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Twin Hearts: Recipes of Love
Twin Hearts: Recipes of Love
Twin Hearts: Recipes of Love
Ebook69 pages44 minutes

Twin Hearts: Recipes of Love

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About this ebook

OF LIFE. From owning a pizza shop to cooking in her spare
time for family, friends, and community. An art she worked to perfect
then had to re-invent when hubby John developed severe health
problems. These recipes celebrate a lifetime of traditional indulgent
recipes they grew up on, tweaked for the health conscious without
being forced to give up fl avor or tradition. John lost nearly 80 lbs.
and drastically changed the direction his health was heading, you can
too. With these simple to use, step by step recipes along with any
healthy exercise program, and modifi ed proportions.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 9, 2013
Twin Hearts: Recipes of Love

Tena Cowan

TENA COWAN lives in Rural Alabama in a multi generational home, with her husband John of recently 25 years. She spent her daughter’s formative years homeschooling . She is a freelance author with a passion for cooking, as well as travel, and teaching. Her family, faith, friends and community are of her greatest assests. She was an Army Brat born in California, moved all over and after her husband left the Navy they settled into Alabama’s traditional conservative countryside. Presently she writes from home caring for her disabled parents and mentally challenged daughter. Her ambition in life is to spread God’s word in whatever endeavor she takes on.

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    Twin Hearts - Tena Cowan

    Copyright © 2013 by Tena Cowan.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 07/25/2013

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    Soups, Chilis, Sauces and Stews



    Sumptuous Sides


    Sandwiches and Pizzas

    Desserts and Baked Goods


    Joshua 24:15 (NIV)—But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

    W HEN JOHN AND I married we had a bit more in common than most couples. In those days I was a novice gourmet. He loved to eat. So, the fact that my specialties were; Mushroom Lasagna, Sweet Potato Casserole, Bavarian Torte and etc., made a match made in heaven. Later to be a match made for cardiology. As years passed John and I both, developed some serious health issues. He suffered strokes and congestive heart disease. Not to mention he topped the scales at 400 lbs.

    John grew up in a house that didn’t cook healthy. Fat and salt was banished around without caution or concern. I was ridiculed for my health concerns. His mother once asked, So what do you do, stand around and read labels? Yes, I do. And John isn’t cooperative at all, either.

    It became a constant battle for me to keep the traditional flavor in home-style recipes and still manage to cut the fat, salt and calories.

    This book is about me loving all of him, his good habits and his bad ones. It’s about what we believed was the most important thing in the world when we married. Family. The family we were starting, the families we came from and how good food can be good for you and good to you. So my friends good food, good times, good health to you all!


    2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NIV)—May our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His Grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.


    A PPETIZERS WERE ESPECIALLY hard for John and I to tone down. Cesar salad with egg, cheese, and anchovies, not to mention homemade croutons tossed in butter and fat. It was especially hard to give up hot wings with blue cheese dressing. Especially after family and friends encouraged us to open our own pizza shop, Johnny’s , named for my Johnny. But the recipes were purely mine. One of our specialties we became known for was Johnny’s Buffalo Wings. Originally the wings were deep-fried. Then tossed in buttered sauce. My revision is as follows:

    -Johnny’s Hot Wings

    5 lbs. chicken wing segments (rinsed and patted dry)

    Low sodium hot sauce (Louisiana style)

    1/2 cup melted margarine with canola oil

    Toss ingredients together in oversize bowl, then place on lined cookie sheet and bake in preheated oven at about 345*For about 45 min. or until done.

    -Johnny’s Blue Cheese Dressing

    4 oz. blue cheese crumbles

    1/2 pint fat free sour cream

    1/2 pint Greek style plain yogurt

    1/2 cup 2% milk

    Ground pepper to taste

    Mix all ingredients except cheese until well blended, and then fold in cheese. Serve

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