuck him she heard Rain’s voice telling her that sometimes people just needed to be killed. Lyllyn shoved hard with cold eyes and the man fell easily with shock in his eyes. Lyllyn refused to let go of the pitchfork and as she did someone grabbed her shoulder.

    Going back into the woods we find Jenny, Carl, and Andy walking along without any trouble at the time except Jenny was freaking out on them. She was so paranoid about what was going on around them that Andy was pushing her every step of the way. Carl found that giving her a good smack helped since they needed to stay quiet so they weren’t found. Andy wasn’t ready to die and warned her that if they were found because of her than he was going to shield himself with her. Andy was a real dick even though Carl didn’t like that idea. Carl didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to start more trouble as it was since they were trying to stay quiet and it was working on Jenny. They were about to wind up with more company anyways as they walked along the east wall for what seemed like a half an hour.

    Coming across Joan and Cane, Carl could see that Joan had been stabbed several times and he quickly went to help her. Carl asked Andy for his jacket and Cane for his too as he took off his own to tie off and fill in the wounds. Carl had also had Andy use his pocketknife to help cut the jackets up. Jenny was really freaking out know as she couldn’t believe that someone would do this to a person. Andy gave the knife to Cane so that he could keep Jenny calm and the others took care of Joan who was telling them that they were all going to die in that place together. Her mind was racing with psychic intuition. Carl had wanted to be a doctor and had read many medical journals so he could tell that someone had stabbed Joan to let her bleed out and he was stopping that for her. Still Joan warned him that she could see some of them dying. Cane just figured that it was because she was losing blood and so did Carl. Joan on the other hand was really seeing what she had said.

    With Andy, Jenny, Carl, Cane, and Joan all having their own trouble in the front east yard we can find Angela and Greg out by the back wall having their own trouble. The man that Greg had stabbed had some new friends and ambushed the two of them where they cut them off. Angela was grabbed while Greg was surrounded and Angela knew what to expect as she thought of Joan and the death card. The radios that their hosts carried had made it quicker for them to catch up with the two of them and they were pushed right into the guys trap. Things were getting worse for some while others were just hung onto and Angela warned Greg to watch it because they were all armed. Greg knew what was going to happen and began swinging a large stick that he’d picked up a while back.

    There were all kinds of mutilations all over the yard as things got bloodier and bloodier. People were getting their organs ripped out, getting their eyes, tongues, and throats ripped out, and a lot of them were just left to bleed to death in various types of ways. Some people that just come across these mutilations were literally sick and throwing up because of them being so terrible. Some used the blood of others to hide but there really wasn’t any place to hide and only lasted for a short time. If the blood did work than it was usually only the one time as others weren’t gutsy enough to even do it. They were just lucking out all over the place and the hosts of this party were thinning things out rather quickly because of some of the stupidity that was going around the yard. A lot of people were just killed.

    Some of our party members lost their group members one at a time like Andy, Jenny, and Carl had lost Jessy. The same went for Joan and Cane except they lost both of their party members. No one knew what happened to Jessy but Cane had gone after someone that scooped up Joan. He was almost too late to save her but he found her just as the man that had stabbed her left her there to die. Cane knew that he had to find help and when they’d come across Carl he was more than grateful. Unfortunately he didn’t know what had happened to Greg and Angela so he could only hope that they were okay. Andy and Jenny didn’t believe that anyone was safe after Jessy’s scream and her disappearance from right behind them. They had no idea what had happened to her or how so they could only keep going.

    If those groups weren’t enough we can still find Sheril out in the west side of the yard looking for Lyllyn except heading to the house or towards the gun shots was more difficult for her to do. She was really stressing out and that wasn’t something she needed to be doing with her heart condition. After she’d lost Lyllyn, Sheril had begun freaking out and John had tried to chase her down. Just as she’d thought she’d found someone and she witnessed them getting their heart ripped out of their chest so she just took off. That was until she’d found some bushes to hide in and this left John looking for her. He’d thought he’d lost her until Sheril scared the shit out of her and to stop himself from pissing his pants he warned her not to do that again. Sheril had been completely breathless still and John was worried about her since the only thing that could really come out of her mouth was about finding Lyllyn.

    Sheril had been worried about something happening to Lyllyn or if she were to find Rain that she’d leave without her. John assured her that Lyllyn wasn’t going to leave her and that she was going to find Rain to help. He’d heard the gunshots too but they’d been cut off from that direction by a bunch of killers. John pushed Sheril back into the bushes so that they could hide and still talk to each other. They were still going to find Lyllyn and the others but they were going to have to wait for things to die down first. If the two of them waited then maybe the killers would go away. This wasn’t taking long either since most of our groups were two or more and our largest group was about to get even bigger by one.

    With things getting even thinner we find a group in the middle that saw it best to stick together because they saw less trouble that way. What it was though was Kale liked that group and radioed for the large groups to be left alone now. Joe, Ralf, Calvin, James, Alexsis, and Bobby were all heading down the middle trail towards the house and they found that staying that way was working for them. Since they knew going towards the gates was out of the question they were hoping to find a phone at the house or something. Things weren’t looking very good and getting out of that place alive became a matter of survival for all of them. They knew that things weren’t good for them but staying out of the woods was.

    Angela and Greg were learning about survival as the two of them were surrounded by a group of guys that were out for blood. Angela saw Greg swing the stick and started kicking to try and break free as one

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