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Marcie was staring up at the clouds in the beautiful, blue sky. She liked to lay by the Willow tree near the back of her father's creek and find shapes, mostly funny ones, to make her laugh. At least, it was something to do. She was so bored lately, even though she had everything given to her in her life. At times, she wanted to run away. Most of her friends were already married except for the few who became school marms. Guess it was more important for them to teach children then to marry and have their own children...

This is a story about a daughter and her father exploring the west.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 24, 2013

Carole A. Powell

Author born in Indiana and has lived all over the U.S. Cancer and other diseases has kept her homebound and she decided to write books. The first book was published by a small company and cannot be bought at the present time. It is a story about life with pictures by her daughter Tammy. The second one is about a man who raises 7 children himself. The third is about the Indians and Calvary and 2 forts. The fourth one is about 4 generations and the 5th one is about a teenage boy who experiences life. All of these books were written in a 2 month time frame. Enjoy.

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    Bliss - Carole A. Powell

    Copyright © 2013 by Carole A. Powell.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4836-5828-5

                    Ebook         978-1-4836-5829-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 06/20/2013

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    In The Beginning

    In The Middle

    In The End



    In The Beginning

    Marcie was staring up at the clouds in the beautiful, blue sky. She liked to lay by the Willow tree near the back of her father’s creek and find shapes, mostly funny ones, to make her laugh. At least, it was something to do. She was so bored lately, even though she had everything given to her in her life. At times, she wanted to run away. Most of her friends were already married except for the few who became school marms. Guess it was more important for them to teach children then to marry and have their own children.

    She was all alone as her real mother had died in childbirth because of Marcie. Her father took another woman to be his wife about six months later, by the name of Helen. She was supposed to also be a mother to Marcie but somehow a line was drawn between the two and it never transpired.

    As a child, Marcie learned to play within her own world and never had many friends. She was tutored at home because her father did not want her mingling with other children. Her childhood was dark, dank and hidden. Being an only child, she was a survivor, but not by choice. She often wished she had sisters and brothers to mingle with. Many a day, Marcie stayed in her room crying and feeling sorry for herself. Other times, she talked to the only friend she knew on the phone for hours, Mary Kate.

    Marcie always felt different and was never told that Helen was not her real mother till she was 17 years old. Marcie was asking Helen about childbirth and Helen could not answer her questions. She then told her she was her foster mother, more or less, and never had any children of her own. Also, furthermore, she never wanted children. Of course the binding between the two was further apart. Her father was never the adoring parent she could turn to and he always took Helen’s side no matter what.

    Marcie’s friend, Kristie Myers, told her she found out she was adopted when she was 8 years old. She said she wished she never knew a thing cause she always felt different with her family once she knew. I am glad Helen told me because now I know I had a reason not to love my mother. I guess cause I knew thats exactly how she felt about me. I promised myself, that from that day forward, I would never call her mother again, only Helen.

    At the present time, Marcie had two beaus and wondered why neither one ever proposed to her. She figured herself to be a comely lass and would make someone a fitting bride or wife. After all, she was still a virgin. Who would have thought that at the age of 19 she was still whole? That was going to change she decided. First come, first served.

    As luck would have it, it was neither beau but the stable lad. Marcie gathered Her Wits, her horse, and rode home quickly as a storm was gathering. She did get abit wet before she reached the barn. In the stall she decided to shed some of her wet clothing and wrapped herself in a stable blanket.

    Kane could not contain himself. Here was the daughter of his boss, who he had always thought was beautiful. As he walked into the stall, it seems a current rose up between the two and love was in the air. Or should I say Marcie. She threw herself onto him and wiggled and squirmed with him inside of her. She loved every minute of the dance and wondered why she had waited so long for this performance. To her dismay, he pulled out of her and left her lying in the hay without him. He grabbed some of the blanket that should have been used on Her Wits and relieved and cleansed himself. She noticed he was also making weird, guttural sounds and decided she liked them. Marcie had no idea what was going on but soon he was back at her side and told her to trust him if she did not want a baby. The word baby woke her from her daze and she agreed with Kane. The pulsating at her woman hood was still strong and he told her to wait abit even though she was grabbing him

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