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A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose
A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose
A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose
Ebook171 pages1 hour

A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose

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A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose is suitable for all ages. Readers will enjoy imagery, including issues of everyday life, humorous twists, unexpected lessons, and thankfulness for the beauty of life. This collection of poetry expresses ethics wherein love, faith, and honor are exonerated and unsung heroism is cited.

This is a source book for family discussion. Some stories are pure enjoyment. Included are animals, people rebounding from disasters, and fantastical stories of lobstermen and of a flying snowman. A lovely story is the Visit to a Fairies House. It extols valuing craftsmanship in your daily work.

The book offers a portrait of areas visited, and mostly of Mt. Desert Island, a part of which is Acadia National Park, happenings, and the lovely uplifting beauty of the area.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 24, 2013
A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose

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    A Family Selection of Poetry and Prose - Dixie W. Carsey

    Copyright © 2013 by Dixie W. Carsey.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4836-8726-1

                     Ebook           978-1-4836-8727-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 09/10/2013

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    Table of Contents



    My Jungle Playhouse

    To Filament

    When the Moose Came Around

    Yoda Dingle Crackerbarrow Dan


    A Christmas Gift

    A Harbor Town Christmas

    Christmas Cheer

    Tuba Christmas


    After the Storm


    Foggy Day

    I Took a Walk With my Dog Today

    Living Below the Shadows

    Message of the Trees

    Morning on the Hills

    Mourning Doves

    Pelicans on the Pier


    Sing a Song to Winter

    Sixteen Inches of Snow on the Wall

    The Blue Eggs

    Two Piebald Fawns

    Two Robins Today


    A Rainy Day Campground

    Climbing the Beech Cliffs

    Early Spring in Maine

    Full Moon at Seawall

    Lightning Storm

    Maine Autumn 2011


    Polka Dot, the Moose, and at the Dump

    The Bass Harbor Lighthouse

    The Blizzard



    Angels in Rocking Chairs

    Anticipating Death

    Can Do-The First Command


    How do I Live?

    The Reflection in the Mirror

    West Texas Sunset



    How Does Our Garden Grow

    I Was Attacked by My Refrigerator!

    In the Apple of My Youth


    The Young Quilters


    Cloey Hunts

    It Was Blueberry Time

    Maggie Fell

    Mistress of Pretend


    Visiting a Fairy’s House

    A Foggy Morning at the Gnomes Castle

    Gnomes in Wonderland

    Misty Day Gnomes

    To Find the Fairies


    A Bird A-Head

    On A Feller in Love

    A Spring Journey

    Charlene’s Heart

    Dark Sky and Light

    Down the Mountain to theWest

    Fighting the Dragon

    Moon Doggy

    My Daily Bread

    Storm Waves

    The Birth of a King

    The Day the Steel Drums Came Alive

    The Lost Heifer

    The Russian Survivor


    What we Love About Fall

    What we Love About Fall


    I am dedicating this book to my husband, Alan Carsey, who has fully supported my writing and even took the photograph for the cover of this book. I also wish to thank my family, and friends and story tellers for sharing their stories which I made into poems, especially Anne Small for her professional assistance; John Small, Ann Clapper, Les Gott, Frank Goodwin, Pat LaPierre, and Holly Gay, Judy Phillips, Linda Russell and Swetlana Miller for their enthusiasm and assistance.



    Twenty Dalmatians ran down my street.

    Black and white pepper streaked near my feet!

    Black and white newsprint flew through the air.

    I wiped off my glasses to make sure what was there!

    Twenty Dalmatians ran into town.

    Twenty Dalmatians peppered the ground.

    A black and white zebra appeared before me.

    It playfully gestured and broke into three.

    As puppies ran down the street of our town

    polka dots were dancing on sidewalks and round.

    They stopped at a store full of mirrors and looked

    and the puppies they saw couldn’t fit in this book.

    Over hills and to mountains the puppies stretched.

    They stopped all the traffic and made things a mess!

    Then the puppies ran on like a wave surge of foam

    and before you could whistle the puppies were home!

    Dixie W. Carsey


    My Jungle Playhouse

    Daddy built me a playhouse.

    He worked all day and night!

    When I woke up in the morning,

    it really was a sight!

    There were unicorns on the windows.

    There were monkeys hanging round.

    There were giraffes by the door-sides,

    and elephants on the ground!

    There was a bed for me to lie on.

    There were chairs where I sat down.

    There was a table for my dishes.

    Wow, a train track ran around!

    Swings were on the porch railings.

    There was a slide clear to the ground.

    I saw bars to walk my hands on,

    The porch had two steps going down.

    With all my jungle animals

    I love to play each day,

    and when I’m tired my bed is there.

    It’s where I really like to stay!


    To Filament

    There is a string within a light

    that carries light up to the bulb

    which then, can light a room;

    or especially, my world.

    Oh, what a way to find your way,

    moving darkness from your room!

    Light moves from the heart of my bear,

    Filament, and disburses

    darkness all around.

    Filament. I named my bear.

    I loved him from Day One.

    We share our life,

    We share our cares.

    We have, Oh, so much fun!

    Filament, you light up the darkness,

    my little bear, my pal.

    You pick me up and lift my heart.

    Lighting up the world around!

    Dixie W. Carsey


    When the Moose Came Around

    A moose came down east to the shores of the sea.

    He looked around and said "This is for me!

    Maine is fine, I’ll have a good time if it’s to be."

    So-o, he wandered by with mischief in his eye.

    He looked up and frowned as he tromped on the ground

    Then he went back down to the lily pond

    when the moose came around.

    The moose ambled on and entered into a campground.

    He stuck his nose at a lady in repose.

    She jumped up high and struck him in the eye.


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