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Legends of the Prophecy: The Seventh Child
Legends of the Prophecy: The Seventh Child
Legends of the Prophecy: The Seventh Child
Ebook245 pages3 hours

Legends of the Prophecy: The Seventh Child

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The Enemy
The Fajarah, powerful evil beings, have enslaved the inhabitants
of Sonaria. Their only concern is self-preservation. Their goal
is universal dominion. They will stop at nothing to get what they
want. No race is beyond their reach. No Planet is safe.
The Prophecy, penned by The Holy One Himself, foretells of seven
children who shall defeat the Fajarah and crush the Dynasty.
As the ages-old prophecy unfolds, seven children are born as
the three moons of Sonaria eclipse the Sun. In danger from the
moment they take their fi rst breath of life, the newborn fugitives
are whisked away by their parents to a hidden ship. To save not
only their children, but the future of Sonaria, seven sets of parents
risk their very lives to fl ee to a ship especially designed to escape
to the sanctity of Earth.
But only six of the children make it to the ship.
Of one thing the prophecy is clear: only the combined strength
of all Seven will be enough to defeat the Fajarah and destroy
the Dynasty. Without the Seventh Child, the future of Sonaria is
doomed. With six of The Seven headed to Earth, will Earth be
next on the Dynastys list?
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 10, 2013
Legends of the Prophecy: The Seventh Child

LaTrisha Jones

LaTrisha Jones has been writing since the age of nine. She has always loved the art of storytelling. A professional musician, in addition to writing books, LaTrisha also writes music, poetry, songs and plays. She resides in Hoffman Estates, IL with three of her four children and her husband.

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    Legends of the Prophecy - LaTrisha Jones

    Copyright © 2013 by LaTrisha Jones.

    ISBN:          Softcover                                 978-1-4836-3246-9

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4836-3247-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 06/06/2013

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    CHAPTER 1       Daniel, Son of Lorne

    CHAPTER 2       The Huntress

    CHAPTER 3       Daniel

    CHAPTER 4       Omar, The Prince of the Dynasty

    CHAPTER 5       Lorne

    CHAPTER 6       Atalanta

    CHAPTER 7       The Huntress

    CHAPTER 8       Omar

    CHAPTER 9       And Then There Were Three

    CHAPTER 10       Omar

    CHAPTER 11       Raghani

    CHAPTER 12       Omar

    CHAPTER 13       Travis

    CHAPTER 14       Ira and Ria—The Twins

    CHAPTER 15       Six Together Will Bond

    CHAPTER 16       The Seventh Child

    CHAPTER 17       And They Will Fight




    The Prophecy

    To restore the peace that once was ours,

    Seven will be found.

    Four boys, three girls imbued with powers

    will bring the Dynasty down.

    Three moons will eclipse Sonaria’s Sun,

    A sign of the birth of four.

    Three more babes born on the run

    When the sun shines its rays once more.

    Hidden away from Sonaria’s sight

    Six together will bond

    Aware that they will have to fight

    To enable the seventh to abscond.

    A girl, chosen by the Holy One

    Will pledge to the Seven her aide.

    She will do that which only can be done

    By her: a power for her to lade.

    When the seven are on one accord

    Invincible they will be.

    They will break the chains and crush the sword

    To sever the bonds of slavery.


    First I give thanks to the one and only true Living God, in Whom I live, breathe, and have my being. For it is He that breathed creativity into my soul. Every talent and skill I possess is but a blessing from Him.

    To my husband, my kids, and my entire family: I love you all dearly. Mom and Dad, I still say you two are the best parents I could ask for. I want to give a special shout out to my children: Latria, CJ, Kiara, and Xavier. I often say that I have been blessed with great kids. Each and every one of you are special to me, and I consider it both an honor and privilege that God chose me to be your mother. CJ and Kiara, you were both instrumental in helping me with this book. Thank you, Kiara for your very honest feedback throughout the whole process. You never hold back. Thank you, CJ, for helping me to overcome writer’s block at the end.

    To Reagan Pokorney: Thank you for faithfully reading the chapters of the book as I wrote them. I cannot tell you how helpful it was to bounce ideas off you as well as hear your ideas (and Noah’s too!). Even though you laughed at me when I first told you I was going to write the book, thank you for your endless support and encouragement from beginning to end. Even though you may not know it, just knowing that you were waiting for the pages as I wrote them inspired me to write even on days I didn’t feel like it. Thank you.

    To Marilyn Leveritte: Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. Your endless excitement about the book, the characters, and the storyline was great motivation and inspiration. Your tireless works of encouragement brighten the darkest of days. Thank you.

    To Shunnolo Brown: Thank you for your never-ending support. Thank you for your willingness to go above and beyond. I am so glad that the word impossible is not in your vocabulary. Thank you most of all for being my friend.

    To Teresa Andrade: Thank you for being willing to read my book to your class. Your support is greatly appreciated. And to your class: I’m so glad you all enjoyed the book! I wish I could call you all by name. It meant so much to me to hear you guys tell me about the events in the book with such detail.

    To the 2012-2013 Third grade classes at Timber Trails Elementary school: Mrs. Andrade’s class, Mrs. Tarallo’s class, Ms. West’s class, and Mrs. Blake’s class: It was such a pleasure to meet all of you and read to you from The Legends of the Prophecy! You were all such a great audience, and your excitement about the book was more inspiring and motivating than I can find words to tell you. I hope that your excitement continues as the series continues.

    To all of my friends who supported me in this endeavor: Please know that whatever you did to support me, it did not go unnoticed, no matter how large or how small. If you read some of the book, listened to some of the book, encouraged me when I was discouraged… whatever it was, I appreciate it. Perhaps it seems unfair to group you all together, but there are only so many trees in the world. Just know this: I love you more than words can convey. Your friendship gets me through the toughest of times, and is celebrated in the best of times. Just to know that there is someone out there praying for me, rooting for me — it makes all the difference in the world. I couldn’t make it without you. Thank you.

    Finally, to my sister, Tina: Even though you didn’t read my book (LOL) you are and have always been encouraging. Besides, I know I’d never hear the end of it if I didn’t mention you specifically! You always support me, and I appreciate it. I am so glad that you moved to Illinois because it means so much to me to have my little sister here with me. Through ups and downs, good times and bad, it’s so good to know that I have a sister who is also my friend. Love always, Sissy.


    I can’t go any further! The baby is coming, Marita cried, fear oozing from her voice.

    You must try. The ship will leave without us. Here, let me carry you.

    Marita opened her mouth to protest, but no words came. Instead, a piercing cry escaped her lips as another contraction gripped her, forcing her to her knees. He’s coming now!

    Lorne knelt to the ground where his wife had fallen. Never in his life had he been so afraid. If they didn’t make the ship, there was no doubt that they would die. He looked pleadingly into the eyes of the woman he loved. Marita, he said softly, but with an edge brought on by desperation, if they catch us, they will kill us. All of us.

    Marita looked up at her husband through eyes overflowing with tears. Look, she said.

    Lorne did look. He could see the baby’s head already. Don’t push any more, Marita, he said with a calm he did not feel.

    Marita would have loved to obey her husband. But Mother Nature would have her own way. An instinct as old as time itself gave Marita the undeniable urge to push. And push she did.

    Suddenly, the fear that threatened to overwhelm him moments ago, gave way to the awe of seeing his first child birthed into the world. He knew, with all that was in him, that there was nothing that he would not do to keep this child safe. He would do anything to ensure his son’s survival.

    It’s a boy, he whispered. Lovingly he laid the baby in his wife’s arms and carefully wrapped them in a blanket. With determination, he picked up his wife and baby. Holding onto his family, literally for dear life, Lorne moved as quickly as he could toward the waiting ship. Relief flooded his body as the ship came into view.

    Hurry! a voice from the ship cried. We have little time to spare!

    We made it, Marita whispered.

    Yes, Love, we did, Lorne answered as he began to run the last few steps to the entrance of the ship. No sooner than those words escaped his lips, then did a blood-curdling scream erupt the silence of the darkness. The scream was followed almost immediately by gunfire.

    Immediately two women appeared, and began helping Marita and the baby onto the spaceship.

    My wife needs to be attended. The child was just born minutes ago. The tone of his voice left no room for dispute.

    We are prepared, answered one of the women who Lorne recognized as one of the Midwives chosen especially for The Escape. We must prepare for takeoff. The enemy is upon us.

    Did everyone make it to the ship? Lorne demanded to know.

    We must go, the midwife answered hurriedly.

    Dread began to creep through Lorne’s being. He had been one of the Keepers of The Prophecy. He had been instrumental in planning The Escape. While he knew that each of The Seven were born with special power that would one day bring down the Dynasty, he also knew that only the combined power of all of The Seven could destroy the Dynasty. If only six children survived, all of Sonaria would be doomed. All of their years of planning, and efforts will have been for naught.

    Did everyone make it? Lorne asked the question this time with an authority that left no room for insubordinate replies.

    No Sir, the midwife answered. But we cannot wait. The last couple did not make it past the sentries. They were captured on their way to the ship. The shots that we just heard were likely the sound of their execution.

    What of the child?

    According to the Lifestone, the child still lives, but just barely."

    Lorne looked longingly at his wife and child. Tears welled in his eyes, but he had already made his decision.

    I must find the child, Lorne stated in a resigned voice.

    Lorne! Marita cried. No!

    We cannot wait for you, said the midwife. The countdown has already begun."

    Lorne kissed his wife, and then his newborn son. He is to be called Daniel.

    Marita began to shake uncontrollably as sobs racked her body.

    Be strong, Marita. I love you. I will see you and Daniel again. I will find the child. Lorne turned to leave the ship just as the doors were beginning to close.

    What if you don’t? Marita asked through her tears.

    Lorne turned to look at his wife for the last time. Then we shall all perish.

    The door closed. Lorne watched the spaceship rise into the air. Just as the ship cleared the trees, it disappeared in an explosion that rocked the core of Sonaria.

    Suddenly everything was chaos. Animals spooked by the explosion began frantically running for cover. All around him, he could hear people screaming. He could hear the sentries running toward the sound of the explosion. Lorne knew what he had to do — run! Lorne ran, his muscular legs moving him easily through the trees. Though the rest of the world, it seemed, was in a panic, Lorne was secretly rejoicing. He knew the explosion was actually a good sign. The ship had been designed so that the outer parts of the ship would explode upon takeoff. The core of the ship, that part of the ship that was actually carrying the passengers would continue in flight, now off the radar of the Dynasty. This had been one of the most intricate parts of The Escape. It was risky, indeed downright scary, but essential. The Dynasty would stop at nothing to maintain their supremacy and exercise dominion over weaker beings. If they had but an inkling of suspicion that The Seven remained alive, they would stop at nothing to find them.

    It hurt him that he had to leave his family. Marita will never know how hard it was to walk away from the ship. But he knew he had to do it. The Dynasty was growing in its power. Soon, Sonaria would not be enough to control. Lorne knew The Dynasty was moving toward ruling other planets. The most logical planet would be the one closest to Sonaria. The very planet that his family was zooming toward: Earth. If The Seven don’t come together, nothing will be able to stop The Dynasty.

    Lorne continued to run at top speed, putting as much distance between himself and the sentries as he could. But the stench of blood and death that suddenly assaulted his nostrils rose like a brick wall before him. Abruptly he stopped running, horrified by what he saw. He would never recover from the scene before him. The grisly images seared themselves into his memory forever.

    Lorne had run upon the bodies of Katarina and Raiden. Now he knew. This was the couple that didn’t make it past the sentries. It was their baby that he must find.

    The sentries were merciless in the slaying of the pair. So horrible were their remains, Lorne would never describe it to anyone. He only prayed that their deaths had come quickly.

    Sure that he was about to lose the contents of his stomach, Lorne fled to some nearby bushes. That’s when he heard a sound so unexpected, he froze in his tracks. Immobilized in anticipation of hearing the sound again, his nausea was soon forgotten. Just when he thought he had imagined it, he heard faint mewling. Now treading carefully into the bushes, he found the unbelievable source of the sound. Carefully wrapped in blankets, hidden in the thicket was Katarina and Raiden’s baby, the Seventh child.

    Lorne picked up the baby and cuddled him close. An unquenchable longing for his own child surged within him. I’ll find you a safe hiding place, Little One, he said soothingly to the infant. The baby appeared weak and was probably hungry. Lorne had no way to feed him, but he did possess the Gift of healing. As he held the baby close, he willed his healing power to come forth. Before long, the color began to return to his cheeks. His breathing returned to normal. Lorne rocked him in his arms, and soon the baby was fast asleep.

    Lorne secured the baby to this chest, as carefully as if it were his own son, and then used his cloak to hide him. Lorne had a plan. He would hide the child in the only place the Fajarah would never think to look for him — within the Dynasty itself.

    Lorne was not far from the Palace, home of The Dynasty. He knew the area quite well. In fact, there was a secret hideout right about… . there! To the naked eye, there appeared to be a mound of impenetrable stone. Lorne knew better, of course. Lorne placed the palms of his hands on two different stones, waited a few moments, and then the stones parted, revealing a hidden fortress. Once inside, Lorne placed his hands on two different stones, and the stone wall closed once again.

    This was his life-long secret. Not even his beloved wife knew of this place, or more importantly, what this place signified.

    Lorne, like most of the inhabitants of Sonaria that were not part of the Dynasty, detested the Dynasty. It was bad enough that The Dynasty enslaved the people of this planet. What sickened Lorne, though, is how The Dynasty evolved into its present state. The members of the Dynasty were originally The Protectors. They were beings blessed by THE HOLY ONE with special powers to protect the people of the planet. They were far stronger than the rest of the Sonarians. They never got sick, and they were able to heal sickness in lesser beings. The Protectors could be wounded, but the healing properties they possessed would heal the wound almost as soon as it occurred. Conversely, the Protectors were able to snuff out life with just a touch of their hands. Eventually, some of the Protectors became drunk with their own power. They desired to be as gods themselves. They turned away from the Teachings. Now, instead of Protectors, they were destroyers, and they ruled with a harsh hand. Collectively, they were known as the Fajarah. Their very name meant wicked, evil doers. They desired to be feared and held in awe. They destroyed anything or anyone that opposed them, even their own kind.

    Lorne knew better than anyone of their selfish cruelty. He had watched with a heavy heart as they executed his own father. Lorne’s father, Boaz Krishnah, was a Protector who never turned away from the Teachings, although he followed them in secret. He taught Lorne the Teachings and the ways of THE HOLY ONE. He instilled in Lorne a hatred for the Dynasty from an early age. But he also taught Lorne to hide that hatred for his own protection, indeed his very survival. Lorne learned early that he could not even trust his own mother. Lorne’s mother, Samarian Krishnah, loved Boaz and her son, but she was loyal to the Dynasty. She had no idea that her husband still followed The Teachings, or that Boaz taught Lorne in the way of THE HOLY ONE. Samarian would lay down her life to protect the Dynasty, and she would not hesitate to take another’s life if it were for the good of The Dynasty.

    Boaz was very wise, but he had grown very old. He knew that he didn’t have much longer to live. He came up with a plan to prove Lorne’s allegiance to the Dynasty. After a heated debate with Lorne, it was decided that Lorne would expose his father to the Potentate. At first, Lorne staunchly refused to go along with the plan. He would rather have died himself than to turn his beloved father over to those monsters. In the end, it was his father’s faith in him that persuaded him to do the unthinkable.

    Son, Boaz had said, "I am very old. I am going to die soon anyway. My path was determined by THE HOLY ONE ages ago. It was never my role to bring down the Dynasty. My role was to raise a son who could. Lorne, you are that son. You are strong. You are brave. I know that you have the true heart of a Protector. I know that you will do your part to help fulfill the Prophecy. You are the last Protector; but

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